jmmv b9716613de Update to 2.4.0:
GTK+-2.4 adds significant new functionality while maintaining
source and binary compatibility with GTK+-2.2. Highlights
of new features and improvements in GTK+-2.4 are:

New file selector widget

 The new GtkFileChooser widgets provide a radically simplified
 and improved way for users to select files. Capabilities such as
 customizable filters and previews are now available for
 application writers. The filesystem access is encapsulated as a
 dynamically loaded module; as an example of what this allows,
 libgnomeui now provides a gnome-vfs backend for GtkFileChooser
 so that it has the same view of remote filesystems as
 applications such Nautilus.

New drop-down selection widget

 The GtkComboBox widget replaces the old GtkOptionMenu and
 GtkCombo widgets with a single unified appearance
 and programming interface for both editable and non-editable
 dropdowns. Other enhancements provided include customizability
 of the main display widget and grid layouts for the drop-down

Action-based toolbar and menu API

 GtkUIManager allows the application to specify a set of
 "actions", then create menus and toolbars using those actions
 from an XML-like interface description. This separation makes it
 easier to coordinate having the same item both in a menu and in
 a toolbar and simplifies the implementation of toolbar editing.

Bidirectional editing and interface flipping improvements

 GTK+ now automatically determines the base direction for
 label and text-entry widgets based on their contents, rather
 than requiring it to be specified by the application; this
 gives a much better user experience when editing mixed
 right-to-left and left-to-right text. Support for user-interface
 mirroring in right-to-left locales has now been extended to
 cover virtually all widgets.

Other enhancements:
 - The GtkTreeModelFilter tree model allows displaying a
   filtered view of another tree model

 - GtkTreeView now supports a fixed-height-mode for faster

 - GtkToolbar has been reworked to provide a more consistent
   and extensible programming interface along with new features
   such as an overflow menu and animated editing feedback.

 - GtkEntry now supports completion dropdowns.

 - Named icons via the icon theme specification
   are now supported.

 - gdk-pixbuf improvements include a PCX loader and saving
   support for the ICO and CUR formats.

 - Round trips to the X server at application startup and
   during operations such as drag-and-drop have been
   greatly reduced.
2004-04-01 18:15:41 +00:00

6 lines
286 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.22 2004/04/01 18:15:41 jmmv Exp $
SHA1 (gtk+-2.4.0.tar.bz2) = f34efa7e3bc05cb945a8ad03bd043d2cc7ba91f7
Size (gtk+-2.4.0.tar.bz2) = 8476610 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 05be7ab51f2e9297f68e4b51a0086ff64ace970b
SHA1 (patch-ab) = 00ffc4436c64bd45042232a0a376d8a69de35d40