2021-08-23 18:40:27 +00:00

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The pkgsrc guide
Documentation on the NetBSD packages system
Alistair Crooks
Hubert Feyrer
The pkgsrc Developers
Copyright 1994-2021 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc
$NetBSD: pkgsrc.xml,v 1.39 2021/01/02 08:32:15 jnemeth Exp $
pkgsrc is a centralized package management system for Unix-like operating
systems. This guide provides information for users and developers of pkgsrc. It
covers installation of binary and source packages, creation of binary and
source packages and a high-level overview about the infrastructure.
Table of Contents
1. What is pkgsrc?
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Why pkgsrc?
1.1.2. Supported platforms
1.2. Overview
1.3. Terminology
1.3.1. Roles involved in pkgsrc
1.4. Typography
I. The pkgsrc user's guide
2. Getting help
3. Where to get pkgsrc and how to keep it up-to-date
3.1. Getting pkgsrc for the first time
3.1.1. As tar archive
3.1.2. Via anonymous CVS
3.2. Keeping pkgsrc up-to-date
3.2.1. Via tar files
3.2.2. Via CVS
4. Using pkgsrc on systems other than NetBSD
4.1. Binary distribution
4.2. Bootstrapping pkgsrc
5. Using pkgsrc
5.1. Using binary packages
5.1.1. Finding binary packages
5.1.2. Installing binary packages
5.1.3. Updating packages
5.1.4. Deinstalling packages
5.1.5. Getting information about installed packages
5.1.6. Checking for security vulnerabilities in installed packages
5.1.7. Finding if newer versions of your installed packages are in
5.1.8. Other administrative functions
5.2. Building packages from source
5.2.1. Requirements
5.2.2. Fetching distfiles
5.2.3. How to build and install
6. Configuring pkgsrc
6.1. General configuration
6.2. Variables affecting the build process
6.3. Variables affecting the installation process
6.4. Selecting and configuring the compiler
6.4.1. Selecting the compiler
6.4.2. Additional flags to the compiler (CFLAGS)
6.4.3. Additional flags to the linker (LDFLAGS)
6.5. Developer/advanced settings
6.6. Selecting Build Options
7. Creating binary packages
7.1. Building a single binary package
7.2. Settings for creation of binary packages
8. Creating binary packages for everything in pkgsrc (bulk builds)
8.1. Preparations
8.2. Running a bulk build
8.2.1. Configuration
8.3. Requirements of a full bulk build
8.4. Bulk build variants
8.4.1. Detect unknown configure options
8.4.2. Detect classes of bugs by forcing compiler warnings
8.4.3. Force compiler options only in the build phase
8.4.4. Use custom directories
8.4.5. Turn warnings into errors
8.4.6. Reject packages for which pkglint reports errors
8.4.7. Reject packages that contain forbidden strings
8.4.8. Reject packages whose self-test fails
8.4.9. Reject packages that use undefined shell variables
8.4.10. Turn off verbose logging
8.5. Creating a multiple CD-ROM packages collection
8.5.1. Example of cdpack
9. Directory layout of the installed files
9.1. File system layout in ${LOCALBASE}
9.2. File system layout in ${VARBASE}
10. Frequently Asked Questions
10.1. Are there any mailing lists for pkg-related discussion?
10.2. Utilities for package management (pkgtools)
10.3. How to use pkgsrc as non-root
10.4. How to resume transfers when fetching distfiles?
10.5. How can I install/use modular from pkgsrc?
10.6. How to fetch files from behind a firewall
10.7. How to fetch files from HTTPS sites
10.8. How do I tell make fetch to do passive FTP?
10.9. How to fetch all distfiles at once
10.10. What does "Don't know how to make /usr/share/tmac/tmac.andoc"
10.11. What does "Could not find" mean?
10.12. Using 'sudo' with pkgsrc
10.13. How do I change the location of configuration files?
10.14. Automated security checks
10.15. Why do some packages ignore my CFLAGS?
10.16. A package does not build. What shall I do?
10.17. What does "Makefile appears to contain unresolved cvs/rcs/???
merge conflicts" mean?
II. The pkgsrc developer's guide
11. Getting help
12. Package components - files, directories and contents
12.1. Makefile
12.2. distinfo
12.3. patches/*
12.3.1. Structure of a single patch file
12.3.2. Creating patch files
12.3.3. Sources where the patch files come from
12.3.4. Patching guidelines
12.3.5. Feedback to the author
12.4. Other mandatory files
12.5. Optional files
12.5.1. Files affecting the binary package
12.5.2. Files affecting the build process
12.5.3. Files affecting nothing at all
12.6. work*
12.7. files/*
13. The build process
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Program location
13.3. Directories used during the build process
13.4. Running a phase
13.5. The fetch phase
13.5.1. What to fetch and where to get it from
13.5.2. How are the files fetched?
13.6. The checksum phase
13.7. The extract phase
13.8. The patch phase
13.9. The tools phase
13.10. The wrapper phase
13.11. The configure phase
13.12. The build phase
13.13. The test phase
13.14. The install phase
13.15. The package phase
13.16. Cleaning up
13.17. Other helpful targets
14. Creating a new pkgsrc package from scratch
14.1. Common types of packages
14.1.1. Perl modules
14.1.2. Python modules and programs
14.1.3. R packages
14.1.4. TeXlive packages
14.2. Examples
14.2.1. How the www/nvu package came into pkgsrc
15. Programming in Makefiles
15.1. Caveats
15.2. Makefile variables
15.2.1. Naming conventions
15.3. Code snippets
15.3.1. Adding things to a list
15.3.2. Echoing a string exactly as-is
15.3.3. Passing CFLAGS to GNU configure scripts
15.3.4. Handling possibly empty variables
16. Options handling
16.1. Global default options
16.2. Converting packages to use
16.3. Option Names
16.4. Determining the options of dependencies
17. Tools needed for building or running
17.1. Tools for pkgsrc builds
17.2. Tools needed by packages
17.3. Tools provided by platforms
18. Buildlink methodology
18.1. Converting packages to use buildlink3
18.2. Writing files
18.2.1. Anatomy of a file
18.2.2. Updating BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg and
18.3. Writing files
18.3.1. Anatomy of a file
18.3.2. Global preferences for native or pkgsrc software
19. PLIST issues
19.1. RCS ID
19.2. Semi-automatic PLIST generation
19.3. Tweaking output of make print-PLIST
19.4. Variable substitution in PLIST
19.5. Man page compression
19.6. Changing PLIST source with PLIST_SRC
19.7. Platform-specific and differing PLISTs
19.8. Build-specific PLISTs
19.9. Sharing directories between packages
20. The pkginstall framework
20.1. Files and directories outside the installation prefix
20.1.1. Directory manipulation
20.1.2. File manipulation
20.2. Configuration files
20.2.1. How PKG_SYSCONFDIR is set
20.2.2. Telling the software where configuration files are
20.2.3. Patching installations
20.2.4. Disabling handling of configuration files
20.3. System startup scripts
20.3.1. Disabling handling of system startup scripts
20.4. System users and groups
20.5. System shells
20.5.1. Disabling shell registration
20.6. Fonts
20.6.1. Disabling automatic update of the fonts databases
21. Making your package work
21.1. General operation
21.1.1. How to pull in user-settable variables from mk.conf
21.1.2. User interaction
21.1.3. Handling licenses
21.1.4. Restricted packages
21.1.5. Handling dependencies
21.1.6. Handling conflicts with other packages
21.1.7. Packages that cannot or should not be built
21.1.8. Packages which should not be deleted, once installed
21.1.9. Handling packages with security problems
21.1.10. How to handle incrementing versions when fixing an
existing package
21.1.11. Substituting variable text in the package files (the SUBST
21.2. The fetch phase
21.2.1. Packages whose distfiles aren't available for plain
21.2.2. How to handle modified distfiles with the 'old' name
21.2.3. Packages hosted on
21.3. The configure phase
21.3.1. Shared libraries - libtool
21.3.2. Using libtool on GNU packages that already support libtool
21.3.3. GNU Autoconf/Automake
21.4. Programming languages
21.4.1. C, C++, and Fortran
21.4.2. Java
21.4.3. Go
21.4.4. Packages containing Perl scripts
21.4.5. Packages containing shell scripts
21.4.6. Other programming languages
21.5. The build phase
21.5.1. Compiling C and C++ code conditionally
21.5.2. How to handle compiler bugs
21.5.3. No such file or directory
21.5.4. Undefined reference to "..."
21.5.5. Running out of memory
21.6. The install phase
21.6.1. Creating needed directories
21.6.2. Where to install documentation
21.6.3. Installing highscore files
21.6.4. Adding DESTDIR support to packages
21.6.5. Packages with hardcoded paths to other interpreters
21.6.6. Packages installing Perl modules
21.6.7. Packages installing info files
21.6.8. Packages installing man pages
21.6.9. Packages installing X11 fonts
21.6.10. Packages installing SGML or XML data
21.6.11. Packages installing extensions to the MIME database
21.6.12. Packages using intltool
21.6.13. Packages installing startup scripts
21.6.14. Packages installing TeX modules
21.6.15. Packages supporting running binaries in emulation
21.6.16. Packages installing hicolor icons
21.6.17. Packages installing desktop files
21.7. Marking packages as having problems
22. GNOME packaging and porting
22.1. Meta packages
22.2. Packaging a GNOME application
22.3. Updating GNOME to a newer version
22.4. Patching guidelines
23. Submitting and Committing
23.1. Submitting binary packages
23.2. Submitting source packages (for non-NetBSD-developers)
23.3. General notes when adding, updating, or removing packages
23.4. Commit Messages
23.5. Committing: Adding a package to CVS
23.6. Updating a package to a newer version
23.7. Renaming a package in pkgsrc
23.8. Moving a package in pkgsrc
24. Frequently Asked Questions
III. The pkgsrc infrastructure internals
25. Design of the pkgsrc infrastructure
25.1. The meaning of variable definitions
25.2. Avoiding problems before they arise
25.3. Variable evaluation
25.3.1. At load time
25.3.2. At runtime
25.4. How can variables be specified?
25.5. Designing interfaces for Makefile fragments
25.5.1. Procedures with parameters
25.5.2. Actions taken on behalf of parameters
25.6. The order in which files are loaded
25.6.1. The order in
25.6.2. The order in
26. Regression tests
26.1. Running the regression tests
26.2. Adding a new regression test
26.2.1. Overridable functions
26.2.2. Helper functions
27. Porting pkgsrc
27.1. Porting pkgsrc to a new operating system
A. A simple example package: bison
A.1. files
A.1.1. Makefile
A.1.2. DESCR
A.1.3. PLIST
A.1.4. Checking a package with pkglint
A.2. Steps for building, installing, packaging
B. Build logs
B.1. Building figlet
B.2. Packaging figlet
C. Directory layout of the pkgsrc FTP server
C.1. distfiles: The distributed source files
C.2. misc: Miscellaneous things
C.3. packages: Binary packages
C.4. reports: Bulk build reports
C.5. current, stable, pkgsrc-20xxQy: source packages
D. Help topics
E. Editing guidelines for the pkgsrc guide
E.1. Make targets
E.2. Procedure
List of Tables
1.1. Platforms supported by pkgsrc
12.1. Patching examples
22.1. PLIST handling for GNOME packages
Chapter 1. What is pkgsrc?
Table of Contents
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Why pkgsrc?
1.1.2. Supported platforms
1.2. Overview
1.3. Terminology
1.3.1. Roles involved in pkgsrc
1.4. Typography
1.1. Introduction
There is a lot of software freely available for Unix-based systems, which is
usually available in form of the source code. Before such software can be used,
it needs to be configured to the local system, compiled and installed, and this
is exactly what The NetBSD Packages Collection (pkgsrc) does. pkgsrc also has
some basic commands to handle binary packages, so that not every user has to
build the packages for himself, which is a time-costly task.
pkgsrc currently contains several thousand packages, including:
* www/apache24 - The Apache web server
* www/firefox - The Firefox web browser
* meta-pkgs/gnome - The GNOME Desktop Environment
* meta-pkgs/kde4 - The K Desktop Environment
? just to name a few.
pkgsrc has built-in support for handling varying dependencies, such as pthreads
and X11, and extended features such as IPv6 support on a range of platforms.
1.1.1. Why pkgsrc?
pkgsrc provides the following key features:
* Easy building of software from source as well as the creation and
installation of binary packages. The source and latest patches are
retrieved from a master or mirror download site, checksum verified, then
built on your system. Support for binary-only distributions is available
for both native platforms and NetBSD emulated platforms.
* All packages are installed in a consistent directory tree, including
binaries, libraries, man pages and other documentation.
* Tracking of package dependencies automatically, including when performing
updates, to ensure required packages are installed. The configuration files
of various packages are handled automatically during updates, so local
changes are preserved.
* Like NetBSD, pkgsrc is designed with portability in mind and consists of
highly portable code. This allows the greatest speed of development when
porting to a new platform. This portability also ensures that pkgsrc is
consistent across all platforms.
* The installation prefix, acceptable software licenses, international
encryption requirements and build-time options for a large number of
packages are all set in a simple, central configuration file.
* The entire source (not including the distribution files) is freely
available under a BSD license, so you may extend and adapt pkgsrc to your
needs. Support for local packages and patches is available right out of the
box, so you can configure it specifically for your environment.
The following principles are basic to pkgsrc:
* "It should only work if it's right." -- That means, if a package contains
bugs, it's better to find them and to complain about them rather than to
just install the package and hope that it works. There are numerous checks
in pkgsrc that try to find such bugs: static analysis tools (pkgtools/
pkglint), build-time checks (portability of shell scripts), and
post-installation checks (installed files, references to shared libraries,
script interpreters).
* "If it works, it should work everywhere" -- Like NetBSD has been ported to
many hardware architectures, pkgsrc has been ported to many operating
systems. Care is taken that packages behave the same on all platforms.
1.1.2. Supported platforms
pkgsrc consists of both a source distribution and a binary distribution for
these operating systems. After retrieving the required source or binaries, you
can be up and running with pkgsrc in just minutes!
pkgsrc was derived from FreeBSD's ports system, and initially developed for
NetBSD only. Since then, pkgsrc has grown a lot, and now supports the following
Table 1.1. Platforms supported by pkgsrc
| Platform | Date Support | Notes |
| | Added | |
|NetBSD | Aug 1997 | |
|Solaris | Mar 1999 |README.Solaris |
|Linux | Jun 1999 |README.Linux |
|Darwin / Mac OS X / OS X / macOS | Oct 2001 |README.macOS |
|FreeBSD | Nov 2002 |README.FreeBSD |
|OpenBSD | Nov 2002 |README.OpenBSD |
|IRIX | Dec 2002 |README.IRIX |
| | |README.IRIX5.3 |
|BSD/OS | Dec 2003 | |
|AIX | Dec 2003 |README.AIX |
|Interix (Microsoft Windows Services | Mar 2004 |README.Interix |
|for Unix) | | |
|DragonFlyBSD | Oct 2004 | |
|OSF/1 | Nov 2004 |README.OSF1 |
|HP-UX | Apr 2007 |README.HPUX |
|Haiku | Sep 2010 |README.Haiku |
|MirBSD | Jan 2011 | |
|Minix3 | Nov 2011 |README.Minix3 |
|Cygwin | Mar 2013 |README.Cygwin |
|GNU/kFreeBSD | Jul 2013 |README.GNUkFreeBSD |
|Bitrig | Jun 2014 |README.Bitrig |
1.2. Overview
This document is divided into three parts. The first, The pkgsrc user's guide,
describes how one can use one of the packages in the Package Collection, either
by installing a precompiled binary package, or by building one's own copy using
the NetBSD package system. The second part, The pkgsrc developer's guide,
explains how to prepare a package so it can be easily built by other NetBSD
users without knowing about the package's building details. The third part, The
pkgsrc infrastructure internals is intended for those who want to understand
how pkgsrc is implemented.
This document is available in various formats: HTML, PDF, PS, TXT.
1.3. Terminology
There has been a lot of talk about "ports", "packages", etc. so far. Here is a
description of all the terminology used within this document.
A set of files and building instructions that describe what's necessary to
build a certain piece of software using pkgsrc. Packages are traditionally
stored under /usr/pkgsrc, but may be stored in any location, referred to as
The NetBSD package system
This is the former name of "pkgsrc". It is part of the NetBSD operating
system and can be bootstrapped to run on non-NetBSD operating systems as
well. It handles building (compiling), installing, and removing of
This term describes the file or files that are provided by the author of
the piece of software to distribute his work. All the changes necessary to
build on NetBSD are reflected in the corresponding package. Usually the
distfile is in the form of a compressed tar-archive, but other types are
possible, too. Distfiles are usually stored below /usr/pkgsrc/distfiles.
This is the term used by FreeBSD and OpenBSD people for what we call a
package. In NetBSD terminology, "port" refers to a different architecture.
Precompiled/binary package
A set of binaries built with pkgsrc from a distfile and stuffed together in
a single .tgz file so it can be installed on machines of the same machine
architecture without the need to recompile. Packages are usually generated
in /usr/pkgsrc/packages; there is also an archive on
Sometimes, this is referred to by the term "package" too, especially in the
context of precompiled packages.
The piece of software to be installed which will be constructed from all
the files in the distfile by the actions defined in the corresponding
1.3.1. Roles involved in pkgsrc
pkgsrc users
The pkgsrc users are people who use the packages provided by pkgsrc.
Typically they are system administrators. The people using the software
that is inside the packages (maybe called "end users") are not covered by
the pkgsrc guide.
There are two kinds of pkgsrc users: Some only want to install pre-built
binary packages. Others build the pkgsrc packages from source, either for
installing them directly or for building binary packages themselves. For
pkgsrc users Part I, "The pkgsrc user's guide" should provide all necessary
package maintainers
A package maintainer creates packages as described in Part II, "The pkgsrc
developer's guide".
infrastructure developers
These people are involved in all those files that live in the mk/ directory
and below. Only these people should need to read through Part III, "The
pkgsrc infrastructure internals", though others might be curious, too.
1.4. Typography
When giving examples for commands, shell prompts are used to show if the
command should/can be issued as root, or if "normal" user privileges are
sufficient. We use a # for root's shell prompt, a % for users' shell prompt,
assuming they use the C-shell or tcsh and a $ for bourne shell and derivatives.
Part I. The pkgsrc user's guide
Table of Contents
2. Getting help
3. Where to get pkgsrc and how to keep it up-to-date
3.1. Getting pkgsrc for the first time
3.1.1. As tar archive
3.1.2. Via anonymous CVS
3.2. Keeping pkgsrc up-to-date
3.2.1. Via tar files
3.2.2. Via CVS
4. Using pkgsrc on systems other than NetBSD
4.1. Binary distribution
4.2. Bootstrapping pkgsrc
5. Using pkgsrc
5.1. Using binary packages
5.1.1. Finding binary packages
5.1.2. Installing binary packages
5.1.3. Updating packages
5.1.4. Deinstalling packages
5.1.5. Getting information about installed packages
5.1.6. Checking for security vulnerabilities in installed packages
5.1.7. Finding if newer versions of your installed packages are in
5.1.8. Other administrative functions
5.2. Building packages from source
5.2.1. Requirements
5.2.2. Fetching distfiles
5.2.3. How to build and install
6. Configuring pkgsrc
6.1. General configuration
6.2. Variables affecting the build process
6.3. Variables affecting the installation process
6.4. Selecting and configuring the compiler
6.4.1. Selecting the compiler
6.4.2. Additional flags to the compiler (CFLAGS)
6.4.3. Additional flags to the linker (LDFLAGS)
6.5. Developer/advanced settings
6.6. Selecting Build Options
7. Creating binary packages
7.1. Building a single binary package
7.2. Settings for creation of binary packages
8. Creating binary packages for everything in pkgsrc (bulk builds)
8.1. Preparations
8.2. Running a bulk build
8.2.1. Configuration
8.3. Requirements of a full bulk build
8.4. Bulk build variants
8.4.1. Detect unknown configure options
8.4.2. Detect classes of bugs by forcing compiler warnings
8.4.3. Force compiler options only in the build phase
8.4.4. Use custom directories
8.4.5. Turn warnings into errors
8.4.6. Reject packages for which pkglint reports errors
8.4.7. Reject packages that contain forbidden strings
8.4.8. Reject packages whose self-test fails
8.4.9. Reject packages that use undefined shell variables
8.4.10. Turn off verbose logging
8.5. Creating a multiple CD-ROM packages collection
8.5.1. Example of cdpack
9. Directory layout of the installed files
9.1. File system layout in ${LOCALBASE}
9.2. File system layout in ${VARBASE}
10. Frequently Asked Questions
10.1. Are there any mailing lists for pkg-related discussion?
10.2. Utilities for package management (pkgtools)
10.3. How to use pkgsrc as non-root
10.4. How to resume transfers when fetching distfiles?
10.5. How can I install/use modular from pkgsrc?
10.6. How to fetch files from behind a firewall
10.7. How to fetch files from HTTPS sites
10.8. How do I tell make fetch to do passive FTP?
10.9. How to fetch all distfiles at once
10.10. What does "Don't know how to make /usr/share/tmac/tmac.andoc" mean?
10.11. What does "Could not find" mean?
10.12. Using 'sudo' with pkgsrc
10.13. How do I change the location of configuration files?
10.14. Automated security checks
10.15. Why do some packages ignore my CFLAGS?
10.16. A package does not build. What shall I do?
10.17. What does "Makefile appears to contain unresolved cvs/rcs/??? merge
conflicts" mean?
Chapter 2. Getting help
To get help when using pkgsrc, the definitive source is this document, the
pkgsrc guide. If you don't find anything here, there are alternatives:
* The built-in pkgsrc help, which is available after bootstrapping pkgsrc.
Run bmake help topic=? to get help for any topic, such as a variable name
like BUILD_DEFS, a make target like do-build, a missing C or C++ function
like strcasecmp or any other topic.
The available help topics are listed in Appendix D, Help topics.
* To see the value of a single variable, run bmake show-var VARNAME=X.
* To see the values of the most common variables, run bmake show-all. These
variables are grouped by topic. To see the variables for a single topic,
run bmake show-all-topic, for example bmake show-all-fetch.
* The pkgsrc-users mailing list, to which you can subscribe and then ask your
* The #pkgsrc IRC channel, which is accessible via a web browser or by using
a specialized chat program such as XChat. Pick any user name and join the
channel #pkgsrc.
Chapter 3. Where to get pkgsrc and how to keep it up-to-date
Table of Contents
3.1. Getting pkgsrc for the first time
3.1.1. As tar archive
3.1.2. Via anonymous CVS
3.2. Keeping pkgsrc up-to-date
3.2.1. Via tar files
3.2.2. Via CVS
Before you download and extract the files, you need to decide where you want to
extract them. When using pkgsrc as root user, pkgsrc is usually installed in /
usr/pkgsrc. You are though free to install the sources and binary packages
wherever you want in your filesystem, provided that the pathname does not
contain white-space or other characters that are interpreted specially by the
shell and some other programs. A safe bet is to use only letters, digits,
underscores and dashes.
3.1. Getting pkgsrc for the first time
Before you download any pkgsrc files, you should decide whether you want the
current branch or the stable branch. The latter is forked on a quarterly basis
from the current branch and only gets modified for security updates. The names
of the stable branches are built from the year and the quarter, for example
The second step is to decide how you want to download pkgsrc. You can get it as
a tar file or via CVS. Both ways are described here.
Note that tar archive contains CVS working copy. Thus you can switch to using
CVS at any later time.
3.1.1. As tar archive
The primary download location for all pkgsrc files is
pub/pkgsrc/ or (it points to the same
location). There are a number of subdirectories for different purposes, which
are described in detail in Appendix C, Directory layout of the pkgsrc FTP
The tar archive for the current branch is in the directory current and is
called pkgsrc.tar.gz. It is autogenerated weekly.
To save download time we provide bzip2- and xz-compressed archives which are
published at pkgsrc.tar.bz2 and pkgsrc.tar.xz respectively.
You can fetch the same files using FTP.
The tar file for the stable branch 2021Q1 is in the directory pkgsrc-2021Q1 and
is also called pkgsrc.tar.gz.
To download the latest pkgsrc stable tarball, run:
$ ftp
If you prefer, you can also fetch it using "wget", "curl", or your web browser.
Then, extract it with:
$ tar -xzf pkgsrc.tar.gz -C /usr
This will create the directory pkgsrc/ in /usr/ and all the package source will
be stored under /usr/pkgsrc/.
To download pkgsrc-current, run:
$ ftp
3.1.2. Via anonymous CVS
To fetch a specific pkgsrc stable branch, run:
$ cd /usr && cvs -q -z2 -d checkout -r pkgsrc-2021Q1 -P pkgsrc
This will create the directory pkgsrc/ in your /usr/ directory and all the
package source will be stored under /usr/pkgsrc/.
To fetch the pkgsrc current branch, run:
$ cd /usr && cvs -q -z2 -d checkout -P pkgsrc
Refer to the list of available mirrors to choose a faster CVS mirror, if
If you get error messages from rsh, you need to set CVS_RSH variable. E.g.:
$ cd /usr && env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -q -z2 -d checkout -P pkgsrc
Refer to documentation on your command shell how to set CVS_RSH=ssh
permanently. For Bourne shells, you can set it in your .profile or better
globally in /etc/profile:
# set CVS remote shell command
export CVS_RSH
By default, CVS doesn't do things like most people would expect it to do. But
there is a way to convince CVS, by creating a file called .cvsrc in your home
directory and saving the following lines to it. This file will save you lots of
headache and some bug reports, so we strongly recommend it. You can find an
explanation of this file in the CVS documentation.
# recommended CVS configuration file from the pkgsrc guide
cvs -q
checkout -P
update -dP
diff -upN
rdiff -u
release -d
3.2. Keeping pkgsrc up-to-date
The preferred way to keep pkgsrc up-to-date is via CVS (which also works if you
have first installed it via a tar file). It saves bandwidth and hard disk
activity, compared to downloading the tar file again.
3.2.1. Via tar files
When updating from a tar file, you first need to completely remove the old
pkgsrc directory. Otherwise those files that have been removed from pkgsrc in
the mean time will not be removed on your local disk, resulting in
inconsistencies. When removing the old files, any changes that you have done to
the pkgsrc files will be lost after updating. Therefore updating via CVS is
strongly recommended.
Note that by default the distfiles and the binary packages are saved in the
pkgsrc tree, so don't forget to rescue them before updating. You can also
configure pkgsrc to store distfiles and packages in directories outside the
pkgsrc tree by setting the DISTDIR and PACKAGES variables. See Chapter 6,
Configuring pkgsrc for the details.
To update pkgsrc from a tar file, download the tar file as explained above.
Then, make sure that you have not made any changes to the files in the pkgsrc
directory. Remove the pkgsrc directory and extract the new tar file. Done.
3.2.2. Via CVS
To update pkgsrc via CVS, change to the pkgsrc directory and run cvs:
$ cd /usr/pkgsrc && cvs update -dP
If you get error messages from rsh, you need to set CVS_RSH variable as
described above. E.g.:
$ cd /usr/pkgsrc && env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs up -dP Switching between different pkgsrc branches
When updating pkgsrc, the CVS program keeps track of the branch you selected.
But if you, for whatever reason, want to switch from the stable branch to the
current one, you can do it by adding the option "-A" after the "update"
keyword. To switch from the current branch back to the stable branch, add the "
-rpkgsrc-2021Q1" option. What happens to my changes when updating?
When you update pkgsrc, the CVS program will only touch those files that are
registered in the CVS repository. That means that any packages that you created
on your own will stay unmodified. If you change files that are managed by CVS,
later updates will try to merge your changes with those that have been done by
others. See the CVS manual, chapter "update" for details.
Chapter 4. Using pkgsrc on systems other than NetBSD
Table of Contents
4.1. Binary distribution
4.2. Bootstrapping pkgsrc
4.1. Binary distribution
See Section 5.1, "Using binary packages".
4.2. Bootstrapping pkgsrc
pkgsrc can be bootstrapped for use in two different modes: privileged and
unprivileged one. In unprivileged mode in contrast to privileged one all
programs are installed under one particular user and cannot utilise privileged
operations (packages don't create special users and all special file
permissions like setuid are ignored).
Installing the bootstrap kit from source should be as simple as:
# env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d checkout -P pkgsrc
# cd pkgsrc/bootstrap
# ./bootstrap
To bootstrap in unprivileged mode pass "--unprivileged" flag to bootstrap
By default, in privileged mode pkgsrc uses /usr/pkg for prefix where programs
will be installed in, and /usr/pkg/pkgdb for the package database directory
where pkgsrc will do its internal bookkeeping, /var is used as varbase, where
packages install their persistent data. In unprivileged mode pkgsrc uses ~/pkg
for prefix, ~/pkg/pkgdb for the package database, and ~/pkg/var for varbase.
You can change default layout using command-line arguments. Run "./bootstrap
--help" to get details.
The bootstrap installs a bmake tool. Use this bmake when building via pkgsrc.
For examples in this guide, use bmake instead of "make".
It is possible to bootstrap multiple instances of pkgsrc using non-intersecting
directories. Use bmake corresponding to the installation you're working with to
build and install packages.
Chapter 5. Using pkgsrc
Table of Contents
5.1. Using binary packages
5.1.1. Finding binary packages
5.1.2. Installing binary packages
5.1.3. Updating packages
5.1.4. Deinstalling packages
5.1.5. Getting information about installed packages
5.1.6. Checking for security vulnerabilities in installed packages
5.1.7. Finding if newer versions of your installed packages are in pkgsrc
5.1.8. Other administrative functions
5.2. Building packages from source
5.2.1. Requirements
5.2.2. Fetching distfiles
5.2.3. How to build and install
Basically, there are two ways of using pkgsrc. The first is to only install the
package tools and to use binary packages that someone else has prepared. This
is the "pkg" in pkgsrc. The second way is to install the "src" of pkgsrc, too.
Then you are able to build your own packages, and you can still use binary
packages from someone else.
5.1. Using binary packages
On the site and mirrors, there are collections of binary
packages, ready to be installed. These binary packages have been built using
the default settings for the directories, that is:
* /usr/pkg for LOCALBASE, where most of the files are installed,
* /usr/pkg/etc for configuration files,
* /var for VARBASE, where those files are installed that may change after
If you cannot use these directories for whatever reasons (maybe because you're
not root), you cannot use these binary packages, but have to build the packages
yourself, which is explained in Section 4.2, "Bootstrapping pkgsrc".
5.1.1. Finding binary packages
To install binary packages, you first need to know from where to get them. The
first place where you should look is on the main pkgsrc CDN in the directory /
This directory contains binary packages for multiple platforms. First, select
your operating system. (Ignore the directories with version numbers attached to
it, they just exist for legacy reasons.) Then, select your hardware
architecture, and in the third step, the OS version and the "version" of
In this directory, you often find a file called bootstrap.tar.gz which contains
the package management tools. If the file is missing, it is likely that your
operating system already provides those tools. Download the file and extract it
in the / directory. It will create the directories /usr/pkg (containing the
tools for managing binary packages and the database of installed packages).
5.1.2. Installing binary packages
In the directory from the last section, there is a subdirectory called All/,
which contains all the binary packages that are available for the platform,
excluding those that may not be distributed via HTTP or FTP.
To install packages directly from an FTP or HTTP server, run the following
commands in a Bourne-compatible shell (be sure to su to root first):
# PATH="/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:$PATH"
# export PATH PKG_PATH
# pkg_add pkgin
Instead of URLs, you can also use local paths, for example if you are
installing from a set of CDROMs, DVDs or an NFS-mounted repository. If you want
to install packages from multiple sources, you can separate them by a semicolon
After these preparations, installing a package is very easy:
# pkgin search nginx
nginx-1.19.6 Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
nginx-1.18.0nb8 Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
# pkgin install zsh nginx-1.19.6 vim
Note that pkgin is a user-friendly frontend to the pkg_* tools.
Any prerequisite packages needed to run the package in question will be
installed, too, assuming they are present in the repository.
After you've installed packages, be sure to have /usr/pkg/bin and /usr/pkg/sbin
in your PATH so you can actually start the just installed program.
5.1.3. Updating packages
To update binary packages, it is recommended that you use pkgin upgrade. This
will compare the remote package repository to your locally installed packages
and safely replace any older packages.
Note that pkgsrc is released as quarterly branches. If you are updating to a
newer quarterly branch of pkgsrc, you may need to adjust the repository in /usr
5.1.4. Deinstalling packages
To deinstall a package, it does not matter whether it was installed from source
code or from a binary package. Neither the pkgin or the pkg_delete command need
to know.
To delete a package, you can just run pkgin remove package-name. The package
name can be given with or without version number.
5.1.5. Getting information about installed packages
The pkg_info shows information about installed packages or binary package
files. As with other management tools, it works with packages installed from
source or binaries.
5.1.6. Checking for security vulnerabilities in installed packages
The pkgsrc Security Team and Packages Groups maintain a list of known
vulnerabilities to packages which are (or have been) included in pkgsrc. The
list is available from the NetBSD CDN at
Please note that not every "vulnerability" with a CVE assignment is exploitable
in every configuration. Some bugs are marked as active simply because an fix
was not marked as such. Operating system specific hardening and mitigation
features may also reduce the impact of bugs.
Through pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities, this list can be downloaded
automatically, and a security audit of all packages installed on a system can
take place.
There are two components to auditing. The first step, pkg_admin
fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities, is for downloading the list of vulnerabilities from
the NetBSD FTP site. The second step, pkg_admin audit, checks to see if any of
your installed packages are vulnerable. If a package is vulnerable, you will
see output similar to the following:
Package samba-2.0.9 has a local-root-shell vulnerability, see
You may wish to have the vulnerabilities file downloaded daily so that it
remains current. This may be done by adding an appropriate entry to the root
users crontab(5) entry. For example the entry
# Download vulnerabilities file
0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities >/dev/null 2>&1
# Audit the installed packages and email results to root
9 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin audit |mail -s "Installed package audit result" \
root >/dev/null 2>&1
will update the vulnerability list every day at 3AM, followed by an audit at
3:09AM. The result of the audit are then emailed to root. On NetBSD this may be
accomplished instead by adding the following line to /etc/daily.conf:
to fetch the vulnerability list from the daily security script. The system is
set to audit the packages by default but can be set explicitly, if desired (not
required), by adding the following line to /etc/security.conf:
see daily.conf(5) and security.conf(5) for more details.
5.1.7. Finding if newer versions of your installed packages are in pkgsrc
Install pkgtools/lintpkgsrc and run lintpkgsrc with the "-i" argument to check
if any packages are stale, e.g.
% lintpkgsrc -i
Version mismatch: 'tcsh' 6.09.00 vs 6.10.00
5.1.8. Other administrative functions
The pkg_admin executes various administrative functions on the package system.
5.2. Building packages from source
After obtaining pkgsrc, the pkgsrc directory now contains a set of packages,
organized into categories. You can browse the online index of packages, or run
make readme from the pkgsrc directory to build local README.html files for all
packages, viewable with any web browser such as www/lynx or www/firefox.
The default prefix for installed packages is /usr/pkg. If you wish to change
this, you should do so by setting LOCALBASE in mk.conf. You should not try to
use multiple different LOCALBASE definitions on the same system (inside a
chroot is an exception).
The rest of this chapter assumes that the package is already in pkgsrc. If it
is not, see Part II, "The pkgsrc developer's guide" for instructions how to
create your own packages.
5.2.1. Requirements
To build packages from source, you need a working C compiler. On NetBSD, you
need to install the "comp" and the "text" distribution sets. If you want to
build X11-related packages, the "xbase" and "xcomp" distribution sets are
required, too.
5.2.2. Fetching distfiles
The first step for building a package is downloading the distfiles (i.e. the
unmodified source). If they have not yet been downloaded, pkgsrc will fetch
them automatically.
If you have all files that you need in the distfiles directory, you don't need
to connect. If the distfiles are on CD-ROM, you can mount the CD-ROM on /cdrom
and add:
to your mk.conf.
By default a list of distribution sites will be randomly intermixed to prevent
huge load on servers which holding popular packages (for example, mirrors). Thus, every time when you need to fetch yet another
distfile all the mirrors will be tried in new (random) order. You can turn this
feature off by setting MASTER_SORT_RANDOM=NO (for PKG_DEVELOPERs it's already
You can overwrite some of the major distribution sites to fit to sites that are
close to your own. By setting one or two variables you can modify the order in
which the master sites are accessed. MASTER_SORT contains a whitespace
delimited list of domain suffixes. MASTER_SORT_REGEX is even more flexible, it
contains a whitespace delimited list of regular expressions. It has higher
priority than MASTER_SORT. Have a look at pkgsrc/mk/defaults/mk.conf to find
some examples. This may save some of your bandwidth and time.
You can change these settings either in your shell's environment, or, if you
want to keep the settings, by editing the mk.conf file, and adding the
definitions there.
If a package depends on many other packages (such as meta-pkgs/kde4), the build
process may alternate between periods of downloading source, and compiling. To
ensure you have all the source downloaded initially you can run the command:
% make fetch-list | sh
which will output and run a set of shell commands to fetch the necessary files
into the distfiles directory. You can also choose to download the files
5.2.3. How to build and install
Once the software has downloaded, any patches will be applied, then it will be
compiled for you. This may take some time depending on your computer, and how
many other packages the software depends on and their compile time.
If using bootstrap or pkgsrc on a non-NetBSD system, use the pkgsrc bmake
command instead of "make" in the examples in this guide.
For example, type
% cd misc/figlet
% make
at the shell prompt to build the various components of the package.
The next stage is to actually install the newly compiled program onto your
system. Do this by entering:
% make install
while you are still in the directory for whatever package you are installing.
Installing the package on your system may require you to be root. However,
pkgsrc has a just-in-time-su feature, which allows you to only become root for
the actual installation step.
That's it, the software should now be installed and setup for use. You can now
% make clean
to remove the compiled files in the work directory, as you shouldn't need them
any more. If other packages were also added to your system (dependencies) to
allow your program to compile, you can tidy these up also with the command:
% make clean-depends
Taking the figlet utility as an example, we can install it on our system by
building as shown in Appendix B, Build logs.
The program is installed under the default root of the packages tree - /usr/
pkg. Should this not conform to your tastes, set the LOCALBASE variable in your
environment, and it will use that value as the root of your packages tree. So,
to use /usr/local, set LOCALBASE=/usr/local in your environment. Please note
that you should use a directory which is dedicated to packages and not shared
with other programs (i.e., do not try and use LOCALBASE=/usr). Also, you should
not try to add any of your own files or directories (such as src/, obj/, or
pkgsrc/) below the LOCALBASE tree. This is to prevent possible conflicts
between programs and other files installed by the package system and whatever
else may have been installed there.
Some packages look in mk.conf to alter some configuration options at build
time. Have a look at pkgsrc/mk/defaults/mk.conf to get an overview of what will
be set there by default. Environment variables such as LOCALBASE can be set in
mk.conf to save having to remember to set them each time you want to use
Occasionally, people want to "look under the covers" to see what is going on
when a package is building or being installed. This may be for debugging
purposes, or out of simple curiosity. A number of utility values have been
added to help with this.
1. If you invoke the make(1) command with PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=2, then a huge
amount of information will be displayed. For example,
make patch PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=2
will show all the commands that are invoked, up to and including the "patch
" stage.
2. If you want to know the value of a certain make(1) definition, then the
VARNAME definition should be used, in conjunction with the show-var target.
e.g. to show the expansion of the make(1) variable LOCALBASE:
% make show-var VARNAME=LOCALBASE
If you want to install a binary package that you've either created yourself
(see next section), that you put into pkgsrc/packages manually or that is
located on a remote FTP server, you can use the "bin-install" target. This
target will install a binary package - if available - via pkg_add(1), else do a
make package. The list of remote FTP sites searched is kept in the variable
BINPKG_SITES, which defaults to Any flags that should be added
to pkg_add(1) can be put into BIN_INSTALL_FLAGS. See pkgsrc/mk/defaults/mk.conf
for more details.
A final word of warning: If you set up a system that has a non-standard setting
for LOCALBASE, be sure to set that before any packages are installed, as you
cannot use several directories for the same purpose. Doing so will result in
pkgsrc not being able to properly detect your installed packages, and fail
miserably. Note also that precompiled binary packages are usually built with
the default LOCALBASE of /usr/pkg, and that you should not install any if you
use a non-standard LOCALBASE.
Chapter 6. Configuring pkgsrc
Table of Contents
6.1. General configuration
6.2. Variables affecting the build process
6.3. Variables affecting the installation process
6.4. Selecting and configuring the compiler
6.4.1. Selecting the compiler
6.4.2. Additional flags to the compiler (CFLAGS)
6.4.3. Additional flags to the linker (LDFLAGS)
6.5. Developer/advanced settings
6.6. Selecting Build Options
The whole pkgsrc system is configured in a single file, usually called mk.conf.
In which directory pkgsrc looks for that file depends on the installation. On
NetBSD, when you use make(1) from the base system, it is in the directory /etc
/. In all other cases the default location is ${PREFIX}/etc/, depending on
where you told the bootstrap program to install the binary packages.
The format of the configuration file is that of the usual BSD-style Makefiles.
The whole pkgsrc configuration is done by setting variables in this file. Note
that you can define all kinds of variables, and no special error checking (for
example for spelling mistakes) takes place.
6.1. General configuration
The following variables apply to all pkgsrc packages. A complete list of the
variables that can be configured by the user is available in mk/defaults/
mk.conf, together with some comments that describe each variable's intent.
* LOCALBASE: Where packages will be installed. The default is /usr/pkg. Do
not mix binary packages with different LOCALBASEs!
* CROSSBASE: Where "cross" category packages will be installed. The default
is ${LOCALBASE}/cross.
* X11BASE: Where X11 is installed on the system. The default is /usr/X11R7.
* DISTDIR: Where to store the downloaded copies of the original source
distributions used for building pkgsrc packages. The default is $
* PKG_DBDIR: Where the database about installed packages is stored. The
default is /usr/pkg/pkgdb.
* MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE: If set, override the packages' MASTER_SITES with this
* MASTER_SITE_BACKUP: Backup location(s) for distribution files and patch
files if not found locally or in ${MASTER_SITES} or ${PATCH_SITES}
respectively. The defaults is$
* BINPKG_SITES: List of sites carrying binary pkgs. rel and arch are replaced
with OS release ("2.0", etc.) and architecture ("mipsel", etc.).
* ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES: List of acceptable licenses. License names are
case-sensitive. Whenever you try to build a package whose license is not in
this list, you will get an error message. If the license condition is
simple enough, the error message will include specific instructions on how
to change this variable.
6.2. Variables affecting the build process
* PACKAGES: The top level directory for the binary packages. The default is $
* WRKOBJDIR: The top level directory where, if defined, the separate working
directories will get created, and symbolically linked to from ${WRKDIR}
(see below). This is useful for building packages on several architectures,
then ${PKGSRCDIR} can be NFS-mounted while ${WRKOBJDIR} is local to every
architecture. (It should be noted that PKGSRCDIR should not be set by the
user -- it is an internal definition which refers to the root of the pkgsrc
tree. It is possible to have many pkgsrc tree instances.)
* LOCALPATCHES: Directory for local patches that aren't part of pkgsrc. See
Section 12.3, "patches/*" for more information.
* PKGMAKECONF: Location of the mk.conf file used by a package's BSD-style
Makefile. If this is not set, MAKECONF is set to /dev/null to avoid picking
up settings used by builds in /usr/src.
6.3. Variables affecting the installation process
* PKGSRC_KEEP_BIN_PKGS: By default, binary packages of built packages are
preserved in ${PACKAGES}/All. Setting this variable to "no" prevents this.
Packages have to support installation into a subdirectory of WRKDIR. This
allows a package to be built, before the actual filesystem is touched. DESTDIR
support exists in two variations:
* Basic DESTDIR support means that the package installation and packaging is
still run as root.
* Full DESTDIR support can run the complete build, installation and packaging
as normal user. Root privileges are only needed to add packages.
With basic DESTDIR support, make clean needs to be run as root.
Considering the foo/bar package, DESTDIR full support can be tested using the
following commands
$ id
uid=1000(myusername) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),0(wheel)
$ mkdir $HOME/packages
$ cd $PKGSRCDIR/foo/bar
Verify DESTDIR full support, no root privileges should be needed
$ make stage-install
Create a package without root privileges
$ make PACKAGES=$HOME/packages package
For the following command, you must be able to gain root privileges using su(1)
$ make PACKAGES=$HOME/packages install
Then, as a simple user
$ make clean
6.4. Selecting and configuring the compiler
6.4.1. Selecting the compiler
By default, pkgsrc will use GCC to build packages. This may be overridden by
setting the following variables in /etc/mk.conf:
This is a list of values specifying the chain of compilers to invoke when
building packages. Valid values are:
+ ccc: Compaq C Compilers (Tru64)
+ ccache: compiler cache (chainable)
+ clang: Clang C and Objective-C compiler
+ distcc: distributed C/C++ (chainable)
+ f2c: Fortran 77 to C compiler (chainable)
+ icc: Intel C++ Compiler (Linux)
+ ido: SGI IRIS Development Option cc (IRIX 5)
+ gcc: GNU C/C++ Compiler
+ hp: HP-UX C/aC++ compilers
+ mipspro: Silicon Graphics, Inc. MIPSpro (n32/n64)
+ mipspro-ucode: Silicon Graphics, Inc. MIPSpro (o32)
+ sunpro: Sun Microsystems, Inc. WorkShip/Forte/Sun ONE Studio
+ xlc: IBM's XL C/C++ compiler suite
The default is "gcc". You can use ccache and/or distcc with an appropriate
PKGSRC_COMPILER setting, e.g. "ccache gcc". This variable should always be
terminated with a value for a real compiler. Note that only one real
compiler should be listed (e.g. "sunpro gcc" is not allowed).
This specifies the minimum version of GCC to use when building packages. If
the system GCC doesn't satisfy this requirement, then pkgsrc will build and
install one of the GCC packages to use instead.
Specifies which version of python to use when several options are
Specifies the Fortran compiler to use. The default is gfortran.
If PKGSRC_FORTRAN= gfortran is used, this option specifies which version to
6.4.2. Additional flags to the compiler (CFLAGS)
If you wish to set the CFLAGS variable, please make sure to use the += operator
instead of the = operator:
CFLAGS+= -your -flags
Using CFLAGS= (i.e. without the "+") may lead to problems with packages that
need to add their own flags. You may want to take a look at the devel/cpuflags
package if you're interested in optimization specifically for the current CPU.
6.4.3. Additional flags to the linker (LDFLAGS)
If you want to pass flags to the linker, both in the configure step and the
build step, you can do this in two ways. Either set LDFLAGS or LIBS. The
difference between the two is that LIBS will be appended to the command line,
while LDFLAGS come earlier. LDFLAGS is pre-loaded with rpath settings for ELF
machines depending on the setting of USE_IMAKE or the inclusion of mk/ As with CFLAGS, if you do not wish to override these
settings, use the += operator:
LDFLAGS+= -your -linkerflags
6.5. Developer/advanced settings
* PKG_DEVELOPER: Run some sanity checks that package developers want:
+ make sure patches apply with zero fuzz
+ run check-shlibs to see that all binaries will find their shared libs.
* PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL: The level of debugging output which is displayed whilst
making and installing the package. The default value for this is 0, which
will not display the commands as they are executed (normal, default, quiet
operation); the value 1 will display all shell commands before their
invocation, and the value 2 will display both the shell commands before
their invocation, as well as their actual execution progress with set -x.
6.6. Selecting Build Options
Some packages have build time options, usually to select between different
dependencies, enable optional support for big dependencies or enable
experimental features.
To see which options, if any, a package supports, and which options are
mutually exclusive, run make show-options, for example:
The following options are supported by this package:
ssl Enable SSL support.
Exactly one of the following gecko options is required:
firefox Use firefox as gecko rendering engine.
mozilla Use mozilla as gecko rendering engine.
At most one of the following database options may be selected:
mysql Enable support for MySQL database.
pgsql Enable support for PostgreSQL database.
These options are enabled by default: firefox
These options are currently enabled: mozilla ssl
The following variables can be defined in mk.conf to select which options to
enable for a package: PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, which can be used to select or
disable options for all packages that support them, and PKG_OPTIONS.pkgbase,
which can be used to select or disable options specifically for package pkgbase
. Options listed in these variables are selected, options preceded by "-" are
disabled. A few examples:
$ grep "PKG.*OPTION" mk.conf
PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS= -arts -dvdread -esound
PKG_OPTIONS.kdebase= debug -sasl
PKG_OPTIONS.apache= suexec
It is important to note that options that were specifically suggested by the
package maintainer must be explicitly removed if you do not wish to include the
option. If you are unsure you can view the current state with make show-options
The following settings are consulted in the order given, and the last setting
that selects or disables an option is used:
1. the default options as suggested by the package maintainer
2. the options implied by the settings of legacy variables (see below)
4. PKG_OPTIONS.pkgbase
For groups of mutually exclusive options, the last option selected is used, all
others are automatically disabled. If an option of the group is explicitly
disabled, the previously selected option, if any, is used. It is an error if no
option from a required group of options is selected, and building the package
will fail.
Before the options framework was introduced, build options were selected by
setting a variable (often named USE_FOO) in mk.conf for each option. To ease
transition to the options framework for the user, these legacy variables are
converted to the appropriate options setting (PKG_OPTIONS.pkgbase)
automatically. A warning is issued to prompt the user to update mk.conf to use
the options framework directly. Support for the legacy variables will be
removed eventually.
Chapter 7. Creating binary packages
Table of Contents
7.1. Building a single binary package
7.2. Settings for creation of binary packages
7.1. Building a single binary package
Once you have built and installed a package, you can create a binary package
which can be installed on another system with pkg_add(1). This saves having to
build the same package on a group of hosts and wasting CPU time. It also
provides a simple means for others to install your package, should you
distribute it.
To create a binary package, change into the appropriate directory in pkgsrc,
and run make package:
$ cd misc/figlet
$ make package
This will build and install your package (if not already done), and then build
a binary package from what was installed. You can then use the pkg_* tools to
manipulate it. Binary packages are created by default in /usr/pkgsrc/packages,
in the form of a gzipped tar file. See Section B.2, "Packaging figlet" for a
continuation of the above misc/figlet example.
See Chapter 23, Submitting and Committing for information on how to submit such
a binary package.
7.2. Settings for creation of binary packages
See Section 13.17, "Other helpful targets".
Chapter 8. Creating binary packages for everything in pkgsrc (bulk builds)
Table of Contents
8.1. Preparations
8.2. Running a bulk build
8.2.1. Configuration
8.3. Requirements of a full bulk build
8.4. Bulk build variants
8.4.1. Detect unknown configure options
8.4.2. Detect classes of bugs by forcing compiler warnings
8.4.3. Force compiler options only in the build phase
8.4.4. Use custom directories
8.4.5. Turn warnings into errors
8.4.6. Reject packages for which pkglint reports errors
8.4.7. Reject packages that contain forbidden strings
8.4.8. Reject packages whose self-test fails
8.4.9. Reject packages that use undefined shell variables
8.4.10. Turn off verbose logging
8.5. Creating a multiple CD-ROM packages collection
8.5.1. Example of cdpack
For a number of reasons, you may want to build binary packages for a large
selected set of packages in pkgsrc, or even for all pkgsrc packages. For
instance, when you have multiple machines that should run the same software, it
is wasted time if they all build their packages themselves from source. Or you
may want to build a list of packages you want and check them before deploying
onto production systems. There is a way of getting a set of binary packages:
the bulk build system, or pbulk ("p" stands for "parallel"). This chapter
describes how to set it up.
8.1. Preparations
First of all, you have to decide whether you build all packages or a limited
set of them. Full bulk builds usually consume a lot more resources, both space
and time, than builds for some practical sets of packages. A number of
particularly heavy packages exist that are not actually interesting to a wide
audience. (The approximate resource consumption for a full bulk build is given
in section Section 8.3, "Requirements of a full bulk build".) For limited bulk
builds you need to make a list of packages you want to build. Note that all
their dependencies will be built, so you don't need to track them manually.
During bulk builds various packages are installed and deinstalled in /usr/pkg
(or whatever LOCALBASE is), so make sure that you don't need any package during
the builds. Essentially, you should provide a fresh system, either a chroot
environment or something even more restrictive, depending on what the operating
system provides, or dedicate the whole physical machine. As a useful side
effect this makes sure that bulk builds cannot break anything in your system.
There have been numerous cases where certain packages tried to install files
outside the LOCALBASE or wanted to edit some files in /etc.
8.2. Running a bulk build
Running a bulk build works roughly as follows:
* First, build the pbulk infrastructure in a fresh pkgsrc location.
* Then, build each of the packages from a clean installation directory using
the infrastructure.
8.2.1. Configuration
To simplify configuration, we provide the helper script mk/pbulk/
In order to use it, prepare a clear system (real one, chroot environment, jail,
zone, virtual machine). Configure network access to fetch distribution files.
Create a user with name "pbulk".
Fetch and extract pkgsrc. Use a command like one of these:
# (cd /usr && ftp -o - | tar -zxf-)
# (cd /usr && fetch -o - | tar -zxf-)
# (cd /usr && cvs -Q -z3 -d get -P pkgsrc)
Or any other way that fits (e.g., curl, wget).
Deploy and configure pbulk tools, e.g.:
# sh -n # use native make, no bootstrap kit needed (for use on NetBSD)
# sh -n -c mk.conf.frag # native, apply settings from given mk.conf fragment
# sh -nlc mk.conf.frag # native, apply settings, configure for limited build
mk.conf.frag is a fragment of mk.conf that contains settings you want to apply
to packages you build. For instance,
PKG_DEVELOPER= yes # perform more checks
X11_TYPE= modular # use pkgsrc X11
SKIP_LICENSE_CHECK= yes # accept all licences (useful
# when building all packages)
If configured for limited list, replace the list in /usr/pbulk/etc/pbulk.list
with your list of packages, one per line without empty lines or comments. E.g.:
At this point you can also review configuration in /usr/pbulk/etc and make
final amendments, if wanted.
Start it:
# /usr/pbulk/bin/bulkbuild
After it finishes, you'll have /mnt filled with distribution files, binary
packages, and reports, plain text summary in /mnt/bulklog/meta/report.txt
The script does not cover all possible use cases. While being ready to
run, it serves as a good starting point to understand and build more complex
setups. The script is kept small enough for better understanding.
The script supports running unprivileged bulk build and helps
configuring distributed bulk builds. Distributed bulk builds support either
building in worker chroots (each node is a path to a different chroot) that
replicate the target system, including the pbulk prefix, or remote machines
(each node is an IP address that must be accessible over SSH without a
8.3. Requirements of a full bulk build
A complete bulk build requires lots of disk space. Some of the disk space can
be read-only, some other must be writable. Some can be on remote filesystems
(such as NFS) and some should be local. Some can be temporary filesystems,
others must survive a sudden reboot.
* 70 GB for the distfiles (read-write, remote, temporary)
* 60 GB for the binary packages (read-write, remote, permanent)
* 1 GB for the pkgsrc tree (read-only, remote, permanent)
* 5 GB for LOCALBASE (read-write, local, temporary)
* 10 GB for the log files (read-write, remote, permanent)
* 5 GB for temporary files (read-write, local, temporary)
8.4. Bulk build variants
To ensure that pkgsrc packages work in different configurations, it makes sense
to run non-default bulk builds from time to time. This section lists some ideas
for bulk builds that intentionally let packages fail if they don't follow the
pkgsrc style.
8.4.1. Detect unknown configure options
Add the following line to mk.conf.
When a package fails this additional check, the most common cause is that the
configure option was valid for an older version of the package but does not
apply anymore. In that case, just remove it.
8.4.2. Detect classes of bugs by forcing compiler warnings
The job of a compiler is not restricted to producing executable code, most
compilers also detect typical programming mistakes. The pkgsrc compiler
wrappers make it easy to force compiler options when the package is built. This
can be used to find typical bugs across all packages that are in pkgsrc. By
reporting these bugs upstream, the packages will be more reliable with the next
Add some of the following lines to mk.conf:
CFLAGS+= -Werror=char-subscripts
CFLAGS+= -Werror=implicit-function-declaration
When a package fails to build using these stricter compiler options, document
the circumstances in which the compiler produced the error message. This
* The platform (MACHINE_PLATFORM)
* The source file
* An excerpt of the code. GCC and Clang already do this as part of the
* The exact error message from the compiler.
If a package produces these error messages, but the package is fine, record
this in your local mk.conf, like this, to skip this check in the next builds:
.if ${PKGPATH} == category/package
# Version ${VERSION} failed on ${MACHINE_PLATFORM}:
# error message
# code
# Reason why the code does not need to be fixed.
BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+= rm:-Werror=char-subscripts
If the error messages from the compiler are valid and the code needs to be
fixed, prepare a local patch (see LOCALPATCHES) and report the bug to the
upstream authors of the package, providing them with the information you
collected above.
Patches that are not essential for the package to work should only be reported
upstream but not committed to pkgsrc, to make future updates easier.
8.4.3. Force compiler options only in the build phase
When adding custom compiler flags via CFLAGS, these apply to all phases of the
package build process. Especially in the configure phase, adding -Werror leads
to wrong decisions. The GNU configure scripts feed many small test programs to
the C compiler to see whether certain headers are available, functions are
defined in a library and programs can be run. In many cases these programs
would not survive a strict compiler run with -Wall -Wextra -Werror.
The pkgsrc infrastructure is flexible enough to support compiler options being
added between the configure and build phases. It's a little more complicated
than the other examples in this section but still easy enough.
The basic idea is to use the pkgsrc compiler wrapper to inject the desired
compiler options. The compiler wrapper's original task is to hide unwanted
directories of include files and to normalize compiler options. It does this by
wrapping the compiler command and rewriting the command line. To see this in
action, run bmake patch in a package directory and examine the work/.cwrappers/
config directory. It contains individual configurations for the C compiler and
the related tools. The plan is to find a hook between the configure and build
phases, and to modify these configuration files at that point.
To find this hook, have a look at mk/build/, which contains among
others the pre-build-checks-hook. The word checks doesn't quite fit, but the
pre-build-hook sounds good enough.
The code to be included in mk.conf is:
# Just a few example options.
BUILD_ONLY_CFLAGS= -Wall -Werror -O2 -DTEMPDIR='"/tmp"'
pre-build-checks-hook: add-build-only-cflags
add-build-only-cflags: .PHONY
${TEST} ! -f ${.TARGET} || exit 0; \
for flag in ${BUILD_ONLY_CFLAGS}; do \
${ECHO} "append=$$flag" >> cc; \
done; \
> ${.TARGET}
(When editing the mk.conf, make sure that the commands of the
add-build-only-cflags target are indented with a tab, not with spaces.)
The condition in the .if statement contains the :U modifier to prevent parse
errors if the variable should be undefined, possibly because it is only defined
for a subset of the packages. The :M* modifier ensures that there is at least
one compiler option, to prevent a syntax error in the shell parser.
The code around the ${.TARGET} variable ensures that the additional compiler
options are only appended once, even if bmake build is run multiple times. To
do this, it creates a marker file.
To verify that this setup works, run bmake configure in a package directory. Up
to now, everything works as usual. Examine the directory work/.cwrappers/config
to see that the compiler options from BUILD_ONLY_CFLAGS are not yet added to
the file cc. Examine the tail of the work/.work.log file to see that the normal
compiler options are used.
Now run bmake build. This will append the options to the file cc and will
create the marker file in the same directory. After that, the build starts as
usual, but with the added compiler options. Examine the tail of the file work
/.work.log to see that the lines starting with [*] don't contain the compiler
options, but the corresponding lines starting with <.> do end with these
Building packages using this setup variant and fixing the resulting bugs is the
same as in Section 8.4.2, "Detect classes of bugs by forcing compiler warnings"
8.4.4. Use custom directories
can be configured in pkgsrc. Set these to arbitrary paths during bootstrap or
afterwards in mk.conf.
PREFIX= /a-random-uuid
PKG_SYSCONFDIR= /a-random-uuid
VARBASE= /a-random-uuid
PKGMANDIR= a-random-uuid
PKG_INFODIR= a-random-uuid
8.4.5. Turn warnings into errors
When building a package, warnings are typically ignored since they just flow by
and do not cause the build to fail immediately. To find these warnings,
redefine them to errors in mk.conf.
WARNING_MSG= ${FAIL_MSG} "(was warning)"
(There are many more classes of warnings in pkgsrc, and most of them can be
redefined with a simple definition like above.
If a package suggests to add USE_TOOLS+=perl to the package Makefile, research
whether the package actually needs Perl. If it does, add USE_TOOLS+=perl to the
package Makefile, and if it doesn't, add TOOLS_BROKEN+=perl.
8.4.6. Reject packages for which pkglint reports errors
Using pkglint as part of the regular build process is mostly a waste of time.
If you want to fix some of the warnings, just run pkglint recursively on the
whole pkgsrc tree. This will take a few minutes (up to 10), which is much
faster than a complete bulk build.
8.4.7. Reject packages that contain forbidden strings
To ensure that the binary packages don't contain references to the build
directory, there is already CHECK_WRKREF. If that variable includes the item
extra, it is possible to define additional patterns that must not appear in any
installed file. This is specified in mk.conf.
The above patterns will probably generate many false positives, therefore the
results need to be taken with a grain of salt.
8.4.8. Reject packages whose self-test fails
To run the test suites that come with each package, add this line to mk.conf.
Be prepared that even the most basic packages fail this test. When doing a bulk
build with this, it will often abort in the early phase where the packages are
scanned for their dependencies since there are cyclic dependencies. There is
still a lot to do in this area.
8.4.9. Reject packages that use undefined shell variables
To catch typos in the shell snippets from the Makefile fragments, add the -u
flag to most of the commands by adding this line to mk.conf.
RUN= @set -eu;
After that, ensure that none of the bulk build log files (even those for
successfully built packages) contains the string parameter not set or whatever
error message the command sh -ceu '$undefined' outputs.
See mk/misc/ for the existing definition.
8.4.10. Turn off verbose logging
The build logs of a package are often quite long. This allows error messages or
other interesting details to hide between the noise. To make the actual error
message stand out more, add these lines to mk.conf.
The -s option works for both GNU Make and BSD Make. On exotic platforms with
their own make, it may be a little different.
8.5. Creating a multiple CD-ROM packages collection
After your pkgsrc bulk-build has completed, you may wish to create a CD-ROM set
of the resulting binary packages to assist in installing packages on other
machines. The pkgtools/cdpack package provides a simple tool for creating the
ISO 9660 images. cdpack arranges the packages on the CD-ROMs in a way that
keeps all the dependencies for a given package on the same CD as that package.
8.5.1. Example of cdpack
Complete documentation for cdpack is found in the cdpack(1) man page. The
following short example assumes that the binary packages are left in /usr/
pkgsrc/packages/All and that sufficient disk space exists in /u2 to hold the
ISO 9660 images.
# mkdir /u2/images
# pkg_add /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All/cdpack
# cdpack /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All /u2/images
If you wish to include a common set of files (COPYRIGHT, README, etc.) on each
CD in the collection, then you need to create a directory which contains these
files, e.g.:
# mkdir /tmp/common
# echo "This is a README" > /tmp/common/README
# echo "Another file" > /tmp/common/COPYING
# mkdir /tmp/common/bin
# echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/common/bin/myscript
# echo "echo Hello world" >> /tmp/common/bin/myscript
# chmod 755 /tmp/common/bin/myscript
Now create the images:
# cdpack -x /tmp/common /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All /u2/images
Each image will contain README, COPYING, and bin/myscript in their root
Chapter 9. Directory layout of the installed files
Table of Contents
9.1. File system layout in ${LOCALBASE}
9.2. File system layout in ${VARBASE}
The files that are installed by pkgsrc are organized in a way that is similar
to what you find in the /usr directory of the base system. But some details are
different. This is because pkgsrc initially came from FreeBSD and had adopted
its file system hierarchy. Later it was largely influenced by NetBSD. But no
matter which operating system you are using pkgsrc with, you can expect the
same layout for pkgsrc.
There are mainly four root directories for pkgsrc, which are all configurable
in the bootstrap/bootstrap script. When pkgsrc has been installed as root, the
default locations are:
LOCALBASE= /usr/pkg
PKG_SYSCONFBASE= /usr/pkg/etc
PKG_DBDIR= /usr/pkg/pkgdb
In unprivileged mode (when pkgsrc has been installed as any other user), the
default locations are:
VARBASE= ${HOME}/pkg/var
PKG_DBDIR= ${HOME}/pkg/pkgdb
What these four directories are for, and what they look like is explained
* LOCALBASE corresponds to the /usr directory in the base system. It is the "
main" directory where the files are installed and contains the well-known
subdirectories like bin, include, lib, share and sbin.
* VARBASE corresponds to /var in the base system. Some programs (especially
games, network daemons) need write access to it during normal operation.
* PKG_SYSCONFDIR corresponds to /etc in the base system. It contains
configuration files of the packages, as well as pkgsrc's mk.conf itself.
9.1. File system layout in ${LOCALBASE}
The following directories exist in a typical pkgsrc installation in $
Contains executable programs that are intended to be directly used by the
end user.
Contains files for the emulation layers of various other operating systems,
especially for NetBSD.
etc (the usual location of ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR})
Contains the configuration files.
Contains headers for the C and C++ programming languages.
Contains GNU info files of various packages.
Contains shared and static libraries.
Contains data files that don't change after installation. Other data files
belong into ${VARBASE}.
Contains programs that are not intended to be used by end users, such as
helper programs or network daemons.
Contains programs that are intended to be executed as CGI scripts by a web
man (the usual value of ${PKGMANDIR})
Contains brief documentation in form of manual pages.
Contains programs that are intended to be used only by the super-user.
Contains platform-independent data files that don't change after
Contains documentation files provided by the packages.
Contains example files provided by the packages. Among others, the original
configuration files are saved here and copied to ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} during
Contains the original files for rc.d scripts.
var (the usual location of ${VARBASE})
Contains files that may be modified after installation.
9.2. File system layout in ${VARBASE}
db/pkg (the usual location of ${PKG_DBDIR})
Contains information about the currently installed packages.
Contains highscore files.
Contains log files.
Contains informational files about daemons that are currently running.
Chapter 10. Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Contents
10.1. Are there any mailing lists for pkg-related discussion?
10.2. Utilities for package management (pkgtools)
10.3. How to use pkgsrc as non-root
10.4. How to resume transfers when fetching distfiles?
10.5. How can I install/use modular from pkgsrc?
10.6. How to fetch files from behind a firewall
10.7. How to fetch files from HTTPS sites
10.8. How do I tell make fetch to do passive FTP?
10.9. How to fetch all distfiles at once
10.10. What does "Don't know how to make /usr/share/tmac/tmac.andoc" mean?
10.11. What does "Could not find" mean?
10.12. Using 'sudo' with pkgsrc
10.13. How do I change the location of configuration files?
10.14. Automated security checks
10.15. Why do some packages ignore my CFLAGS?
10.16. A package does not build. What shall I do?
10.17. What does "Makefile appears to contain unresolved cvs/rcs/??? merge
conflicts" mean?
This section contains hints, tips & tricks on special things in pkgsrc that we
didn't find a better place for in the previous chapters, and it contains items
for both pkgsrc users and developers.
10.1. Are there any mailing lists for pkg-related discussion?
The following mailing lists may be of interest to pkgsrc users:
* pkgsrc-users: This is a general purpose list for most issues regarding
pkgsrc, regardless of platform, e.g. soliciting user help for pkgsrc
configuration, unexpected build failures, using particular packages,
upgrading pkgsrc installations, questions regarding the pkgsrc release
branches, etc. General announcements or proposals for changes that impact
the pkgsrc user community, e.g. major infrastructure changes, new features,
package removals, etc., may also be posted.
* pkgsrc-bulk: A list where the results of pkgsrc bulk builds are sent and
* pkgsrc-changes: This list is for those who are interested in getting a
commit message for every change committed to pkgsrc. It is also available
in digest form, meaning one daily message containing all commit messages
for changes to the package source tree in that 24 hour period.
To subscribe, do:
% echo subscribe listname | mail
Archives for all these mailing lists are available from https://
10.2. Utilities for package management (pkgtools)
The directory pkgsrc/pkgtools contains a number of useful utilities for both
users and developers of pkgsrc. This section attempts only to make the reader
aware of some of the utilities and when they might be useful, and not to
duplicate the documentation that comes with each package.
Utilities used by pkgsrc (automatically installed when needed):
* pkgtools/x11-links: Symlinks for use by buildlink.
OS tool augmentation (automatically installed when needed):
* pkgtools/digest: Calculates various kinds of checksums (including SHA3).
* pkgtools/libnbcompat: Compatibility library for pkgsrc tools.
* pkgtools/mtree: Installed on non-BSD systems due to lack of native mtree.
* pkgtools/pkg_install: Up-to-date replacement for /usr/sbin/pkg_install, or
for use on operating systems where pkg_install is not present.
Utilities used by pkgsrc (not automatically installed):
* pkgtools/pkg_tarup: Create a binary package from an already-installed
package. Used by make replace to save the old package.
* pkgtools/dfdisk: Adds extra functionality to pkgsrc, allowing it to fetch
distfiles from multiple locations. It currently supports the following
methods: multiple CD-ROMs and network FTP/HTTP connections.
* devel/cpuflags: Determine the best compiler flags to optimise code for your
current CPU and compiler.
Utilities for keeping track of installed packages, being up to date, etc:
* pkgtools/pkgin: A package update tool similar to apt(1). Download, install,
and upgrade binary packages easily.
* pkgtools/pkg_chk: Reports on packages whose installed versions do not match
the latest pkgsrc entries.
* pkgtools/pkgdep: Makes dependency graphs of packages, to aid in choosing a
strategy for updating.
* pkgtools/pkgdepgraph: Makes graphs from the output of pkgtools/pkgdep (uses
* pkgtools/pkglint: The pkglint(1) program checks a pkgsrc entry for errors.
* pkgtools/lintpkgsrc: The lintpkgsrc(1) program does various checks on the
complete pkgsrc system.
* pkgtools/pkgsurvey: Report what packages you have installed.
Utilities for people maintaining or creating individual packages:
* pkgtools/pkgdiff: Automate making and maintaining patches for a package
(includes pkgdiff, pkgvi, mkpatches, etc.).
* pkgtools/url2pkg: Aids in converting to pkgsrc.
Utilities for people maintaining pkgsrc (or: more obscure pkg utilities)
* pkgtools/pkg_comp: Build packages in a chrooted area.
* pkgtools/libkver: Spoof kernel version for chrooted cross builds.
10.3. How to use pkgsrc as non-root
To install packages from source as a non-root user, download pkgsrc as
described in Chapter 3, Where to get pkgsrc and how to keep it up-to-date, cd
into that directory and run the command ./bootstrap/bootstrap --unprivileged.
This will install the binary part of pkgsrc to ~/pkg and put the pkgsrc
configuration mk.conf into ~/pkg/etc.
For more details, see mk/
10.4. How to resume transfers when fetching distfiles?
By default, resuming transfers in pkgsrc is disabled, but you can enable this
feature by adding the option PKG_RESUME_TRANSFERS=YES into mk.conf. If, during
a fetch step, an incomplete distfile is found, pkgsrc will try to resume it.
You can also use a different program than the platform default program by
changing the FETCH_USING variable. You can specify the program by using of ftp,
fetch, wget or curl. Alternatively, fetching can be disabled by using the value
manual. A value of custom disables the system defaults and dependency tracking
for the fetch program. In that case you have to provide FETCH_CMD,
For example, if you want to use wget to download, you'll have to use something
10.5. How can I install/use modular from pkgsrc?
If you want to use modular from pkgsrc instead of your system's own X11
(/usr/X11R6, /usr/openwin, ...) you will have to add the following line into
10.6. How to fetch files from behind a firewall
If you are sitting behind a firewall which does not allow direct connections to
Internet hosts (i.e. non-NAT), you may specify the relevant proxy hosts. This
is done using an environment variable in the form of a URL, e.g. in Amdahl, the
machine "" is one of the firewalls, and it uses port 80 as
the proxy port number. So the proxy environment variables are:
10.7. How to fetch files from HTTPS sites
Some fetch tools are not prepared to support HTTPS by default (for example, the
one in NetBSD 6.0), or the one installed by the pkgsrc bootstrap (to avoid an
openssl dependency that low in the dependency graph).
Usually you won't notice, because distribution files are mirrored weekly to "", but that might not be often enough if you are following
pkgsrc-current. In that case, set FETCH_USING in your mk.conf file to "curl" or
"wget", which are both compiled with HTTPS support by default. Of course, these
tools need to be installed before you can use them this way.
10.8. How do I tell make fetch to do passive FTP?
This depends on which utility is used to retrieve distfiles. From,
FETCH_CMD is assigned the first available command from the following list:
* ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ftp
* /usr/bin/ftp
On a default NetBSD installation, this will be /usr/bin/ftp, which
automatically tries passive connections first, and falls back to active
connections if the server refuses to do passive. For the other tools, add the
following to your mk.conf file: PASSIVE_FETCH=1.
Having that option present will prevent /usr/bin/ftp from falling back to
active transfers.
10.9. How to fetch all distfiles at once
You would like to download all the distfiles in a single batch from work or
university, where you can't run a make fetch. There is an archive of distfiles
on, but downloading the entire directory may not be appropriate.
The answer here is to do a make fetch-list in /usr/pkgsrc or one of its
subdirectories, carry the resulting list to your machine at work/school and use
it there. If you don't have a NetBSD-compatible ftp(1) (like tnftp) at work,
don't forget to set FETCH_CMD to something that fetches a URL:
At home:
% cd /usr/pkgsrc
% make fetch-list FETCH_CMD=wget DISTDIR=/tmp/distfiles >/tmp/
% scp /tmp/ work:/tmp
At work:
% sh /tmp/
then tar up /tmp/distfiles and take it home.
If you have a machine running NetBSD, and you want to get all distfiles (even
ones that aren't for your machine architecture), you can do so by using the
above-mentioned make fetch-list approach, or fetch the distfiles directly by
% make mirror-distfiles
If you even decide to ignore NO_{SRC,BIN}_ON_{FTP,CDROM}, then you can get
everything by running:
% make fetch NO_SKIP=yes
10.10. What does "Don't know how to make /usr/share/tmac/tmac.andoc" mean?
When compiling the pkgtools/pkg_install package, you get the error from make
that it doesn't know how to make /usr/share/tmac/tmac.andoc? This indicates
that you don't have installed the "text" set (nroff, ...) from the NetBSD base
distribution on your machine. It is recommended to do that to format man pages.
In the case of the pkgtools/pkg_install package, you can get away with setting
NOMAN=YES either in the environment or in mk.conf.
10.11. What does "Could not find" mean?
You didn't install the compiler set, comp.tgz, when you installed your NetBSD
machine. Please get and install it, by extracting it in /:
# cd /
# tar --unlink -zxvpf .../comp.tgz
comp.tgz is part of every NetBSD release. Get the one that corresponds to your
release (determine via uname -r).
10.12. Using 'sudo' with pkgsrc
When installing packages as non-root user and using the just-in-time su(1)
feature of pkgsrc, it can become annoying to type in the root password for each
required package installed. To avoid this, the sudo package can be used, which
does password caching over a limited time. To use it, install sudo (either as
binary package or from security/sudo) and then put the following into your
mk.conf, somewhere after the definition of the LOCALBASE variable:
.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/sudo)
SU_CMD= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/sudo /bin/sh -c
10.13. How do I change the location of configuration files?
As the system administrator, you can choose where configuration files are
installed. The default settings make all these files go into ${PREFIX}/etc or
some of its subdirectories; this may be suboptimal depending on your
expectations (e.g., a read-only, NFS-exported PREFIX with a need of per-machine
configuration of the provided packages).
In order to change the defaults, you can modify the PKG_SYSCONFBASE variable
(in mk.conf) to point to your preferred configuration directory; some common
examples include /etc or /etc/pkg.
Furthermore, you can change this value on a per-package basis by setting the
matches the name of the package you would like to modify, that is, the contents
Note that after changing these settings, you must rebuild and reinstall any
affected packages.
10.14. Automated security checks
Please be aware that there can often be bugs in third-party software, and some
of these bugs can leave a machine vulnerable to exploitation by attackers. In
an effort to lessen the exposure, the NetBSD packages team maintains a database
of known-exploits to packages which have at one time been included in pkgsrc.
The database can be downloaded automatically, and a security audit of all
packages installed on a system can take place. To do this, refer to the
following two tools (installed as part of the pkgtools/pkg_install package):
1. pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities, an easy way to download a list of the
security vulnerabilities information. This list is kept up to date by the
pkgsrc security team, and is distributed from the NetBSD ftp server:
2. pkg_admin audit, an easy way to audit the current machine, checking each
known vulnerability. If a vulnerable package is installed, it will be shown
by output to stdout, including a description of the type of vulnerability,
and a URL containing more information.
Use of these tools is strongly recommended! See Section 5.1.6, "Checking for
security vulnerabilities in installed packages" for instructions on how to
automate checking and reporting.
If this database is installed, pkgsrc builds will use it to perform a security
check before building any package.
10.15. Why do some packages ignore my CFLAGS?
When you add your own preferences to the CFLAGS variable in your mk.conf, these
flags are passed in environment variables to the ./configure scripts and to
make(1). Some package authors ignore the CFLAGS from the environment variable
by overriding them in the Makefiles of their package.
Currently there is no solution to this problem. If you really need the package
to use your CFLAGS you should run make patch in the package directory and then
inspect any Makefile and for whether they define CFLAGS explicitly.
Usually you can remove these lines. But be aware that some "smart" programmers
write so bad code that it only works for the specific combination of CFLAGS
they have chosen.
To find out where the CFLAGS are ignored, add the following lines to mk.conf:
CFLAGS+= -Dpkgsrc___CFLAGS
Then run bmake show-all-configure show-all-build to see whether the above flags
are passed to the actual build commands in general.
To find out whether the flags are passed to individual compiler commands, have
a look at the file work/.work.log. In most cases, the flags from the original
command lines (the lines starting with [*]) are passed unmodified to the actual
compiler (the lines starting with <.>). If the flag is missing from the actual
compiler command, it must have been removed by the pkgsrc compiler wrappers.
10.16. A package does not build. What shall I do?
1. Make sure that your copy of pkgsrc is consistent. A case that occurs often
is that people only update pkgsrc in parts, because of performance reasons.
Since pkgsrc is one large system, not a collection of many small systems,
there are sometimes changes that only work when the whole pkgsrc tree is
2. Make sure that you don't have any CVS conflicts. Search for "<<<<<<" or "
>>>>>>" in all your pkgsrc files.
3. Make sure that you don't have old copies of the packages extracted. Run
make clean clean-depends to verify this.
4. If you are a package developer who wants to invest some work, have a look
at Chapter 21, Making your package work.
5. If the problem still exists, write a mail to the pkgsrc-users mailing list.
10.17. What does "Makefile appears to contain unresolved cvs/rcs/??? merge
conflicts" mean?
You have modified a file from pkgsrc, and someone else has modified that same
file afterwards in the CVS repository. Both changes are in the same region of
the file, so when you updated pkgsrc, the cvs command marked the conflicting
changes in the file. Because of these markers, the file is no longer a valid
Have a look at that file, and if you don't need your local changes anymore, you
can remove that file and run cvs -q update -dP in that directory to download
the current version.
Part II. The pkgsrc developer's guide
This part of the book deals with creating and modifying packages. It starts
with a "HOWTO"-like guide on creating a new package. The remaining chapters are
more like a reference manual for pkgsrc.
Table of Contents
11. Getting help
12. Package components - files, directories and contents
12.1. Makefile
12.2. distinfo
12.3. patches/*
12.3.1. Structure of a single patch file
12.3.2. Creating patch files
12.3.3. Sources where the patch files come from
12.3.4. Patching guidelines
12.3.5. Feedback to the author
12.4. Other mandatory files
12.5. Optional files
12.5.1. Files affecting the binary package
12.5.2. Files affecting the build process
12.5.3. Files affecting nothing at all
12.6. work*
12.7. files/*
13. The build process
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Program location
13.3. Directories used during the build process
13.4. Running a phase
13.5. The fetch phase
13.5.1. What to fetch and where to get it from
13.5.2. How are the files fetched?
13.6. The checksum phase
13.7. The extract phase
13.8. The patch phase
13.9. The tools phase
13.10. The wrapper phase
13.11. The configure phase
13.12. The build phase
13.13. The test phase
13.14. The install phase
13.15. The package phase
13.16. Cleaning up
13.17. Other helpful targets
14. Creating a new pkgsrc package from scratch
14.1. Common types of packages
14.1.1. Perl modules
14.1.2. Python modules and programs
14.1.3. R packages
14.1.4. TeXlive packages
14.2. Examples
14.2.1. How the www/nvu package came into pkgsrc
15. Programming in Makefiles
15.1. Caveats
15.2. Makefile variables
15.2.1. Naming conventions
15.3. Code snippets
15.3.1. Adding things to a list
15.3.2. Echoing a string exactly as-is
15.3.3. Passing CFLAGS to GNU configure scripts
15.3.4. Handling possibly empty variables
16. Options handling
16.1. Global default options
16.2. Converting packages to use
16.3. Option Names
16.4. Determining the options of dependencies
17. Tools needed for building or running
17.1. Tools for pkgsrc builds
17.2. Tools needed by packages
17.3. Tools provided by platforms
18. Buildlink methodology
18.1. Converting packages to use buildlink3
18.2. Writing files
18.2.1. Anatomy of a file
pkg in files
18.3. Writing files
18.3.1. Anatomy of a file
18.3.2. Global preferences for native or pkgsrc software
19. PLIST issues
19.1. RCS ID
19.2. Semi-automatic PLIST generation
19.3. Tweaking output of make print-PLIST
19.4. Variable substitution in PLIST
19.5. Man page compression
19.6. Changing PLIST source with PLIST_SRC
19.7. Platform-specific and differing PLISTs
19.8. Build-specific PLISTs
19.9. Sharing directories between packages
20. The pkginstall framework
20.1. Files and directories outside the installation prefix
20.1.1. Directory manipulation
20.1.2. File manipulation
20.2. Configuration files
20.2.1. How PKG_SYSCONFDIR is set
20.2.2. Telling the software where configuration files are
20.2.3. Patching installations
20.2.4. Disabling handling of configuration files
20.3. System startup scripts
20.3.1. Disabling handling of system startup scripts
20.4. System users and groups
20.5. System shells
20.5.1. Disabling shell registration
20.6. Fonts
20.6.1. Disabling automatic update of the fonts databases
21. Making your package work
21.1. General operation
21.1.1. How to pull in user-settable variables from mk.conf
21.1.2. User interaction
21.1.3. Handling licenses
21.1.4. Restricted packages
21.1.5. Handling dependencies
21.1.6. Handling conflicts with other packages
21.1.7. Packages that cannot or should not be built
21.1.8. Packages which should not be deleted, once installed
21.1.9. Handling packages with security problems
21.1.10. How to handle incrementing versions when fixing an existing
21.1.11. Substituting variable text in the package files (the SUBST
21.2. The fetch phase
21.2.1. Packages whose distfiles aren't available for plain downloading
21.2.2. How to handle modified distfiles with the 'old' name
21.2.3. Packages hosted on
21.3. The configure phase
21.3.1. Shared libraries - libtool
21.3.2. Using libtool on GNU packages that already support libtool
21.3.3. GNU Autoconf/Automake
21.4. Programming languages
21.4.1. C, C++, and Fortran
21.4.2. Java
21.4.3. Go
21.4.4. Packages containing Perl scripts
21.4.5. Packages containing shell scripts
21.4.6. Other programming languages
21.5. The build phase
21.5.1. Compiling C and C++ code conditionally
21.5.2. How to handle compiler bugs
21.5.3. No such file or directory
21.5.4. Undefined reference to "..."
21.5.5. Running out of memory
21.6. The install phase
21.6.1. Creating needed directories
21.6.2. Where to install documentation
21.6.3. Installing highscore files
21.6.4. Adding DESTDIR support to packages
21.6.5. Packages with hardcoded paths to other interpreters
21.6.6. Packages installing Perl modules
21.6.7. Packages installing info files
21.6.8. Packages installing man pages
21.6.9. Packages installing X11 fonts
21.6.10. Packages installing SGML or XML data
21.6.11. Packages installing extensions to the MIME database
21.6.12. Packages using intltool
21.6.13. Packages installing startup scripts
21.6.14. Packages installing TeX modules
21.6.15. Packages supporting running binaries in emulation
21.6.16. Packages installing hicolor icons
21.6.17. Packages installing desktop files
21.7. Marking packages as having problems
22. GNOME packaging and porting
22.1. Meta packages
22.2. Packaging a GNOME application
22.3. Updating GNOME to a newer version
22.4. Patching guidelines
23. Submitting and Committing
23.1. Submitting binary packages
23.2. Submitting source packages (for non-NetBSD-developers)
23.3. General notes when adding, updating, or removing packages
23.4. Commit Messages
23.5. Committing: Adding a package to CVS
23.6. Updating a package to a newer version
23.7. Renaming a package in pkgsrc
23.8. Moving a package in pkgsrc
24. Frequently Asked Questions
Chapter 11. Getting help
To get help when developing pkgsrc, the definitive source is this document, the
pkgsrc guide. If you don't find anything here, there are alternatives:
* The built-in pkgsrc help, which is available after bootstrapping pkgsrc.
Run bmake help topic=? to get help for any topic, such as a variable name
like BUILD_DEFS, a make target like do-build, a missing C or C++ function
like strcasecmp or any other topic.
The available help topics are listed in Appendix D, Help topics.
* To see the value of a single variable, run bmake show-var VARNAME=X.
* To see the values of the most common variables, run bmake show-all. These
variables are grouped by topic. To see the variables for a single topic,
run bmake show-all-topic, for example bmake show-all-fetch.
* The tech-pkg mailing list, to which you can subscribe and then ask your
* The #pkgsrc IRC channel, which is accessible via a web browser or by using
a specialized chat program such as XChat. Pick any user name and join the
channel #pkgsrc.
Chapter 12. Package components - files, directories and contents
Table of Contents
12.1. Makefile
12.2. distinfo
12.3. patches/*
12.3.1. Structure of a single patch file
12.3.2. Creating patch files
12.3.3. Sources where the patch files come from
12.3.4. Patching guidelines
12.3.5. Feedback to the author
12.4. Other mandatory files
12.5. Optional files
12.5.1. Files affecting the binary package
12.5.2. Files affecting the build process
12.5.3. Files affecting nothing at all
12.6. work*
12.7. files/*
Whenever you're preparing a package, there are a number of files involved which
are described in the following sections.
12.1. Makefile
Building, installation and creation of a binary package are all controlled by
the package's Makefile. The Makefile describes various things about a package,
for example from where to get it, how to configure, build, and install it.
A package Makefile contains several sections that describe the package.
In the first section there are the following variables, which should appear
exactly in the order given here. The order and grouping of the variables is
mostly historical and has no further meaning.
* DISTNAME is the basename of the distribution file to be downloaded from the
package's website.
* PKGNAME is the name of the package, as used by pkgsrc. You need to provide
it if DISTNAME (which is the default) is not a good name for the package in
pkgsrc or DISTNAME is not provided (no distribution file is required).
Usually it is the pkgsrc directory name together with the version number.
It must match the regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-_.+]*$, that
is, it starts with a letter or digit, and contains only letters, digits,
dashes, underscores, dots and plus signs. New packages should have entirely
lower-case names, with the exception of some that must follow pre-existing
conventions (e.g. R packages begin with R-). You can use the :tl variable
modifier to lower-case the package name.
* CATEGORIES is a list of categories which the package fits in. You can
choose any of the top-level directories of pkgsrc for it.
Currently the following values are available for CATEGORIES. If more than
one is used, they need to be separated by spaces:
archivers cross geography meta-pkgs security
audio databases graphics misc shells
benchmarks devel ham multimedia sysutils
biology editors inputmethod net textproc
cad emulators lang news time
chat finance mail parallel wm
comms fonts math pkgtools www
converters games mbone print x11
are discussed in detail in Section 13.5, "The fetch phase".
The second section contains information about separately downloaded patches, if
* PATCHFILES: Name(s) of additional files that contain distribution patches.
There is no default. pkgsrc will look for them at PATCH_SITES. They will
automatically be uncompressed before patching if the names end with .gz or
* PATCH_SITES: Primary location(s) for distribution patch files (see
PATCHFILES above) if not found locally.
* PATCH_DIST_STRIP: an argument to patch(1) that sets the pathname strip
count to help find the correct files to patch. It defaults to -p0.
The third section contains the following variables.
* MAINTAINER is the email address of the person who feels responsible for
this package, and who is most likely to look at problems or questions
regarding this package which have been reported with send-pr(1). Other
developers may contact the MAINTAINER before making changes to the package,
but are not required to do so. When packaging a new program, set MAINTAINER
to yourself. If you really can't maintain the package for future updates,
set it to <>.
* OWNER should be used instead of MAINTAINER when you do not want other
developers to update or change the package without contacting you first. A
package Makefile should contain one of MAINTAINER or OWNER, but not both.
* HOMEPAGE is a URL where users can find more information about the package.
* COMMENT is a one-line description of the package (should not include the
package name).
* LICENSE indicates the license(s) applicable for the package. See
Section 21.1.3, "Handling licenses" for further details.
Other variables that affect the build:
* WRKSRC: The directory where the interesting distribution files of the
package are found. The default is ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME}, which works for
most packages.
If a package doesn't create a subdirectory for itself (most GNU software
does, for instance), but extracts itself in the current directory, you
should set WRKSRC=${WRKDIR}.
If a package doesn't create a subdirectory with the name of DISTNAME but
some different name, set WRKSRC to point to the proper name in ${WRKDIR},
for example WRKSRC=${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME}/unix. See lang/tcl and x11/tk for
other examples.
The name of the working directory created by pkgsrc is taken from the
WRKDIR_BASENAME variable. By default, its value is work. If you want to use
the same pkgsrc tree for building different kinds of binary packages, you
can change the variable according to your needs. Two other variables handle
common cases of setting WRKDIR_BASENAME individually. If OBJHOSTNAME is
defined in mk.conf, the first component of the host's name is attached to
the directory name. If OBJMACHINE is defined, the platform name is
attached, which might look like work.i386 or work.sparc.
Please pay attention to the following gotchas:
* Add MANCOMPRESSED if man pages are installed in compressed form by the
package. For packages using BSD-style makefiles which honor MANZ, there is
* Replace /usr/local with "${PREFIX}" in all files (see patches, below).
* If the package installs any info files, see Section 21.6.7, "Packages
installing info files".
12.2. distinfo
The distinfo file contains the message digest, or checksum, of each distfile
needed for the package. This ensures that the distfiles retrieved from the
Internet have not been corrupted during transfer or altered by a malign force
to introduce a security hole. To provide maximum security, all distfiles are
protected using three different message digest algorithms (SHA1, RMD160,
SHA512), as well as the file size.
The distinfo file also contains the checksums for all the patches found in the
patches directory (see Section 12.3, "patches/*"). These checksums ensure that
patches are only applied intentionally and that they don't accidentally change,
e.g. when merging different changes together. They also make sure that new
patches are actually added to CVS and old ones are removed. Too see whether the
patches and the distinfo file match, run pkglint after changing the patches.
To regenerate the distinfo file, use the make distinfo command.
Some packages have different sets of distfiles depending on the platform, for
example lang/openjdk8. These are kept in the same distinfo file and care should
be taken when upgrading such a package to ensure distfile information is not
12.3. patches/*
Some packages don't work out-of-the box on the various platforms that are
supported by pkgsrc. These packages need to be patched to make them work. The
patch files can be found in the patches/ directory.
In the patch phase, these patches are applied to the files in WRKSRC directory
after extracting them, in alphabetic order.
12.3.1. Structure of a single patch file
The patch-* files should be in diff -bu format, and apply without a fuzz to
avoid problems. (To force patches to apply with fuzz you can set
PATCH_FUZZ_FACTOR=-F2). Furthermore, each patch should contain only changes for
a single file, and no file should be patched by more than one patch file. This
helps to keep future modifications simple.
Each patch file is structured as follows: In the first line, there is the RCS
Id of the patch itself. The second line should be empty for aesthetic reasons.
After that, there should be a comment for each change that the patch does.
There are a number of standard cases:
* Patches for commonly known vulnerabilities should mention the vulnerability
* Patches that change source code should mention the platform and other
environment (for example, the compiler) that the patch is needed for.
The patch should be commented so that any developer who knows the code of the
application can make some use of the patch. Special care should be taken for
the upstream developers, since we generally want that they accept our patches,
so we have less work in the future.
12.3.2. Creating patch files
One important thing to mention is to pay attention that no RCS IDs get stored
in the patch files, as these will cause problems when later checked into the
NetBSD CVS tree. Use the pkgdiff command from the pkgtools/pkgdiff package to
avoid these problems.
For even more automation, we recommend using mkpatches from the same package to
make a whole set of patches. You just have to backup files before you edit them
to filename.orig, e.g. with cp -p filename filename.orig or, easier, by using
pkgvi again from the same package. If you upgrade a package this way, you can
easily compare the new set of patches with the previously existing one with
patchdiff. The files in patches are replaced by new files, so carefully check
if you want to take all the changes.
When you have finished a package, remember to generate the checksums for the
patch files by using the make makepatchsum command, see Section 12.2,
When adding a patch that corrects a problem in the distfile (rather than e.g.
enforcing pkgsrc's view of where man pages should go), send the patch as a bug
report to the maintainer. This benefits non-pkgsrc users of the package, and
usually makes it possible to remove the patch in future version.
The file names of the patch files are usually of the form patch-
path_to_file__with__underscores.c. Many packages still use the previous
convention patch-[a-z][a-z], but new patches should be of the form containing
the filename. mkpatches included in pkgtools/pkgdiff takes care of the name
12.3.3. Sources where the patch files come from
If you want to share patches between multiple packages in pkgsrc, e.g. because
they use the same distfiles, set PATCHDIR to the path where the patch files can
be found, e.g.:
PATCHDIR= ../../editors/xemacs/patches
Patch files that are distributed by the author or other maintainers can be
listed in PATCHFILES.
If it is desired to store any patches that should not be committed into pkgsrc,
they can be kept outside the pkgsrc tree in the $LOCALPATCHES directory. The
directory tree there is expected to have the same "category/package" structure
as pkgsrc, and patches are expected to be stored inside these dirs (also known
as $LOCALPATCHES/$PKGPATH). For example, if you want to keep a private patch
for pkgsrc/graphics/png, keep it in $LOCALPATCHES/graphics/png/mypatch. All
files in the named directory are expected to be patch files, and they are
applied after pkgsrc patches are applied.
12.3.4. Patching guidelines
When fixing a portability issue in the code do not use preprocessor magic to
check for the current operating system nor platform. Doing so hurts portability
to other platforms because the OS-specific details are not abstracted
The general rule to follow is: instead of checking for the operating system the
application is being built on, check for the specific features you need. For
example, instead of assuming that kqueue is available under NetBSD and using
the __NetBSD__ macro to conditionalize kqueue support, add a check that detects
kqueue itself -- yes, this generally involves patching the configure script.
There is absolutely nothing that prevents some OSes from adopting interfaces
from other OSes (e.g. Linux implementing kqueue), something that the above
checks cannot take into account.
Of course, checking for features generally involves more work on the
developer's side, but the resulting changes are cleaner and there are chances
they will work on many other platforms. Not to mention that there are higher
chances of being later integrated into the mainstream sources. Remember: It
doesn't work unless it is right!
Some typical examples:
Table 12.1. Patching examples
| Where | Incorrect | Correct |
| |case ${target_os} in | |
|configure|netbsd*) have_kvm=yes ;; |AC_CHECK_LIB(kvm, kvm_open, have_kvm=yes, have_kvm=no)|
|script |*) have_kvm=no ;; | |
| |esac | |
|C source |#if defined(__NetBSD__) |#if defined(HAVE_SYS_EVENT_H) |
|file |# include <sys/event.h> |# include <sys/event.h> |
| |#endif |#endif |
| |int |int |
| |monitor_file(...) |monitor_file(...) |
| |{ |{ |
| |#if defined(__NetBSD__) |#if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) |
|C source | int fd = kqueue();| int fd = kqueue(); |
|file | ... | ... |
| |#else |#else |
| | ... | ... |
| |#endif |#endif |
| |} |} |
12.3.5. Feedback to the author
Always, always, always feed back any portability fixes or improvements you do
to a package to the mainstream developers. This is the only way to get their
attention on portability issues and to ensure that future versions can be built
out-of-the box on NetBSD. Furthermore, any user that gets newer distfiles will
get the fixes straight from the packaged code.
This generally involves cleaning up the patches (because sometimes the patches
that are added to pkgsrc are quick hacks), filing bug reports in the
appropriate trackers for the projects and working with the mainstream authors
to accept your changes. It is extremely important that you do it so that the
packages in pkgsrc are kept simple and thus further changes can be done without
much hassle.
When you have done this, please add a URL to the upstream bug report to the
patch comment.
Support the idea of free software!
12.4. Other mandatory files
A multi-line description of the piece of software. This should include any
credits where they are due. Please bear in mind that others do not share
your sense of humour (or spelling idiosyncrasies), and that others will
read everything that you write here.
This file governs the files that are installed on your system: all the
binaries, manual pages, etc. There are other directives which may be
entered in this file, to control the creation and deletion of directories,
and the location of inserted files. See Chapter 19, PLIST issues for more
12.5. Optional files
12.5.1. Files affecting the binary package
This shell script is invoked twice by pkg_add(1). First time after package
extraction and before files are moved in place, the second time after the
files to install are moved in place. This can be used to do any custom
procedures not possible with @exec commands in PLIST. See pkg_add(1) and
pkg_create(1) for more information. See also Section 20.1, "Files and
directories outside the installation prefix". Please note that you can
modify variables in it easily by using FILES_SUBST in the package's
replaces "@SOMEVAR@" with "somevalue" in the INSTALL. By default,
substitution is performed for PREFIX, LOCALBASE, X11BASE, VARBASE, and a
few others, type make help topic=FILES_SUBST for a complete list.
This script is executed before and after any files are removed. It is this
script's responsibility to clean up any additional messy details around the
package's installation, since all pkg_delete knows is how to delete the
files created in the original distribution. See pkg_delete(1) and
pkg_create(1) for more information. The same methods to replace variables
can be used as for the INSTALL file.
This file is displayed after installation of the package. While this was
used often in the past, it has two problems: the display will be missed if
many packages are intalled at once, and the person installing the package
and the one using or configuring it may be different. It should therefore
be used only in exceptional circumstances where lasting negative
consequences would result from someone not reading it.
MESSAGE should not be used for:
+ exhortations to read the documentation
+ reminders to install rc.d files and set variables
+ anything that should be explained in the installation/configuration
documentation that should come with the package
If the documentation provided by upstream needs enhancing, create e.g.
files/README.pkgsrc and install it in the package's documentation
Note that MESSAGE is shown for all operating systems and all init systems.
If a MESSAGE is necessary, it should be narrowed to only those operating
systems and init systems to which it applies.
Note that you can modify variables in it easily by using MESSAGE_SUBST in
the package's Makefile:
replaces "${SOMEVAR}" with "somevalue" in MESSAGE. By default, substitution
You can display a different or additional files by setting the MESSAGE_SRC
variable. Its default is MESSAGE, if the file exists.
This file is used by the alternatives framework. It creates, configures,
and destroys generic wrappers used to run programs with similar interfaces.
See pkg_alternatives(8) from pkgtools/pkg_alternatives for more
Each line of the file contains two filenames, first the wrapper and then
the alternative provided by the package. Both paths are relative to PREFIX.
12.5.2. Files affecting the build process
This file contains arbitrary things that could also go into a Makefile, but
its purpose is to be used by more than one package. This file should only
be used when the packages that will use the file are known in advance. For
other purposes it is often better to write a *.mk file and give it a good
name that describes what it does.
This file contains the dependency information for the buildlink3 framework
(see Chapter 18, Buildlink methodology).
This file contains workarounds for compiler bugs and similar things. It is
included automatically by the pkgsrc infrastructure, so you don't need an
extra .include line for it.
This file contains the code for the package-specific options (see
Chapter 16, Options handling) that can be selected by the user. If a
package has only one or two options, it is equally acceptable to put the
code directly into the Makefile.
12.5.3. Files affecting nothing at all
These files do not take place in the creation of a package and thus are
purely informative to the package developer.
This file contains things that need to be done to make the package even
12.6. work*
When you type make, the distribution files are unpacked into the directory
denoted by WRKDIR. It can be removed by running make clean. Besides the
sources, this directory is also used to keep various timestamp files. The
directory gets removed completely on clean. The default is ${.CURDIR}/work or $
12.7. files/*
If you have any files that you wish to be placed in the package prior to
configuration or building, you can place these files here and use a ${CP}
command in the "post-extract" target to achieve this.
If you want to share files in this way with other packages, set the FILESDIR
variable to point to the other package's files directory, e.g.:
FILESDIR= ../../editors/xemacs/files
Chapter 13. The build process
Table of Contents
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Program location
13.3. Directories used during the build process
13.4. Running a phase
13.5. The fetch phase
13.5.1. What to fetch and where to get it from
13.5.2. How are the files fetched?
13.6. The checksum phase
13.7. The extract phase
13.8. The patch phase
13.9. The tools phase
13.10. The wrapper phase
13.11. The configure phase
13.12. The build phase
13.13. The test phase
13.14. The install phase
13.15. The package phase
13.16. Cleaning up
13.17. Other helpful targets
13.1. Introduction
This chapter gives a detailed description on how a package is built. Building a
package is separated into different phases (for example fetch, build, install),
all of which are described in the following sections. Each phase is split into
so-called stages, which take the name of the containing phase, prefixed by one
of pre-, do- or post-. (Examples are pre-configure, post-build.) Most of the
actual work is done in the do-* stages.
Never override the regular targets (like fetch), if you have to, override the
do-* ones instead.
The basic steps for building a program are always the same. First the program's
source (distfile) must be brought to the local system and then extracted. After
any pkgsrc-specific patches to compile properly are applied, the software can
be configured, then built (usually by compiling), and finally the generated
binaries, etc. can be put into place on the system.
To get more details about what is happening at each step, you can set the
PKG_VERBOSE variable, or the PATCH_DEBUG variable if you are just interested in
more details about the patch step.
13.2. Program location
Before outlining the process performed by the NetBSD package system in the next
section, here's a brief discussion on where programs are installed, and which
variables influence this.
The automatic variable PREFIX indicates where all files of the final program
shall be installed. It is usually set to LOCALBASE (/usr/pkg), or CROSSBASE for
pkgs in the cross category. The value of PREFIX needs to be put into the
various places in the program's source where paths to these files are encoded.
See Section 12.3, "patches/*" and Section 21.3.1, "Shared libraries - libtool"
for more details.
When choosing which of these variables to use, follow the following rules:
* PREFIX always points to the location where the current pkg will be
installed. When referring to a pkg's own installation path, use "${PREFIX}"
* LOCALBASE is where all non-X11 pkgs are installed. If you need to construct
a -I or -L argument to the compiler to find includes and libraries
installed by another non-X11 pkg, use "${LOCALBASE}". The name LOCALBASE
stems from FreeBSD, which installed all packages in /usr/local. As pkgsrc
leaves /usr/local for the system administrator, this variable is a
* X11BASE is where the actual X11 distribution (from xsrc, etc.) is
installed. When looking for standard X11 includes (not those installed by a
package), use "${X11BASE}".
* X11-based packages using imake must set USE_IMAKE to be installed correctly
* Within ${PREFIX}, packages should install files according to hier(7), with
the exception that manual pages go into ${PREFIX}/man, not ${PREFIX}/share/
13.3. Directories used during the build process
When building a package, various directories are used to store source files,
temporary files, pkgsrc-internal files, and so on. These directories are
explained here.
Some of the directory variables contain relative pathnames. There are two
common base directories for these relative directories: PKGSRCDIR/PKGPATH is
used for directories that are pkgsrc-specific. WRKSRC is used for directories
inside the package itself.
This is an absolute pathname that points to the pkgsrc root directory.
Generally, you don't need it.
This is an absolute pathname that points to the current package.
This is a pathname relative to PKGSRCDIR that points to the current
This is an absolute pathname pointing to the directory where all work takes
place. The distfiles are extracted to this directory. It also contains
temporary directories and log files used by the various pkgsrc frameworks,
like buildlink or the wrappers.
This is an absolute pathname pointing to the directory where the distfiles
are extracted. It is usually a direct subdirectory of WRKDIR, and often
it's the only directory entry that isn't hidden. This variable may be
changed by a package Makefile.
The CREATE_WRKDIR_SYMLINK definition takes either the value yes or no and
defaults to no. It indicates whether a symbolic link to the WRKDIR is to be
created in the pkgsrc entry's directory. If users would like to have their
pkgsrc trees behave in a read-only manner, then the value of
CREATE_WRKDIR_SYMLINK should be set to no.
13.4. Running a phase
You can run a particular phase by typing make phase, where phase is the name of
the phase. This will automatically run all phases that are required for this
phase. The default phase is build, that is, when you run make without
parameters in a package directory, the package will be built, but not
13.5. The fetch phase
The first step in building a package is to fetch the distribution files
(distfiles) from the sites that are providing them. This is the task of the
fetch phase.
13.5.1. What to fetch and where to get it from
In simple cases, MASTER_SITES defines all URLs from where the distfile, whose
name is derived from the DISTNAME variable, is fetched. The more complicated
cases are described below.
The variable DISTFILES specifies the list of distfiles that have to be fetched.
Its value defaults to ${DEFAULT_DISTFILES} and its value is ${DISTNAME}$
{EXTRACT_SUFX}, so that most packages don't need to define it at all.
EXTRACT_SUFX is .tar.gz by default, but can be changed freely. Note that if
your package requires additional distfiles to the default one, you cannot just
append the additional filenames using the += operator, but you have write for
DISTFILES= ${DEFAULT_DISTFILES} additional-files.tar.gz
Each distfile is fetched from a list of sites, usually MASTER_SITES. If the
package has multiple DISTFILES or multiple PATCHFILES from different sites, you
can set SITES.distfile to the list of URLs where the file distfile (including
the suffix) can be found.
DISTFILES+= foo-file.tar.gz \ \
When actually fetching the distfiles, each item from MASTER_SITES or SITES.*
gets the name of each distfile appended to it, without an intermediate slash.
Therefore, all site values have to end with a slash or other separator
character. This allows for example to set MASTER_SITES to a URL of a CGI script
that gets the name of the distfile as a parameter. In this case, the definition
would look like:
The exception to this rule are URLs starting with a dash. In that case the URL
is taken as is, fetched and the result stored under the name of the distfile.
You can use this style for the case when the download URL style does not match
the above common case. For example, if permanent download URL is a redirector
to the real download URL, or the download file name is offered by an HTTP
Content-Disposition header. In the following example, foo-1.0.0.tar.gz will be
created instead of the default v1.0.0.tar.gz.
DISTNAME= foo-1.0.0
There are some predefined values for MASTER_SITES, which can be used in
packages. The names of the variables should speak for themselves.
Some explanations for the less self-explaining ones: MASTER_SITE_BACKUP
contains backup sites for packages that are maintained in
pub/pkgsrc/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR}. MASTER_SITE_LOCAL contains local package
source distributions that are maintained in
If you choose one of these predefined sites, you may want to specify a
subdirectory of that site. Since these macros may expand to more than one
actual site, you must use the following construct to specify a subdirectory:
MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNU:=subdirectory/name/}
Note the trailing slash after the subdirectory name.
13.5.2. How are the files fetched?
The fetch phase makes sure that all the distfiles exist in a local directory
(DISTDIR, which can be set by the pkgsrc user). If the files do not exist, they
are fetched using commands of the form
where ${site} varies through several possibilities in turn: first,
MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE is tried, then the sites specified in either SITES.file if
defined, else MASTER_SITES or PATCH_SITES, as applies, then finally the value
of MASTER_SITE_BACKUP. The order of all except the first and the last can be
optionally sorted by the user, via setting either MASTER_SORT_RANDOM, and
The specific command and arguments used depend on the FETCH_USING parameter.
The example above is for FETCH_USING=custom.
The distfiles mirror run by the NetBSD Foundation uses the mirror-distfiles
target to mirror the distfiles, if they are freely distributable. Packages
setting NO_SRC_ON_FTP (usually to "${RESTRICTED}") will not have their
distfiles mirrored.
13.6. The checksum phase
After the distfile(s) are fetched, their checksum is generated and compared
with the checksums stored in the distinfo file. If the checksums don't match,
the build is aborted. This is to ensure the same distfile is used for building,
and that the distfile wasn't changed, e.g. by some malign force, deliberately
changed distfiles on the master distribution site or network lossage.
13.7. The extract phase
When the distfiles are present on the local system, they need to be extracted,
as they usually come in the form of some compressed archive format.
By default, all DISTFILES are extracted. If you only need some of them, you can
set the EXTRACT_ONLY variable to the list of those files.
Extracting the files is usually done by a little program, mk/extract/extract,
which already knows how to extract various archive formats, so most likely you
will not need to change anything here. But if you need, the following variables
may help you:
Use these variables to override the default options for an extract command,
which are defined in mk/extract/extract.
This variable can be set to bsdtar, gtar, nbtar (which is the default
value), pax, or an absolute pathname pointing to the command with which tar
archives should be extracted. It is preferred to choose bsdtar over gtar if
NetBSD's pax-as-tar is not good enough.
If the extract program doesn't serve your needs, you can also override the
EXTRACT_CMD variable, which holds the command used for extracting the files.
This command is executed in the ${WRKSRC} directory. During execution of this
command, the shell variable extract_file holds the absolute pathname of the
file that is going to be extracted.
And if that still does not suffice, you can override the do-extract target in
the package Makefile.
13.8. The patch phase
After extraction, all the patches named by the PATCHFILES, those present in the
patches subdirectory of the package as well as in $LOCALPATCHES/$PKGPATH (e.g.
/usr/local/patches/graphics/png) are applied. Patchfiles ending in .Z or .gz
are uncompressed before they are applied, files ending in .orig or .rej are
ignored. Any special options to patch(1) can be handed in PATCH_DIST_ARGS. See
Section 12.3, "patches/*" for more details.
By default patch(1) is given special arguments to make it fail if the expected
text from the patch context is not found in the patched file. If that happens,
fix the patch file by comparing it with the actual text in the file to be
13.9. The tools phase
This is covered in Chapter 17, Tools needed for building or running.
13.10. The wrapper phase
This phase creates wrapper programs for the compilers and linkers. The
following variables can be used to tweak the wrappers.
The command used to print progress messages. Does nothing by default. Set
to ${ECHO} to see the progress messages.
This variable can be set to yes (default) or no, depending on whether you
want additional information in the wrapper log file.
This variable can be set to yes or no, depending on whether the wrapper
should use its cache, which will improve the speed. The default value is
yes, but is forced to no if the platform does not support it.
A list of reordering commands. A reordering command has the form reorder:l:
lib1:lib2. It ensures that that -llib1 occurs before -llib2.
13.11. The configure phase
Most pieces of software need information on the header files, system calls, and
library routines which are available on the platform they run on. The process
of determining this information is known as configuration, and is usually
automated. In most cases, a script is supplied with the distfiles, and its
invocation results in generation of header files, Makefiles, etc.
If the package contains a configure script, this can be invoked by setting
HAS_CONFIGURE to "yes". If the configure script is a GNU autoconf script, you
should set GNU_CONFIGURE to "yes" instead.
In the do-configure stage, a rough equivalent of the following command is run.
See mk/configure/, target do-configure-script for the exact
.for dir in ${CONFIGURE_DIRS}
cd ${WRKSRC} && cd ${dir} \
&& env ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \
CONFIGURE_DIRS (default: ".") is a list of pathnames relative to WRKSRC. In
each of these directories, the configure script is run with the environment
CONFIGURE_SCRIPT (default: "./configure") and CONFIGURE_ARGS may all be changed
by the package.
If the program uses the Perl way of configuration (mainly Perl modules, but not
only), i.e. a file called Makefile.PL, it should include ../../lang/perl5/ To set any parameter for Makefile.PL use the MAKE_PARAMS variable
(e.g., MAKE_PARAMS+=foo=bar
If the program uses an Imakefile for configuration, the appropriate steps can
be invoked by setting USE_IMAKE to "yes". If you only need xmkmf, add it to
USE_TOOLS. You can add variables to xmkmf's environment by adding them to the
SCRIPTS_ENV variable.
If the program uses cmake for configuration, the appropriate steps can be
invoked by setting USE_CMAKE to "yes". You can add variables to cmake's
environment by adding them to the CONFIGURE_ENV variable and arguments to cmake
by adding them to the CMAKE_ARGS variable. The top directory argument is given
by the CMAKE_ARG_PATH variable, that defaults to "." (relative to
If there is no configure step at all, set NO_CONFIGURE to "yes".
13.12. The build phase
For building a package, a rough equivalent of the following code is executed;
see mk/build/, target do-build for the exact definition.
.for dir in ${BUILD_DIRS}
cd ${WRKSRC} && cd ${dir} \
&& env ${MAKE_ENV} \
-f ${MAKE_FILE} \
BUILD_DIRS (default: ".") is a list of pathnames relative to WRKSRC. In each of
these directories, MAKE_PROGRAM is run with the environment MAKE_ENV and
and BUILD_TARGET may all be changed by the package.
The default value of MAKE_PROGRAM is "gmake" if USE_TOOLS contains "gmake", "
make" otherwise. The default value of MAKE_FILE is "Makefile", and BUILD_TARGET
defaults to "all".
If there is no build step at all, set NO_BUILD to "yes".
13.13. The test phase
13.14. The install phase
Once the build stage has completed, the final step is to install the software
in public directories, so users can access the programs and files.
In the install phase, a rough equivalent of the following code is executed; see
mk/install/, target do-install for the exact definition.
Additionally, before and after this code, several consistency checks are run
against the files-to-be-installed, see mk/check/*.mk for details.
.for dir in ${INSTALL_DIRS}
cd ${WRKSRC} && cd ${dir} \
&& env ${INSTALL_ENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
The variable's meanings are analogous to the ones in the build phase.
INSTALL_DIRS defaults to BUILD_DIRS. INSTALL_TARGET is "install" by default,
plus "" if USE_IMAKE is defined and NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES is not
In the install phase, the following variables are useful. They are all
variations of the install(1) command that have the owner, group and permissions
preset. INSTALL is the plain install command. The specialized variants,
together with their intended use, are:
directories that contain binaries
directories that contain scripts
directories that contain shared and static libraries
directories that contain data files
directories that contain man pages
directories that contain data files for games
binaries that can be stripped from debugging symbols
binaries that cannot be stripped
game binaries
shared and static libraries
data files
data files for games
man pages
Some other variables are:
If set to yes, do not run strip(1) when installing binaries. Any debugging
sections and symbols present in binaries will be preserved.
A list of directories relative to PREFIX that are created by pkgsrc at the
beginning of the install phase. The package is supposed to create all
needed directories itself before installing files to it and list all other
directories here.
In the rare cases that a package shouldn't install anything, set NO_INSTALL to
"yes". This is mostly relevant for packages in the regress category.
13.15. The package phase
Once the install stage has completed, a binary package of the installed files
can be built. These binary packages can be used for quick installation without
previous compilation, e.g. by the make bin-install or by using pkg_add.
By default, the binary packages are created in ${PACKAGES}/All and symlinks are
created in ${PACKAGES}/category, one for each category in the CATEGORIES
variable. PACKAGES defaults to pkgsrc/packages.
13.16. Cleaning up
Once you're finished with a package, you can clean the work directory by
running make clean. If you want to clean the work directories of all
dependencies too, use make clean-depends.
13.17. Other helpful targets
For any of the main targets described in the previous section (configure,
build, install, etc.), two auxiliary targets exist with "pre-" and "post-"
used as a prefix for the main target's name. These targets are invoked
before and after the main target is called, allowing extra configuration or
installation steps be performed from a package's Makefile, for example,
which a program's configure script or install target omitted.
About 5% of the pkgsrc packages define their custom post-extract target,
another 5% define pre-configure, and 10% define post-install. The other pre
/post-* targets are defined even less often.
Should one of the main targets do the wrong thing, and should there be no
variable to fix this, you can redefine it with the do-* target. (Note that
redefining the target itself instead of the do-* target is a bad idea, as
the pre-* and post-* targets won't be called anymore, etc.)
About 15% of the pkgsrc packages override the default do-install, the other
do-* targets are overridden even less often.
If you did a make install and you noticed some file was not installed
properly, you can repeat the installation with this target, which will
ignore the "already installed" flag.
This is the default value of DEPENDS_TARGET except in the case of make
update and make package, where the defaults are "package" and "update",
This target does a pkg_delete(1) in the current directory, effectively
de-installing the package. The following variables can be used to tune the
Add a "-v" to the pkg_delete(1) command.
Remove all packages that require (depend on) the given package. This
can be used to remove any packages that may have been pulled in by a
given package, e.g. if make deinstall DEINSTALLDEPENDS=1 is done in
pkgsrc/x11/kde, this is likely to remove whole KDE. Works by adding "-R
" to the pkg_delete(1) command line.
Install a binary package from local disk and via FTP from a list of sites
(see the BINPKG_SITES variable), and do a make package if no binary package
is available anywhere. The arguments given to pkg_add can be set via
BIN_INSTALL_FLAGS e.g., to do verbose operation, etc.
This target removes the state files for the "install" and later phases so
that the "install" target may be re-invoked. This can be used after editing
the PLIST to install the package without rebuilding it.
This target removes the state files for the "build" and later phases so
that the "build" target may be re-invoked.
This target causes the current package to be updated to the latest version.
The package and all depending packages first get de-installed, then current
versions of the corresponding packages get compiled and installed. This is
similar to manually noting which packages are currently installed, then
performing a series of make deinstall and make install (or whatever
UPDATE_TARGET is set to) for these packages.
You can use the "update" target to resume package updating in case a
previous make update was interrupted for some reason. However, in this
case, make sure you don't call make clean or otherwise remove the list of
dependent packages in WRKDIR. Otherwise, you lose the ability to
automatically update the current package along with the dependent packages
you have installed.
Resuming an interrupted make update will only work as long as the package
tree remains unchanged. If the source code for one of the packages to be
updated has been changed, resuming make update will most certainly fail!
The following variables can be used either on the command line or in
mk.conf to alter the behaviour of make update:
Install target to recursively use for the updated package and the
dependent packages. Defaults to DEPENDS_TARGET if set, "install"
otherwise for make update. Other good targets are "package" or "
bin-install". Do not set this to "update" or you will get stuck in an
endless loop!
Don't clean up after updating. Useful if you want to leave the work
sources of the updated packages around for inspection or other
purposes. Be sure you eventually clean up the source tree (see the "
clean-update" target below) or you may run into troubles with old
source code still lying around on your next make or make update.
Deinstall each package before installing (making DEPENDS_TARGET). This
may be necessary if the "clean-update" target (see below) was called
after interrupting a running make update.
Allows you to disable recursion and hardcode the target for packages.
The default is "update" for the update target, facilitating a recursive
update of prerequisite packages. Only set DEPENDS_TARGET if you want to
disable recursive updates. Use UPDATE_TARGET instead to just set a
specific target for each package to be installed during make update
(see above).
Clean the source tree for all packages that would get updated if make
update was called from the current directory. This target should not be
used if the current package (or any of its depending packages) have already
been de-installed (e.g., after calling make update) or you may lose some
packages you intended to update. As a rule of thumb: only use this target
before the first time you run make update and only if you have a dirty
package tree (e.g., if you used NOCLEAN).
If you are unsure about whether your tree is clean, you can either perform
a make clean at the top of the tree, or use the following sequence of
commands from the directory of the package you want to update (before
running make update for the first time, otherwise you lose all the packages
you wanted to update!):
# make clean-update
# make update
The following variables can be used either on the command line or in
mk.conf to alter the behaviour of make clean-update:
After make clean, do not reconstruct the list of directories to update
for this package. Only use this if make update successfully installed
all packages you wanted to update. Normally, this is done automatically
on make update, but may have been suppressed by the NOCLEAN variable
(see above).
Update the installation of the current package. This differs from update in
that it does not replace dependent packages. You will need to install
pkgtools/pkg_tarup for this target to work.
Be careful when using this target! There are no guarantees that dependent
packages will still work, in particular they will most certainly break if
you make replace a library package whose shared library major version
changed between your installed version and the new one. For this reason,
this target is not officially supported and only recommended for advanced
This target invokes pkg_info(1) for the current package. You can use this
to check which version of a package is installed.
This is a top-level command, i.e. it should be used in the pkgsrc
directory. It creates a database of all packages in the local pkgsrc tree,
including dependencies, comment, maintainer, and some other useful
information. Individual entries are created by running make describe in the
packages' directories. This index file is saved as pkgsrc/INDEX. It can be
displayed in verbose format by running make print-index. You can search in
it with make search key=something. You can extract a list of all packages
that depend on a particular one by running make show-deps PKG=somepackage.
Running this command takes a very long time, some hours even on fast
This target generates a index.html file, which can be viewed using a
browser such as www/firefox or www/links. The generated files contain
references to any packages which are in the PACKAGES directory on the local
host. The generated files can be made to refer to URLs based on
FTP_PKG_URL_HOST and FTP_PKG_URL_DIR. For example, if I wanted to generate
index.html files which pointed to binary packages on the local machine, in
the directory /usr/packages, set FTP_PKG_URL_HOST=file://localhost and
FTP_PKG_URL_DIR=/usr/packages. The ${PACKAGES} directory and its
subdirectories will be searched for all the binary packages.
The target can be run at the toplevel or in category directories, in which
case it descends recursively.
This is a top-level command, run it in pkgsrc. Use this target to create a
file README-all.html which contains a list of all packages currently
available in the NetBSD Packages Collection, together with the category
they belong to and a short description. This file is compiled from the
pkgsrc/*/index.html files, so be sure to run this after a make readme.
This is very much the same as the "readme" target (see above), but is to be
used when generating a pkgsrc tree to be written to a CD-ROM. This target
also produces index.html files, and can be made to refer to URLs based on
This target shows which distfiles and patchfiles are needed to build the
package (ALLFILES, which contains all DISTFILES and PATCHFILES, but not
This target shows nothing if the package is not installed. If a version of
this package is installed, but is not the version provided in this version
of pkgsrc, then a warning message is displayed. This target can be used to
show which of your installed packages are downlevel, and so the old
versions can be deleted, and the current ones added.
This target shows the directory in the pkgsrc hierarchy from which the
package can be built and installed. This may not be the same directory as
the one from which the package was installed. This target is intended to be
used by people who may wish to upgrade many packages on a single host, and
can be invoked from the top-level pkgsrc Makefile by using the "
show-host-specific-pkgs" target.
This target shows which installed packages match the current package's
DEPENDS. Useful if out of date dependencies are causing build problems.
This target shows the list of packages that the current package depends on
for building.
This target shows the list of packages that the current package depends on
for running.
After a package is installed, check all its binaries and (on ELF platforms)
shared libraries to see if they find the shared libs they need. Run by
default if PKG_DEVELOPER is set in mk.conf.
After a "make install" from a new or upgraded pkg, this prints out an
attempt to generate a new PLIST from a find -newer work/.extract_done. An
attempt is made to care for shared libs etc., but it is strongly
recommended to review the result before putting it into PLIST. On upgrades,
it's useful to diff the output of this command against an already existing
PLIST file.
If the package installs files via tar(1) or other methods that don't update
file access times, be sure to add these files manually to your PLIST, as
the "find -newer" command used by this target won't catch them!
See Section 19.3, "Tweaking output of make print-PLIST" for more
information on this target.
Chapter 14. Creating a new pkgsrc package from scratch
Table of Contents
14.1. Common types of packages
14.1.1. Perl modules
14.1.2. Python modules and programs
14.1.3. R packages
14.1.4. TeXlive packages
14.2. Examples
14.2.1. How the www/nvu package came into pkgsrc
When you find a package that is not yet in pkgsrc, you most likely have a URL
from where you can download the source code. Starting with this URL, creating a
package involves only a few steps.
1. In your mk.conf, set PKG_DEVELOPER=yes to enable the basic quality checks.
2. Install the package meta-pkgs/pkg_developer, which among others will
install the utilities url2pkg, pkglint, pkgvi and mkpatches:
$ cd /usr/pkgsrc
$ (cd meta-pkgs/pkg_developer && bmake update)
3. Choose one of the top-level directories as the category in which you want
to place your package. You can also create a directory of your own (maybe
called local). In that category directory, create another directory for
your package and change into it:
$ mkdir category/package
$ cd category/package
4. Run the program url2pkg, which will ask you for a URL. Enter the URL of the
distribution file (in most cases a .tar.gz file) and watch how the basic
ingredients of your package are created automatically. The distribution
file is extracted automatically to fill in some details in the Makefile
that would otherwise have to be done manually:
$ url2pkg
5. Examine the extracted files to determine the dependencies of your package.
Ideally, this is mentioned in some README file, but things may differ. For
each of these dependencies, look where it exists in pkgsrc, and if there is
a file called in that directory, add a line to your package
Makefile which includes that file just before the last line. If the file does not exist, it must be created first. The file makes sure that the package's include files and
libraries are provided.
If you just need binaries from a package, add a DEPENDS line to the
Makefile, which specifies the version of the dependency and where it can be
found in pkgsrc. This line should be placed in the third paragraph. If the
dependency is only needed for building the package, but not when using it,
use TOOL_DEPENDS or BUILD_DEPENDS instead of DEPENDS. The difference
between TOOL_DEPENDS and BUILD_DEPENDS occurs when cross-compiling:
TOOL_DEPENDS are native packages, i.e. packages for the architecture where
the package is built; BUILD_DEPENDS are target packages, i.e. packages for
the architecture for which the package is built. There is also
TEST_DEPENDS, which is used to specify a dependency used only for testing
the resulting package built, using the upstream project's included test
suite. Your package may then look like this:
TOOL_DEPENDS+= libxslt-[0-9]*:../../textproc/libxslt
DEPENDS+= screen-[0-9]*:../../misc/screen
DEPENDS+= screen>=4.0:../../misc/screen
.include "../../category/package/"
.include "../../devel/glib2/"
.include "../../mk/"
6. Run pkglint to see what things still need to be done to make your package a
"good" one. If you don't know what pkglint's warnings want to tell you, try
pkglint --explain or pkglint -e, which outputs additional explanations.
7. In many cases the package is not yet ready to build. You can find
instructions for the most common cases in the next section, Section 14.1,
"Common types of packages". After you have followed the instructions over
there, you can hopefully continue here.
8. Run bmake clean to clean the working directory from the extracted files.
Besides these files, a lot of cache files and other system information has
been saved in the working directory, which may become wrong after you
edited the Makefile.
9. Now, run bmake to build the package. For the various things that can go
wrong in this phase, consult Chapter 21, Making your package work.
If the extracted files from the package need to be fixed, run multiple
rounds of these commands:
$ make
$ pkgvi ${WRKSRC}/some/file/that/does/not/compile
$ mkpatches
$ make mps
$ make clean
10. When the package builds fine, the next step is to install the package. Run
bmake install and hope that everything works.
11. Up to now, the file PLIST, which contains a list of the files that are
installed by the package, is nearly empty. Run bmake print-PLIST >PLIST to
generate a probably correct list. Check the file using your preferred text
editor to see if the list of files looks plausible.
12. Run pkglint again to see if the generated PLIST contains garbage or not.
13. When you ran bmake install, the package had been registered in the database
of installed files, but with an empty list of files. To fix this, run bmake
deinstall and bmake install again. Now the package is registered with the
list of files from PLIST.
14. Run bmake package to create a binary package from the set of installed
15. Run bmake clean update to run everything from above again in a single step,
making sure that the PLIST is correct and the whole package is created as
16. Run pkglint to see if there's anything left to do.
17. Commit the package to pkgsrc-wip or main pkgsrc; see Chapter 23, Submitting
and Committing.
14.1. Common types of packages
14.1.1. Perl modules
Simple Perl modules are handled automatically by url2pkg, including
14.1.2. Python modules and programs
Python modules and programs packages are easily created using a set of
predefined variables.
If some Python versions are not supported by the software, set the
PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE variable to the Python versions that are not
supported, e.g.
If the packaged software is a Python module, include one of ../../lang/python/, ../../lang/python/, or ../../lang/python/
Most Python packages use either "distutils" or easy-setup/setuptools ("eggs").
If the packaged software is using setuptools, you only need to include "../../
lang/python/". Otherwise, if the software uses "distutils", include "..
/../lang/python/", so pkgsrc will use this framework. "distutils"
uses a script called; if the "distutils" driver is not called, set the PYSETUP variable to the name of the script.
Either way, the package directory should be called "py-software" and PKGNAME
should be set to "${PYPKGPREFIX}-${DISTNAME}", e.g.
DISTNAME= foopymodule-1.2.10
If it is an application, include "../../lang/python/". In order
to correctly set the path to the Python interpreter, use the REPLACE_PYTHON
variable and set it to the list of files (paths relative to WRKSRC) that must
be corrected. For example:
Some Python modules have separate distributions for Python-2.x and Python-3.x
support. In pkgsrc this is handled by the file. Set
PYTHON_VERSIONED_DEPENDENCIES to the list of packages that should be depended
upon and include "../../lang/python/", then the pkgsrc
infrastructure will depend on the appropriate package version. For example:
Look inside for a list of supported packages.
14.1.3. R packages
Simple R packages from CRAN are handled automatically by R2pkg, which is
available in pkgtools/R2pkg. Individual packages (and optionally their
dependencies) may be created and updated. R packages generally follow the same
form, and most of the relevant information needed is contained in a DESCRIPTION
file as part of each R package on CRAN. Consequently, R2pkg downloads that
information and creates or updates a package in the canonical form. The
resulting package should be reviewed for correctness.
14.1.4. TeXlive packages
TeXlive packages from CTAN are handled automatically by texlive2pkg, which is
available in pkgtools/texlive2pkg.
If the TeXlive package name is not known, it may be useful to search CTAN. A "
Contained in" field on the package page typically identifies the basename of
the package file in the TeXlive archive.
If the TeXlive package name is known, download the files from the TeXlive
archive. For package foo, you will need to download foo.tar.xz. Most TeXlive
packages also have associated documentation packages, so download
foo.doc.tar.xz at the same time. These files should be placed in the
appropriate category directory, which is often but not always print. Then run
the following command in the category directory.
texlive2pkg foo.tar.xz foo.doc.tar.xz
This will create two packages, tex-foo and tex-foo-doc. Be sure to check that
both packages are correct.
Finally, CTAN currently does not include version information in package
filenames and changes their contents periodically when updates occur.
Consequently, pkgsrc avoids downloading distfiles directly from CTAN and
instead relies on the pkgsrc archives. For each new or updated TeXlive package,
e.g., the main one and the corresponding documentation, upload the distfiles
with the following command in each package directory.
make upload-distfiles
14.2. Examples
14.2.1. How the www/nvu package came into pkgsrc The initial package
Looking at the file pkgsrc/doc/TODO, I saw that the "nvu" package has not yet
been imported into pkgsrc. As the description says it has to do with the web,
the obvious choice for the category is "www".
$ mkdir www/nvu
$ cd www/nvu
The web site says that the sources are available as a tar file, so I fed that
URL to the url2pkg program:
$ url2pkg
My editor popped up, and I added a PKGNAME line below the DISTNAME line, as the
package name should not have the word "sources" in it. I also filled in the
MAINTAINER, HOMEPAGE and COMMENT fields. Then the package Makefile looked like
# $NetBSD $
DISTNAME= nvu-1.0-sources
PKGNAME= nvu-1.0
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
COMMENT= Web Authoring System
# url2pkg-marker (please do not remove this line.)
.include "../../mk/"
On the first line of output above, an artificial space has been added between
NetBSD and $, this is a workaround to prevent CVS expanding to the filename of
the guide.
Then, I quit the editor and watched pkgsrc downloading a large source archive:
url2pkg> Running "make makesum" ...
=> Required installed package digest>=20010302: digest-20060826 found
=> Fetching nvu-1.0-sources.tar.bz2
100% |*************************************| 28992 KB 150.77 KB/s00:00 ETA
29687976 bytes retrieved in 03:12 (150.77 KB/s)
url2pkg> Running "make extract" ...
=> Required installed package digest>=20010302: digest-20060826 found
=> Checksum SHA1 OK for nvu-1.0-sources.tar.bz2
=> Checksum RMD160 OK for nvu-1.0-sources.tar.bz2
work.bacc -> /tmp/roland/pkgsrc/www/nvu/work.bacc
===> Installing dependencies for nvu-1.0
===> Overriding tools for nvu-1.0
===> Extracting for nvu-1.0
url2pkg> Adjusting the Makefile.
Remember to correct CATEGORIES, HOMEPAGE, COMMENT, and DESCR when you're done!
Good luck! (See pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt for some more help :-) Fixing all kinds of problems to make the package work
Now that the package has been extracted, let's see what's inside it. The
package has a README.txt, but that only says something about mozilla, so it's
probably useless for seeing what dependencies this package has. But since there
is a GNU configure script in the package, let's hope that it will complain
about everything it needs.
$ bmake
=> Required installed package digest>=20010302: digest-20060826 found
=> Checksum SHA1 OK for nvu-1.0-sources.tar.bz2
=> Checksum RMD160 OK for nvu-1.0-sources.tar.bz2
===> Patching for nvu-1.0
===> Creating toolchain wrappers for nvu-1.0
===> Configuring for nvu-1.0
configure: error: Perl 5.004 or higher is required.
WARNING: Please add USE_TOOLS+=perl to the package Makefile.
That worked quite well. So I opened the package Makefile in my editor, and
since it already has a USE_TOOLS line, I just appended "perl" to it. Since the
dependencies of the package have changed now, and since a perl wrapper is
automatically installed in the "tools" phase, I need to build the package from
$ bmake clean
===> Cleaning for nvu-1.0
$ bmake
*** /tmp/roland/pkgsrc/www/nvu/work.bacc/.tools/bin/make is not \
GNU Make. You will not be able to build Mozilla without GNU Make.
So I added "gmake" to the USE_TOOLS line and tried again (from scratch).
checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no
*** Could not run GTK test program, checking why...
Now to the other dependencies. The first question is: Where is the GTK package
hidden in pkgsrc?
$ echo ../../*/gtk*
[many packages ...]
$ echo ../../*/gtk
$ echo ../../*/gtk2
$ echo ../../*/gtk2/bui*
The first try was definitely too broad. The second one had exactly one result,
which is very good. But there is one pitfall with GNOME packages. Before GNOME
2 had been released, there were already many GNOME 1 packages in pkgsrc. To be
able to continue to use these packages, the GNOME 2 packages were imported as
separate packages, and their names usually have a "2" appended. So I checked
whether this was the case here, and indeed it was.
Since the GTK2 package has a file, adding the dependency is very
easy. I just inserted an .include line before the last line of the package
Makefile, so that it now looks like this:
.include "../../x11/gtk2/"
.include "../../mk/
After another bmake clean && bmake, the answer was:
checking for gtk-config... /home/roland/pkg/bin/gtk-config
checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no
*** Could not run GTK test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK was incorrectly installed
*** or that you have moved GTK since it was installed. In the latter case, you
*** may want to edit the gtk-config script: /home/roland/pkg/bin/gtk-config
configure: error: Test for GTK failed.
In this particular case, the assumption that "every package prefers GNOME 2"
had been wrong. The first of the lines above told me that this package really
wanted to have the GNOME 1 version of GTK. If the package had looked for GTK2,
it would have looked for pkg-config instead of gtk-config. So I changed the x11
/gtk2 to x11/gtk in the package Makefile, and tried again.
cc -o xpidl.o -c -DOSTYPE=\"NetBSD3\" -DOSARCH=\"NetBSD\" [...]
In file included from xpidl.c:42:
xpidl.h:53:24: libIDL/IDL.h: No such file or directory
In file included from xpidl.c:42:
xpidl.h:132: error: parse error before "IDL_ns"
The package still does not find all of its dependencies. Now the question is:
Which package provides the libIDL/IDL.h header file?
$ echo ../../*/*idl*
../../devel/py-idle ../../wip/idled ../../x11/acidlaunch
$ echo ../../*/*IDL*
Let's take the one from the second try. So I included the ../../net/libIDL/ file and tried again. But the error didn't change. After digging
through some of the code, I concluded that the build process of the package was
broken and couldn't have ever worked, but since the Mozilla source tree is
quite large, I didn't want to fix it. So I added the following to the package
Makefile and tried again:
The latter line is needed because the package expects the library,
but only is available. So I told the compiler wrapper to rewrite
that on the fly.
The next problem was related to a recent change of the FreeType interface. I
looked up in www/seamonkey which patch files were relevant for this issue and
copied them to the patches directory. Then I retried, fixed the patches so that
they applied cleanly and retried again. This time, everything worked. Installing the package
$ bmake CHECK_FILES=no install
$ bmake print-PLIST >PLIST
$ bmake deinstall
$ bmake install
Chapter 15. Programming in Makefiles
Table of Contents
15.1. Caveats
15.2. Makefile variables
15.2.1. Naming conventions
15.3. Code snippets
15.3.1. Adding things to a list
15.3.2. Echoing a string exactly as-is
15.3.3. Passing CFLAGS to GNU configure scripts
15.3.4. Handling possibly empty variables
Pkgsrc consists of many Makefile fragments, each of which forms a well-defined
part of the pkgsrc system. Using the make(1) system as a programming language
for a big system like pkgsrc requires some discipline to keep the code correct
and understandable.
The basic ingredients for Makefile programming are variables and shell
commands. Among these shell commands may even be more complex ones like awk(1)
programs. To make sure that every shell command runs as intended it is
necessary to quote all variables correctly when they are used.
This chapter describes some patterns that appear quite often in Makefiles,
including the pitfalls that come along with them.
15.1. Caveats
* When you are creating a file as a target of a rule, always write the data
to a temporary file first and finally rename that file. Otherwise there
might occur an error in the middle of generating the file, and when the
user runs make(1) for the second time, the file exists and will not be
regenerated properly. Example:
@echo "line 1" > ${.TARGET}
@echo "line 2" >> ${.TARGET}
@echo "line 1" > ${.TARGET}.tmp
@echo "line 2" >> ${.TARGET}.tmp
@mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET}
When you run make wrong twice, the file wrong will exist, although there
was an error message in the first run. On the other hand, running make
correct gives an error message twice, as expected.
You might remember that make(1) sometimes removes ${.TARGET} in case of
error, but this only happens when it is interrupted, for example by
pressing Ctrl+C. This does not happen when one of the commands fails (like
false(1) above).
15.2. Makefile variables
Makefile variables contain strings that can be processed using the five
operators =, +=, ?=, := and !=, which are described in the make(1) man page.
When a variable's value is parsed from a Makefile, the hash character # and the
backslash character \ are handled specially. If a backslash is the last
character in a line, that backslash is removed from the line and the line
continues with the next line of the file.
The # character starts a comment that reaches until the end of the line. To get
an actual # character, such as in a URL, write \# instead.
The evaluation of variables either happens immediately or lazy. It happens
immediately when the variable occurs on the right-hand side of the := or the !=
operator, in a .if condition or a .for loop. In the other cases, it is
evaluated lazily.
Some of the modifiers split the string into words and then operate on the
words, others operate on the string as a whole. When a string is split into
words, double quotes and single quotes are interpreted as delimiters, just like
in sh(1).
15.2.1. Naming conventions
* All variable names starting with an underscore are reserved for use by the
pkgsrc infrastructure. They shall not be used by packages.
* In .for loops you should use lowercase variable names for the iteration
* All list variables should have a plural name, such as PKG_OPTIONS or
15.3. Code snippets
15.3.1. Adding things to a list
When adding a string that possibly contains whitespace or quotes to a list
(example 1), it must be quoted using the :Q modifier.
When adding another list to a list (example 2), it must not be quoted, since
its elements are already quoted.
STRING= foo * bar `date`
LIST= # empty
LIST+= ${STRING:Q} # 1
15.3.2. Echoing a string exactly as-is
Echoing a string containing special characters needs special work.
STRING= foo bar < > * `date` $$HOME ' "
EXAMPLE_ENV= string=${STRING:Q} x=multiple\ quoted\ words
echo ${STRING} # 1
echo ${STRING:Q} # 2
printf '%s\n' ${STRING:Q}'' # 3
env ${EXAMPLE_ENV} sh -c 'echo "$$string"; echo "$$x"' # 4
Example 1 leads to a syntax error in the shell, as the characters are just
Example 2 quotes the string so that the shell interprets it correctly. But the
echo command may additionally interpret strings with a leading dash or those
containing backslashes.
Example 3 can handle arbitrary strings, since printf(1) only interprets the
format string, but not the next argument. The trailing single quotes handle the
case when the string is empty. In that case, the :Q modifier would result in an
empty string too, which would then be skipped by the shell. For printf(1) this
doesn't make a difference, but other programs may care.
In example 4, the EXAMPLE_ENV does not need to be quoted because the quoting
has already been done when adding elements to the list.
15.3.3. Passing CFLAGS to GNU configure scripts
When passing CFLAGS or similar variables to a GNU-style configure script
(especially those that call other configure scripts), it must not have leading
or trailing whitespace, since otherwise the configure script gets confused. To
trim leading and trailing whitespace, use the :M modifier, as in the following
CPPFLAGS= # empty
echo x${CPPFLAGS:Q}x # leading and trailing whitespace
echo x${CONFIGURE_ARGS:Q}x # properly trimmed
In this example, CPPFLAGS has both leading and trailing whitespace because the
+= operator always adds a space.
15.3.4. Handling possibly empty variables
When a possibly empty variable is used in a shell program, it may lead to a
syntax error.
EGFILES= # empty
install-examples: # produces a syntax error in the shell
for egfile in ${EGFILES}; do \
echo "Installing $$egfile"; \
The shell only sees the text for egfile in ; do, since ${EGFILES} is replaced
with an empty string by make(1). To fix this syntax error, use one of the
snippets below.
EMPTY= # empty
for egfile in ${EGFILES} ""; do \
[ -n "$$egfile" ] || continue; \
echo "Installing $$egfile"; \
In this case, an empty string is appended to the iteration list (to prevent the
syntax error) and filtered out later.
EGFILES= # empty
.for egfile in ${EGFILES}
echo "Installing ${egfile}"
If one of the filenames contains special characters, it should be enclosed in
single or double quotes.
To have a shell command test whether a make variable is empty, use the
following code: ${TEST} -z ${POSSIBLY_EMPTY:Q}"".
Chapter 16. Options handling
Table of Contents
16.1. Global default options
16.2. Converting packages to use
16.3. Option Names
16.4. Determining the options of dependencies
Many packages have the ability to be built to support different sets of
features. is a framework in pkgsrc that provides generic
handling of those options that determine different ways in which the packages
can be built. It's possible for the user to specify exactly which sets of
options will be built into a package or to allow a set of global default
options apply.
There are two broad classes of behaviors that one might want to control via
options. One is whether some particular feature is enabled in a program that
will be built anyway, often by including or not including a dependency on some
other package. The other is whether or not an additional program will be built
as part of the package. Generally, it is better to make a split package for
such additional programs instead of using options, because it enables binary
packages to be built which can then be added separately. For example, the foo
package might have minimal dependencies (those packages without which foo
doesn't make sense), and then the foo-gfoo package might include the GTK
frontend program gfoo. This is better than including a gtk option to foo that
adds gfoo, because either that option is default, in which case binary users
can't get foo without gfoo, or not default, in which case they can't get gfoo.
With split packages, they can install foo without having GTK, and later decide
to install gfoo (pulling in GTK at that time). This is an advantage to source
users too, avoiding the need for rebuilds.
Plugins with widely varying dependencies should usually be split instead of
It is often more work to maintain split packages, especially if the upstream
package does not support this. The decision of split vs. option should be made
based on the likelihood that users will want or object to the various pieces,
the size of the dependencies that are included, and the amount of work.
A further consideration is licensing. Non-free parts, or parts that depend on
non-free dependencies (especially plugins) should almost always be split if
16.1. Global default options
Global default options are listed in PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, which is a list of
the options that should be built into every package if that option is
supported. This variable should be set in mk.conf.
16.2. Converting packages to use
The following example shows how should be used by the
hypothetical ``wibble'' package, either in the package Makefile, or in a file,
e.g., that is included by the main package Makefile.
PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS= wibble-foo ldap
PKG_OPTIONS_GROUP.database= mysql pgsql
PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS+= foo:wibble-foo
.include "../../mk/"
# this package was previously named wibble2
.if defined(PKG_OPTIONS.wibble2)
"Deprecated variable PKG_OPTIONS.wibble2 used, use ${PKG_OPTIONS_VAR} instead."
.include "../../mk/"
# Package-specific option-handling
### FOO support
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mwibble-foo)
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-foo
### LDAP support
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mldap)
. include "../../databases/openldap-client/"
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ldap=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openldap-client}
### database support
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mmysql)
. include "../../mk/"
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mpgsql)
. include "../../mk/"
The first section contains the information about which build options are
supported by the package, and any default options settings if needed.
1. PKG_OPTIONS_VAR is the name of the make(1) variable that the user can set
to override the default options. It should be set to PKG_OPTIONS.pkgbase.
Do not set it to PKG_OPTIONS.${PKGBASE}, since PKGBASE is not defined at
the point where the options are processed.
2. PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS is a list of build options supported by the package.
3. PKG_OPTIONS_OPTIONAL_GROUPS is a list of names of groups of mutually
exclusive options. The options in each group are listed in
PKG_OPTIONS_GROUP.groupname. The most specific setting of any option from
the group takes precedence over all other options in the group. Options
from the groups will be automatically added to PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS.
building the packages will fail if no option from the group is selected.
5. PKG_OPTIONS_NONEMPTY_SETS is a list of names of sets of options. At least
one option from each set must be selected. The options in each set are
listed in PKG_OPTIONS_SET.setname. Options from the sets will be
automatically added to PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS. Building the package will
fail if no option from the set is selected.
6. PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS is a list of build options which are enabled by
7. PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_VARS is a list of "USE_VARIABLE:option" pairs that map
legacy mk.conf variables to their option counterparts. Pairs should be
added with "+=" to keep the listing of global legacy variables. A warning
will be issued if the user uses a legacy variable.
8. PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS is a list of "old-option:new-option" pairs that map
options that have been renamed to their new counterparts. Pairs should be
added with "+=" to keep the listing of global legacy options. A warning
will be issued if the user uses a legacy option.
9. PKG_LEGACY_OPTIONS is a list of options implied by deprecated variables
used. This can be used for cases that neither PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_VARS nor
PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS can handle, e. g. when PKG_OPTIONS_VAR is renamed.
10. PKG_OPTIONS_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS is a list of warnings about deprecated
variables or options used, and what to use instead.
A package should never modify PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS or the variable named in
PKG_OPTIONS_VAR. These are strictly user-settable. To suggest a default set of
PKG_OPTIONS_VAR must be defined before including If none of
PKG_OPTIONS_REQUIRED_GROUPS are defined (as can happen with platform-specific
options if none of them is supported on the current platform), PKG_OPTIONS is
set to the empty list and the package is otherwise treated as not using the
options framework.
After the inclusion of, the variable PKG_OPTIONS contains the
list of selected build options, properly filtered to remove unsupported and
duplicate options.
The remaining sections contain the logic that is specific to each option. The
correct way to check for an option is to check whether it is listed in
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Moption)
16.3. Option Names
Options that enable similar features in different packages (like optional
support for a library) should use a common name in all packages that support it
(like the name of the library). If another package already has an option with
the same meaning, use the same name.
Options that enable features specific to one package, where it's unlikely that
another (unrelated) package has the same (or a similar) optional feature,
should use a name prefixed with pkgname-.
If a group of related packages share an optional feature specific to that
group, prefix it with the name of the "main" package (e. g.
For new options, add a line to mk/defaults/options.description. Lines have two
fields, separated by tab. The first field is the option name, the second its
description. The description should be a whole sentence (starting with an
uppercase letter and ending with a period) that describes what enabling the
option does. E. g. "Enable ispell support." The file is sorted by option names.
16.4. Determining the options of dependencies
When writing files, it is often necessary to list different
dependencies based on the options with which the package was built. For
querying these options, the file pkgsrc/mk/ should be used.
A typical example looks like this:
pkgbase := libpurple
.include "../../mk/"
.if !empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.libpurple:Mdbus)
Including here will set the variable
PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.libpurple to the build options of the libpurple package,
which can then be queried like PKG_OPTIONS in the file. See the file for more details.
Chapter 17. Tools needed for building or running
Table of Contents
17.1. Tools for pkgsrc builds
17.2. Tools needed by packages
17.3. Tools provided by platforms
The USE_TOOLS definition is used both internally by pkgsrc and also for
individual packages to define what commands are needed for building a package
(like TOOL_DEPENDS) or for later run-time of an installed packaged (such as
DEPENDS). If the native system provides an adequate tool, then in many cases, a
pkgsrc package will not be used.
When building a package, the replacement tools are made available in a
directory (as symlinks or wrapper scripts) that is early in the executable
search path. Just like the buildlink system, this helps with consistent builds.
A tool may be needed to help build a specific package. For example, perl, GNU
make (gmake) or yacc may be needed.
Also a tool may be needed, for example, because the native system's supplied
tool may be inefficient for building a package with pkgsrc. For example, a
package may need GNU awk, bison (instead of yacc) or a better sed.
The tools used by a package can be listed by running make show-tools.
17.1. Tools for pkgsrc builds
The default set of tools used by pkgsrc is defined in This includes
standard Unix tools, such as: cat, awk, chmod, test, and so on. These can be
seen by running: make show-var VARNAME=USE_TOOLS.
If a package needs a specific program to build then the USE_TOOLS variable can
be used to define the tools needed.
17.2. Tools needed by packages
In the following examples, the :run means that it is needed at run-time (and
becomes a DEPENDS). The default is a build dependency which can be set with
:build. (So in this example, it is the same as gmake:build and
USE_TOOLS+= gmake perl:run pkg-config
When using the tools framework, a variable is defined which
contains the full path to the appropriate tool. For example, TOOLS_PATH.bash
could be "/bin/bash" on Linux systems.
If you always need a pkgsrc version of the tool at run-time, then just use
DEPENDS instead.
17.3. Tools provided by platforms
When improving or porting pkgsrc to a new platform, have a look at (or create)
the corresponding platform specific make file fragment under pkgsrc/mk/tools/
tools.${OPSYS}.mk which defines the name of the common tools. For example:
.if exists(/usr/bin/bzcat)
TOOLS_PLATFORM.bzcat?= /usr/bin/bzcat
.elif exists(/usr/bin/bzip2)
TOOLS_PLATFORM.bzcat?= /usr/bin/bzip2 -cd
TOOLS_PLATFORM.true?= true # shell builtin
Chapter 18. Buildlink methodology
Table of Contents
18.1. Converting packages to use buildlink3
18.2. Writing files
18.2.1. Anatomy of a file
18.2.2. Updating BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg and BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.pkg in files
18.3. Writing files
18.3.1. Anatomy of a file
18.3.2. Global preferences for native or pkgsrc software
Buildlink is a framework in pkgsrc that controls what headers and libraries are
seen by a package's configure and build processes. This is implemented in a two
step process:
1. Symlink headers and libraries for dependencies into BUILDLINK_DIR, which by
default is a subdirectory of WRKDIR.
2. Create wrapper scripts that are used in place of the normal compiler tools
that translate -I${LOCALBASE}/include and -L${LOCALBASE}/lib into
references to BUILDLINK_DIR. The wrapper scripts also make native compiler
on some operating systems look like GCC, so that packages that expect GCC
won't require modifications to build with those native compilers.
This normalizes the environment in which a package is built so that the package
may be built consistently despite what other software may be installed. Please
note that the normal system header and library paths, e.g. /usr/include, /usr/
lib, etc., are always searched -- buildlink3 is designed to insulate the
package build from non-system-supplied software.
18.1. Converting packages to use buildlink3
The process of converting packages to use the buildlink3 framework ("bl3ifying"
) is fairly straightforward. The things to keep in mind are:
1. Ensure that the build always calls the wrapper scripts instead of the
actual toolchain. Some packages are tricky, and the only way to know for
sure is the check ${WRKDIR}/.work.log to see if the wrappers are being
2. Don't override PREFIX from within the package Makefile, e.g. Java VMs,
standalone shells, etc., because the code to symlink files into $
{BUILDLINK_DIR} looks for files relative to "pkg_info -qp pkgname".
3. Remember that only the files that you list in a package's
Makefile are added as dependencies for that package.
If a dependency on a particular package is required for its libraries and
headers, then we replace:
DEPENDS+= foo>=1.1.0:../../category/foo
.include "../../category/foo/"
The files usually define the required dependencies. If you need a
newer version of the dependency when using files, then you can
define it in your Makefile; for example: foo>=1.1.0
.include "../../category/foo/"
There are several files in pkgsrc/mk that handle special package
* chooses either the native or a pkgsrc Berkeley DB
implementation based on the values of BDB_ACCEPTED and BDB_DEFAULT.
* If the system comes with neither Curses nor NCurses,
this will take care to install the devel/ncurses package.
* uses the value of KRB5_ACCEPTED to choose between adding
a dependency on Heimdal or MIT-krb5 for packages that require a Kerberos 5
* checks for a system-provided Motif installation or adds
a dependency on x11/lesstif or x11/motif. The user can set MOTIF_TYPE to "
dt", "lesstif" or "motif" to choose which Motif version will be used.
* checks for a system-provided GNU readline or
editline (libedit) installation, or adds a dependency on devel/readline,
devel/editline. The user can set READLINE_DEFAULT to choose readline
implementation. If your package really needs GNU readline library, its
Makefile should include devel/readline/ instead of
* defines several variables that may be used by packages
that use the Open Sound System (OSS) API.
* will accept any of the Postgres versions in the
variable PGSQL_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED and default to the version
PGSQL_VERSION_DEFAULT. See the file for more information.
* uses the value of PTHREAD_OPTS and checks for native
pthreads or adds a dependency on devel/pth as needed.
* uses the value of XAW_TYPE to choose a particular Athena
widgets library.
The comments in those files provide a more complete description
of how to use them properly.
18.2. Writing files
A package's file is included by Makefiles to indicate the need to
compile and link against header files and libraries provided by the package. A file should always provide enough information to add the correct
type of dependency relationship and include any other files that
it needs to find headers and libraries that it needs in turn.
To generate an initial file for further editing, Rene Hexel's
pkgtools/createbuildlink package is highly recommended. For most packages, the
following command will generate a good starting point for files:
% cd pkgsrc/category/pkgdir
% createbuildlink >
18.2.1. Anatomy of a file
The following real-life example is taken from pkgsrc/graphics/
# $NetBSD:,v 1.16 2009/03/20 19:24:45 joerg Exp $
.if !defined(TIFF_BUILDLINK3_MK)
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.tiff+= tiff>=3.6.1
BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.tiff+= tiff>=3.7.2nb1
BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.tiff?= ../../graphics/tiff
.include "../../devel/zlib/"
.include "../../graphics/jpeg/"
The header and footer manipulate BUILDLINK_TREE, which is common across all files and is used to track the dependency tree.
The main section is protected from multiple inclusion and controls how the
dependency on pkg is added. Several important variables are set in the section:
* BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg is the dependency version recorded in the
installed package; this should always be set using += to ensure that we're
appending to any pre-existing list of values. This variable should be set
to the last version of the package that had an backwards-incompatible API
* BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.pkg is the location of the pkg pkgsrc directory.
* BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.pkg (not shown above) controls whether we use
BUILD_DEPENDS or DEPENDS to add the dependency on pkg. The build dependency
is selected by setting BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.pkg to "build". By default, the
full dependency is used.
* BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.pkg and BUILDLINK_LIBDIRS.pkg (not shown above) are lists
of subdirectories of ${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg} to add to the header and
library search paths. These default to "include" and "lib" respectively.
* BUILDLINK_CPPFLAGS.pkg (not shown above) is the list of preprocessor flags
to add to CPPFLAGS, which are passed on to the configure and build phases.
The "-I" option should be avoided and instead be handled using
The following variables are all optionally defined within this second section
(protected against multiple inclusion) and control which package files are
symlinked into ${BUILDLINK_DIR} and how their names are transformed during the
* BUILDLINK_FILES.pkg (not shown above) is a shell glob pattern relative to $
{BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg} to be symlinked into ${BUILDLINK_DIR}, e.g. include/
* BUILDLINK_FILES_CMD.pkg (not shown above) is a shell pipeline that outputs
to stdout a list of files relative to ${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg}. The
resulting files are to be symlinked into ${BUILDLINK_DIR}. By default, this
takes the +CONTENTS of a pkg and filters it through $
* BUILDLINK_CONTENTS_FILTER.pkg (not shown above) is a filter command that
filters +CONTENTS input into a list of files relative to $
outputs the contents of the include and lib directories in the package
* BUILDLINK_FNAME_TRANSFORM.pkg (not shown above) is a list of sed arguments
used to transform the name of the source filename into a destination
filename, e.g. -e "s|/curses.h|/ncurses.h|g".
This section can additionally include any needed for pkg's
library dependencies. Including these files means that the
headers and libraries for these dependencies are also symlinked into $
{BUILDLINK_DIR} whenever the pkg file is included. Dependencies
are only added for directly include files.
When providing a and including other files in it,
please only add necessary ones, i.e., those whose libraries or header files are
automatically exposed when the package is use.
In particular, if only an executable (bin/foo) is linked against a library,
that library does not need to be propagated in the file.
The following steps should help you decide if a file needs to be
* Look at the installed header files: What headers do they include? The
packages providing these files must be buildlinked.
* Run ldd on all installed libraries and look against what other libraries
they link. Some of the packages providing these probably need to be
buildlinked; however, it's not automatic, since e.g. GTK on some systems
pulls in the X libraries, so they will show up in the ldd output, while on
others (like OS X) it won't. ldd output can thus only be used as a hint.
18.2.2. Updating BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg and BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.pkg in files
Both variables set lower bounds for a version of this package. The two
variables differ in that one describes source compatibility (API) and the other
binary compatibility (ABI). The difference is that a change in the API breaks
compilation of programs while changes in the ABI stop compiled programs from
The BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg variable in a should be changed
very rarely. (One possible scenario: If all packages using this package need a
higher version than defined in the, BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg
could be updated to that higher version.)
On the other hand, changes to BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.pkg are more common. The
variable will need to be updated every time the major version of one of its
shared libraries is changed, or any other change where a binary built against
the previous version of the package will not run against the new version any
In such a case, the package's BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.pkg must be increased to
require the new package version. Then the PKGREVISION of all packages foo that
depend on this package need to be increased, and if they have
files, in their files must be increased
to the new version as well. This is required so that a package will pull in the
versions of the packages that use the new ABI and that the packages'
PKGREVISIONs uniquely identify the packages built against the new ABI. The
pkgtools/revbump package can help with these updates.
See Section 21.1.5, "Handling dependencies" for more information about
dependencies on other packages, including the BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS
Please take careful consideration before adjusting BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg or
BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.pkg in a file as we don't want to cause
unneeded package deletions and rebuilds. In many cases, new versions of
packages work just fine with older dependencies.
Also it is not needed to set BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.pkg when it is identical to
18.3. Writing files
Some packages in pkgsrc install headers and libraries that coincide with
headers and libraries present in the base system. Aside from a
file, these packages should also include a file that includes the
necessary checks to decide whether using the built-in software or the pkgsrc
software is appropriate.
The only requirements of a file for pkg are:
1. It should set USE_BUILTIN.pkg to either "yes" or "no" after it is included.
2. It should not override any USE_BUILTIN.pkg which is already set before the file is included.
3. It should be written to allow multiple inclusion. This is very important
and takes careful attention to Makefile coding.
18.3.1. Anatomy of a file
The following is the recommended template for files:
.if !defined(
# is set to "yes" or "no" depending on whether "foo"
# genuinely exists in the system or not.
# no
# should be set here if "foo" is built-in and its package
# version can be determined.
. if !empty([yY][eE][sS]) foo-1.0
. endif
.endif #
.if !defined( ${}
. if defined(
. for _depend_ in ${}
. if !empty([yY][eE][sS])!= \
${PKG_ADMIN} pmatch '${_depend_}' ${} \
&& ${ECHO} "yes" || ${ECHO} "no"
. endif
. endfor
. endif
.endif # no
.if !empty([nN][oO])
# Here we place code that depends on whether is set to
# "yes" or "no".
.endif #
The first section sets IS_BUILTIN.pkg depending on if pkg really exists in the
base system. This should not be a base system software with similar
functionality to pkg; it should only be "yes" if the actual package is included
as part of the base system. This variable is only used internally within the file.
The second section sets BUILTIN_PKG.pkg to the version of pkg in the base
system if it exists (if IS_BUILTIN.pkg is "yes"). This variable is only used
internally within the file.
The third section sets USE_BUILTIN.pkg and is required in all files.
The code in this section must make the determination whether the built-in
software is adequate to satisfy the dependencies listed in
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg. This is typically done by comparing BUILTIN_PKG.pkg
against each of the dependencies in BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg. USE_BUILTIN.pkg
must be set to the correct value by the end of the file. Note that
USE_BUILTIN.pkg may be "yes" even if IS_BUILTIN.pkg is "no" because we may make
the determination that the built-in version of the software is similar enough
to be used as a replacement.
The last section is guarded by CHECK_BUILTIN.pkg, and includes code that uses
the value of USE_BUILTIN.pkg set in the previous section. This typically
includes, e.g., adding additional dependency restrictions and listing
additional files to symlink into ${BUILDLINK_DIR} (via BUILDLINK_FILES.pkg).
18.3.2. Global preferences for native or pkgsrc software
When building packages, it's possible to choose whether to set a global
preference for using either the built-in (native) version or the pkgsrc version
of software to satisfy a dependency. This is controlled by setting
PREFER_PKGSRC and PREFER_NATIVE. These variables take values of either "yes", "
no", or a list of packages. PREFER_PKGSRC tells pkgsrc to use the pkgsrc
versions of software, while PREFER_NATIVE tells pkgsrc to use the built-in
versions. Preferences are determined by the most specific instance of the
package in either PREFER_PKGSRC or PREFER_NATIVE. If a package is specified in
neither or in both variables, then PREFER_PKGSRC has precedence over
PREFER_NATIVE. For example, to require using pkgsrc versions of software for
all but the most basic bits on a NetBSD system, you can set:
PREFER_NATIVE= getopt skey tcp_wrappers
A package must have a file to be listed in PREFER_NATIVE, otherwise
it is simply ignored in that list.
PREFER_PKGSRC and PREFER_NATIVE should be set during bootstrap to ensure that
the bootstrap process does not use inapropriate native tools as dependencies
for core packages.
# ./bootstrap --prefer-pkgsrc yes --prefer-native openssl
Switching between settings globally at a later date can introduce complications
with dependency resolution. This is caused by packages built with the opposite
preference being installed alongside each other. Hence, any changes to these
variables after bootstrap will necessitate rebuilding all packages depending on
one whose preference has been changed. This is not trivial and should be
When using pkgsrc on Linux systems, there is high risk of "leakage", where
programs installed by pkgsrc may inadvertently use a command or library not
installed by pkgsrc, e.g. those installed by yum or apt. Such foreign
dependencies may be installed, removed, or upgraded to a version incompatible
with the pkgsrc package at any time, causing pkgsrc packages to subsequently
malfunction. Pkgsrc cannot prevent this, as it has no control over other
package managers. Another potential problem is that under Redhat Enterprise and
related Linux systems, yum packages are only patched and never upgraded, so
eventually they may become too outdated for use by pkgsrc. Even intentionally
using foreign dependencies, not considered leakage, can lead to these problems,
so it is generally discouraged. In order to minimize such problems,
PREFER_PKGSRC defaults to "yes" on Linux systems. This ensures that pkgsrc is
aware of any changes to dependency packages and can rebuild or upgrade the
entire dependency tree as needed. This default can be overridden by setting
--prefer-pkgsrc to "no" or a list of packages, or by setting --prefer-native to
Chapter 19. PLIST issues
Table of Contents
19.1. RCS ID
19.2. Semi-automatic PLIST generation
19.3. Tweaking output of make print-PLIST
19.4. Variable substitution in PLIST
19.5. Man page compression
19.6. Changing PLIST source with PLIST_SRC
19.7. Platform-specific and differing PLISTs
19.8. Build-specific PLISTs
19.9. Sharing directories between packages
The PLIST file contains a package's "packing list", i.e. a list of files that
belong to the package (relative to the ${PREFIX} directory it's been installed
in) plus some additional statements - see the pkg_create(1) man page for a full
list. This chapter addresses some issues that need attention when dealing with
the PLIST file (or files, see below!).
19.1. RCS ID
Be sure to add a RCS ID line as the first thing in any PLIST file you write:
@comment $NetBSD $
An artificial space has been added between NetBSD and $, this is a workaround
here to prevent CVS expanding to the filename of the guide. When adding the RCS
ID the space should be omitted.
19.2. Semi-automatic PLIST generation
You can use the make print-PLIST command to output a PLIST that matches any new
files since the package was extracted. See Section 13.17, "Other helpful
targets" for more information on this target.
19.3. Tweaking output of make print-PLIST
The PRINT_PLIST_AWK variable takes a set of AWK patterns and actions that are
used to filter the output of print-PLIST. You can append any chunk of AWK
scripting you like to it, but be careful with quoting.
For example, to get all files inside the libdata/foo directory removed from the
resulting PLIST:
PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= /^libdata\/foo/ { next; }
The PRINT_PLIST_AWK transformations are evaluated after the file list and
directory list are sorted. EARLY_PRINT_PLIST_AWK is like PRINT_PLIST_AWK except
it operates before the file list and directory list are sorted.
19.4. Variable substitution in PLIST
A number of variables are substituted automatically in PLISTs when a package is
installed on a system. This includes the following variables:
Some packages like emacs and perl embed information about which
architecture they were built on into the pathnames where they install their
files. To handle this case, PLIST will be preprocessed before actually
used, and the symbol "${MACHINE_ARCH}" will be replaced by what uname -p
gives. The same is done if the string ${MACHINE_GNU_ARCH} is embedded in
PLIST somewhere - use this on packages that have GNU autoconf-created
configure scripts.
Legacy note
There used to be a symbol "$ARCH" that was replaced by the output of uname
-m, but that's no longer supported and has been removed.
Some packages want to embed the OS name and version into some paths. To do
this, use these variables in the PLIST:
+ ${OPSYS} - output of "uname -s"
+ ${LOWER_OPSYS} - lowercase common name (eg. "solaris")
+ ${OS_VERSION} - "uname -r"
For a list of values which are replaced by default, the output of make help
topic=PLIST_SUBST as well as searching the pkgsrc/mk directory with grep for
PLIST_SUBST should help.
If you want to change other variables not listed above, you can add variables
and their expansions to this variable in the following way, similar to
MESSAGE_SUBST (see Section 12.5, "Optional files"):
This replaces all occurrences of "${SOMEVAR}" in the PLIST with "somevalue".
The PLIST_VARS variable can be used to simplify the common case of
conditionally including some PLIST entries. It can be done by adding
PLIST_VARS+=foo and setting the corresponding variable to yes if the
entry should be included. This will substitute "${}" in the PLIST with
either """" or ""@comment "". For example, in Makefile:
.if condition yes
And then in PLIST:
@comment $NetBSD $
An artificial space has been added between NetBSD and $, this is a workaround
here to prevent CVS expanding to the filename of the guide. When adding the RCS
ID the space should be omitted.
19.5. Man page compression
Man pages should be installed in compressed form if MANZ is set (in, and uncompressed otherwise. To handle this in the PLIST file, the
suffix ".gz" is appended/removed automatically for man pages according to MANZ
and MANCOMPRESSED being set or not, see above for details. This modification of
the PLIST file is done on a copy of it, not PLIST itself.
19.6. Changing PLIST source with PLIST_SRC
To use one or more files as source for the PLIST used in generating the binary
package, set the variable PLIST_SRC to the names of that file(s). The files are
later concatenated using cat(1), and the order of things is important. The
default for PLIST_SRC is ${PKGDIR}/PLIST.
19.7. Platform-specific and differing PLISTs
Some packages decide to install a different set of files based on the operating
system being used. These differences can be automatically handled by using the
following files:
* PLIST.common
* PLIST.common_end
19.8. Build-specific PLISTs
Some packages decide to generate hard-to-guess file names during installation
that are hard to wire down.
In such cases, you can set the GENERATE_PLIST variable to shell code terminated
(with a semicolon) that will output PLIST entries which will be appended to the
You can find one example in editors/xemacs:
GENERATE_PLIST+= ${ECHO} bin/${DISTNAME}-`${WRKSRC}/src/xemacs -sd`.dmp ;
which will append something like bin/xemacs-21.4.23-54e8ea71.dmp to the PLIST.
19.9. Sharing directories between packages
A "shared directory" is a directory where multiple (and unrelated) packages
install files. These directories were problematic because you had to add
special tricks in the PLIST to conditionally remove them, or have some
centralized package handle them.
In pkgsrc, it is now easy: Each package should create directories and install
files as needed; pkg_delete will remove any directories left empty after
uninstalling a package.
If a package needs an empty directory to work, create the directory during
installation as usual, and also add an entry to the PLIST:
@pkgdir path/to/empty/directory
or take a look at MAKE_DIRS and OWN_DIRS.
Chapter 20. The pkginstall framework
Table of Contents
20.1. Files and directories outside the installation prefix
20.1.1. Directory manipulation
20.1.2. File manipulation
20.2. Configuration files
20.2.1. How PKG_SYSCONFDIR is set
20.2.2. Telling the software where configuration files are
20.2.3. Patching installations
20.2.4. Disabling handling of configuration files
20.3. System startup scripts
20.3.1. Disabling handling of system startup scripts
20.4. System users and groups
20.5. System shells
20.5.1. Disabling shell registration
20.6. Fonts
20.6.1. Disabling automatic update of the fonts databases
This chapter describes the framework known as pkginstall, whose key features
* Generic installation and manipulation of directories and files outside the
pkgsrc-handled tree, LOCALBASE.
* Automatic handling of configuration files during installation, provided
that packages are correctly designed.
* Generation and installation of system startup scripts.
* Registration of system users and groups.
* Registration of system shells.
* Automatic updating of fonts databases.
The following sections inspect each of the above points in detail.
You may be thinking that many of the things described here could be easily done
with simple code in the package's post-installation target (post-install). This
is incorrect, as the code in them is only executed when building from source.
Machines using binary packages could not benefit from it at all (as the code
itself could be unavailable). Therefore, the only way to achieve any of the
items described above is by means of the installation scripts, which are
automatically generated by pkginstall.
20.1. Files and directories outside the installation prefix
As you already know, the PLIST file holds a list of files and directories that
belong to a package. The names used in it are relative to the installation
prefix (${PREFIX}), which means that it cannot register files outside this
directory (absolute path names are not allowed). Despite this restriction, some
packages need to install files outside this location; e.g., under ${VARBASE} or
${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}. The only way to achieve this is to create such files during
installation time by using installation scripts.
The generic installation scripts are shell scripts that can contain arbitrary
code. The list of scripts to execute is taken from the INSTALL_FILE variable,
which defaults to INSTALL. A similar variable exists for package removal
(DEINSTALL_FILE, whose default is DEINSTALL). These scripts can run arbitrary
commands, so they have the potential to create and manage files anywhere in the
file system.
Using these general installation files is not recommended, but may be needed in
some special cases. One reason for avoiding them is that the user has to trust
the packager that there is no unwanted or simply erroneous code included in the
installation script. Also, previously there were many similar scripts for the
same functionality, and fixing a common error involved finding and changing all
of them.
The pkginstall framework offers another, standardized way. It provides generic
scripts to abstract the manipulation of such files and directories based on
variables set in the package's Makefile. The rest of this section describes
these variables.
20.1.1. Directory manipulation
The following variables can be set to request the creation of directories
anywhere in the file system:
* MAKE_DIRS and OWN_DIRS contain a list of directories that should be created
and should attempt to be destroyed by the installation scripts. The
difference between the two is that the latter prompts the administrator to
remove any directories that may be left after deinstallation (because they
were not empty), while the former does not. Example:
MAKE_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/foo/private
* MAKE_DIRS_PERMS and OWN_DIRS_PERMS contain a list of tuples describing
which directories should be created and should attempt to be destroyed by
the installation scripts. Each tuple holds the following values, separated
by spaces: the directory name, its owner, its group and its numerical mode.
For example:
MAKE_DIRS_PERMS+= ${VARBASE}/foo/private \
The difference between the two is exactly the same as their non-PERMS
20.1.2. File manipulation
Creating non-empty files outside the installation prefix is tricky because the
PLIST forces all files to be inside it. To overcome this problem, the only
solution is to extract the file in the known place (i.e., inside the
installation prefix) and copy it to the appropriate location during
installation (done by the installation scripts generated by pkginstall). We
will call the former the master file in the following paragraphs, which
describe the variables that can be used to automatically and consistently
handle files outside the installation prefix:
* CONF_FILES and REQD_FILES are pairs of master and target files. During
installation time, the master file is copied to the target one if and only
if the latter does not exist. Upon deinstallation, the target file is
removed provided that it was not modified by the installation.
The difference between the two is that the latter prompts the administrator
to remove any files that may be left after deinstallation (because they
were not empty), while the former does not.
* CONF_FILES_PERMS and REQD_FILES_PERMS contain tuples describing master
files as well as their target locations. For each of them, it also
specifies their owner, their group and their numeric permissions, in this
order. For example:
REQD_FILES_PERMS+= ${PREFIX}/share/somefile ${VARBASE}/somefile \
The difference between the two is exactly the same as their non-PERMS
20.2. Configuration files
Configuration files are special in the sense that they are installed in their
own specific directory, PKG_SYSCONFDIR, and need special treatment during
installation (most of which is automated by pkginstall). The main concept you
must bear in mind is that files marked as configuration files are automatically
copied to the right place (somewhere inside PKG_SYSCONFDIR) during installation
if and only if they didn't exist before. Similarly, they will not be removed if
they have local modifications. This ensures that administrators never lose any
custom changes they may have made.
20.2.1. How PKG_SYSCONFDIR is set
As said before, the PKG_SYSCONFDIR variable specifies where configuration files
shall be installed. Its contents are set based upon the following variables:
* PKG_SYSCONFBASE: The configuration's root directory. Defaults to ${PREFIX}/
etc although it may be overridden by the user to point to his preferred
location (e.g., /etc, /etc/pkg, etc.). Packages must not use it directly.
* PKG_SYSCONFSUBDIR: A subdirectory of PKG_SYSCONFBASE under which the
configuration files for the package being built shall be installed. The
definition of this variable only makes sense in the package's Makefile
(i.e., it is not user-customizable).
As an example, consider the Apache package, www/apache24, which places its
configuration files under the httpd/ subdirectory of PKG_SYSCONFBASE. This
should be set in the package Makefile.
* PKG_SYSCONFVAR: Specifies the name of the variable that holds this
package's configuration directory (if different from PKG_SYSCONFBASE). It
defaults to PKGBASE's value, and is always prefixed with PKG_SYSCONFDIR.
* PKG_SYSCONFDIR.${PKG_SYSCONFVAR}: Holds the directory where the
configuration files for the package identified by PKG_SYSCONFVAR's shall be
Based on the above variables, pkginstall determines the value of
PKG_SYSCONFDIR, which is the only variable that can be used within a package to
refer to its configuration directory. The algorithm used to set its value is
basically the following:
1. If PKG_SYSCONFDIR.${PKG_SYSCONFVAR} is set, its value is used.
2. If the previous variable is not defined but PKG_SYSCONFSUBDIR is set in the
package's Makefile, the resulting value is ${PKG_SYSCONFBASE}/$
3. Otherwise, it is set to ${PKG_SYSCONFBASE}.
It is worth mentioning that ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} is automatically added to
OWN_DIRS. See Section 20.1.1, "Directory manipulation" what this means. This
does not apply to subdirectories of ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}, they still have to be
created with OWN_DIRS or MAKE_DIRS.
20.2.2. Telling the software where configuration files are
Given that pkgsrc (and users!) expect configuration files to be in a known
place, you need to teach each package where it shall install its files. In some
cases you will have to patch the package Makefiles to achieve it. If you are
lucky, though, it may be as easy as passing an extra flag to the configuration
script; this is the case of GNU Autoconf- generated files:
Note that this specifies where the package has to look for its configuration
files, not where they will be originally installed (although the difference is
never explicit, unfortunately).
20.2.3. Patching installations
As said before, pkginstall automatically handles configuration files. This
means that the packages themselves must not touch the contents of $
{PKG_SYSCONFDIR} directly. Bad news is that many software installation scripts
will, out of the box, mess with the contents of that directory. So what is the
correct procedure to fix this issue?
You must teach the package (usually by manually patching it) to install any
configuration files under the examples hierarchy, share/examples/${PKGBASE}/.
This way, the PLIST registers them and the administrator always has the
original copies available.
Once the required configuration files are in place (i.e., under the examples
hierarchy), the pkginstall framework can use them as master copies during the
package installation to update what is in ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}. To achieve this,
the variables CONF_FILES and CONF_FILES_PERMS are used. Check out
Section 20.1.2, "File manipulation" for information about their syntax and
their purpose. Here is an example, taken from the mail/mutt package:
EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mutt/samples
Note that the EGDIR variable is specific to that package and has no meaning
outside it.
20.2.4. Disabling handling of configuration files
The automatic copying of config files can be toggled by setting the environment
variable PKG_CONFIG prior to package installation.
20.3. System startup scripts
System startup scripts are special files because they must be installed in a
place known by the underlying OS, usually outside the installation prefix.
Therefore, the same rules described in Section 20.1, "Files and directories
outside the installation prefix" apply, and the same solutions can be used.
However, pkginstall provides a special mechanism to handle these files.
In order to provide system startup scripts, the package has to:
1. Store the script inside ${FILESDIR}, with the .sh suffix appended.
Considering the print/cups package as an example, it has a in its
files directory.
2. Tell pkginstall to handle it, appending the name of the script, without its
extension, to the RCD_SCRIPTS variable. Continuing the previous example:
Once this is done, pkginstall will do the following steps for each script in an
automated fashion:
1. Process the file found in the files directory applying all the
substitutions described in the FILES_SUBST variable.
2. Copy the script from the files directory to the examples hierarchy, $
{PREFIX}/share/examples/rc.d/. Note that this master file must be
explicitly registered in the PLIST.
3. Add code to the installation scripts to copy the startup script from the
examples hierarchy into the system-wide startup scripts directory.
20.3.1. Disabling handling of system startup scripts
The automatic copying of config files can be toggled by setting the environment
variable PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS prior to package installation. Note that the scripts
will be always copied inside the examples hierarchy, ${PREFIX}/share/examples/
rc.d/, no matter what the value of this variable is.
20.4. System users and groups
If a package needs to create special users and/or groups during installation,
it can do so by using the pkginstall framework.
Users can be created by adding entries to the PKG_USERS variable. Each entry
has the following syntax:
Further specification of user details may be done by setting per-user
variables. PKG_UID.user is the numeric UID for the user. PKG_GECOS.user is the
user's description or comment. PKG_HOME.user is the user's home directory, and
defaults to /nonexistent if not specified. PKG_SHELL.user is the user's shell,
and defaults to /sbin/nologin if not specified.
Similarly, groups can be created by adding entries to the PKG_GROUPS variable,
whose syntax is:
The numeric GID of the group may be set by defining
If a package needs to create the users and groups at an earlier stage, then it
can set USERGROUP_PHASE to either configure,build, or pre-install to indicate
the phase before which the users and groups are created. In this case, the
numeric UIDs and GIDs of the created users and groups are automatically
hardcoded into the final installation scripts.
20.5. System shells
Packages that install system shells should register them in the shell database,
/etc/shells, to make things easier to the administrator. This must be done from
the installation scripts to keep binary packages working on any system.
pkginstall provides an easy way to accomplish this task.
When a package provides a shell interpreter, it has to set the PKG_SHELL
variable to its absolute file name. This will add some hooks to the
installation scripts to handle it. Consider the following example, taken from
PKG_SHELL= ${PREFIX}/bin/zsh
20.5.1. Disabling shell registration
The automatic registration of shell interpreters can be disabled by the
administrator by setting the PKG_REGISTER_SHELLS environment variable to NO.
20.6. Fonts
Packages that install X11 fonts should update the database files that index the
fonts within each fonts directory. This can easily be accomplished within the
pkginstall framework.
When a package installs X11 fonts, it must list the directories in which fonts
are installed in the FONTS_DIRS.type variables, where type can be one of "ttf",
"type1" or "x11". This will add hooks to the installation scripts to run the
appropriate commands to update the fonts database files within each of those
directories. For convenience, if the directory path is relative, it is taken to
be relative to the package's installation prefix. Consider the following
example, taken from fonts/dbz-ttf:
FONTS_DIRS.ttf= ${PREFIX}/share/fonts/X11/TTF
20.6.1. Disabling automatic update of the fonts databases
The automatic update of fonts databases can be disabled by the administrator by
setting the PKG_UPDATE_FONTS_DB environment variable to NO.
Chapter 21. Making your package work
Table of Contents
21.1. General operation
21.1.1. How to pull in user-settable variables from mk.conf
21.1.2. User interaction
21.1.3. Handling licenses
21.1.4. Restricted packages
21.1.5. Handling dependencies
21.1.6. Handling conflicts with other packages
21.1.7. Packages that cannot or should not be built
21.1.8. Packages which should not be deleted, once installed
21.1.9. Handling packages with security problems
21.1.10. How to handle incrementing versions when fixing an existing
21.1.11. Substituting variable text in the package files (the SUBST
21.2. The fetch phase
21.2.1. Packages whose distfiles aren't available for plain downloading
21.2.2. How to handle modified distfiles with the 'old' name
21.2.3. Packages hosted on
21.3. The configure phase
21.3.1. Shared libraries - libtool
21.3.2. Using libtool on GNU packages that already support libtool
21.3.3. GNU Autoconf/Automake
21.4. Programming languages
21.4.1. C, C++, and Fortran
21.4.2. Java
21.4.3. Go
21.4.4. Packages containing Perl scripts
21.4.5. Packages containing shell scripts
21.4.6. Other programming languages
21.5. The build phase
21.5.1. Compiling C and C++ code conditionally
21.5.2. How to handle compiler bugs
21.5.3. No such file or directory
21.5.4. Undefined reference to "..."
21.5.5. Running out of memory
21.6. The install phase
21.6.1. Creating needed directories
21.6.2. Where to install documentation
21.6.3. Installing highscore files
21.6.4. Adding DESTDIR support to packages
21.6.5. Packages with hardcoded paths to other interpreters
21.6.6. Packages installing Perl modules
21.6.7. Packages installing info files
21.6.8. Packages installing man pages
21.6.9. Packages installing X11 fonts
21.6.10. Packages installing SGML or XML data
21.6.11. Packages installing extensions to the MIME database
21.6.12. Packages using intltool
21.6.13. Packages installing startup scripts
21.6.14. Packages installing TeX modules
21.6.15. Packages supporting running binaries in emulation
21.6.16. Packages installing hicolor icons
21.6.17. Packages installing desktop files
21.7. Marking packages as having problems
21.1. General operation
One appealing feature of pkgsrc is that it runs on many different platforms. As
a result, it is important to ensure, where possible, that packages in pkgsrc
are portable. This chapter mentions some particular details you should pay
attention to while working on pkgsrc.
21.1.1. How to pull in user-settable variables from mk.conf
The pkgsrc user can configure pkgsrc by overriding several variables in the
file pointed to by MAKECONF, which is mk.conf by default. When you want to use
those variables in the preprocessor directives of make(1) (for example .if or
.for), you need to include the file ../../mk/ before, which in turn
loads the user preferences.
But note that some variables may not be completely defined after ../../mk/ has been included, as they may contain references to variables
that are not yet defined. In shell commands (the lines in Makefile that are
indented with a tab) this is no problem, since variables are only expanded when
they are used. But in the preprocessor directives mentioned above and in
dependency lines (of the form target: dependencies) the variables are expanded
at load time.
To check whether a variable can be used at load time, run pkglint -Wall on your
21.1.2. User interaction
Occasionally, packages require interaction from the user, and this can be in a
number of ways:
* When fetching the distfiles, some packages require user interaction such as
entering username/password or accepting a license on a web page.
* When extracting the distfiles, some packages may ask for passwords.
* help to configure the package before it is built
* help during the build process
* help during the installation of a package
A package can set the INTERACTIVE_STAGE variable to define which stages need
interaction. This should be done in the package's Makefile, e.g.:
INTERACTIVE_STAGE= configure install
The user can then decide to skip this package by setting the BATCH variable.
Packages that require interaction are also excluded from bulk builds.
21.1.3. Handling licenses
Authors of software can choose the licence under which software can be copied.
The Free Software Foundation has declared some licenses "Free", and the Open
Source Initiative has a definition of "Open Source".
By default, pkgsrc allows packages with Free or Open Source licenses to be
built. To allow packages with other licenses to be built as well, the pkgsrc
user needs to add these licenses to the ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES variable in mk.conf
. Note that this variable only affects which packages may be built, while the
license terms often also restrict the actual use of the package and its
One might want to only install packages with a BSD license, or the GPL, and not
the other. The free licenses are added to the default ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES
variable. The pkgsrc user can override the default by setting the
ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES variable with "=" instead of "+=". The licenses accepted by
default are defined in the DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES variable in the file
The license tag mechanism is intended to address copyright-related issues
surrounding building, installing and using a package, and not to address
redistribution issues (see RESTRICTED and NO_SRC_ON_FTP, etc.). Packages with
redistribution restrictions should set these tags.
Denoting that a package may be copied according to a particular license is done
by placing the license in pkgsrc/licenses and setting the LICENSE variable to a
string identifying the license, e.g. in graphics/xv:
LICENSE= xv-license
When trying to build, the user will get a notice that the package is covered by
a license which has not been placed in the ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES variable:
% make
===> xv-3.10anb9 has an unacceptable license: xv-license.
===> To view the license, enter "/usr/bin/make show-license".
===> To indicate acceptance, add this line to your /etc/mk.conf:
===> ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+=xv-license
*** Error code 1
The license can be viewed with make show-license, and if the user so chooses,
the line printed above can be added to mk.conf to convey to pkgsrc that it
should not in the future fail because of that license:
The use of LICENSE=shareware, LICENSE=no-commercial-use, and similar language
is deprecated because it does not crisply refer to a particular license text.
Another problem with such usage is that it does not enable a user to tell
pkgsrc to proceed for a single package without also telling pkgsrc to proceed
for all packages with that tag. Adding a package with a new license
When adding a package with a new license, the following steps are required:
1. Check whether the license qualifies as Free or Open Source by referencing
Various Licenses and Comments about Them and Licenses by Name | Open Source
Initiative. If this is the case, the filename in pkgsrc/licenses/ does not
need the -license suffix, and the license name should be added to:
+ default_acceptable_licenses in pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/
2. The license text should be added to pkgsrc/licenses for displaying. A list
of known licenses can be seen in this directory. Change to the license
When the license changes (in a way other than formatting), make sure that the
new license has a different name (e.g., append the version number if it exists,
or the date). Just because a user told pkgsrc to build programs under a
previous version of a license does not mean that pkgsrc should build programs
under the new licenses. The higher-level point is that pkgsrc does not evaluate
licenses for reasonableness; the only test is a mechanistic test of whether a
particular text has been approved by either of two bodies (FSF or OSI).
21.1.4. Restricted packages
Some licenses restrict how software may be re-distributed. By declaring the
restrictions, package tools can automatically refrain from e.g. placing binary
packages on FTP sites.
There are four possible restrictions, which are the cross product of sources
(distfiles) and binaries not being placed on FTP sites and CD-ROMs. Because
this is rarely the exact language in any license, and because non-Free licenses
tend to be different from each other, pkgsrc adopts a definition of FTP and
CD-ROM. "FTP" means making the source or binary file available over the
Internet at no charge. "CD-ROM" means making the source or binary available on
some kind of media, together with other source and binary packages, which is
sold for a distribution charge.
In order to encode these restrictions, the package system defines five make
variables that can be set to note these restrictions:
This variable should be set whenever a restriction exists (regardless of
its kind). Set this variable to a string containing the reason for the
restriction. It should be understood that those wanting to understand the
restriction will have to read the license, and perhaps seek advice of
Binaries may not be placed on CD-ROM containing other binary packages, for
which a distribution charge may be made. In this case, set this variable to
Binaries may not made available on the Internet without charge. In this
case, set this variable to ${RESTRICTED}. If this variable is set, binary
packages will not be included on
Distfiles may not be placed on CD-ROM, together with other distfiles, for
which a fee may be charged. In this case, set this variable to $
Distfiles may not made available via FTP at no charge. In this case, set
this variable to ${RESTRICTED}. If this variable is set, the distfile(s)
will not be mirrored on
Please note that packages will be removed from pkgsrc when the distfiles are
not distributable and cannot be obtained for a period of one full quarter
branch. Packages with manual/interactive fetch must have a maintainer and it is
his/her responsibility to ensure this.
21.1.5. Handling dependencies
Your package may depend on some other package being present, and there are
various ways of expressing this dependency. pkgsrc supports the DEPENDS,
definition, as well as dependencies via, which is the preferred
way to handle dependencies, and which uses the variables named above. See
Chapter 18, Buildlink methodology for more information.
The basic difference is that the DEPENDS definition registers that
pre-requisite in the binary package so it will be pulled in when the binary
package is later installed, whilst the BUILD_DEPENDS, TOOL_DEPENDS, and
TEST_DEPENDS definitions do not, marking a dependency that is only needed for
building or testing the resulting package. See also Chapter 14, Creating a new
pkgsrc package from scratch for more information.
This means that if you only need a package present whilst you are building or
testing, it should be noted as a TOOL_DEPENDS, BUILD_DEPENDS, or TEST_DEPENDS.
When cross-compiling, TOOL_DEPENDS are native packages, i.e. packages for the
architecture where the package is built; BUILD_DEPENDS are target packages,
i.e., packages for the architecture for which the package is built.
definition is:
Please note that the "pre-req-package-name" may include any of the wildcard
version numbers recognized by pkg_info(1).
1. If your package needs another package's binaries or libraries to build and
run, and if that package has a file available, use it:
.include "../../graphics/jpeg/"
2. If your package needs another package's binaries or libraries only for
building, and if that package has a file available, use it:
.include "../../graphics/jpeg/"
but set BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.jpeg?=build to make it a build dependency only.
This case is rather rare.
3. If your package needs binaries from another package to build, use the
TOOL_DEPENDS definition:
TOOL_DEPENDS+= itstool-[0-9]*:../../textproc/itstool
4. If your package needs static libraries to link against, header files to
include, etc. from another package to build, use the BUILD_DEPENDS
5. If your package needs a library with which to link and there is no file available, create one. Using DEPENDS won't be sufficient
because the include files and libraries will be hidden from the compiler.
6. If your package needs some executable to be able to run correctly and if
there's no file, this is specified using the DEPENDS
variable. The print/lyx package needs to be able to execute the latex
binary from the tex-latex-bin package when it runs, and that is specified:
DEPENDS+= tex-latex-bin-[0-9]*:../../print/tex-latex-bin
7. If your package includes a test suite that has extra dependencies only
required for this purpose (frequently this can be run as a "make test"
target), use the TEST_DEPENDS variable.
8. You can use wildcards in package dependencies. Note that such wildcard
dependencies are retained when creating binary packages. The dependency is
checked when installing the binary package and any package which matches
the pattern will be used. Wildcard dependencies should be used with care.
The "-[0-9]*" should be used instead of "-*" to avoid potentially ambiguous
matches such as "tk-postgresql" matching a "tk-*" DEPENDS.
Wildcards can also be used to specify that a package will only build
against a certain minimum version of a pre-requisite:
DEPENDS+= ImageMagick>=6.0:../../graphics/ImageMagick
This means that the package will build using version 6.0 of ImageMagick or
newer. Such a dependency may be warranted if, for example, the command line
options of an executable have changed.
If you need to depend on minimum versions of libraries, set
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.pkg to the appropriate pattern before including its file, e.g.
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.jpeg+= jpeg>=9.0
.include "../../graphics/jpeg/"
For security fixes, please update the package vulnerabilities file. See
Section 21.1.9, "Handling packages with security problems" for more
If your package needs files from another package to build, add the relevant
distribution files to DISTFILES, so they will be extracted automatically. See
the print/ghostscript package for an example. (It relies on the jpeg sources
being present in source form during the build.)
21.1.6. Handling conflicts with other packages
Your package may conflict with other packages a user might already have
installed on his system, e.g. if your package installs the same set of files as
another package in the pkgsrc tree or has the same PKGNAME.
For example, x11/libXaw3d and x11/Xaw-Xpm install the same shared library, thus
you set in pkgsrc/x11/libXaw3d/Makefile:
CONFLICTS= Xaw-Xpm-[0-9]*
and in pkgsrc/x11/Xaw-Xpm/Makefile:
CONFLICTS= libXaw3d-[0-9]*
pkg_add(1) is able to detect attempts to install packages that conflict with
existing packages and abort. However, in many situations this is too late in
the process. Binary package managers will not know about the conflict until
they attempt to install the package after already downloading it and all its
dependencies. Users may also waste time building a package and its dependencies
only to find out at the end that it conflicts with another package they have
To avoid these issues CONFLICTS entries should be added in all cases where it
is known that packages conflict with each other. These CONFLICTS entries are
exported in pkg_summary(5) files and consumed by binary package managers to
inform users that packages cannot be installed onto the target system.
21.1.7. Packages that cannot or should not be built
There are several reasons why a package might be instructed to not build under
certain circumstances. If the package builds and runs on most platforms, the
exceptions should be noted with BROKEN_ON_PLATFORM. If the package builds and
runs on a small handful of platforms, set BROKEN_EXCEPT_ON_PLATFORM instead.
(OS-version-platform) that can use glob-style wildcards.
If a package is not appropriate for some platforms (as opposed to merely
broken), a different set of variables should be used as this affects failure
reporting and statistics. If the package is appropriate for most platforms, the
exceptions should be noted with NOT_FOR_PLATFORM. If the package is appropriate
for only a small handful of platforms (often exactly one), set
triples (OS-version-platform) that can use glob-style wildcards.
Some packages are tightly bound to a specific version of an operating system,
e.g. LKMs or sysutils/lsof. Such binary packages are not backwards compatible
with other versions of the OS, and should be uploaded to a version specific
directory on the FTP server. Mark these packages by setting OSVERSION_SPECIFIC
to "yes". This variable is not currently used by any of the package system
internals, but may be used in the future.
If the package should be skipped (for example, because it provides
functionality already provided by the system), set PKG_SKIP_REASON to a
descriptive message. If the package should fail because some preconditions are
not met, set PKG_FAIL_REASON to a descriptive message.
21.1.8. Packages which should not be deleted, once installed
To ensure that a package may not be deleted, once it has been installed, the
PKG_PRESERVE definition should be set in the package Makefile. This will be
carried into any binary package that is made from this pkgsrc entry. A "
preserved" package will not be deleted using pkg_delete(1) unless the "-f"
option is used.
21.1.9. Handling packages with security problems
When a vulnerability is found, this should be noted in localsrc/security/
advisories/pkg-vulnerabilities. Entries in that file consist of three parts:
* package version pattern
* type of vulnerability (please cut'n'paste an existing one where possible)
* URL providing additional information about the issue
For the package version pattern please always use `<' to mark an upper bound
(not `<='!). This will avoid possible problems due unrelated PKGREVISION bumps
not related to security fixes. Lower bounds can be added too, using '>' or '>=
'. For example, "foo>=1<1.2" would mark versions 1.0 (included) to 1.2
(excluded) of "foo" as affected by the security issue.
Entries should always be added at the bottom of the file.
When fixing packages, please modify the upper bound of the corresponding entry.
To continue the previous example, if a fix was backported to version 1.1nb2,
change the previous pattern to "foo>=1<1.1nb2".
To locally test a package version pattern against a PKGNAME you can use the
pkg_admin pmatch command.
The URL should be as permanent as possible and provide as much information
about the issue as possible. CVE entries are preferred.
After committing that file, ask to update the file
After fixing the vulnerability by a patch, its PKGREVISION should be increased
(this is of course not necessary if the problem is fixed by using a newer
release of the software), and the pattern in the pkg-vulnerabilities file must
be updated.
Also, if the fix should be applied to the stable pkgsrc branch, be sure to
submit a pullup request!
Binary packages already on will be handled semi-automatically by
a weekly cron job.
In case a security issue is disputed, please contact
21.1.10. How to handle incrementing versions when fixing an existing package
When making fixes to an existing package it can be useful to change the version
number in PKGNAME. To avoid conflicting with future versions by the original
author, a "nb1", "nb2", ... suffix can be used on package versions by setting
PKGREVISION=1 (2, ...). The "nb" is treated like a "." by the package tools.
DISTNAME= foo-17.42
will result in a PKGNAME of "foo-17.42nb9". If you want to use the original
value of PKGNAME without the "nbX" suffix, e.g. for setting DIST_SUBDIR, use
When a new release of the package is released, the PKGREVISION should be
removed, e.g. on a new minor release of the above package, things should be
DISTNAME= foo-17.43
PKGREVISION should be incremented for any non-trivial change in the resulting
binary package. Without a PKGREVISION bump, someone with the previous version
installed has no way of knowing that their package is out of date. Thus,
changes without increasing PKGREVISION are essentially labeled "this is so
trivial that no reasonable person would want to upgrade", and this is the rough
test for when increasing PKGREVISION is appropriate. Examples of changes that
do not merit increasing PKGREVISION are:
* Changing HOMEPAGE, MAINTAINER, OWNER, or comments in Makefile.
* Changing build variables if the resulting binary package is the same.
* Changing DESCR.
* Adding PKG_OPTIONS if the default options don't change.
Examples of changes that do merit an increase to PKGREVISION include:
* Security fixes
* Changes or additions to a patch file
* Changes to the PLIST
* A dependency is changed or renamed.
PKGREVISION must also be incremented when dependencies have ABI changes.
21.1.11. Substituting variable text in the package files (the SUBST framework)
When you want to replace the same text in multiple files, or multiple times in
the same file, it is cumbersome to maintain a patch file for this. This is
where the SUBST framework steps in. It provides an easy-to-use interface for
replacing text in files. It just needs the following information:
* In which phase of the package build cycle should the replacement happen?
* In which files should the replacement happen?
* Which text should be replaced with what?
This information is encoded in a block of SUBST variables. A minimal example
SUBST_STAGE.paths= pre-configure
SUBST_FILES.paths= src/*.c
SUBST_SED.paths= -e 's,/usr/local,${PREFIX},g'
Translated into English, it means: In the pre-configure stage (that is, after
applying the patches from the patches/ directory and before running the
configure script and the portability check), replace the text /usr/local with
the content of the variable PREFIX.
Each SUBST block starts by appending an identifier to SUBST_CLASSES (note the +
=). This identifier can be chosen freely by the package. If there should ever
be duplicate identifiers, the pkgsrc infrastructure will catch this and fail
early, so don't worry about name collisions.
Except for SUBST_CLASSES, all variables in a SUBST block are parameterized
using this identifier. In the remainder of this section, these parameterized
variables are written as SUBST_STAGE.*.
SUBST_STAGE.paths= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.paths= Fixing absolute paths.
SUBST_FILES.paths= src/*.c
SUBST_FILES.paths+= scripts/*.sh
SUBST_SED.paths= -e 's,"/usr/local,"${PREFIX},g'
SUBST_SED.paths+= -e 's,"/var/log,"${VARBASE}/log,g'
To get a complete picture about the SUBST substitutions, run bmake
show-all-subst. If something doesn't work as expected, run pkglint on the
package, which detects several typical mistakes surrounding the SUBST blocks.
For any questions that might remain after this, have a look at mk/ Choosing the time where the substitutions happen
The SUBST_STAGE.* is one of {pre,do,post}-
{extract,patch,configure,build,test,install}. Of these, pre-configure is used
most often, by far. The most popular stages are, in chronological order:
The substitutions are applied immediately after the distfiles are
extracted. Running bmake extract on the package will leave no traces of the
original files.
When the substitution applies to files for which there is also a patch in
the patches/ directory, this means that the patches will be computed based
on the result of the substitution. When these patches are sent to the
upstream maintainer later, to be fixed in the upstream package, these
patches may no longer match what the upstream author is used to. Because of
this, pre-configure is often a better choice.
The substitutions are applied after the patches from the patches/
directory. This makes it possible to run bmake patch on the package, after
which the patches can be edited using the tools pkgvi and mkpatches from
the pkgtools/pkgdiff package.
When updating the patches, it is helpful to explicitly separate the bmake
patch from the bmake configure, and to only edit the patches between these
commands. Otherwise the substitutions from the SUBST block will end up in
the patch file. When this happens in really obvious ways, pkglint will
complain about patches that contain a hard-coded /usr/pkg instead of the
correct and intended @PREFIX@, but it can only detect these really obvious
This stage should only be used if the package defines a pre-configure
action itself, and the substitution must happen after that. Typical
examples are packages that use the pre-configure stage to regenerate the
GNU configure script from
This stage is used to fix up any mistakes by the configure stage.
This stage should only be used for substitutions that are clearly related
to building the package, not for fixing the configuration. Substitutions
for pathnames (such as replacing /usr/local with ${PREFIX}) or user names
(such as replacing @MY_USER@ with the actual username) belong in
pre-configure or post-configure instead.
Just as with pre-build, this stage should only be used for substitutions
that are clearly related to building the package, not for fixing the
configuration. Substitutions for pathnames (such as replacing /usr/local
with ${PREFIX}) or user names (such as replacing @MY_USER@ with the actual
username) belong in pre-configure or post-configure instead.
A typical use is to update pkg-config files to include the rpath compiler
In general, the install phase should be as simple as possible. As with the
pre-build and post-build stages, it should not be used to fix pathnames or
user names, these belong in pre-configure instead. There are only few
legitimate use cases for applying substitutions in this stage. Choosing the files where the substitutions happen
The SUBST_FILES.* variable contains a list of filename patterns. These patterns
are relative to WRKSRC since that is where most substitutions happen. A typical
example is:
SUBST_FILES.path= Makefile */Makefile */*/Makefile *.[ch]
The above patterns, especially the last, are quite broad. The SUBST
implementation checks that each filename pattern that is mentioned here has an
effect. For example, if none of the */*/Makefile files contains the patterns to
be found and substituted, that filename pattern is redundant and should be left
out. By default, the SUBST framework will complain with an error message. If
the text to be substituted occurs in some of the files from a single pattern,
but not in all of them, that is totally ok, and the SUBST framework will only
print an INFO message for those files.
If there is a good reason for having redundant filename patterns, set
SUBST_NOOP_OK.* to yes.
Another popular way of choosing the files for the substitutions is via a shell
command, like this:
C_FILES_CMD= cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} . -name '*.c'
The variable name C_FILES_CMD in this example is freely chosen and independent
of the SUBST framework.
In this variant, the SUBST_FILES.* variable lists each file individually.
Thereby chances are higher that there are filename patterns in which no
substitution happens. Since the SUBST framework cannot know whether the
filename patterns in SUBST_FILES.* have been explicitly listed in the Makefile
(where any redundant filename pattern would be suspicious) or been generated by
a shell command (in which redundant filename patterns are more likely and to be
expected), it will complain about these redundant filename patterns. Therefore,
SUBST blocks that use a shell command to generate the list of filename patterns
often need to set SUBST_NOOP_OK.* to yes. Choosing what to substitute
In most cases, the substitutions are given using one or more sed(1) commands,
like this:
SUBST_SED.path= -e 's|/usr/local|${PREFIX}|g'
Each of the sed commands needs to be preceded by the -e option and should be
specified on a line of its own, to avoid hiding short sed commands at the end
of a line.
Since the sed commands often contain shell metacharacters as the separator (the
| in the above example), it is common to enclose them in single quotes.
A common substitution is to replace placeholders of the form @VARNAME@ with
their pkgsrc counterpart variable ${VARNAME}. A typical example is:
This type of substitutions is typically done by the GNU configure scripts
during the do-configure stage, but in some cases these need to be overridden.
The same pattern is also used when a package defines patches that replace
previously hard-coded paths like /usr/local with a @PREFIX@ placeholder first,
which then gets substituted by the actual ${PREFIX} in the pre-configure stage.
In many of these cases, it works equally well to just use the SUBST framework
to directly replace /usr/local with ${PREFIX}, thereby omitting the
intermediate patch file.
If the above is not flexible enough, it is possible to not use sed at all for
the substitution but to specify an entirely different command, like this:
SUBST_FILTER_CMD.path= LC_ALL=C ${TR} -d '\r'
This is used for the few remaining packages in which the distributed files use
Windows-style line endings that need to be converted to UNIX-style line
endings. Other SUBST variables
When a SUBST block is applied during a package build, a message is logged. The
default message is fine for most purposes but can be overridden by setting
SUBST_MESSAGE.* to an individual message.
21.2. The fetch phase
21.2.1. Packages whose distfiles aren't available for plain downloading
If you need to download from a dynamic URL you can set DYNAMIC_MASTER_SITES and
a make fetch will call files/ with the name of each file to download
as an argument, expecting it to output the URL of the directory from which to
download it. graphics/ns-cult3d is an example of this usage.
If the download can't be automated, because the user must submit personal
information to apply for a password, or must pay for the source, or whatever,
you can set FETCH_MESSAGE to a list of lines that are displayed to the user
before aborting the build. Example:
FETCH_MESSAGE= "Please download the files"
FETCH_MESSAGE+= "manually from "${MASTER_SITES:Q}"."
21.2.2. How to handle modified distfiles with the 'old' name
Sometimes authors of a software package make some modifications after the
software was released, and they put up a new distfile without changing the
package's version number. If a package is already in pkgsrc at that time, the
checksum will no longer match. The contents of the new distfile should be
compared against the old one before changing anything, to make sure the
distfile was really updated on purpose, and that no trojan horse or so crept
in. Please mention that the distfiles were compared and what was found in your
commit message.
Then, the correct way to work around this is to set DIST_SUBDIR to a unique
directory name, usually based on PKGNAME_NOREV (but take care with python or
ruby packages, where PKGNAME includes a variable prefix). All DISTFILES and
PATCHFILES for this package will be put in that subdirectory of the local
distfiles directory. (See Section 21.1.10, "How to handle incrementing versions
when fixing an existing package" for more details.) In case this happens more
often, PKGNAME can be used (thus including the nbX suffix) or a date stamp can
be appended, like ${PKGNAME_NOREV}-YYYYMMDD.
DIST_SUBDIR is also used when a distfile's name does not contain a version and
the distfile is apt to change. In cases where the likelihood of this is very
small, DIST_SUBDIR might not be required. Additionally, DIST_SUBDIR must not be
removed unless the distfile name changes, even if a package is being moved or
Do not forget regenerating the distinfo file after that, since it contains the
DIST_SUBDIR path in the filenames. Also, increase the PKGREVISION if the
installed package is different. Furthermore, a mail to the package's authors
seems appropriate telling them that changing distfiles after releases without
changing the file names is not good practice.
21.2.3. Packages hosted on
Helper methods exist for packages hosted on which will often have
distfile names that clash with other packages, for example 1.0.tar.gz. Use one
of the three recipes from below: Fetch based on a tagged release
If your distfile URL looks similar to
archive/, then you are packaging a tagged release.
DISTNAME= example-1.0
#GITHUB_PROJECT= example # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
EXTRACT_SUFX= .zip Fetch based on a specific commit before the first release
If your distfile looks similar to
988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11 and is from a commit before the first
release, then set the package version to 0.0.0.N, where N is the number of
commits to the repository, and set GITHUB_TAG to the commit hash. This will
(almost) ensure that the first tagged release will have a version greater than
this one so that package upgrades will function properly.
DISTNAME= example-
#GITHUB_PROJECT= example # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
GITHUB_TAG= 988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11 Fetch based on a specific commit after a release
If your distfile looks similar to
988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11 and is from a commit after a release,
then include the last release version and the commit count since that release
in the package version and set GITHUB_TAG to the commit hash. The latest
release and commit count are shown in the output of "git describe --tags":
# git clone
# cd example
# git describe --tags
DISTNAME= example-
#GITHUB_PROJECT= example # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
GITHUB_TAG= 988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11 Fetch based on release
If your distfile URL looks similar to
releases/download/rel-1.6/, then you are packaging a release.
DISTNAME= offensive-1.6
PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME:S/offensive/proper/}
GITHUB_RELEASE= rel-${PKGVERSION_NOREV} # usually just set this to ${DISTNAME}
21.3. The configure phase
21.3.1. Shared libraries - libtool
pkgsrc supports many different machines, with different object formats like
a.out and ELF, and varying abilities to do shared library and dynamic loading
at all. To accompany this, varying commands and options have to be passed to
the compiler, linker, etc. to get the Right Thing, which can be pretty annoying
especially if you don't have all the machines at your hand to test things. The
devel/libtool pkg can help here, as it just "knows" how to build both static
and dynamic libraries from a set of source files, thus being
Here's how to use libtool in a package in seven simple steps:
1. Add USE_LIBTOOL=yes to the package Makefile.
2. For library objects, use "${LIBTOOL} --mode=compile ${CC}" in place of "$
{CC}". You could even add it to the definition of CC, if only libraries are
being built in a given Makefile. This one command will build both PIC and
non-PIC library objects, so you need not have separate shared and
non-shared library rules.
3. For the linking of the library, remove any "ar", "ranlib", and "ld
-Bshareable" commands, and instead use:
${LIBTOOL} --mode=link \
${CC} -o ${} \
${OBJS:.o=.lo} \
-rpath ${PREFIX}/lib \
-version-info major:minor
Note that the library is changed to have a .la extension, and the objects
are changed to have a .lo extension. Change OBJS as necessary. This
automatically creates all of the .a, .so.major.minor, and ELF symlinks (if
necessary) in the build directory. Be sure to include "-version-info",
especially when major and minor are zero, as libtool will otherwise strip
off the shared library version.
From the libtool manual:
So, libtool library versions are described by three integers:
The most recent interface number that this library implements.
The implementation number of the CURRENT interface.
The difference between the newest and oldest interfaces that
this library implements. In other words, the library implements
all the interface numbers in the range from number `CURRENT -
If two libraries have identical CURRENT and AGE numbers, then the
dynamic linker chooses the library with the greater REVISION number.
The "-release" option will produce different results for a.out and ELF
(excluding symlinks) in only one case. An ELF library of the form "" will have a symlink of "" on an a.out
platform. This is handled automatically.
The "-rpath argument" is the install directory of the library being built.
In the PLIST, include only the .la file, the other files will be added
4. When linking shared object (.so) files, i.e. files that are loaded via
dlopen(3), NOT shared libraries, use "-module -avoid-version" to prevent
them getting version tacked on.
The PLIST file gets the entry.
5. When linking programs that depend on these libraries before they are
installed, preface the cc(1) or ld(1) line with "${LIBTOOL} --mode=link",
and it will find the correct libraries (static or shared), but please be
aware that libtool will not allow you to specify a relative path in -L
(such as "-L../somelib"), because it expects you to change that argument to
be the .la file. e.g.
${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o someprog -L../somelib -lsomelib
should be changed to:
${LIBTOOL} --mode=link ${CC} -o someprog ../somelib/
and it will do the right thing with the libraries.
6. When installing libraries, preface the install(1) or cp(1) command with "$
{LIBTOOL} --mode=install", and change the library name to .la. e.g.
${LIBTOOL} --mode=install ${BSD_INSTALL_LIB} ${} ${PREFIX}/lib
This will install the static .a, shared library, any needed symlinks, and
run ldconfig(8).
7. In your PLIST, include only the .la file (this is a change from previous
21.3.2. Using libtool on GNU packages that already support libtool
Add USE_LIBTOOL=yes to the package Makefile. This will override the package's
own libtool in most cases. For older libtool using packages, libtool is made by
ltconfig script during the do-configure step; you can check the libtool script
location by doing make configure; find work*/ -name libtool.
LIBTOOL_OVERRIDE specifies which libtool scripts, relative to WRKSRC, to
override. By default, it is set to "libtool */libtool */*/libtool". If this
does not match the location of the package's libtool script(s), set it as
If you do not need *.a static libraries built and installed, then use
If your package makes use of the platform-independent library for loading
dynamic shared objects, that comes with libtool (libltdl), you should include
Some packages use libtool incorrectly so that the package may not work or build
in some circumstances. Some of the more common errors are:
* The inclusion of a shared object (-module) as a dependent library in an
executable or library. This in itself isn't a problem if one of two things
has been done:
1. The shared object is named correctly, i.e., not
2. The -dlopen option is used when linking an executable.
* The use of libltdl without the correct calls to initialisation routines.
The function lt_dlinit() should be called and the macro
LTDL_SET_PRELOADED_SYMBOLS included in executables.
21.3.3. GNU Autoconf/Automake
If a package needs GNU autoconf or automake to be executed to regenerate the
configure script and makefile templates, then they should be
executed in a pre-configure target.
For packages that need only autoconf:
AUTOCONF_REQD= 2.50 # if default version is not good enough
USE_TOOLS+= autoconf # use "autoconf213" for autoconf-2.13
cd ${WRKSRC} && autoconf
and for packages that need automake and autoconf:
AUTOMAKE_REQD= 1.7.1 # if default version is not good enough
USE_TOOLS+= automake # use "automake14" for automake-1.4
set -e; cd ${WRKSRC}; \
aclocal; autoheader; automake -a --foreign -i; autoconf
Packages which use GNU Automake will almost certainly require GNU Make.
There are times when the configure process makes additional changes to the
generated files, which then causes the build process to try to re-execute the
automake sequence. This is prevented by touching various files in the configure
stage. If this causes problems with your package you can set AUTOMAKE_OVERRIDE=
NO in the package Makefile.
21.4. Programming languages
21.4.1. C, C++, and Fortran
Compilers for the C, C++, and Fortran languages comes with the NetBSD base
system. By default, pkgsrc assumes that a package is written in C and will hide
all other compilers (via the wrapper framework, see Chapter 18, Buildlink
To declare which language's compiler a package needs, set the USE_LANGUAGES
variable. Allowed values currently are "c", "c++", and "fortran" (and any
combination). The default is "c". Packages using GNU configure scripts, even if
written in C++, usually need a C compiler for the configure phase.
21.4.2. Java
If a program is written in Java, use the Java framework in pkgsrc. The package
must include ../../mk/ This Makefile fragment provides the following
* USE_JAVA defines if a build dependency on the JDK is added. If USE_JAVA is
set to "run", then there is only a runtime dependency on the JDK. The
default is "yes", which also adds a build dependency on the JDK.
* Set USE_JAVA2 to declare that a package needs a Java2 implementation. The
supported values are "yes", "1.4", and "1.5". "yes" accepts any Java2
implementation, "1.4" insists on versions 1.4 or above, and "1.5" only
accepts versions 1.5 or above. This variable is not set by default.
* PKG_JAVA_HOME is automatically set to the runtime location of the used Java
implementation dependency. It may be used to set JAVA_HOME to a good value
if the program needs this variable to be defined.
21.4.3. Go
If a program is written in Go and has any dependencies on other Go modules,
have the package include ../../lang/go/
1. Generate a list of those dependencies with make clean && make patch && make
show-go-modules >
2. Prepend
to any other
3. Incorporate these modules in distinfo with make makesum.
21.4.4. Packages containing Perl scripts
If your package contains interpreted Perl scripts, add "perl" to the USE_TOOLS
variable and set REPLACE_PERL to ensure that the proper interpreter path is
set. REPLACE_PERL should contain a list of scripts, relative to WRKSRC, that
you want adjusted. Every occurrence of */bin/perl in a she-bang line will be
replaced with the full path to the perl executable.
If a particular version of perl is needed, set the PERL5_REQD variable to the
version number. The default is "5.0".
See Section 21.6.6, "Packages installing Perl modules" for information about
handling perl modules.
21.4.5. Packages containing shell scripts
shell hash bangs in files. Please use the appropriate one, preferring
REPLACE_SH in case this shell is sufficient. Each should contain a list of
scripts, relative to WRKSRC, that you want adjusted. Every occurrence of the
matching shell in a she-bang line will be replaced with the full path to the
shell executable. When using REPLACE_BASH, don't forget to add bash to
21.4.6. Other programming languages
Currently, there is no special handling for other languages in pkgsrc. If a
compiler package provides a file, include that, otherwise just
add a (build) dependency on the appropriate compiler package.
21.5. The build phase
The most common failures when building a package are that some platforms do not
provide certain header files, functions or libraries, or they provide the
functions in a library that the original package author didn't know. To work
around this, you can rewrite the source code in most cases so that it does not
use the missing functions or provides a replacement function.
21.5.1. Compiling C and C++ code conditionally
If a package already comes with a GNU configure script, the preferred way to
fix the build failure is to change the configure script, not the code. In the
other cases, you can utilize the C preprocessor, which defines certain macros
depending on the operating system and hardware architecture it compiles for.
These macros can be queried using for example #if defined(__i386). Almost every
operating system, hardware architecture and compiler has its own macro. For
example, if the macros __GNUC__, __i386__ and __NetBSD__ are all defined, you
know that you are using NetBSD on an i386 compatible CPU, and your compiler is
The list of the following macros for hardware and operating system depends on
the compiler that is used. For example, if you want to conditionally compile
code on Solaris, don't use __sun__, as the SunPro compiler does not define it.
Use __sun instead. C preprocessor macros to identify the operating system
To distinguish between 4.4 BSD-derived systems and the rest of the world, you
should use the following code.
#include <sys/param.h>
#if (defined(BSD) && BSD >= 199306)
/* BSD-specific code goes here */
/* non-BSD-specific code goes here */
If this distinction is not fine enough, you can also test for the following
Cygwin __CYGWIN__
DragonFly __DragonFly__
FreeBSD __FreeBSD__
Haiku __HAIKU__
Interix __INTERIX
IRIX __sgi (TODO: get a definite source for this)
Linux linux, __linux, __linux__
Mac OS X __APPLE__
MirBSD __MirBSD__ (__OpenBSD__ is also defined)
Minix3 __minix
NetBSD __NetBSD__
OpenBSD __OpenBSD__
Solaris sun, __sun C preprocessor macros to identify the hardware architecture
i386 i386, __i386, __i386__
MIPS __mips
SPARC sparc, __sparc C preprocessor macros to identify the compiler
GCC __GNUC__ (major version), __GNUC_MINOR__
MIPSpro _COMPILER_VERSION (0x741 for MIPSpro 7.41)
SunPro __SUNPRO_C (0x570 for Sun C 5.7)
SunPro C++ __SUNPRO_CC (0x580 for Sun C++ 5.8)
21.5.2. How to handle compiler bugs
Some source files trigger bugs in the compiler, based on combinations of
compiler version and architecture and almost always relation to optimisation
being enabled. Common symptoms are gcc internal errors or never finishing
compiling a file.
Typically, a workaround involves testing the MACHINE_ARCH and compiler version,
disabling optimisation for that combination of file, MACHINE_ARCH and compiler.
This used to be a big problem in the past, but is rarely needed now as compiler
technology has matured. If you still need to add a compiler specific
workaround, please do so in the file and describe the symptom and
compiler version as detailed as possible.
21.5.3. No such file or directory
Compilation sometimes fails with an error message like this:
fatal error: pango/pango.h: No such file or directory
The proper way to fix this problem depends on the type of the header, which is
described in the following sections. Headers from other packages
If the header name looks like it comes from a different package, that other
package should be included via the buildlink3 framework.
First, look whether the header is somewhere in the buildlink3 directory below
WRKDIR. In the above case of the missing Pango header:
$ find work/.buildlink/ -print | grep -F pango/pango.h
In the case of Pango, the output is:
If the pango/pango.h file were placed directly in the .buildlink directory, it
would have been found automatically. There is an extra pango-1.0 path component
though, which means that the compiler command line must contain an option of
the form -I${BUILDLINK3_PREFIX.pango}/include/pango-1.0. In most cases this
option is generated by the configure script, which can be examined using:
$ $ grep -o '[-]I[^[:space:]]*/pango[^[:space:]]*' work/*/Makefile
This looks good. These options are transformed by the buildlink wrapper to
refer to the correct path inside work/.buildlink.
Since the compilation fails though, examine the compiler command lines in work
/.work.log to see whether the -I option is included in the particular command
To further analyze the situation, run bmake build-env, which sets up an
interactive, realistic environment including all the pkgsrc wrapper commands
and environment variables. From there, try to compile some simple example
programs that use the header. Headers generated during the build
If the name of the header seems to come from the package itself, and if the
build is run with parallel jobs, the package may have some undeclared
dependencies between the .c and the .h files, and a C file is compiled before
its required header is generated.
To see whether the build runs with parallel jobs, run bmake show-all-build |
grep JOBS. Its output looks like this:
usr MAKE_JOBS= 7
pkg MAKE_JOBS_SAFE # undefined
def _MAKE_JOBS_N= 7
In this case the pkgsrc user has asked pkgsrc to build packages with 7 jobs in
parallel (MAKE_JOBS). The package could have disabled parallel builds by
setting MAKE_JOBS_SAFE to no, but in this case it hasn't.
To see whether the build failure is caused by parallel builds, first save the
exact error message and a bit of context, maybe you need it later for reporting
a bug. Next, run:
MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=no bmake clean build
If that succeeds, file a bug report against the pkgsrc package, including the
exact error message and the contents of your mk.conf file. Symlinks
Pkgsrc does not work reliably if any of LOCALBASE, VARBASE or WRKDIR contains a
symlink. Since 2019Q2, the pkgsrc bootstrap program prevents installing pkgsrc
in symlink-based directories. Existing pkgsrc installations are not checked for
symlinks though.
The "No such file or directory" error messages are a typical symptom of
symlinks, and it's quite difficult to find out that this is the actual cause. Stale working directories
When building a hierarchy of packages, it may happen that one package is built
and then pkgsrc is updated. This situation can provoke various hard to diagnose
build errors. To clean up the situation:
$ (cd ../../ && test -f mk/ && rm -rf */*/work)
(The test for just prevents running this command in the wrong
If you have set WRKOBJDIR in mk.conf, remove that directory as well. Other possible reasons
On platforms other than BSD, third-party packages are installed in /usr/
include, together with the base system. This means that pkgsrc cannot
distinguish between headers provided by the base system (which it needs) and
headers from third-party packages (which are often included in pkgsrc as well).
This can lead to subtle version mismatches.
In pkgsrc installations that have been active for several years, it may happen
that some files are manually deleted. To exclude this unlikely reason, run
pkg_admin check.
It may help to run pkg_admin rebuild-tree to check/fix dependencies.
If all of the above doesn't help, see Chapter 2, Getting help for contact
information. Be prepared to describe what you have tried so far and what any
error messages were.
21.5.4. Undefined reference to "..."
This error message often means that a package did not link to a shared library
it needs. The following functions are known to cause this error message over
and over.
| Function |Library |Affected platforms|
|accept, bind, connect |-lsocket|Solaris |
|crypt |-lcrypt |DragonFly, NetBSD |
|dlopen, dlsym |-ldl |Linux |
|gethost* |-lnsl |Solaris |
|inet_aton |-lresolv|Solaris |
|nanosleep, sem_*, timer_*|-lrt |Solaris |
|openpty |-lutil |Linux |
To fix these linker errors, it is often sufficient to say LIBS.OperatingSystem+
= -lfoo to the package Makefile and then say bmake clean; bmake. Special issue: The SunPro compiler
When you are using the SunPro compiler, there is another possibility. That
compiler cannot handle the following code:
extern int extern_func(int);
static inline int
inline_func(int x)
return extern_func(x);
int main(void)
return 0;
It generates the code for inline_func even if that function is never used. This
code then refers to extern_func, which can usually not be resolved. To solve
this problem you can try to tell the package to disable inlining of functions.
21.5.5. Running out of memory
Sometimes packages fail to build because the compiler runs into an operating
system specific soft limit. With the UNLIMIT_RESOURCES variable pkgsrc can be
told to unlimit the resources. Currently, the allowed values are any
combination of "cputime", "datasize", "memorysize", and "stacksize". Setting
this variable is similar to running the shell builtin ulimit command to raise
the maximum data segment size or maximum stack size of a process, respectively,
to their hard limits.
21.6. The install phase
21.6.1. Creating needed directories
The BSD-compatible install supplied with some operating systems cannot create
more than one directory at a time. As such, you should call ${INSTALL_*_DIR}
like this:
You can also just append "dir1 dir2" to the INSTALLATION_DIRS variable, which
will automatically do the right thing.
21.6.2. Where to install documentation
In general, documentation should be installed into ${PREFIX}/share/doc/$
{PKGBASE} or ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGNAME} (the latter includes the version
number of the package).
Many modern packages using GNU autoconf allow to set the directory where HTML
documentation is installed with the "--with-html-dir" option. Sometimes using
this flag is needed because otherwise the documentation ends up in ${PREFIX}/
share/doc/html or other places.
An exception to the above is that library API documentation generated with the
textproc/gtk-doc tools, for use by special browsers (devhelp) should be left at
their default location, which is ${PREFIX}/share/gtk-doc. Such documentation
can be recognized from files ending in .devhelp or .devhelp2. (It is also
acceptable to install such files in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGBASE} or ${PREFIX}
/share/doc/${PKGNAME}; the .devhelp* file must be directly in that directory
then, no additional subdirectory level is allowed in this case. This is usually
achieved by using "--with-html-dir=${PREFIX}/share/doc". ${PREFIX}/share/
gtk-doc is preferred though.)
21.6.3. Installing highscore files
Certain packages, most of them in the games category, install a score file that
allows all users on the system to record their highscores. In order for this to
work, the binaries need to be installed setgid and the score files owned by the
appropriate group and/or owner (traditionally the "games" user/group). Set
USE_GAMESGROUP to yes to support this. The following variables, documented in
more detail in mk/defaults/mk.conf, control this behaviour: GAMEDATAMODE,
An example that illustrates some of the variables described above is games/
moon-buggy. OWN_DIRS_PERMS is used to properly set directory permissions of the
directory where the scorefile is saved, REQD_FILES_PERMS is used to create a
dummy scorefile (mbscore) with the proper permissions and SPECIAL_PERMS is used
to install setgid the game binary:
REQD_FILES_PERMS+= /dev/null ${VARBASE}/games/moon-buggy/mbscore ${GAMEDATA_PERMS}
Various INSTALL_* variables are also available: INSTALL_GAME to install setgid
game binaries, INSTALL_GAME_DIR to install game directories that are needed to
be accessed by setgid games and INSTALL_GAME_DATA to install scorefiles.
A package should therefore never hard code file ownership or access permissions
but rely on *_PERMS as described above or alternatively on INSTALL_GAME,
INSTALL_GAME_DATA and INSTALL_GAME_DIR to set these correctly.
21.6.4. Adding DESTDIR support to packages
DESTDIR support means that a package installs into a staging directory, not the
final location of the files. Then a binary package is created which can be used
for installation as usual. There are two ways: Either the package must install
as root ("destdir") or the package can install as non-root user ("user-destdir"
* PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT has to be set to "destdir" or "user-destdir". By
default PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT is set to "user-destdir" to help catching more
potential packaging problems. If is included in the Makefile,
PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT needs to be set before the inclusion.
* All installation operations have to be prefixed with ${DESTDIR}.
* automake gets this DESTDIR mostly right automatically. Many manual rules
and pre/post-install often are incorrect; fix them.
* If files are installed with special owner/group use SPECIAL_PERMS.
* In general, packages should support UNPRIVILEGED to be able to use DESTDIR.
21.6.5. Packages with hardcoded paths to other interpreters
Your package may also contain scripts with hardcoded paths to other
interpreters besides (or as well as) Perl. To correct the full pathname to the
script interpreter, you need to set the following definitions in your Makefile
(we shall use tclsh in this example):
REPLACE.tcl.old= .*/bin/tclsh ${PREFIX}/bin/tclsh
REPLACE_FILES.tcl= # list of tcl scripts which need to be fixed,
# relative to ${WRKSRC}, just as in REPLACE_PERL
Before March 2006, these variables were called _REPLACE.* and _REPLACE_FILES.*.
21.6.6. Packages installing Perl modules
Makefiles of packages providing perl5 modules should include the Makefile
fragment ../../lang/perl5/ It provides a do-configure target for the
standard perl configuration for such modules as well as various hooks to tune
this configuration. See comments in this file for details.
Perl5 modules will install into different places depending on the version of
perl used during the build process. To address this, pkgsrc will append lines
to the PLIST corresponding to the files listed in the installed .packlist file
generated by most perl5 modules. This is invoked by defining PERL5_PACKLIST to
a space-separated list of packlist files relative to PERL5_PACKLIST_DIR
(PERL5_INSTALLVENDORARCH by default), e.g.:
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/Pg/.packlist
The perl5 config variables installarchlib, installscript, installvendorbin,
installvendorscript, installvendorarch, installvendorlib, installvendorman1dir,
and installvendorman3dir represent those locations in which components of perl5
modules may be installed, provided as variable with uppercase and prefixed with
PERL5_, e.g. PERL5_INSTALLARCHLIB and may be used by perl5 packages that don't
have a packlist. These variables are also substituted for in the PLIST as
uppercase prefixed with PERL5_SUB_.
21.6.7. Packages installing info files
Some packages install info files or use the "makeinfo" or "install-info"
commands. INFO_FILES should be defined in the package Makefile so that INSTALL
and DEINSTALL scripts will be generated to handle registration of the info
files in the Info directory file. The "install-info" command used for the info
files registration is either provided by the system, or by a special purpose
package automatically added as dependency if needed.
PKGINFODIR is the directory under ${PREFIX} where info files are primarily
located. PKGINFODIR defaults to "info" and can be overridden by the user.
The info files for the package should be listed in the package PLIST; however
any split info files need not be listed.
A package which needs the "makeinfo" command at build time must add "makeinfo"
to USE_TOOLS in its Makefile. If a minimum version of the "makeinfo" command is
needed it should be noted with the TEXINFO_REQD variable in the package
Makefile. By default, a minimum version of 3.12 is required. If the system does
not provide a makeinfo command or if it does not match the required minimum, a
build dependency on the devel/gtexinfo package will be added automatically.
The build and installation process of the software provided by the package
should not use the install-info command as the registration of info files is
the task of the package INSTALL script, and it must use the appropriate
makeinfo command.
To achieve this goal, the pkgsrc infrastructure creates overriding scripts for
the install-info and makeinfo commands in a directory listed early in PATH.
The script overriding install-info has no effect except the logging of a
message. The script overriding makeinfo logs a message and according to the
value of TEXINFO_REQD either runs the appropriate makeinfo command or exit on
21.6.8. Packages installing man pages
All packages that install manual pages should install them into the same
directory, so that there is one common place to look for them. In pkgsrc, this
place is ${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR}, and this expression should be used in
packages. The default for PKGMANDIR is "man". Another often-used value is "
The support for a custom PKGMANDIR is far from complete.
The PLIST files can just use man/ as the top level directory for the man page
file entries, and the pkgsrc framework will convert as needed. In all other
places, the correct PKGMANDIR must be used.
Packages that are configured with GNU_CONFIGURE set as "yes", by default will
use the ./configure --mandir switch to set where the man pages should be
installed. The path is GNU_CONFIGURE_MANDIR which defaults to ${PREFIX}/$
Packages that use GNU_CONFIGURE but do not use --mandir, can set
CONFIGURE_HAS_MANDIR to "no". Or if the ./configure script uses a non-standard
use of --mandir, you can set GNU_CONFIGURE_MANDIR as needed.
See Section 19.5, "Man page compression" for information on installation of
compressed manual pages.
21.6.9. Packages installing X11 fonts
If a package installs font files, you will need to rebuild the fonts database
in the directory where they get installed at installation and deinstallation
time. This can be automatically done by using the pkginstall framework.
You can list the directories where fonts are installed in the FONTS_DIRS.type
variables, where type can be one of "ttf", "type1" or "x11". Also make sure
that the database file fonts.dir is not listed in the PLIST.
Note that you should not create new directories for fonts; instead use the
standard ones to avoid that the user needs to manually configure his X server
to find them.
21.6.10. Packages installing SGML or XML data
If a package installs SGML or XML data files that need to be registered in
system-wide catalogs (like DTDs, sub-catalogs, etc.), you need to take some
extra steps:
1. Include ../../textproc/xmlcatmgr/ in your Makefile, which takes
care of registering those files in system-wide catalogs at installation and
deinstallation time.
2. Set SGML_CATALOGS to the full path of any SGML catalogs installed by the
3. Set XML_CATALOGS to the full path of any XML catalogs installed by the
4. Set SGML_ENTRIES to individual entries to be added to the SGML catalog.
These come in groups of three strings; see xmlcatmgr(1) for more
information (specifically, arguments recognized by the 'add' action). Note
that you will normally not use this variable.
5. Set XML_ENTRIES to individual entries to be added to the XML catalog. These
come in groups of three strings; see xmlcatmgr(1) for more information
(specifically, arguments recognized by the 'add' action). Note that you
will normally not use this variable.
21.6.11. Packages installing extensions to the MIME database
If a package provides extensions to the MIME database by installing .xml files
inside ${PREFIX}/share/mime/packages, you need to take some extra steps to
ensure that the database is kept consistent with respect to these new files:
1. Include ../../databases/shared-mime-info/ (avoid using the file from this same directory, which is reserved for
inclusion from other files). It takes care of rebuilding the
MIME database at installation and deinstallation time, and disallows any
access to it directly from the package.
2. Check the PLIST and remove any entries under the share/mime directory,
except for files saved under share/mime/packages. The former are handled
automatically by the update-mime-database program, but the latter are
package-dependent and must be removed by the package that installed them in
the first place.
3. Remove any share/mime/* directories from the PLIST. They will be handled by
the shared-mime-info package.
21.6.12. Packages using intltool
If a package uses intltool during its build, add intltool to the USE_TOOLS,
which forces it to use the intltool package provided by pkgsrc, instead of the
one bundled with the distribution file.
This tracks intltool's build-time dependencies and uses the latest available
version; this way, the package benefits of any bug fixes that may have appeared
since it was released.
21.6.13. Packages installing startup scripts
If a package contains a rc.d script, it won't be copied into the startup
directory by default, but you can enable it, by adding the option
PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS=YES in mk.conf. This option will copy the scripts into /etc/
rc.d when a package is installed, and it will automatically remove the scripts
when the package is deinstalled.
21.6.14. Packages installing TeX modules
If a package installs TeX packages into the texmf tree, the ls-R database of
the tree needs to be updated.
Except the main TeX packages such as kpathsea, packages should install files
into ${PREFIX}/share/texmf-dist, not ${PREFIX}/share/texmf.
1. Include ../../print/kpathsea/ This takes care of rebuilding the
ls-R database at installation and deinstallation time.
2. If your package installs files into a texmf tree other than the one at $
{PREFIX}/share/texmf-dist, set TEX_TEXMF_DIRS to the list of all texmf
trees that need database update.
If your package also installs font map files that need to be registered
using updmap, include ../../print/tex-tetex/ and set TEX_MAP_FILES
and/or TEX_MIXEDMAP_FILES to the list of all such font map files. Then
updmap will be run automatically at installation/deinstallation to enable/
disable font map files for TeX output drivers.
3. Make sure that none of ls-R databases are included in PLIST, as they will
be removed only by the kpathsea package.
21.6.15. Packages supporting running binaries in emulation
There are some packages that provide libraries and executables for running
binaries from a one operating system on a different one (if the latter supports
it). One example is running Linux binaries on NetBSD.
The pkgtools/rpm2pkg helps in extracting and packaging Linux rpm packages.
The CHECK_SHLIBS can be set to no to avoid the check-shlibs target, which tests
if all libraries for each installed executable can be found by the dynamic
linker. Since the standard dynamic linker is run, this fails for emulation
packages, because the libraries used by the emulation are not in the standard
21.6.16. Packages installing hicolor icons
If a package installs images under the share/icons/hicolor and/or updates the
share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache database, you need to take some extra
steps to make sure that the shared theme directory is handled appropriately and
that the cache database is rebuilt:
1. Include ../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/
2. Check the PLIST and remove the entry that refers to the theme cache.
3. Ensure that the PLIST does not remove the shared icon directories from the
share/icons/hicolor hierarchy because they will be handled automatically.
The best way to verify that the PLIST is correct with respect to the last two
points is to regenerate it using make print-PLIST.
21.6.17. Packages installing desktop files
If a package installs .desktop files under share/applications and these include
MIME information (MimeType key), you need to take extra steps to ensure that
they are registered into the MIME database:
1. Include ../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/
2. Check the PLIST and remove the entry that refers to the share/applications/
mimeinfo.cache file. It will be handled automatically.
The best way to verify that the PLIST is correct with respect to the last point
is to regenerate it using make print-PLIST.
21.7. Marking packages as having problems
In some cases one does not have the time to solve a problem immediately. In
this case, one can plainly mark a package as broken. For this, one just sets
the variable BROKEN to the reason why the package is broken (similar to the
PKG_FAIL_REASON variable). A user trying to build the package will immediately
be shown this message, and the build will not be even tried.
BROKEN packages are removed from pkgsrc in irregular intervals.
Chapter 22. GNOME packaging and porting
Table of Contents
22.1. Meta packages
22.2. Packaging a GNOME application
22.3. Updating GNOME to a newer version
22.4. Patching guidelines
Quoting GNOME's web site:
The GNOME project provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an
intuitive and attractive desktop for users, and the GNOME development
platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate
into the rest of the desktop.
pkgsrc provides a seamless way to automatically build and install a complete
GNOME environment under many different platforms. We can say with confidence
that pkgsrc is one of the most advanced build and packaging systems for GNOME
due to its included technologies buildlink3, the wrappers and tools framework
and automatic configuration file management. Lots of efforts are put into
achieving a completely clean deinstallation of installed software components.
Given that pkgsrc is NetBSD's official packaging system, the above also means
that great efforts are put into making GNOME work under this operating system.
This chapter is aimed at pkgsrc developers and other people interested in
helping our GNOME porting and packaging efforts. It provides instructions on
how to manage the existing packages and some important information regarding
their internals.
We need your help!
Should you have some spare cycles to devote to NetBSD, pkgsrc and GNOME and are
willing to learn new exciting stuff, please jump straight to the pending work
list! There is still a long way to go to get a fully-functional GNOME desktop
under NetBSD and we need your help to achieve it!
22.1. Meta packages
pkgsrc includes three GNOME-related meta packages:
* meta-pkgs/gnome-base: Provides the core GNOME desktop environment. It only
includes the necessary bits to get it to boot correctly, although it may
lack important functionality for daily operation. The idea behind this
package is to let end users build their own configurations on top of this
one, first installing this meta package to achieve a functional setup and
then adding individual applications.
* meta-pkgs/gnome: Provides a complete installation of the GNOME platform and
desktop as defined by the GNOME project; this is based on the components
distributed in the platform/x.y/x.y.z/sources and desktop/x.y/x.y.z/sources
directories of the official FTP server. Developer-only tools found in those
directories are not installed unless required by some other component to
work properly. Similarly, packages from the bindings set (bindings/x.y/
x.y.z/sources) are not pulled in unless required as a dependency for an
end-user component. This package "extends" meta-pkgs/gnome-base.
* meta-pkgs/gnome-devel: Installs all the tools required to build a GNOME
component when fetched from the CVS repository. These are required to let
the scripts work appropriately.
In all these packages, the DEPENDS lines are sorted in a way that eases
updates: a package may depend on other packages listed before it but not on any
listed after it. It is very important to keep this order to ease updates so...
do not change it to alphabetical sorting!
22.2. Packaging a GNOME application
Almost all GNOME applications are written in C and use a common set of tools as
their build system. Things get different with the new bindings to other
languages (such as Python), but the following will give you a general idea on
the minimum required tools:
* Almost all GNOME applications use the GNU Autotools as their build system.
As a general rule you will need to tell this to your package:
* If the package uses pkg-config to detect dependencies, add this tool to the
list of required utilities:
Also use pkgtools/verifypc at the end of the build process to ensure that
you did not miss to specify any dependency in your package and that the
version requirements are all correct.
* If the package uses intltool, be sure to add intltool to the USE_TOOLS to
handle dependencies and to force the package to use the latest available
* If the package uses gtk-doc (a documentation generation utility), do not
add a dependency on it. The tool is rather big and the distfile should come
with pregenerated documentation anyway; if it does not, it is a bug that
you ought to report. For such packages you should disable gtk-doc (unless
it is the default):
The default location of installed HTML files (share/gtk-doc/<package-name>)
is correct and should not be changed unless the package insists on
installing them somewhere else. Otherwise programs as devhelp will not be
able to open them. You can do that with an entry similar to:
GNOME uses multiple shared directories and files under the installation prefix
to maintain databases. In this context, shared means that those exact same
directories and files are used among several different packages, leading to
conflicts in the PLIST. pkgsrc currently includes functionality to handle the
most common cases, so you have to forget about using @unexec ${RMDIR} lines in
your file lists and omitting shared files from them. If you find yourself doing
those, your package is most likely incorrect.
The following table lists the common situations that result in using shared
directories or files. For each of them, the appropriate solution is given.
After applying the solution be sure to regenerate the package's file list with
make print-PLIST and ensure it is correct.
Table 22.1. PLIST handling for GNOME packages
| If the package... | Then... |
|Installs icons under the share/icons/ |See Section 21.6.16, "Packages |
|hicolor hierarchy or updates share/icons/ |installing hicolor icons". |
|hicolor/icon-theme.cache. | |
| |See Section 21.6.11, "Packages |
|Installs files under share/mime/packages. |installing extensions to the MIME|
| |database". |
|Installs .desktop files under share/ |See Section 21.6.17, "Packages |
|applications and these include MIME |installing desktop files". |
|information. | |
22.3. Updating GNOME to a newer version
When seeing GNOME as a whole, there are two kinds of updates:
Major update
Given that there is still a very long way for GNOME 3 (if it ever appears),
we consider a major update one that goes from a 2.X version to a 2.Y one,
where Y is even and greater than X. These are hard to achieve because they
introduce lots of changes in the components' code and almost all GNOME
distfiles are updated to newer versions. Some of them can even break API
and ABI compatibility with the previous major version series. As a result,
the update needs to be done all at once to minimize breakage.
A major update typically consists of around 80 package updates and the
addition of some new ones.
Minor update
We consider a minor update one that goes from a 2.A.X version to a 2.A.Y
one where Y is greater than X. These are easy to achieve because they do
not update all GNOME components, can be done in an incremental way and do
not break API nor ABI compatibility.
A minor update typically consists of around 50 package updates, although
the numbers here may vary a lot.
In order to update the GNOME components in pkgsrc to a new stable release
(either major or minor), the following steps should be followed:
1. Get a list of all the tarballs that form the new release by using the
following commands. These will leave the full list of the components'
distfiles into the list.txt file:
% echo ls "*.tar.bz2" | \
ftp -V | \
awk '{ print $9 }' >list.txt
% echo ls "*.tar.bz2" | \
ftp -V | \
awk '{ print $9 }' >>list.txt
2. Open each meta package's Makefile and bump their version to the release you
are updating them to. The three meta packages should be always consistent
with versioning. Obviously remove any PKGREVISIONs that might be in them.
3. For each meta package, update all its DEPENDS lines to match the latest
versions as shown by the above commands. Do not list any newer version
(even if found in the FTP) because the meta packages are supposed to list
the exact versions that form a specific GNOME release. Exceptions are
permitted here if a newer version solves a serious issue in the overall
desktop experience; these typically come in the form of a revision bump in
pkgsrc, not in newer versions from the developers.
Packages not listed in the list.txt file should be updated to the latest
version available (if found in pkgsrc). This is the case, for example, of
the dependencies on the GNU Autotools in the meta-pkgs/gnome-devel meta
4. Generate a patch from the modified meta packages and extract the list of
"new" lines. This will provide you an outline on what packages need to be
updated in pkgsrc and in what order:
% cvs diff -u gnome-devel gnome-base gnome | grep '^+D' >todo.txt
5. For major desktop updates it is recommended to zap all your installed
packages and start over from scratch at this point.
6. Now comes the longest step by far: iterate over the contents of todo.txt
and update the packages listed in it in order. For major desktop updates
none of these should be committed until the entire set is completed because
there are chances of breaking not-yet-updated packages.
7. Once the packages are up to date and working, commit them to the tree one
by one with appropriate log messages. At the end, commit the three meta
package updates and all the corresponding changes to the doc/CHANGES-<YEAR>
and pkgsrc/doc/TODO files.
22.4. Patching guidelines
GNOME is a very big component in pkgsrc which approaches 100 packages. Please,
it is very important that you always, always, always feed back any portability
fixes you do to a GNOME package to the mainstream developers (see
Section 12.3.5, "Feedback to the author"). This is the only way to get their
attention on portability issues and to ensure that future versions can be built
out-of-the box on NetBSD. The less custom patches in pkgsrc, the easier further
updates are. Those developers in charge of issuing major GNOME updates will be
grateful if you do that.
The most common places to report bugs are the GNOME's GitLab and the's GitLab. Not all components use these to track bugs, but most
of them do. Do not be short on your reports: always provide detailed
explanations of the current failure, how it can be improved to achieve maximum
portability and, if at all possible, provide a patch against the main Git
branch. The more verbose you are, the higher chances of your patch being
Also, please avoid using preprocessor magic to fix portability issues. While
the FreeBSD GNOME people are doing a great job in porting GNOME to their
operating system, the official GNOME sources are now plagued by conditionals
that check for __FreeBSD__ and similar macros. This hurts portability. Please
see our patching guidelines (Section 12.3.4, "Patching guidelines") for more
Chapter 23. Submitting and Committing
Table of Contents
23.1. Submitting binary packages
23.2. Submitting source packages (for non-NetBSD-developers)
23.3. General notes when adding, updating, or removing packages
23.4. Commit Messages
23.5. Committing: Adding a package to CVS
23.6. Updating a package to a newer version
23.7. Renaming a package in pkgsrc
23.8. Moving a package in pkgsrc
23.1. Submitting binary packages
Our policy is that we accept binaries only from pkgsrc developers to guarantee
that the packages don't contain any trojan horses etc. This is not to annoy
anyone but rather to protect our users! You're still free to put up your
home-made binary packages and tell the world where to get them. NetBSD
developers doing bulk builds and wanting to upload them please see Chapter 8,
Creating binary packages for everything in pkgsrc (bulk builds).
23.2. Submitting source packages (for non-NetBSD-developers)
First, check that your package is complete, compiles and runs well; see
Chapter 14, Creating a new pkgsrc package from scratch and the rest of this
document. Next, generate an uuencoded gzipped tar(1) archive that contains all
files that make up the package. Finally, send this package to the pkgsrc bug
tracking system, either with the send-pr(1) command, or if you don't have that,
go to the web page, which contains
some instructions and a link to a form where you can submit packages. The
sysutils/gtk-send-pr package is also available as a substitute for either of
the above two tools.
In the form of the problem report, the category should be "pkg", the synopsis
should include the package name and version number, and the description field
should contain a short description of your package (contents of the COMMENT
variable or DESCR file are OK). The uuencoded package data should go into the "
fix" field.
If you want to submit several packages, please send a separate PR for each one,
it's easier for us to track things that way.
Alternatively, you can also import new packages into pkgsrc-wip ("pkgsrc
work-in-progress"); see the homepage at for details.
23.3. General notes when adding, updating, or removing packages
Please note all package additions, updates, moves, and removals in pkgsrc/doc/
CHANGES-YYYY. It's very important to keep this file up to date and conforming
to the existing format, because it will be used by scripts to automatically
update pages on and other sites. Additionally, check the pkgsrc/
doc/TODO file and remove the entry for the package you updated or removed, in
case it was mentioned there.
When the PKGREVISION of a package is bumped, the change should appear in pkgsrc
/doc/CHANGES-YYYY if it is security related or otherwise relevant. Mass bumps
that result from a dependency being updated should not be mentioned. In all
other cases it's the developer's decision.
There is a make target that helps in creating proper CHANGES-YYYY entries: make
changes-entry. It uses the optional CTYPE and NETBSD_LOGIN_NAME variables. The
general usage is to first make sure that your CHANGES-YYYY file is up-to-date
(to avoid having to resolve conflicts later-on) and then to cd to the package
directory. For package updates, make changes-entry is enough. For new packages,
or package moves or removals, set the CTYPE variable on the command line to
"Added", "Moved", or "Removed". You can set NETBSD_LOGIN_NAME in mk.conf if
your local login name is not the same as your NetBSD login name. The target
also automatically removes possibly existing entries for the package in the
TODO file. Don't forget to commit the changes, e.g. by using make
commit-changes-entry! If you are not using a checkout directly from, but e.g. a local copy of the repository, you can set
USE_NETBSD_REPO=yes. This makes the cvs commands use the main repository.
23.4. Commit Messages
For several years, there have been mirrors of pkgsrc in fossil, git, and hg.
Standard practise when using these tools is to make the first line of a commit
message function as a summary that can be read without the rest, such as is
commonly done with "git log --oneline". For this reason, we have the following
guidelines for pkgsrc commit messages:
* Start the commit message with a line that explains the big picture in 65
characters or less. When a commit is for one package, include the name of
the package. For updates, include the version to which it is updated.
* Leave the next line empty.
* Then come the details for the commit (changes in that package, reason for a
change) and any relevant PRs. Wrap this section.
Here is an example:
libxslt: update to 1.0.30
Changes since 1.0.29:
Here is another example:
mk/ enable SSP by default on NetBSD
Commit messages are final: no "cvs admin" is allowed on the pkgsrc repository
to change commit messages.
23.5. Committing: Adding a package to CVS
This section is only of interest for pkgsrc developers with write access to the
pkgsrc repository.
When the package is finished, "cvs add" the files. Start by adding the
directory and then files in the directory. Don't forget to add the new package
to the category's Makefile. Make sure you don't forget any files; you can check
by running "cvs status". An example:
$ cd .../pkgsrc/category
$ cvs add pkgname
$ cd pkgname
$ cvs add DESCR Makefile PLIST distinfo patches
$ cvs add patches/p*
$ cvs status | less
$ cvs commit
$ cd ..
$ vi Makefile # add SUBDIRS+=pkgname line
$ cvs commit Makefile
$ cd pkgname
$ make CTYPE=Added commit-changes-entry
The commit message of the initial import should include part of the DESCR file,
so people reading the mailing lists know what the package is/does.
Also mention the new package in pkgsrc/doc/CHANGES-20xx.
Previously, "cvs import" was suggested, but it was much easier to get wrong
than "cvs add".
23.6. Updating a package to a newer version
Please always put a concise, appropriate and relevant summary of the changes
between old and new versions into the commit log when updating a package. There
are various reasons for this:
* A URL is volatile, and can change over time. It may go away completely or
its information may be overwritten by newer information.
* Having the change information between old and new versions in our CVS
repository is very useful for people who use either cvs or anoncvs.
* Having the change information between old and new versions in our CVS
repository is very useful for people who read the pkgsrc-changes mailing
list, so that they can make tactical decisions about when to upgrade the
Please also recognize that, just because a new version of a package has been
released, it should not automatically be upgraded in the CVS repository. We
prefer to be conservative in the packages that are included in pkgsrc -
development or beta packages are not really the best thing for most places in
which pkgsrc is used. Please use your judgement about what should go into
pkgsrc, and bear in mind that stability is to be preferred above new and
possibly untested features.
23.7. Renaming a package in pkgsrc
Renaming packages is not recommended.
When renaming packages, be sure to fix any references to the old name in other
Makefiles, options, buildlink files, etc.
Also, when renaming a package, please add the package name and version pattern
(s) of the previous package to SUPERSEDES. This may be repeated for multiple
renames. The new package would be an exact replacement. Example:
SUPERSEDES+= p5-IO-Compress-Zlib<2.017
SUPERSEDES+= optcomp-[0-9]*
Note that "successor" in the CHANGES-YYYY file doesn't necessarily mean that it
supersedes, as that successor may not be an exact replacement but is a
suggestion for the replaced functionality.
23.8. Moving a package in pkgsrc
It is preferred that packages are not renamed or moved, but if needed please
follow these steps.
1. Make a copy of the directory somewhere else.
2. Remove all CVS dirs.
Alternatively to the first two steps you can also do:
% cvs -d export -D today pkgsrc/category/package
and use that for further work.
3. Fix CATEGORIES and any DEPENDS paths that just did "../package" instead of
4. In the modified package's Makefile, consider setting PREV_PKGPATH to the
previous category/package pathname. The PREV_PKGPATH can be used by tools
for doing an update using pkgsrc building; for example, it can search the
pkg_summary(5) database for PREV_PKGPATH (if no SUPERSEDES) and then use
the corresponding new PKGPATH for that moved package. Note that it may have
multiple matches, so the tool should also check on the PKGBASE too. The
PREV_PKGPATH probably has no value unless SUPERSEDES is not set, i.e.
PKGBASE stays the same.
5. cvs import the modified package in the new place.
6. Check if any package depends on it:
% cd /usr/pkgsrc
% grep /package */*/Makefile* */*/buildlink*
7. Fix paths in packages from step 5 to point to new location.
8. cvs rm (-f) the package at the old location.
9. Remove from oldcategory/Makefile.
10. Add to newcategory/Makefile.
11. Commit the changed and removed files:
% cvs commit oldcategory/package oldcategory/Makefile newcategory/Makefile
(and any packages from step 5, of course).
Chapter 24. Frequently Asked Questions
This section contains the answers to questions that may arise when you are
writing a package. If you don't find your question answered here, first have a
look in the other chapters, and if you still don't have the answer, ask on the
pkgsrc-users mailing list.
24.1. What is the difference between MAKEFLAGS, .MAKEFLAGS and MAKE_FLAGS?
24.2. What is the difference between MAKE, GMAKE and MAKE_PROGRAM?
24.3. What is the difference between CC, PKG_CC and PKGSRC_COMPILER?
24.4. What is the difference between BUILDLINK_LDFLAGS, BUILDLINK_LDADD and
24.5. Why does make show-var say it's empty?
24.6. What does ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=package/} mean? I don't understand
the := inside it.
24.7. Which mailing lists are there for package developers?
24.8. Where is the pkgsrc documentation?
24.9. I have a little time to kill. What shall I do?
24.1. What is the difference between MAKEFLAGS, .MAKEFLAGS and MAKE_FLAGS?
MAKEFLAGS are the flags passed to the pkgsrc-internal invocations of make
(1), while MAKE_FLAGS are the flags that are passed to the MAKE_PROGRAM
when building the package. [FIXME: What is .MAKEFLAGS for?]
24.2. What is the difference between MAKE, GMAKE and MAKE_PROGRAM?
MAKE is the path to the make(1) program that is used in the pkgsrc
infrastructure. GMAKE is the path to GNU Make, but you need to say
USE_TOOLS+=gmake to use that. MAKE_PROGRAM is the path to the Make
program that is used for building the package.
24.3. What is the difference between CC, PKG_CC and PKGSRC_COMPILER?
CC is the path to the real C compiler, which can be configured by the
pkgsrc user. PKG_CC is the path to the compiler wrapper. PKGSRC_COMPILER
is not a path to a compiler, but the type of compiler that should be
used. See mk/ for more information about the latter variable.
24.4. What is the difference between BUILDLINK_LDFLAGS, BUILDLINK_LDADD and
24.5. Why does make show-var say it's empty?
For optimization reasons, some variables are only available in the "
wrapper" phase and later. To "simulate" the wrapper phase, append
PKG_PHASE=wrapper to the above command.
24.6. What does ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=package/} mean? I don't understand
the := inside it.
The := is not really an assignment operator, although it looks like it.
Instead, it is a degenerate form of ${LIST:old_string=new_string}, which
is documented in the make(1) man page and which is commonly used in the
form ${SRCS:.c=.o}. In the case of MASTER_SITE_*, old_string is the empty
string and new_string is package/. That's where the : and the = fall
24.7. Which mailing lists are there for package developers?
This is a list for technical discussions related to pkgsrc
development, e.g. soliciting feedback for changes to pkgsrc
infrastructure, proposed new features, questions related to porting
pkgsrc to a new platform, advice for maintaining a package, patches
that affect many packages, help requests moved from pkgsrc-users when
an infrastructure bug is found, etc.
All bug reports in category "pkg" sent with send-pr(1) appear here.
Please do not report your bugs here directly; use one of the other
mailing lists.
24.8. Where is the pkgsrc documentation?
There are many places where you can find documentation about pkgsrc:
* The pkgsrc guide (this document) is a collection of chapters that
explain large parts of pkgsrc, but some chapters tend to be outdated.
Which ones they are is hard to say.
* On the mailing list archives (see,
you can find discussions about certain features, announcements of new
parts of the pkgsrc infrastructure and sometimes even announcements
that a certain feature has been marked as obsolete. The benefit here
is that each message has a date appended to it.
* Many of the files in the mk/ directory start with a comment that
describes the purpose of the file and how it can be used by the
pkgsrc user and package authors. An easy way to find this
documentation is to run bmake help.
* The CVS log messages are a rich source of information, but they tend
to be highly abbreviated, especially for actions that occur often.
Some contain a detailed description of what has changed, but they are
geared towards the other pkgsrc developers, not towards an average
pkgsrc user. They also only document changes, so if you don't know
what has been before, these messages may not be worth too much to
* Some parts of pkgsrc are only "implicitly documented", that is the
documentation exists only in the mind of the developer who wrote the
code. To get this information, use the cvs annotate command to see
who has written it and ask on the tech-pkg mailing list, so that
others can find your questions later (see above). To be sure that the
developer in charge reads the mail, you may CC him or her.
24.9. I have a little time to kill. What shall I do?
This is not really an FAQ yet, but here's the answer anyway.
* Run pkg_chk -N (from the pkgtools/pkg_chk package). It will tell you
about newer versions of installed packages that are available, but
not yet updated in pkgsrc.
* Browse pkgsrc/doc/TODO -- it contains a list of suggested new
packages and a list of cleanups and enhancements for pkgsrc that
would be nice to have.
* Review packages for which review was requested on the tech-pkg
mailing list.
Part III. The pkgsrc infrastructure internals
This part of the guide deals with everything from the infrastructure that is
behind the interfaces described in the developer's guide. A casual package
maintainer should not need anything from this part.
Table of Contents
25. Design of the pkgsrc infrastructure
25.1. The meaning of variable definitions
25.2. Avoiding problems before they arise
25.3. Variable evaluation
25.3.1. At load time
25.3.2. At runtime
25.4. How can variables be specified?
25.5. Designing interfaces for Makefile fragments
25.5.1. Procedures with parameters
25.5.2. Actions taken on behalf of parameters
25.6. The order in which files are loaded
25.6.1. The order in
25.6.2. The order in
26. Regression tests
26.1. Running the regression tests
26.2. Adding a new regression test
26.2.1. Overridable functions
26.2.2. Helper functions
27. Porting pkgsrc
27.1. Porting pkgsrc to a new operating system
Chapter 25. Design of the pkgsrc infrastructure
Table of Contents
25.1. The meaning of variable definitions
25.2. Avoiding problems before they arise
25.3. Variable evaluation
25.3.1. At load time
25.3.2. At runtime
25.4. How can variables be specified?
25.5. Designing interfaces for Makefile fragments
25.5.1. Procedures with parameters
25.5.2. Actions taken on behalf of parameters
25.6. The order in which files are loaded
25.6.1. The order in
25.6.2. The order in
The pkgsrc infrastructure consists of many small Makefile fragments. Each such
fragment needs a properly specified interface. This chapter explains how such
an interface looks like.
25.1. The meaning of variable definitions
Whenever a variable is defined in the pkgsrc infrastructure, the location and
the way of definition provide much information about the intended use of that
variable. Additionally, more documentation may be found in a header comment or
in this pkgsrc guide.
A special file is mk/defaults/mk.conf, which lists all variables that are
intended to be user-defined. They are either defined using the ?= operator or
they are left undefined because defining them to anything would effectively
mean "yes". All these variables may be overridden by the pkgsrc user in the
Outside this file, the following conventions apply: Variables that are defined
using the ?= operator may be overridden by a package.
Variables that are defined using the = operator may be used read-only at
Variables whose name starts with an underscore must not be accessed outside the
pkgsrc infrastructure at all. They may change without further notice.
These conventions are currently not applied consistently to the complete pkgsrc
25.2. Avoiding problems before they arise
All variables that contain lists of things should default to being empty. Two
examples that do not follow this rule are USE_LANGUAGES and DISTFILES. These
variables cannot simply be modified using the += operator in package Makefiles
(or other files included by them), since there is no guarantee whether the
variable is already set or not, and what its value is. In the case of
DISTFILES, the packages "know" the default value and just define it as in the
following example.
DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} additional-files.tar.gz
Because of the selection of this default value, the same value appears in many
package Makefiles. Similarly for USE_LANGUAGES, but in this case the default
value ("c") is so short that it doesn't stand out. Nevertheless it is mentioned
in many files.
25.3. Variable evaluation
25.3.1. At load time
Variable evaluation takes place either at load time or at runtime, depending on
the context in which they occur. The contexts where variables are evaluated at
load time are:
* The right hand side of the := and != operators,
* Make directives like .if or .for,
* Dependency lines.
A special exception are references to the iteration variables of .for loops,
which are expanded inline, no matter in which context they appear.
As the values of variables may change during load time, care must be taken not
to evaluate them by accident. Typical examples for variables that should not be
evaluated at load time are DEPENDS and CONFIGURE_ARGS. To make the effect more
clear, here is an example:
CFLAGS+= -Wall
This code shows how the use of the := operator can quickly lead to unexpected
results. The first paragraph is fairly common code. The second paragraph
evaluates the CONFIGURE_ARGS variable, which results in CFLAGS=-O. In the third
paragraph, the -Wall is appended to the CFLAGS, but this addition will not
appear in CONFIGURE_ARGS. In actual code, the three paragraphs from above
typically occur in completely unrelated files.
25.3.2. At runtime
After all the files have been loaded, the values of the variables cannot be
changed anymore. Variables that are used in the shell commands are expanded at
this point.
25.4. How can variables be specified?
There are many ways in which the definition and use of a variable can be
restricted in order to detect bugs and violations of the (mostly unwritten)
policies. A package can be checked with pkglint -Wall to see whether it meets
these rules.
25.5. Designing interfaces for Makefile fragments
Most of the .mk files fall into one of the following classes. Cases where a
file falls into more than one class should be avoided as it often leads to
subtle bugs.
25.5.1. Procedures with parameters
In a traditional imperative programming language some of the .mk files could be
described as procedures. They take some input parameters and--after
inclusion--provide a result in output parameters. Since all variables in
Makefiles have global scope care must be taken not to use parameter names that
have already another meaning. For example, PKGNAME is a bad choice for a
parameter name.
Procedures are completely evaluated at preprocessing time. That is, when
calling a procedure all input parameters must be completely resolvable. For
example, CONFIGURE_ARGS should never be an input parameter since it is very
likely that further text will be added after calling the procedure, which would
effectively apply the procedure to only a part of the variable. Also,
references to other variables will be modified after calling the procedure.
A procedure can declare its output parameters either as suitable for use in
preprocessing directives or as only available at runtime. The latter
alternative is for variables that contain references to other runtime
Procedures shall be written such that it is possible to call the procedure more
than once. That is, the file must not contain multiple-inclusion guards.
Examples for procedures are mk/ and mk/buildlink3/
To express that the parameters are evaluated at load time, they should be
assigned using the := operator, which should be used only for this purpose.
25.5.2. Actions taken on behalf of parameters
Action files take some input parameters and may define runtime variables. They
shall not define loadtime variables. There are action files that are included
implicitly by the pkgsrc infrastructure, while other must be included
An example for action files is mk/
25.6. The order in which files are loaded
Package Makefiles usually consist of a set of variable definitions, and include
the file ../../mk/ in the very last line. Before that, they may also
include various other *.mk files if they need to query the availability of
certain features like the type of compiler or the X11 implementation. Due to
the heavy use of preprocessor directives like .if and .for, the order in which
the files are loaded matters.
This section describes at which point the various files are loaded and gives
reasons for that order.
25.6.1. The order in
The very first action in is to define some essential variables
Then, the user settings are loaded from the file specified in MAKECONF, which
is usually mk.conf. After that, those variables that have not been overridden
by the user are loaded from mk/defaults/mk.conf.
After the user settings, the system settings and platform settings are loaded,
which may override the user settings.
Then, the tool definitions are loaded. The tool wrappers are not yet in effect.
This only happens when building a package, so the proper variables must be used
instead of the direct tool names.
As the last steps, some essential variables from the wrapper and the package
system flavor are loaded, as well as the variables that have been cached in
earlier phases of a package build.
25.6.2. The order in
First, is loaded.
Then, the various * files are loaded, which fill default values for
those variables that have not been defined by the package. These variables may
later be used even in unrelated files.
Then, the file provides the target error-check that is added
as a special dependency to all other targets that use DELAYED_ERROR_MSG or
Then, the package-specific hacks from are included.
Then, various other files follow. Most of them don't have any dependencies on
what they need to have included before or after them, though some do.
The code to check PKG_FAIL_REASON and PKG_SKIP_REASON is then executed, which
restricts the use of these variables to all the files that have been included
before. Appearances in later files will be silently ignored.
Then, the files for the main targets are included, in the order of later
execution, though the actual order should not matter.
At last, some more files are included that don't set any interesting variables
but rather just define make targets to be executed.
Chapter 26. Regression tests
Table of Contents
26.1. Running the regression tests
26.2. Adding a new regression test
26.2.1. Overridable functions
26.2.2. Helper functions
The pkgsrc infrastructure consists of a large codebase, and there are many
corners where every little bit of a file is well thought out, making pkgsrc
likely to fail as soon as anything is changed near those parts. To prevent most
changes from breaking anything, a suite of regression tests should go along
with every important part of the pkgsrc infrastructure. This chapter describes
how regression tests work in pkgsrc and how you can add new tests.
26.1. Running the regression tests
You first need to install the pkgtools/pkg_regress package, which provides the
pkg_regress command. Then you can simply run that command, which will run all
tests in the regress/ directory.
26.2. Adding a new regression test
Every directory in the regress/ directory that contains a file called spec is
considered a regression test. This file is a shell program that is included by
the pkg_regress command. The following functions can be overridden to suit your
26.2.1. Overridable functions
These functions do not take any parameters. Although they are called in "set -e
" mode, they don't stop at the first failing command. See this Stack Overflow
question for details.
This function prepares the environment for the test. By default it does
This function runs the actual test. By default, it calls TEST_MAKE with the
arguments MAKEARGS_TEST and writes its output including error messages into
the file TEST_OUTFILE.
When defining this function, make sure that all output that needs to be
checked is written to the correct output file. Example:
do_test() {
echo "Example output"
} 1>$TEST_OUTFILE 2>&1
This function is run after the test and is typically used to compare the
actual output from the one that is expected. It can make use of the various
helper functions from the next section. Example:
check_result() {
exit_status 0
output_require "Example"
output_require "^[[:alpha:]+[[:space:]][[:alpha:]]{6}$"
output_prohibit "no such file or directory"
regress_fail "expected $expected but got $actual for input $input"
This function cleans everything up after the test has been run. By default
it does nothing.
26.2.2. Helper functions
regress_fail message...
This function makes the test fail with the given error message.
exit_status expected
This function compares the exitcode of the do_test function with its first
parameter. If they differ, the test will fail.
output_require regex...
This function checks for each of its parameters if the output from do_test
matches the extended regular expression. If it does not, the test will
fail. Example:
output_require "looks fine"
output_require "^[[:alpha:]+[[:space:]][[:alpha:]]{6}$"
output_prohibit regex...
This function checks for each of its parameters if the output from do_test
() does not match the extended regular expression. If any of the regular
expressions matches, the test will fail.
Chapter 27. Porting pkgsrc
Table of Contents
27.1. Porting pkgsrc to a new operating system
The pkgsrc system has already been ported to many operating systems, hardware
architectures and compilers. This chapter explains the necessary steps to make
pkgsrc even more portable.
27.1. Porting pkgsrc to a new operating system
To port pkgsrc to a new operating system (called MyOS in this example), you
need to touch the following files:
This file contains some basic definitions, for example the name of the C
Insert code that defines the variables OPSYS, OS_VERSION, LOWER_OS_VERSION,
that appear in this file.
This file contains the platform-specific definitions that are used by
pkgsrc. Start by copying one of the other files and edit it to your needs.
This file defines the paths to all the tools that are needed by one or the
other package in pkgsrc, as well as by pkgsrc itself. Find out where these
tools are on your platform and add them.
Now, you should be able to build some basic packages, like lang/perl5, shells/
Appendix A. A simple example package: bison
Table of Contents
A.1. files
A.1.1. Makefile
A.1.2. DESCR
A.1.3. PLIST
A.1.4. Checking a package with pkglint
A.2. Steps for building, installing, packaging
We checked to find a piece of software that wasn't in the packages collection,
and picked GNU bison. Quite why someone would want to have bison when Berkeley
yacc is already present in the tree is beyond us, but it's useful for the
purposes of this exercise.
A.1. files
A.1.1. Makefile
# $NetBSD$
DISTNAME= bison-1.25
COMMENT= GNU yacc clone
.include "../../mk/"
A.1.2. DESCR
GNU version of yacc. Can make re-entrant parsers, and numerous other
improvements. Why you would want this when Berkeley yacc(1) is part
of the NetBSD source tree is beyond me.
A.1.3. PLIST
@comment $NetBSD$
A.1.4. Checking a package with pkglint
The NetBSD package system comes with pkgtools/pkglint which helps to check the
contents of these files. After installation it is quite easy to use, just
change to the directory of the package you wish to examine and run pkglint:
$ pkglint
ERROR: Makefile: Each package must define its LICENSE.
WARN: Makefile:9: HOMEPAGE should migrate from http to https.
NOTE: PLIST:3: The .gz extension is unnecessary for manual pages.
WARN: PLIST:5: "share/bison.hairy" should be sorted before "share/bison.simple".
1 error, 2 warnings and 1 note found.
(Run "pkglint -e" to show explanations.)
(Run "pkglint -fs" to show what can be fixed automatically.)
(Run "pkglint -F" to automatically fix some issues.)
Depending on the supplied command line arguments (see pkglint(1)), more checks
will be performed. Use e.g. pkglint -Wall for a very thorough check.
A.2. Steps for building, installing, packaging
Create the directory where the package lives, plus any auxiliary directories:
# cd /usr/pkgsrc/lang
# mkdir bison
# cd bison
# mkdir patches
Create Makefile, DESCR and PLIST (see Chapter 12, Package components - files,
directories and contents) then continue with fetching the distfile:
# make fetch
>> bison-1.25.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
>> Attempting to fetch from
Requesting (via
ftp: Error retrieving file: 500 Internal error
>> Attempting to fetch from
Requesting (via
ftp: Error retrieving file: 500 Internal error
>> Attempting to fetch from
Requesting (via
Successfully retrieved file.
Generate the checksum of the distfile into distinfo:
# make makedistinfo
Now compile:
# make
>> Checksum OK for bison-1.25.tar.gz.
===> Extracting for bison-1.25
===> Patching for bison-1.25
===> Ignoring empty patch directory
===> Configuring for bison-1.25
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for gcc... cc
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin
checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking for POSIXized ISC... no
checking whether cross-compiling... no
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for working const... yes
checking for working alloca.h... no
checking for alloca... yes
checking for strerror... yes
updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status
creating Makefile
===> Building for bison-1.25
cc -c -DXPFILE=\"/usr/pkg/share/bison.simple\" -DXPFILE1=\"/usr/pkg/share/bison.hairy\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_ALLOCA=1 -DHAVE_STRERROR=1 -g ./files.c
cc -g -o bison LR0.o allocate.o closure.o conflicts.o derives.o files.o getargs.o gram.o lalr.o lex.o main.o nullable.o output.o print.o reader.o reduce.o symtab.o warshall.o version.o getopt.o getopt1.o
./files.c:240: warning: mktemp() possibly used unsafely, consider using mkstemp()
rm -f bison.s1
sed -e "/^#line/ s|bison|/usr/pkg/share/bison|" < ./bison.simple > bison.s1
Everything seems OK, so install the files:
# make install
>> Checksum OK for bison-1.25.tar.gz.
===> Installing for bison-1.25
sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/pkg/bin /usr/pkg/share /usr/pkg/info /usr/pkg/man/man1
rm -f /usr/pkg/bin/bison
cd /usr/pkg/share; rm -f bison.simple bison.hairy
rm -f /usr/pkg/man/man1/bison.1 /usr/pkg/info/*
install -c -o bin -g bin -m 555 bison /usr/pkg/bin/bison
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 644 bison.s1 /usr/pkg/share/bison.simple
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 644 ./bison.hairy /usr/pkg/share/bison.hairy
cd .; for f in*; do /usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 644 $f /usr/pkg/info/$f; done
/usr/bin/install -c -o bin -g bin -m 644 ./bison.1 /usr/pkg/man/man1/bison.1
===> Registering installation for bison-1.25
You can now use bison, and also - if you decide so - remove it with pkg_delete
bison. Should you decide that you want a binary package, do this now:
# make package
>> Checksum OK for bison-1.25.tar.gz.
===> Building package for bison-1.25
Creating package bison-1.25.tgz
Registering depends:.
Creating gzip'd tar ball in '/u/pkgsrc/lang/bison/bison-1.25.tgz'
Now that you don't need the source and object files any more, clean up:
# make clean
===> Cleaning for bison-1.25
Appendix B. Build logs
Table of Contents
B.1. Building figlet
B.2. Packaging figlet
B.1. Building figlet
# make
===> Checking for vulnerabilities in figlet-2.2.1nb2
=> figlet221.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
=> Attempting to fetch figlet221.tar.gz from
=> [172219 bytes]
Connected to
220 NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready.
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230-You are user #5 of 500 simultaneous users allowed.
230- ___ _ _ _
230- | _| |_ ___ ___| |_|___ ___ ___ ___
230- | _| _| . |_| . | | | . |_| . | _| . |
230- |_| |_| | _|_| _|_|_|_ |_|___|_| |_ |
230- |_| |_| |___| |___|
230-** Welcome to **
230-Please note that all transfers from this FTP site are logged. If you
230-do not like this, please disconnect now.
230-This archive is available via
230-FTP: (max 500 connections)
230-RSYNC: rsync:// (max 30 connections)
230-Please email comments, bug reports and requests for packages to be
230-mirrored to
230 Logged in anonymously.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
200 Type okay.
250 "/pub" is new cwd.
250-"/pub/figlet" is new cwd.
250-Welcome to the figlet archive at
250-The official FIGlet web page is:
250-If you have questions, please If you want to
250-contribute a font or something else, you can email us.
250 "/pub/figlet/program" is new cwd.
250 "/pub/figlet/program/unix" is new cwd.
local: figlet221.tar.gz remote: figlet221.tar.gz
502 Unimplemented command.
227 Entering Passive Mode (195,40,6,41,246,104)
150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for figlet221.tar.gz (172219 bytes).
38% |************** | 65800 64.16 KB/s 00:01 ETA
226 Transfer completed.
172219 bytes received in 00:02 (75.99 KB/s)
221 Goodbye.
=> Checksum OK for figlet221.tar.gz.
===> Extracting for figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Required installed package ccache-[0-9]*: ccache-2.3nb1 found
===> Patching for figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Applying pkgsrc patches for figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Overriding tools for figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Creating toolchain wrappers for figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Configuring for figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Building for figlet-2.2.1nb2
gcc -O2 -DDEFAULTFONTDIR=\"/usr/pkg/share/figlet\" -DDEFAULTFONTFILE=\"standard.flf\" figlet.c zipio.c crc.c inflate.c -o figlet
chmod a+x figlet
gcc -O2 -o chkfont chkfont.c
=> Unwrapping files-to-be-installed.
# make install
===> Checking for vulnerabilities in figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Installing for figlet-2.2.1nb2
install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755 /usr/pkg/bin
install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755 /usr/pkg/man/man6
mkdir -p /usr/pkg/share/figlet
cp figlet /usr/pkg/bin
cp chkfont /usr/pkg/bin
chmod 555 figlist showfigfonts
cp figlist /usr/pkg/bin
cp showfigfonts /usr/pkg/bin
cp fonts/*.flf /usr/pkg/share/figlet
cp fonts/*.flc /usr/pkg/share/figlet
cp figlet.6 /usr/pkg/man/man6
===> Registering installation for figlet-2.2.1nb2
B.2. Packaging figlet
# make package
===> Checking for vulnerabilities in figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Packaging figlet-2.2.1nb2
===> Building binary package for figlet-2.2.1nb2
Creating package /home/cvs/pkgsrc/packages/i386/All/figlet-2.2.1nb2.tgz
Using SrcDir value of /usr/pkg
Registering depends:.
Appendix C. Directory layout of the pkgsrc FTP server
Table of Contents
C.1. distfiles: The distributed source files
C.2. misc: Miscellaneous things
C.3. packages: Binary packages
C.4. reports: Bulk build reports
C.5. current, stable, pkgsrc-20xxQy: source packages
As in other big projects, the directory layout of pkgsrc is quite complex for
newbies. This chapter explains where you find things on the FTP server. The
base directory on is /pub/pkgsrc/. On other servers it may be
different, but inside this directory, everything should look the same, no
matter on which server you are. This directory contains some subdirectories,
which are explained below.
C.1. distfiles: The distributed source files
The directory distfiles contains lots of archive files from all pkgsrc
packages, which are mirrored here. The subdirectories are called after their
package names and are used when the distributed files have names that don't
explicitly contain a version number or are otherwise too generic (for example
C.2. misc: Miscellaneous things
This directory contains things that individual pkgsrc developers find worth
C.3. packages: Binary packages
This directory contains binary packages for the various platforms that are
supported by pkgsrc. Each subdirectory is of the form OPSYS/ARCH/OSVERSION_TAG.
The meaning of these variables is:
* OPSYS is the name of the operating system for which the packages have been
built. The name is taken from the output of the uname command, so it may
differ from the one you are used to hear.
* ARCH is the hardware architecture of the platform for which the packages
have been built. It also includes the ABI (Application Binary Interface)
for platforms that have several of them.
* OSVERSION is the version of the operating system. For version numbers that
change often (for example NetBSD-current), the often-changing part should
be replaced with an x, for example 4.99.x.
* TAG is either 20xxQy for a stable branch, or head for packages built from
the HEAD branch. The latter should only be used when the packages are
updated on a regular basis. Otherwise the date from checking out pkgsrc
should be appended, for example head_20071015.
The rationale for exactly this scheme is that the pkgsrc users looking for
binary packages can quickly click through the directories on the server and
find the best binary packages for their machines. Since they usually know the
operating system and the hardware architecture, OPSYS and ARCH are placed
first. After these choices, they can select the best combination of OSVERSION
and TAG together, since it is usually the case that packages stay compatible
between different version of the operating system.
In each of these directories, there is a whole binary packages collection for a
specific platform. It has a directory called All which contains all binary
packages. Besides that, there are various category directories that contain
symbolic links to the real binary packages.
C.4. reports: Bulk build reports
Here are the reports from bulk builds, for those who want to fix packages that
didn't build on some of the platforms. The structure of subdirectories should
look like the one in Section C.3, "packages: Binary packages".
C.5. current, stable, pkgsrc-20xxQy: source packages
These directories contain the "real" pkgsrc, that is the files that define how
to create binary packages from source archives.
Each of the current, stable and pkgsrc-20xxQy directories share the same
structure. They each contain a pkgsrc directory and pkgsrc.tar.{bz,gz,xz} file.
The directory pkgsrc contains a snapshot of the CVS repository, which is
updated regularly. The file pkgsrc.tar.{bz,gz,xz} contains the same as the
directory, ready to be downloaded as a whole.
The current directory contains files related to the HEAD branch of the CVS
repository. In this directory there is an additional file called
pkgsrc-readmes.tar.{bz,gz,xz} that contains all pkgsrc READMEs with information
about categories and packages.
The stable directory is a symlink to the latest pkgsrc-20xxQy.
The pkgsrc-20xxQy. directories contain files related to the -20xxQy stable
branch of the CVS repository. In these directories there is an additional file
called pkgsrc-20xxQy.tar.{bz,gz,xz}, which contains the state of pkgsrc when it
was branched.
Appendix D. Help topics
The following list contains all help topics that are available when running
bmake help topic=:index.
#! -lintl
32bit 64bit
X10_PORT X11
ZSH_STATIC __stdc__
_vargroups accept
acquire-localbase-lock acquire-lock
add administrator
alloca alternatives
aslr asprintf
atlas autoconf
automake autoreconf
awk bash
big-endian bin-install
bind binpkg-list
blas bootstrap-depends
broken broken_on_platform
build build-env
buildlink-directories buildlink-oss-soundcard-h
c c++
ccache cce
cdefs ceil
changes changes-entry
changes-entry-noupdate check
check-clean check-files
check-files-clean check-vulnerable
checksum checksum-phase
clean clean-depends
cleandir commit
commit-changes-entry compact
compiler conf
config.guess config.sub
configuration configure
configure-env configure-help
configure_args connect
cos cputime
create-usergroup csh
ctf cvs
debug declaration
declare defined
depend dependencies
depends depends-checksum
depends-fetch deps
describe destdir
disable distclean
distinfo dl
dlopen do-build
do-buildlink do-clean
do-configure do-configure-post-hook
do-extract do-fetch
do-install emul
emul-distinfo emul-fetch
emulation emulator
enable endian
endif enomem
err errx
etc exp
extract-rpm fabs
feature features
fetch fetch-list
follows forbids
form format
fortify fortify_source
fossil friend
fts fts_close
fts_open fts_read
fts_set gcc
gethostbyaddr gethostbyname
gethostbyname2 getopt_long
getprogname getservbyname
getservbyport getservent
gettext git
github gitlab
glob gnu
gnu_configure_strict go
go-deps golang
guess-license hashbang
heimdal help
hg imake
increment inet_aton
interp interpreter
intl ip4
ip6 ipv4
ipv6 iso
kerberos krb
krb5 ksh
lapack latex
libintl_bindtextdomain libintl_gettext
libintl_textdomain libnbcompat
libs libtool
licence license
lintl little-endian
lock locking
lvalue make
makesum memory
mercurial meta
meta-package meta_package
mit-krb5 mk.conf
mkl mount
mprotect mremap
nb nbcompat
netlib obstack
obstack_ptr_grow occurs
only openblas
order override
override-intltool override-message-intltool
package parallel
path pax
paxctl pbulk-index
pc perl
perl5 perms
php pkg-build-options
pkg-config pkg_build_options
platform plist
post-extract post-fetch
post-wrapper pre-build-checks-hook
pre-configure pre-configure-checks-hook
pre-extract pre-fetch
print-go-deps print-plist
print-summary-data privileged-install-hook
pypi python
readme-all recv
recvfrom regcomp
release-localbase-lock release-lock
relro rename
reorder replace
replace_interpreter reproducible
resolv root
ruby send
sendfile sendto
setenv setgid
setprogname setuid
sh shebang
show show-all
show-build-defs show-depends
show-deps show-distfiles
show-downlevel show-subdir-var
show-tools show-var
show-vars snprintf
socket ssp
st_mode stage-install
strcasestr strict
strip strndup
strnlen strsep
subst substitutions
subversion sun
sunpro sunwspro
svn symlink
test test-env
tex texlive
tmp tool
tools tools-libtool-m4-override
type ulimit
undefined undo-replace
unlimit unprivileged
unprivileged-install-hook unstripped
update upload
upload-distfiles use_tools
user utimes
vasprintf verbose
vsnprintf warn
warning warnings
warnx wattr_off
wattr_on work
wrapper wrkdir
Appendix E. Editing guidelines for the pkgsrc guide
Table of Contents
E.1. Make targets
E.2. Procedure
This section contains information on editing the pkgsrc guide itself.
E.1. Make targets
The pkgsrc guide's source code is stored in pkgsrc/doc/guide/files, and several
files are created from it:
* pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt
* pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.html
* The PDF version of the
pkgsrc guide.
* PostScript version of the
pkgsrc guide.
E.2. Procedure
The procedure to edit the pkgsrc guide is:
1. Make sure you have checked out the htdocs repository into a sibling
directory of your pkgsrc directory. You will need the ability to commit
from both pkgsrc and htdocs.
2. Make sure you have the packages needed to regenerate the pkgsrc guide (and
other XML-based NetBSD documentation) installed. These are automatically
installed when you install the meta-pkgs/pkgsrc-guide-tools package.
3. Run cd doc/guide to get to the right directory. All further steps will take
place here.
4. Edit the XML file(s) in files/.
5. Run bmake to check the pkgsrc guide for valid XML and to build the final
output files. If you get any errors at this stage, you can just edit the
files, as there are only symbolic links in the working directory, pointing
to the files in files/.
6. (cd files && cvs commit)
7. Run bmake clean && bmake to regenerate the output files with the proper RCS
8. Run bmake regen to install and commit the files in both pkgsrc/doc and
If you have added, removed or renamed some chapters, you need to
synchronize them using cvs add or cvs delete in the htdocs directory.