he 4a20e833ac Update p5-Apache-Test from version 1.12 to 1.16.
Change log:

1.16 - November 9, 2004

    launder the require()d custom config filename to make -T happy
    [Torsten Fo"rtsch <torsten.foertsch>]

    added Apache::TestRunPHP and Apache::TestConfigPHP classes,
    which provide a framework for server-side testing via PHP
    scripts [Geoffrey Young]

    fix problem with multiple all.t files where only the final file
    was being run through the test harness. [Geoffrey Young]

    Documented that redirection does not work with "POST" requests
    in Apache::TestRequest unless LWP is installed. [David Wheeler]

    Separated the setting of the undocumented $RedirectOK package
    variable by users of Apache::TestRequest from when it is set
    internally by passing the "requests_redirectable" parameter to
    the user_agent() method. This allows users to override the
    behavior set by the user_agent() method without replacing it.
    [David Wheeler]

1.15 - October 22, 2004

    add need_php4() and have_php4() which will return true when
    mod_php4 is available. also, tidy up need_php() and have_php()
    for PHP4 on Apache 2.0. [Joe Orton]

    add new test_config make target, equivalent to t/TEST -conf,
    and make it a prerequisite for the cmodules make target. now
    you can 'make cmodules' to build the things in c-modules/
    without running t/TEST -conf first. [Geoffrey Young]

    add -withtestmore import action, which allows Test::More >=
    0.49 to replace as the engine for server-side tests
    [Geoffrey Young]

    add automatic core dump backtrace generation in t/REPORT if
    Devel::GDB is installed [Gozer]

    add 'testcover' make target for running tests with Devel::Cover
    [Geoffrey Young]

1.14 - October 12, 2004

    improve the same_interpreter framework to handle response
    failures while trying to init and later find out the same
    interpreter. [Stas]

    make sure that 'make distclean' cleans all the autogenerated
    files [Stas]

    make sure that if -maxclients option is passed on the command
    line, minclients will never be bigger than that value [Stas]

    add -one-process runtime argument, which will start the server
    in single-server mode (httpd -X in Apache 1.X or httpd -D
    ONE_PROCESS in 2.X) [Geoffrey Young]

    In open_cmd, sanitize PATH instead of clearing it [Gozer]

    Allow / \ and \\ path delimiters in SKIP file [Markus Wichitill

    Added an apxs query cache for improved test performance [Gozer]

    run_tests make target no longer invokes t/TEST -clean, making
    it possible to save a few development cycles when a full cleanup
    is not required between runs. [Geoffrey Young]

    Apache::TestSmoke imrovements: [Stas] o the command line option
    -iterations=N should always be respected (previously it was
    internally overriden for order!='random'). o since IPC::Run3
    broke the Ctrl-C handler, we started to loose any intermediate
    results, should the run be aborted. So for now, try to always
    store those results in the temp file: smoke-report...$iter.temp

    fix 'require blib' in scripts to also call 'blib->import',
    required to have an effect under perl 5.6.x. [Stas]

    don't allow running an explicit 'perl Makefile.PL', when
    Apache-Test is checked out into the modperl-2.0 tree, since it
    then decides that it's a part of the modperl-2.0 build and will
    try to use modperl httpd/apxs arguments which could be unset
    or wrong [Stas]

    Fix skip test suite functionality in the interactive configuration
    phase [Stas]

    s/die/CORE::die/ after exec() to avoid warnings (and therefore
    failures) when someone overrides CORE::die when using Apache-Test
    [William McKee, Stas]

    Overrode Module::Build's "testcover" action in Apache::TestMB
    to prevent the Apache::Test sticky preference files from being
    included in the coverage report. [David]

1.13 - Aug 20, 2004

    move the custom config code into Apache::TestConfig, split the
    config object creation in 2 parts - first not requiring the
    knowledge of httpd location, the second requiring one, refactor
    the custom config interactive prompting into the second phase,
    if failed to find httpd. Reshuffle the code to run first bits
    not requiring the knowledge of httpd location. [Stas]

    fix Apache::TestCommonPost::lwp_do to work with LWP 5.800
    ($res->content() doesn't allow CODE refs anymore, instead used
    content_ref to avoid huge strings copy) [Stas]

    add @PHP_MODULE@ substitution variable, which
    selects mod_php4 or mod_php5 as appropriate. [Geoffrey Young]

    the have() function was removed entirely - use need() instead.
    [Geoffrey Young]

    add need() and need_* variant functions (need_module(),
    need_apache(), etc) for use specifically with plan() to decide
    whether or not a test should run. have_* variants (have_module(),
    have_apache(), etc) are now specifically for use outside of
    plan(), although they can continue to be used within plan()
    without fear of current tests breaking. [Geoffrey Young]

    add need_php() and have_php() which will return true when either
    mod_php4 or mod_php5 are available, providing functionality
    similar to need_cgi() and have_cgi(). [Geoffrey Young]

    Add APACHE_TEST_EXTRA_ARGS make variable to all invocations to
    t/TEST to allow passing extra arguments from the command line.

    When APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 is used don't even
    try to interactively configure the server, as we don't save
    any config it was entering an infinite loop. [Stas]

    If a directory t/lib exists from where the tests are run, adjust
    @INC so that this directory is added when running the tests,
    both within t/TEST and within t/conf/ This allows
    inclusion of modules specific to the tests that aren't intended
    to be installed. [Stas, Randy]

    make a special case for threaded mpm configuration, to ensure
    that unless maxclients was specified, MaxClients will be exactly
    twice bigger than ThreadsPerChild (minclients), since if we
    don't do that, Apache will reduce MaxClients to the same value
    as ThreadsPerChild. [Stas]

    Renamed generate_test_script() to generate_script() in
    Apache::TestMB to match the naming convention used in Apache::TestMM
    and elsewhere. [David]

    Apache::TestMB now only prints the "Generating test running
    script" message if verbosity is enabled (e.g., by passing
    --verbose when executing Build.PL). [David]

    Fixed the "requests_redirectable" parameter to
    Apache::TestRequest::user_agent() so that it works as docmented
    when passed a negative value. [Boris Zentner]

    Documented support for passing an array reference to the
    "requests_redirectable" parameter to Apache::TestRequest::user_agent()
    to be passed to LWP::UserAgent if LWP ist installed. [David]
2004-11-27 15:12:11 +00:00