dmcmahill eb0a5dcca7 Add support in the bulk build code to properly deal with SPECIFIC_PKGS=1.
In particular, when SPECIFIC_PKGS is set in /etc/mk.conf, you can now do

  sh mk/bulk/build

and have the right thing happen.  Only those packages explicitly listed
and those which are depended upon are considered for the build.  Other
than the restricted list of packages, the bulk build works the same way
as a full bulk build.
2004-04-07 22:56:34 +00:00

521 lines
13 KiB

# $NetBSD: post-build,v 1.42 2004/04/07 22:56:34 dmcmahill Exp $
# Collect stuff after a pkg bulk build
# (c) 2000 Hubert Feyrer, All Rights Reserved.
use File::Basename;
use POSIX ();
# Where config vars are stored (/bin/sh syntax)
if (-f $ENV{"BULK_BUILD_CONF"}) {
} else {
# Dig given variable out of config file, and set it
sub getconf {
if ($BULK_BUILD_CONF =~ /^\//) {
chomp($val=`. $BULK_BUILD_CONF ; echo \$$var`);
} else {
chomp($val=`. ./$BULK_BUILD_CONF ; echo \$$var`);
eval "\$$var=\"$val\";";
getconf("ADMINSIG"); # "-Your Name"
getconf("FTPURL"); # "pub/NetBSD/pkgstat/`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M`"
getconf("FTP"); # "/disk1/ftp/${FTPURL}"
getconf("FTPHOST"); #
getconf("REPORT"); # "broken.html"
getconf("USR_PKGSRC"); # "/usr/pkgsrc"
getconf("osrev"); # `uname -r`
getconf("arch"); # `uname -m`
chomp($os=`uname -s`);
# extract the name of the files used for the build log and broken build log.
# these have defaults set by and may be overridden in /etc/mk.conf
chomp($BROKENFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=BROKENFILE )`);
# also extract the names of the cache files used during the bulk build. We'll save a copy of
# those to help debug if the build messed up.
chomp($BULK_DBFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=BULK_DBFILE )`);
chomp($DEPENDSTREEFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=DEPENDSTREEFILE )`);
chomp($DEPENDSFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=DEPENDSFILE )`);
chomp($SUPPORTSFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=SUPPORTSFILE )`);
chomp($INDEXFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=INDEXFILE )`);
chomp($ORDERFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=ORDERFILE )`);
chomp($STARTFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=STARTFILE )`);
chomp($LOCALBASE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=LOCALBASE )`);
chomp($X11BASE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=X11BASE )`);
chomp($FIND=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=FIND )`);
chomp($GTAR=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; $ENV{"BMAKE"} show-var VARNAME=GTAR )`);
$startdate = (stat($STARTFILE))[9];
if ($startdate == 0) {
$startdate = "unknown";
} else {
local $ENV{TZ} = "UTC";
$startdate = POSIX::strftime("%c %Z", gmtime($startdate));
$enddate = POSIX::strftime("%c %Z", gmtime(time()));
$report_head = <<EOF;
Package Breaks Maintainer
$report_form = <<EOF;
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$pkg $nbrokenby $maintainer
system("mkdir -p ${FTP}");
# Copy over the output from the build process
system("find . -name $BROKENFILE -print | $GTAR -T - -plcf - | (cd $FTP; $GTAR -plxf -)");
# Copy over the cache files used during the build
system("cp ${f} ${FTP}") if -f ${f};
# Adjust "last" symlink
local($base, $dir) = $FTP=~m|^(.*)/([^/]*)$|;
symlink($dir, "$base/last");
# Generate leftovers-${arch}.html: files not deleted
# Leftover files are copied to leftovers-${arch} dir, and linked from
# leftovers-${arch}.html
system("mkdir -p leftovers-${arch}");
# Find files since last build:
$leftovers_txt = "leftovers-${arch}.txt";
$leftovers_html = "leftovers-${arch}.html";
system("${FIND} ${LOCALBASE} -newer ${USR_PKGSRC}/${startfile} -type f -print >>$leftovers_txt");
system("${FIND} ${X11BASE} -newer ${USR_PKGSRC}/${startfile} -type f -print >>$leftovers_txt");
# Strip perl-files:
local $/;
undef $/;
$perlfiles = `pkg_info -qL perl`;
($perlfiles_pattern = $perlfiles) =~ s/\n/|/g;
$perlfiles_pattern =~ s/|$//;
open (LEFT, $leftovers_txt) or die "can't read $leftovers_txt: $!";
@left = <LEFT>;
close (LEFT);
@leftovers = grep(!/^(${perlfiles_pattern})$/, @left);
open (LEFT, ">$leftovers_txt") or die "can't write $leftovers_txt: $!";
print LEFT @leftovers;
close (LEFT);
if (scalar(@leftovers)) {
# Store leftovers, for easier identification:
system("$GTAR -T $leftovers_txt -plcf - | (cd leftovers-${arch}; $GTAR -plxf -)");
# Add links to leftover list:
open (OUT, "> $leftovers_html")
or die "can't write $leftovers_html";
print OUT <<EOOUT;
foreach (@leftovers) {
print OUT "<a href=\"${FTPHOST}/${FTPURL}/leftovers-${arch}$_\">$_</a>\n";
print OUT <<EOOUT2;
# print the result of a single broken package
sub pkgResult {
my ($pinfo, $state) = @_;
my $pkg = $pinfo->{pkg};
my $nbrokenby = $pinfo->{nbrokenby};
my $nerrors = $pinfo->{nerrors};
@idents = `${FIND} ${USR_PKGSRC}/${pkg} -type f -print | xargs grep \\\$NetBSD`;
$datetime = "";
$file = "";
$ver = "";
foreach $ident (@idents) {
$ident =~ /\$[N]etBSD: ([^ ]*),v ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) Exp \$/;
if ("$3 $4" gt $datetime) {
$datetime = "$3 $4";
$file = $1;
$ver = $1;
$maintainer = `grep ^MAINTAINER $USR_PKGSRC/$pkg/Makefile`;
$maintainer =~ s/MAINTAINER=[ \t]*//;
$maintainer =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$maintainer =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
(my $state_style = $state) =~ s/ //g;
$nbrokenby_html = '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
$nbrokenby_html =
'<td align="right" class="pkg-'.$state_style.'">'.$nbrokenby.'</td>'
if $nbrokenby > 0;
if ($pinfo->{nerrors} != 0 && $verbose) {
print swrite($report_form, $pkg, $nbrokenby > 0 ? $nbrokenby : "", $maintainer);
return <<EOHTML;
<td><a class="pkg-$state_style" href="$pinfo->{bf}" title="build log for $pkg">$pkg</a></td>
# write the build report
sub writeReport {
my $broken = getBroken();
$nbroken = scalar(@{$broken->{"broken"}});
$nbrokendep = scalar(@{$broken->{"broken depends"}});
$nunpackaged = scalar(@{$broken->{"not packaged"}});
$nbrokentot = $nbroken + $nbrokendep;
$ntotal = $nunpackaged + $nbroken + $nbrokendep;
# determine the number of packages attempted, and then successful
open(ORDER, $ordfile) || die "can't open $ordfile: $!";
my @order = <ORDER>;
my $nattempted = scalar(@order);
my $nsuccessful = $nattempted - $ntotal;
if ($verbose) {
print <<EOF;
pkgsrc bulk build results
$os $osrev/$arch
my $summary_form = <<EOF;
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
print swrite($summary_form, "Build started:", $startdate);
print swrite($summary_form, "Build ended:", $enddate);
print swrite($summary_form);
print swrite($summary_form, "Successfully packaged:", $nsuccessful);
print swrite($summary_form, "Packages really broken:", $nbroken);
print swrite($summary_form, "Pkgs broken due to them:", $nbrokendep);
print swrite($summary_form, "Total broken:", $nbrokentot);
print swrite($summary_form, "Not packaged:", $nunpackaged);
print swrite($summary_form, "Total:", $ntotal);
print <<EOF;
Packages not listed here resulted in a binary package. The build
report, including logs of failed/not-packaged is available from:
open(HTML,">$REPORT") or die "Can't write $REPORT: $!\n";
print HTML <<EOHTML;
<title>$os $osrev/$arch bulk package build</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
Font-Family: Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;
Line-Height: 1.3em;
Text-Decoration: None;
Color: black;
Background-Color: white;
Border-Width: 0;
table {
Border-Width: 0;
table td {
Font-Family: Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;
line-height: 1em;
a:link {
Color: #3535c5;
a:visited {
Color: #700080;
a:hover {
Color: #6565e5;
Text-Decoration: underline;
tr {
Vertical-Align: top;
td {
Vertical-Align: top;
h1 {
Font-Size: 3.5ex;
Line-Height: 1em;
Color: #000066;
h2 {
Font-Size: 2.5ex;
Line-Height: 1em;
Color: #660000;
h3 {
Font-Size: 2ex;
Color: #660066;
h4 {
Font-Size: 1.8ex;
Color: #006600;
tt.filename {
Line-Height: 1.3em;
Color: #AA0000;
.pkgname {
Font-Family: Arial, Helvetica, Courier, fixed;
Font-Style: Italic;
Text-Decoration: none;
Line-Height: 1.3em;
.pkg-broken {
Color: red;
.pkg-brokendepends {
Color: orange;
.pkg-notpackaged {
Color: blue;
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#3535c5" vlink="#700080"
<h1>pkgsrc bulk build results</h1>
<h2>$os $osrev/$arch</h2>
<td>Build started: <td align="right">$startdate</td>
<td>Build ended: <td align="right">$enddate</td>
<td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td>
<td>Successfully packaged:</td> <td align="right">$nsuccessful</td>
<tr class="pkg-broken">
<td>Packages really broken:</td> <td align="right">$nbroken</td>
<tr class="pkg-brokendepends">
<td>Packages broken due to them:</td> <td align="right">$nbrokendep</td>
<td>Total broken:</td> <td align="right">$nbrokentot</td>
<tr class="pkg-notpackaged">
<td>Not packaged:</td> <td align="right">$nunpackaged</td>
<td>Total:</td> <td align="right">$ntotal</td>
Packages not listed here resulted in a <a
href="../../packages/" title="binary packages for $os $osrev/$arch">binary
package</a>. Results of failed packages are available below.
Files leftover from the build (because of broken PLISTs, etc.) can be
found in <a href="leftovers-${arch}.html" title="leftover files">this
my %state_head = (
"broken" => "Broken packages",
"broken depends" => "Broken dependencies",
"not packaged" => "Not packaged"
foreach my $state ("broken", "broken depends", "not packaged") {
next unless scalar(@{$broken->{$state}});
print HTML <<EOHTML;
<table width="100%">
<tr align="left">
<th width="30%">Package</th>
<th>File touched last</th>
if ($verbose && $state ne "not packaged") {
print "\n\n$state_head{$state}\n\n";
print $report_head;
foreach my $pinfo (@{$broken->{$state}}) {
print HTML pkgResult($pinfo, $state);
print HTML "</table>\n";
print HTML <<EOHTML;
The following cache files were used during the build:
<li>The <a href="$bulkdbfile">SPECIFIC_PKGS bulk database file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$dtfile">depends tree file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$depfile">depends file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$supfile">supports file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$indfile">index file</a>.</li>
<li>The <a href="$ordfile">build order file</a>.</li>
<!-- <li>View the <a href="$prog">progress</a> of the build. -->
<!-- <li>See the list of <a href="../index.html">all log files</a>. -->
<li>Visit the <a href="">NetBSD web site</a>.
<li>Learn more about
<a href="">
The NetBSD Packages Collection</a>.
if ($verbose) {
print "\n\n$ADMINSIG\n\n";
print "[* This message was created by the Packages Collection bulk build software *]\n";
# get and sort the broken packages
sub getBroken {
if (!open (BF, $BROKENFILE)) {
return undef;
my @in = <BF>;
close (BF);
my $res = {};
foreach (@in) {
my ($nerrors, $bf, $nbrokenby) = split;
(my $pkg = $bf) =~ s,/$BROKENFILE,,;
my %tmp = (
bf => $bf,
pkg => $pkg,
nbrokenby => $nbrokenby,
nerrors => $nerrors,
if ($nerrors > 0) {
push(@{$res->{"broken"}}, \%tmp);
} elsif ($nerrors == -1) {
push(@{$res->{"broken depends"}}, \%tmp);
} else {
push(@{$res->{"not packaged"}}, \%tmp);
# sort pkgs in each state
foreach my $state ("broken", "broken depends", "not packaged") {
$res->{$state} = [ sort { $a->{pkg} cmp $b->{pkg} } @{$res->{$state}} ];
return $res;
sub swrite {
my $format = shift;
$^A = "";
formline($format, @_);
$^A =~ s/\n\n/\n/;
return $^A;