adrianp 6a8f711261 - Update of hevea from 1.06 to 1.07
> version 1.07
>    - Release, to follow ocaml evolution.
> version 1.06+1
>    - Added \lstnewenvironment  in package listings
>    - Pb pour les delims de hauteur 1 : -> rescanner le delimiteur ! Pas le tps.
>    - Bug in text manager : incorrect behavior \centering-like declarations.
>      Solution make the align flags systematically stacked
>    - Add a command-line flag to hacha
>         -nolinks -> suppress Previous/Up/Next links
>    - Small hacha bug : replicate \htmlfoot argument in index.html file
>      even when hevea generated footer is absent.
>    - New \@charset command and xxcharset.exe script, to control
>      output document character set.
>    - firstnumber=auto|last|nnn in listings.hva
>    - started adding an example for listings (exlst.tex)
>    - proper (?) implementation of emph classes in listings
>      (some debug print left)
>    - key label in listings + ignore empty fst argument of env
>      listing + patch on initial line numbers
>    - An attempt to follow << listings >> pace of developement
>      all '*label*' keys are now '*numbers*' keys, snif.
>    - Added bgcolor definition in hevea.sty, not very good
>      (some debug print left)
>    - key label in listings + ignore empty fst argument of env
>      listing + patch on initial line numbers
>    - An attempt to follow << listings >> pace of developement
>      all '*label*' keys are now '*numbers*' keys, snif.
>    - Added bgcolor definition in hevea.sty, not very good
>    - Spaces are irrelevant everywhere in array/tabular format
>    - A new warning for \right and \left in non-display mode.
>    - Special parsing (\@verbimagearg) for ``\DeclareGraphicsRule'' last
>      argument.
>    - Allow multiples > and < in package array.
>    - Better error message for undefined defaults in keyval.
>    - Do not check comments before Save.arg_verbatim.
>    - Added a new primitive \@styleattr
>    - Almost complete multibib package.
>    - Small bit of xypic (-> all \xymatrix are images).
> version 1.06
> version 1.06-7
>   - \ifmagen indroduced, \imagentrue at beginning of .image.tex,
>     \imagenfalse in hevea.sty, if \ifimagen undefined.
>   - Bug -> stopimage in lstinline.
>   - Throw away index when some key field is empty (i.e. mimic makeindex)
>   - Introduced \htmprefix
>   - Bug in ``\@displayint'' (introduced by the new ``\@getprint'')
>   - compatibility with ocaml 3.03 (do not close a file twice)
>   - Table of contents a` la LaTeX.
>   - new ``-hrf'' option for hacha
>   - PNG managment in hevea/imagen
>   - Added a ``-quant'' option to imagen
>   - Changed ``\@getprint'' to interpret characters Cleaned a few bad usages of `
> `\@getprint''
>   - Added ``\hyperref'' with optional argument.
>   - Added underscore package
>   - Bug htmlfoot, <!--FOOTER--> MUST appear last in hevea output
>   - small stuff in listings (showlines and continued line  numbering)
> version 1.06-6
>   - Added esponja
>   - Better error diagnostic for bad usage of \begin{document}... \end{document}
>   - Added a \tocnomber command to include section numbers in table of
>     contents
>   - Better amstmath package
> version 1.06-5
>   - \index allowed in section titles (@norefs extension)
>   - Big dynamic scoping bug in packages.hva
>   - Two easy misfeature disappear
>         . trailing -exec prog brougth back one step
>         . blanks allowed in array formats
>   - Option -version
>   - Bug in, finalize -> active := false, to make module restartable
>   - Bug moreverb, protect get_line by save_lexstate/restore_lexstate.
>   - Bug paragraphe (remettre Save.seen_par a` false dans make_stack).
>   - Bug \iftest -> modifs locales (par fun_register)
>   - Bug argument csname de \newcommand dans toimage -> save_arg
>   - Licence du manuel.
>   - Bug par, Dest.par None doit e^tre un nop (cf. appel dans expand_command,
>     avec name = \par).
>   - insertion d'un @verbarg pour les clefs de labels et de citations
>   - Hot oubliait les notes de bas de page.
>   - Simplification Misc.copy_hashtbl,
>     ne marche plus pour les liaisans multiples.
>   - small simplification fancyvrb
>   - \sbox lrbox finally ok ?
>   - New \@getprintnostyle primitive
>   - Leading spaces in \usepackage{pkg1, pgk2}
>   - New optimized mode for styles.
>   - Plein de bugs corrige's (arguments a` , notamment), listings et fancyverb
> version 1.06-4
> version 1.06-3
>   - Bug hacha, all output now goes into current directory
>   - Paragraphs not ok, quick fix (in \\begin and \\end)
>   - All document was typeset inside a Latexmacros group !
>       -> change \document \enddocument commands
>   - Corrected a bugs in argument parsing/scanning (save_sup/sub and
>     arg scanning with ``may_cont''
>   - alltt flags ignored when the alltt package is not loaded
>   - A little more for fancyvrb
> version 1.06-2
>   - Started implementing the fancyvrb package
> version 1.06-1
>   - A la TeX \mathop
>   - patched bugs in info genearation
>   - alltt implementation revised. Efficency concern
>   - listings package implementation
>   - \def and \let now have TeX semantics *IMPORTANT*
>   - \toplinks, for prev,up, next links on the root file.
>   - Bug for paragraphs inside \@stopoutput.. \@restoreoutput.
>   - Bug CamlCode in get.mll lexer. Correction is patchy.
> version 1.05
>   - Paragraphs not ok, quick fix (in \\begin and \\end)
>   - All document was typeset inside a Latexmacros group !
>       -> change \document \enddocument commands
>   - Corrected a bugs in argument parsing/scanning (save_sup/sub and
>     arg scanning with ``may_cont''
>   - alltt flags ignored when the alltt package is not loaded
>   - A little more for fancyvrb
> version 1.06-2
>   - Started implementing the fancyvrb package
> version 1.06-1
>   - A la TeX \mathop
>   - patched bugs in info genearation
>   - alltt implementation revised. Efficency concern
>   - listings package implementation
>   - \def and \let now have TeX semantics *IMPORTANT*
>   - \toplinks, for prev,up, next links on the root file.
>   - Bug for paragraphs inside \@stopoutput.. \@restoreoutput.
>   - Bug CamlCode in get.mll lexer. Correction is patchy.
2005-02-04 22:23:23 +00:00
patches - Update of hevea from 1.06 to 1.07 2005-02-04 22:23:23 +00:00
distinfo - Update of hevea from 1.06 to 1.07 2005-02-04 22:23:23 +00:00
Makefile - Update of hevea from 1.06 to 1.07 2005-02-04 22:23:23 +00:00
PLIST - Update of hevea from 1.06 to 1.07 2005-02-04 22:23:23 +00:00