grant 94f3c148d1 Initial import of rudiments 0.25.1 into the NetBSD packages collection.
Rudiments is an Open Source C++ class library providing base classes
for things such as daemons, clients and servers, and wrapper classes
for the standard C functions for things such as regular expressions,
semaphores and signal handling.
2004-04-15 10:32:33 +00:00

5 lines
240 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2004/04/15 10:32:33 grant Exp $
SHA1 (rudiments-0.25.1.tar.gz) = fc580d1da17c17a6f01a782a0eb885f0e32eade6
Size (rudiments-0.25.1.tar.gz) = 340219 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = ffb2d6182e5ea6e376cc6b631ea3b24bdaac44eb