adam 6287c70c8c fmtlib: updated to 5.3.0
* Introduced experimental chrono formatting support
* Added experimental support for emphasis (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough), colored output to a file stream, and improved colored formatting API
* Added support for 4-bit terminal colors
* Parameterized formatting functions on the type of the format string. Any object of type S that has an overloaded to_string_view(const S&) returning fmt::string_view can be used as a format string
* Made std::string_view work as a format string
* Added wide string support to compile-time format string checks
* Made colored print functions work with wide strings
* Introduced experimental Unicode support
* Improved locale support
* Constrained formatting functions on proper iterator types
* Added make_printf_args and make_wprintf_args functions
* Deprecated fmt::visit, parse_context, and wparse_context. Use fmt::visit_format_arg, format_parse_context, and wformat_parse_context instead.
* Removed undocumented basic_fixed_buffer which has been superseded by the iterator-based API
* Disallowed repeated leading zeros in an argument ID
* Reintroduced support for gcc 4.4
* Fixed compilation on platforms with exotic double
* Improved documentation
* Added pkgconfig support which makes it easier to consume the library from meson and other build systems
2019-02-26 10:58:25 +00:00

8 lines
535 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2019/02/26 10:58:25 adam Exp $
SHA1 (fmt-5.3.0.tar.gz) = 787a568322e08cebb1e164b3c9766e27ca18b2c8
RMD160 (fmt-5.3.0.tar.gz) = db698a683c6be3bb2423965f00ca661e849308c1
SHA512 (fmt-5.3.0.tar.gz) = 9ef0f3d328681253c1e1776576d54d67dec49c19fd7fc422ae63c3610b01a3f05f6e83cdf5e913dfd09bac42e52fe35c38ebe1ea91f4207d226a32aaf69eb4a8
Size (fmt-5.3.0.tar.gz) = 662493 bytes
SHA1 (patch-CMakeLists.txt) = 122c1694b7772e4f444ec550a3d1fb9b6b8d0690
SHA1 (patch-include_fmt_posix.h) = 083c19a7f1fc02e04f355e3d45781b47364baca1