$NetBSD: README.next_rev,v 1.1 1999/03/05 11:22:34 frueauf Exp $
NOTE (mcmahill@alum.mit.edu, March 3, 1999):
There is a bug in NetBSD/alpha-1.3I which causes some problems with scilab.
The relevent alpha bugs are:
port-alpha/6805, with port-alpha/6634, and port-alpha/4424 looking related.
Once those are fixed I'll update scilab to make it fully alpha functional.
The effect is that any scilab operation which causes a divide by zero generates
a floating point exception which is not trapped. This causes a core dump.
Once the alpha bugs listed above are fixed, the following changes should be made
to the scilab package source:
Once fpsetmask(0) on the alpha is fixed to no longer cause a core dump, the
following patch files should be updated:
The lines
+#if (defined(netbsd) && !defined(__alpha__)) || defined(freebsd)
+ fpsetmask(0);
should be changed to
+#if defined(netbsd) || defined(freebsd)
+ fpsetmask(0);
In addition, once the alpha bug is fixed, patch-bt should be removed and the
pkgsrc Makefile should have the following lines removed:
@if [ ${MACHINE_ARCH} != "alpha" ]; then \
${MV} ${WRKSRC}/scilab.star.orig ${WRKSRC}/scilab.star