- Made balloon time adjustable via /set input_balloon_time (Nicoleau Fabien).
- Fixed a crash in the /SET command if a boolean value was loaded from config
file that isn't set to 0 or 1.
- Added -on and -off parameters to the /SET command. This can be used to set
bits, for example gui_tweaks.
- Made scrolling backwards for the search window act better (Richard Hitt).
- [2045483] Made ESC key close the search window (Richard Rowell).
- Improved the reconnect logic. If a network is already open but disconnected,
it'll now get re-used if you use the Network List and connect to that same
- Improved scrollback reloading speed significantly (Soeren Sandmann Pedersen).
- [2957047] Handle CTCPs when IDmsg is used correctly (Lian Wan Situ).
- [2987626] Allow /GHOST's password arg to be optional (Ori Avtalion).
- Added networks: 7-indonesia, ChattingAway, GeekShed, TURLINet.
- When switching tabs, make the treeview only scroll if the selected item
isn't visible [treeview-less-jumping.diff] (Brian Evans).
- Selecting an item in the nickmenu will now copy it to clipboard (Alex
- New icons for notification area (systray): file offer, message and highlight
(Brian Evans).
- Defined a comparison routine for contexts in Python (Brian Evans).
- For the auto-join command, added an 'x' filler for empty keys. This works
around a bug in ircd-seven.
- When a single channel MODE changes, xchat will no longer re-issue a MODE
request for the titlebar display, but figure the new modes intelligently
(Brian Evans).
- Various text event changes (Brian Evans):
1. Added "Private Action", "Private Action to Dialog", "SSL Message".
2. Added "Identified text" parameter all the 'action' events.
3. Added a $3 parameter to "Server Text".
- Perl (Lian Wan Situ)
* Fixed a bug that resulted in timer hooks being leaked because
"return REMOVE" from a timer callback was not unhooking like it was
supposed to
* Reverted the unintentional change to how the server argument of print()
and command() is interepreted when it is undef
* Add hook_fd to the 'hooks' export tag
* Fixed a leak in XS_Xchat_get_list(Vincent Pit)
* Change Xchat::register so that scripts calling it without a name or
version will still show up in the plugins and scripts window.
* Added calls to PERL_SYS_INIT3 and PERL_SYS_TERM which are required on
some platforms
* Added some additional guards to prevents bits of scripts from spilling
into each other
* Added "modes", "win_ptr" and "xchatdirfs" to the list of keys that are
returned by context_info()
* Changed the information displayed in the "Plugins & Scripts" for scripts
that do not call register() to show up as "" for the name and description
and "unknown" for the version
* /reloadall will now reload scripts in the same order they were loaded
* Make xchat_send_modes available as Xchat::send_modes
* Add support for getting the network list using Xchat::get_list( "networks" )
* Xchat::strip_code will now strip off ANSI escape codes as well