One significant change here: libXi was using raw serial numbers in event cookies, the one read off the wire. All other events don't use that number but a Xlib-internal serial number which is similar but not always the same. This could cause events to look out of order. With this release, libXi is now using the same serial number for event cookies as it uses for all other events. Javier Pello (1): Fix const compiler warnings Peter Hutterer (2): Don't use raw serial numbers in XIEvents libXi 1.7.6
6 lines
400 B
6 lines
400 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.25 2015/12/27 11:31:35 wiz Exp $
SHA1 (libXi-1.7.6.tar.bz2) = 0bf1c2b8279915d8c94e45cd0b9ec064f7a177a9
RMD160 (libXi-1.7.6.tar.bz2) = 1eb67ecfd38d3faec64472c62c167a44d2ee894e
SHA512 (libXi-1.7.6.tar.bz2) = 229e1e6e1486808ffad9610a8fd7930bd3348fa5d11709adcb6239b5c01af877ac549072e8d3aec605a3835d8278fd48146db50577fa031407d20c1e871d8f4a
Size (libXi-1.7.6.tar.bz2) = 484485 bytes