Version 3.4.1 -- The "A tiger? In Africa?!" bug fix release.
Mention in the release that upgrading is advised for two critical issues:
-> error in export to xml of family order in 3.4.0, now fixed
-> crash in windows after some use due to too much terminal output in 3.4.0, now fixed
* Some platform-specific fixes (Windows, OSX)
* Bug fixes
* Translation updates
* Changelog: http://www.gramps-project.org/bugs/changelog_page.php?version_id=31
Version 3.4.0 -- The "always look on the bright side of life" feature release.
* Lots of changes and bug fixes to every part of Gramps, including XML
import/export, image handling, gedom handling, Gramplets, date handling,
citations, reports, more!
* Some platform-specific fixes (Windows, OSX, Linux)
* What's new (and what to do before you upgrade): http://goo.gl/K3RDV
* Roadmap: http://goo.gl/GJhjH
* Many translation updates