Release 4.1.1 - 2015-01-29 -------------------------- Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * [windows] Improved to show error message instead of error code. It's easy to understand. * [experimental][windows] Supported small start file size for database file. In previous versions, Groonga consumed larger initial file size on windows in contrast to UNIX like environment. To enable this feature, use ``GRN_IO_VERSION=1`` environment variable. This feature isn't enabled by default because it is in experimental stage. * Supported ``SUM``, ``MIN``, ``MAX``, ``AVG`` feature for drilldown. This feature is supported by extending newer drilldown syntax which supports label. Specify ``SUM``, ``MIN``, ``MAX`` or ``AVG`` for :ref:`select-drilldown-calc-types` and target column for :ref:`select-drilldown-calc-target`. The return value is calculated based on drilldown result in group. * [experimental] Added ``--with-jemalloc`` option to use ``jemalloc`` for ``malloc()/free()``. It'll improve performance on multi-threading usage. For example, the performance of :doc:`/reference/executables/groonga` or `Mroonga <>`__ will be improved. Note that this feature doesn't affect to :doc:`/reference/executables/groonga-httpd` because groonga-httpd uses multi-process model instead of multi-threading. * groonga-httpd: Supported long error message over 2048 bytes. By this change, long error message (>2048) is not truncated. * groonga-httpd: Supported streaming dump functionality. Fixes ^^^^^ * Fixed mismatch between error code and error message when ``strerror()`` is failed. There was a case that Groonga shows incorrect error code as syscall error. * Fixed to show errno in error message when unknow error is occurred. * [windows] Fixed to return proper error code. * Fixed a bug that there is only one section for multi-column index for :ref:`select-match-columns`, it doesn't return correct search results. For example, consider the case that there is multi-column index which is named as ``memo_index`` for ``title`` column and ``content`` column. Thus, this bug occurs when ``memo_index[0]`` which means index for ``title`` column is specified for :ref:`select-match-columns`. * mecab: Added workaround for ``mecab_strerror(NULL)`` on MeCab 0.993. Without this workaround, Groonga aborts if there is no MeCab dictionary. [Reported by Shuhei Tanuma] * groonga-httpd: Fixed a bug that custom log file is ignored. * groonga-httpd: Fixed a bug that empty dump doesn't return. Thanks ^^^^^^ * Shuhei Tanuma
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$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.40 2015/01/29 10:34:14 obache Exp $
SHA1 (groonga-4.1.1.tar.gz) = ecbdc965c018986f0605bae0a5038940de668f39
RMD160 (groonga-4.1.1.tar.gz) = 42356a3c703a96668b64017bd7b2573356a475bd
Size (groonga-4.1.1.tar.gz) = 11375347 bytes