------------------- # Version 3.06 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Makefile now generates without user input * Test cases should now run on all smoketesters. # Version 3.03 to 03.05 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Minor packaging fixes which correct issues relating to CPAN indexing as a co-committer. No code changes. # Version 3.02.01 - 2014-02-25 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fixed test case failures based on differing escape returns from LaTeX::Encode
6 lines
339 B
6 lines
339 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2015/05/06 04:10:01 mef Exp $
SHA1 (Template-Plugin-Latex-3.06.tar.gz) = 19eb6427e855e347b23d20cba9127954de150f49
RMD160 (Template-Plugin-Latex-3.06.tar.gz) = 965323df21253523eb9a55fc38e5c30f5dc53c0e
Size (Template-Plugin-Latex-3.06.tar.gz) = 20487 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = a829811c058e222952d6d86b1defc914ae6d2f2d