- bug fix: 'tcbincludepdf' ignored some raster options - bug fix: visible seam for 'bicolor' and 'tile' in 'sidebyside' mode around the lower (i.e. rightward) part - Using group around arguments for title in the examples - Allocate write registers \tcb at out and \tcb at record@out only when needed - Documentation: recommend to use initialization options after loading hyperref - Documentation: warn user about white title color becoming invisible for the skin 'empty' - documentation correction - documentation of library skins is split into a general part and the catalog of skins - '\tcblistof' enhanced to take an optional short title and mimic '\listoffigures' where applicable - library 'skins': * new option 'opacitybacklower' * new jigsaw variant of 'bicolor': 'bicolor jigsaw', 'bicolorfirst jigsaw', 'bicolormiddle jigsaw', 'bicolorlast jigsaw' * implementation of bicolor overhauled * skin documentation complemented with sidebyside examples. - library 'theorems': * new option 'theorem hanging indent' - library 'vignette': * documentation examples for fading styles for every side added - library 'raster': * '\thetcbrasternum' changed output the content of a counter. LaTeX counter 'tcbrasterrow', 'tcbrastercolumn', 'tcbrasternum' documented.
13 lines
352 B
13 lines
352 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/06/05 06:55:25 markd Exp $
DISTNAME= tcolorbox.doc
PKGNAME= tex-${DISTNAME:S/./-/}-4.50
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= https://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox
COMMENT= Documentation for tex-tcolorbox
LICENSE= lppl-1.3c
.include "../../print/texlive/package.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"