Update to 1.1.0
Upstream changes:
2015-04-24 08:59 edzer
* ChangeLog, R/aggregate.R: aggregate: add drop_lower_td = TRUE to
gIntersection call
2015-04-24 08:57 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-24 07:42 rsbivand
* R/CRS-methods.R: change to nzchar
2015-04-24 07:33 rsbivand
* R/CRS-methods.R, R/Class-Spatial.R, R/SpatialLines-methods.R,
R/SpatialPolygons-methods.R, R/projected.R: change to nzchar
2015-04-23 17:56 rsbivand
* R/CRS-methods.R: R-devel needs !is.na(projargs) in CRS for lazy
2015-04-23 14:36 edzer
* man/as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology.Rd: removed non-working
example lines
2015-04-23 10:47 rsbivand
* R/SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-methods.R, inst/include/sp_xports.c,
src/sp_xports.c: SpatialPolygonsDataFrame error message
2015-04-21 06:29 edzer
* man/spplot.Rd: modified example
2015-04-20 19:16 edzer
* R/spplot.R: more spplot fixes
2015-04-20 18:58 edzer
* R/spplot.R, man/spplot.Rd: more patches from Josh O'Brien
2015-04-19 17:10 edzer
* DESCRIPTION: add Josh O'Brien to the ctb list
2015-04-19 17:04 edzer
* R/spplot.R, man/spplot.Rd: corrections to sp.layout processing,
with help from Josh O'Brien
2015-04-16 19:16 edzer
* .Rbuildignore, ChangeLog, build-prep.sh, build-release.sh: add
build-release script, so that not every build triggers an svn
`tidy' commit
2015-04-16 19:15 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-16 19:14 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-16 17:08 rsbivand
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-16 16:39 edzer
* R/aggregate.R: add comments to somewhat dense code
2015-04-16 14:38 edzer
* R/aggregate.R: break when IDs contain space characters
2015-04-16 12:44 rsbivand
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-16 12:44 rsbivand
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-16 10:01 edzer
* .Rbuildignore, R/SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-methods.R,
R/aggregate.R, man/aggregate.Rd: correct SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
subsetting with character argument
add area-weighted aggregation, as an option to sp::aggregate
2015-04-14 21:36 edzer
* ChangeLog, R/Spatial-methods.R, build-prep.sh: warn when
data.frame is assigned to attribute vector
2015-04-14 13:58 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-13 17:38 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-13 17:35 edzer
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog, inst/include/sp.h, src/sp.h,
src/sp.h.in: tidy
2015-04-13 17:34 edzer
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog, inst/include/sp_xports.c,
src/sp_xports.c: tidy
2015-04-13 17:23 edzer
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-13 17:19 edzer
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-13 15:29 rsbivand
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-13 15:28 rsbivand
* .Rbuildignore, ChangeLog, build-prep.sh, svn2cl.xsl: move to
distributed svn2cl
2015-04-13 10:57 edzer
* inst/include/sp_xports.c, src/sp_xports.c: tidy
2015-04-13 08:00 rsbivand
* src/sp.h.in: add sp/src/sp.h.in
2015-04-13 07:49 edzer
* src/pip.c, src/pip2.c, src/sp_xports.c: add const qualifiers,
tidy sp_xports.c
2015-04-09 19:17 rsbivand
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-09 19:16 rsbivand
* .Rbuildignore, ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, build-prep.sh,
inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-09 19:10 rsbivand
* .Rbuildignore: devel check issues (urls)
2015-04-09 19:07 rsbivand
* build-prep.sh, inst/include/sp.h, inst/include/sp_xports.c:
adding build-prep.sh
2015-04-09 17:09 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION, man/meuse.Rd, man/panel.Rd, man/spDistsN1.Rd,
man/spplot.Rd: devel check issues (urls)
2015-04-09 13:17 rsbivand
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-09 13:16 rsbivand
* man/Spatial-class.Rd, man/SpatialLines-class.Rd,
man/SpatialPoints-class.Rd, man/SpatialPolygons-class.Rd:
document plot methods
2015-04-09 11:14 rsbivand
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2015-04-09 11:11 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION, inst/include/sp.h, inst/include/sp_xports.c,
man/spplot.Rd, src/init.c, src/pip.c, src/pip2.c, src/sp.h,
src/sp_xports.c, tests/fail1.R, tests/fail1.Rout.save: duplicate
2015-04-08 19:19 rsbivand
* man/CRS-class.Rd, man/degaxis.Rd, man/is.projected.Rd,
man/nowrapSpatialLines.Rd, man/recenter-methods.Rd,
src/sp_xports.c: first cut duplicate and +ellps in man/*
2015-03-30 15:30 edzer
* man/spplot.Rd: add spplot example with floating legend
2015-03-30 07:50 edzer
* man/sp-deprecated.Rd: tidy; forgot overlay method definition
2015-03-30 07:39 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/Spatial-methods.R, R/overlay.R,
man/sp-deprecated.Rd: remove overlay method instances, keep
definition for raster
2015-03-28 11:53 edzer
* man/over.Rd, man/spplot.Rd: tidy examples
2015-03-27 23:18 edzer
* R/spplot.R, man/spplot.Rd: make `first' argument work again; add
examples of simpler sp.layout.
2015-03-22 19:54 edzer
* R/spplot.R: argument `first' was not passed; spotted by Josh
2015-03-20 08:13 edzer
* R/spplot.R: bug on plot order, reported by Josh O'Brien
2015-03-17 18:40 edzer
* R/bubble.R, demo/gallery.R: update sppanel usage
2015-03-17 18:16 edzer
* R/spplot.R: col specification for panel.polygonsplot, by Josh
2015-03-16 16:51 edzer
* man/spplot.Rd: typo
2015-03-15 15:04 edzer
* NAMESPACE, R/Spatial-methods.R, R/spplot.R, man/spplot.Rd:
refactor sp.layout argument; drop requirement to name function,
allow mixing Spatial* objects; introduce sppanel generic.
2015-03-15 11:38 edzer
* R/spplot.R, demo/depend.R: sp.lines now obeys col argument longer
than one, email from Josh O'Brien
2015-03-10 14:39 edzer
* demo/depend.R: change cran mirror
2015-03-09 20:54 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/SpatialPointsDataFrame-methods.R, R/overlay.R,
tests/fail1.Rout.save, tests/pass1.R, tests/pass1.Rout.save: add
back overlay; tidy SpatialPointsDataFrame(), add tests
2015-03-09 11:53 edzer
* R/SpatialPointsDataFrame-methods.R, man/SpatialPoints.Rd,
tests/fail1.Rout.save, tests/pass1.R, tests/pass1.Rout.save:
match.ID is now missing in SpatialPointsDataFrame(), a warning is
given if matching is applied but match.ID was not set; see the
examples in the docs.
2015-03-09 10:36 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION: remove overlay.R from Collate
2015-03-09 10:20 edzer
* R/SpatialPointsDataFrame-methods.R, man/SpatialPoints.Rd:
match.ID defaults to TRUE if coords is not a data.frame,
otherwise FALSE (for backward compatibility)
2015-03-09 10:07 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/CRS-methods.R, R/Class-CRS.R,
R/Class-SpatialGrid.R, R/Class-SpatialGridDataFrame.R,
R/Class-SpatialPoints.R, R/Class-SpatialPointsDataFrame.R,
R/Spatial-methods.R, R/SpatialGridDataFrame-methods.R,
R/SpatialLines-methods.R, R/SpatialPoints-methods.R,
R/SpatialPointsDataFrame-methods.R, R/SpatialPolygons-methods.R,
R/rbind.R, R/subset.R, man/sp-deprecated.Rd, src/sp_xports.c,
tests/pass1.R, tests/pass1.Rout.save: improve coordinates() logic
to keep row.names of data.frame's
improve support for zero-feature objects (subset, rbind)
add rgdal check on CRS() if rgdal is installed, instead of loaded
have $<- promote a SpatialXxx to a SpatialXxxDataFrame
Version bump to 1.1-0
2015-03-05 23:58 edzer
* NAMESPACE: remove duplicated gridat
2015-03-02 17:30 edzer
* vignettes/over.Rnw: update `over' vignette
2015-03-02 15:04 edzer
* vignettes/over.Rnw: update
2015-03-02 12:57 edzer
* R/over.R, man/over.Rd: call `over' methods in rgeos automatically
2015-03-02 11:19 edzer
* R/CRS-methods.R, R/Spatial-methods.R, man/spTransform.Rd,
tests/fail1.Rout.save: load rgdal namespace when needed for
spTransform, clean up methods
2015-03-02 10:21 edzer
* R/Spatial-methods.R, man/Spatial-class.Rd: allow $<- on
geometry-only objects, promoting them to *DataFrame
2015-02-26 21:00 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/overlay.R, R/projected.R, R/spsample.R,
man/is.projected.Rd, man/sp-deprecated.Rd: remove overlay()
methods altogether, leaving generic for raster
tidy & clean projected.R
add warning to spsample.SpatialLines when data are longlat
2015-02-20 14:36 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION: add sp contributors
2015-02-19 21:14 edzer
* R/SpatialGrid-methods.R: further optimize of plot.SpatialPixels
2015-02-19 17:25 edzer
* R/SpatialGrid-methods.R, man/SpatialPixels-class.Rd: reduce
number of segments() calls to inprove performance
2015-02-19 15:57 edzer
* .Rbuildignore, R/SpatialGrid-methods.R,
man/SpatialPixels-class.Rd: plotting SpatialGrid or SpatialPixels
now plots a grid, unless grid = FALSE
2015-02-19 14:05 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/Class-CRS.R, R/Class-GridTopology.R,
R/Class-Spatial.R, R/Class-SpatialGrid.R,
R/Class-SpatialGridDataFrame.R, R/Class-SpatialLines.R,
R/Class-SpatialLinesDataFrame.R, R/Class-SpatialPoints.R,
R/Class-SpatialPointsDataFrame.R, R/Class-SpatialPolygons.R,
R/Class-SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.R, R/SpatialGrid-methods.R,
man/over.Rd: increase dependency on R >= 3.0.0, replace
representation by slots;
remove prototypes from class definitions
2015-01-24 18:54 edzer
* man/addattr.Rd, man/over.Rd, man/spsample.Rd: cleanup references
to overlay
2015-01-23 21:15 edzer
* man/SpatialPoints.Rd: correct docs regarding what match.ID
exactly does
2015-01-22 12:27 edzer
* R/SpatialPoints-methods.R, R/spsample.R, man/spsample.Rd,
tests/grid.Rout.save: fix SpatialPointsDataFrame match.ID issue,
raised in
fix makegrid bug in case of negative bbox
2015-01-19 20:36 edzer
* R/spplot.R: sp.panel.layout is now also called after the points
are plotted
2015-01-18 22:17 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/spplot.R, man/spplot.Rd: bump version; allow list
for colorkey argument in spplot
2015-01-15 12:10 edzer
* DESCRIPTION: Title Case Title
2014-12-23 19:56 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog, man/meuse.riv.Rd: add plot to example
2014-12-23 14:57 edzer
* data/meuse.area.rda, demo/meuse.R, man/meuse.riv.Rd: add
meuse.area outline of meuse.grid
2014-12-05 14:52 edzer
* R/over.R: add comment
2014-12-05 14:51 edzer
* R/SpatialPoints-methods.R, R/SpatialPointsDataFrame-methods.R:
add error messages when NA values occur in SpatialPoints objects
2014-11-17 14:32 edzer
* R/merge.R: y -> dy
2014-11-16 19:12 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/merge.R, man/merge.Rd: add duplicateGeoms argument
to merge(), add Robert as ctb
2014-11-09 11:21 edzer
* R/CRS-methods.R, R/disaggregate.R, inst/ChangeLog: release
candidate 1.0-16
2014-11-09 10:45 edzer
* inst/ChangeLog: ready for release
2014-09-23 19:59 edzer
* R/aggregate.R: add call to match.fun()
2014-09-20 14:11 edzer
* tests/sel.Rout.save: named results: make test align with change
in over
2014-09-19 20:28 edzer
* R/over.R, vignettes/over.Rnw: the output list or vector of over()
is now named
2014-08-31 11:16 edzer
* R/Spatial-methods.R, R/SpatialLines-methods.R,
R/SpatialPoints-methods.R, R/image.R: plot now accepts more of
plot.default's behaviour
2014-08-22 22:07 edzer
* R/aggregate.R, R/disaggregate.R, R/sp_spat1.R: moved require(xx);
foo() into requireNamespace(xx) xx:foo() calls,
2014-08-10 19:07 edzer
* R/zerodist.R, inst/ChangeLog, man/zerodist.Rd, src/init.c,
src/sp.h, src/zerodist.c: add memcmp option to zerodist() family,
to allow for double arithmetic fall back