<eric@cirr.com>. Changes from version 7.1.3 include:
- bugfixes
- console names in conserver.passwd can be regular expressions
- breaks recorded to console logs if 'b' option used
- a broadcast messages to others on your console can now be
sent via ^Ecb
- TCP traffic now escaped according to Telnet protocol
- the HUP signal now triggers a read of the configuration file and
adjustment of consoles
- Up to nine break sequences can be defined in the
configuration file and assigned to consoles individually,
accessed via new ^ecl[?0-9] escape sequences
- new options
- -W client option for showing who's attached to a single
conserver master
- -m server option for setting the maximum consoles per process
- -i client option (and ^Eci) that displays console
information in a machine-parseable format
- two debug levels (second level by using two -D options)
- -o and -O server flags for automatically reconnecting
downed consoles