mef 9c3f00db8c (devel/R-lifecycle) Updated 0.2.0 to 1.0.0
# lifecycle 1.0.0

* New vignettes:
  * `vignette("stages")` describes the lifecycle stages
  * `vignette("manage")` teaches you how to manage lifecycle changes in
     functions you _use_.
  * `vignette("communicate")` shows how to use lifecycle in functions that
     you _write_.

* In `deprecate_soft()`, `deprecate_warn()`, and `deprecate_stop()`:

  * You can deprecate an argument with `foo(arg)` instead of `foo(arg =)` (#78).
    This syntax is similar in spirit to the formal arguments  of function

  * You can deprecate R6 methods by using `class$method()` (#54).

  * A character vector `details` is now converted into a bulleted list (#55).

  * Messages for non-prefix functions (like "`x<-`()" and "`%>%`()")
    look a little nicer (#95).

  * Manually printed warnings now omit the advice footer (#68).

* Experimental `signal_stage()` can be used to signal that a function is
  experimental or superseded. These signals are not currently hooked up to any
  behaviour, but we'll add tools in a future release (#44).

* `lifecycle_cnd_data()` has been removed; as far as I can tell it wasn't
  used by anyone.
2021-05-31 22:15:16 +00:00