290 lines
8.4 KiB
290 lines
8.4 KiB
# $NetBSD: post-build,v 1.16 2001/10/15 23:29:54 hubertf Exp $
# Collect stuff after a pkg bulk build
# (c) 2000 Hubert Feyrer, All Rights Reserved.
use File::Basename;
# Where config vars are stored (/bin/sh syntax)
if (-f $ENV{"BULK_BUILD_CONF"}) {
} else {
# Dig given variable out of config file, and set it
sub getconf
chomp($val=`. ./$BULK_BUILD_CONF ; echo \$$var`);
eval "\$$var=\"$val\";";
getconf("ADMINSIG"); # "-Your Name"
getconf("FTPURL"); # "pub/NetBSD/pkgstat/`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M`"
getconf("FTP"); # "/disk1/ftp/${FTPURL}"
getconf("FTPHOST"); # ftp://ftp.machi.ne/
getconf("REPORT"); # "broken.html"
getconf("USR_PKGSRC"); # "/usr/pkgsrc"
getconf("osrev"); # `uname -r`
getconf("arch"); # `uname -m`
# extract the name of the files used for the build log and broken build log.
# these have defaults set by bsd.bulk-pkg.mk and may be overridden in /etc/mk.conf
chomp($BROKENFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; make show-var VARNAME=BROKENFILE )`);
# also extract the names of the cache files used during the bulk build. We'll save a copy of
# those to help debug if the build messed up.
chomp($DEPENDSTREEFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; make show-var VARNAME=DEPENDSTREEFILE )`);
chomp($DEPENDSFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; make show-var VARNAME=DEPENDSFILE )`);
chomp($SUPPORTSFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; make show-var VARNAME=SUPPORTSFILE )`);
chomp($INDEXFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; make show-var VARNAME=INDEXFILE )`);
chomp($ORDERFILE=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/pkgtools/pkglint ; make show-var VARNAME=ORDERFILE )`);
if ($verbose) {
print "\n";
print "*** NetBSD $osrev/$arch\n";
print "*** Result of bulk pkgsrc build as of $date:\n";
print "\n";
printf ("%-23s State \tBreaks\t(last modified, maintainer)\n","Pkg");
system("mkdir -p ${FTP}");
# Copy over the output from the build process
system("tar plcf - $BROKENFILE */*/$BROKENFILE | ( cd ${FTP} ; tar plxf - )");
# Copy over the cache files used during the build
if (-f $DEPENDSFILE ) {system("cp $DEPENDSFILE ${FTP}");}
if (-f $SUPPORTSFILE ) {system("cp $SUPPORTSFILE ${FTP}");}
if (-f $INDEXFILE ) {system("cp $INDEXFILE ${FTP}");}
if (-f $ORDERFILE ) {system("cp $ORDERFILE ${FTP}");}
open(HTML,">$REPORT") or die "Can't write $REPORT: $!\n";
<TITLE>NetBSD-$osrev/$arch bulk package build</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR=#cccccc>
<H1> NetBSD $osrev/$arch </H1>
<H2>Output of the pkgsrc bulk build<BR>
as of $date</H2>
Packages not listed here resulted in a <A
HREF="../../packages/">binary package</A>. To see the output of
the (failed) build, select the package below.
Files not listed in PLISTs can be found in <A HREF="leftovers-${arch}.html">this list</A>.
<TR><TH> Package <TH> State <TH> Pkgs Broken by <TH> Last touched by <TH> File touched last <TH> Maintainer
# some nifty postprocessing of $FTP/.broken* -> HTML here
$nunpackaged = $nbroken = $nbrokendep = 0;
open(BF,"sort +1 $BROKENFILE |") or die "can't open .broken-file '$BROKENFILE'";
while (<BF>) {
($nerrors, $bf, $nbrokenby) = split;
$pkg = $bf;
$pkg =~ s,/$BROKENFILE,,;
# next
# if $pkg!~/^a/; # DEBUG! HF
if ($nerrors > 0) {
$color = "red";
$state = "build broken";
} elsif ($nerrors == -1) {
$color = "orange";
$state = "broken depends";
} else {
$color = "yellow";
$state = "not packaged";
# The idea of this is stolen from bsd.pkg.mk's
# show-pkgtools-version target - thanks Al! :-)
$whofile = `find ${USR_PKGSRC}/${pkg} -type f -print | xargs ident 2>/dev/null | awk '\$1 ~ /\\\$NetBSD/ { gsub("/", "", \$4); print \$4 " " \$6 " " \$2 }' | sort -n | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print \$2 " " \$3 }' `;
($who,$file) = split(/\s+/, $whofile);
# $maintainer=`( cd $USR_PKGSRC/$pkg ; ( echo '.include "Makefile"' ; echo 'bla: ; \@echo ${MAINTAINER}' ) | make -f - bla )`;
$maintainer=`grep ^MAINTAINER $USR_PKGSRC/$pkg/Makefile | awk '{ print \$2\$3\$4\$5\$6}' | sed -e 's/\</</g' -e 's/\>/>/g'`;
print HTML "<TR><TD><A HREF=\"$bf\">$pkg</A>";
print HTML " <TD><FONT COLOR=$color>$state</FONT>";
if ($nbrokenby > 0){
print HTML " <TD ALIGN="right"><FONT COLOR=$color>$nbrokenby</FONT>";
else {
print HTML " <TD> ";
print HTML " <TD> $who <TD> $file";
print HTML " <TD> $maintainer\n";
($category, $dbfeed_pkg) = split('/', $pkg);
if ($nerrors != 0) {
if ($nbrokenby > 0){
printf("%-23s $state\t%-5d\t($who, $maintainer)\n", "$pkg:",$nbrokenby)
if $verbose;
else {
printf("%-23s $state\t%-5s\t($who, $maintainer)\n", "$pkg:","")
if $verbose;
The following cache files were used during the build:
<LI>The <a href=$dtfile>depends tree file</a>.
<LI>The <a href=$depfile>depends file</a>.
<LI>The <a href=$supfile>supports file</a>.
<LI>The <a href=$indfile>index file</a>.
<LI>The <a href=$ordfile>build order file</a>.
<TR><TD> Packages not packaged: <TD ALIGHT=RIGHT> <FONT COLOR=yellow>$nunpackaged</FONT>
<TR><TD> Packages really broken: <TD ALIGHT=RIGHT> <FONT COLOR=red>$nbroken</FONT>
<TR><TD> Pkgs broken due to them: <TD ALIGHT=RIGHT> <FONT COLOR=blue>$nbrokendep</FONT>
<TR><TD> Total broken: <TD ALIGHT=RIGHT> $nbrokentot
<TR><TD> Total: <TD ALIGHT=RIGHT> $ntotal
<!-- <LI>View the <A HREF="$PROG">progress</A> of the build. -->
<!-- <LI>See the list of <A HREF="../index.html">all log files</A>. -->
<LI>Visit the <A HREF="http://www.netbsd.org">NetBSD Homepage</A>.
<LI>Learn about the
<A HREF="http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/software/packages.html">
NetBSD Package System</A>.
Hubert Feyrer, 1999-2000.
# Adjust "last" symlink
local($base, $dir) = $FTP=~m|^(.*)/([^/]*)$|;
symlink($dir, "$base/last");
# Generate leftovers-${arch}.html: files not deleted
# Leftover files are copied to leftovers-${arch} dir, and linked from
# leftovers-${arch}.html
system("mkdir -p leftovers-${arch}");
# Find files since last build:
system("find /usr/pkg -newer ${USR_PKGSRC}/.start.${arch} -type f >>leftovers-${arch}.txt");
system("find /usr/X11R6 -newer ${USR_PKGSRC}/.start.${arch} -type f >>leftovers-${arch}.txt");
# Strip perl-files:
system("pkg_info -qL perl > .p.${arch}");
system("fgrep -v -x -f .p.${arch} leftovers-${arch}.txt >leftovers-${arch}.txt.new");
rename("leftovers-${arch}.txt.new", "leftovers-${arch}.txt");
# Store leftovers, for easier identification:
system("tar plcf - `cat leftovers-${arch}.txt` | ( cd leftovers-${arch} ; tar plxf - )");
# Add links to leftover list:
open (IN, "< leftovers-${arch}.txt")
or die "can't read leftovers-${arch}.txt";
open (OUT, "> leftovers-${arch}.html")
or die "can't write leftovers-${arch}.html";
print OUT <<EOOUT
while (<IN>) {
print OUT "<A HREF=\"${FTPHOST}/${FTPURL}/leftovers-${arch}$_\">$_</A>\n";
print OUT <<EOOUT2
if ($verbose) {
print "\n";
print "Packages not packaged: $nunpackaged\n";
print "Packages really broken: $nbroken\n";
print "Pkgs broken due to them: $nbrokendep\n";
print "Total broken: $nbrokentot\n";
print "Total: $ntotal\n";
print "\n";
print "See $FTPHOST/$FTPURL/$reportf\n";
print "for logs of builds broken or not resulting in a binary pkg.\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "$ADMINSIG\n";
print "\n";
print "[* This message was created automatically! *]\n";
print "\n";