PostGIS 2.2.2
* Bug Fixes *
- #3463, Fix crash on face-collapsing edge change
- #3422, Improve ST_Split robustness on standard precision double
systems (arm64, ppc64el, s390c, powerpc, ...)
- #3427, Update spatial_ref_sys to EPSG version 8.8
- #3433, ST_ClusterIntersecting incorrect for MultiPoints
- #3435, ST_AsX3D fix rendering of concave geometries
- #3436, memory handling mistake in ptarray_clone_deep
- #3437, ST_ClusterIntersecting incorrect for MultiPoints
- #3461, ST_GeomFromKML crashes Postgres when there are
innerBoundaryIs and no outerBoundaryIs
- #3429, upgrading to 2.3 or from 2.1 can cause loop/hang on some
- #3460, ST_ClusterWithin 'Tolerance not defined' error after upgrade
- #3490, Raster data restore issues, materialized views
Scripts postgis_proc_set_search_path.sql, rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql
refere to
- #3426, failing POINT EMPTY tests on fun architectures