up version of the bare-bones code in PR 7590, from David Maxwell. The definition governing the type of locking used is PKGSRC_LOCKTYPE, which can take any of the values "none", "sleep", and "once". The default is "none". If "sleep" locking is used, and process A is building a package, when process B attempts to build the same package, process B will sleep for PKGSRC_SLEEPSECS seconds, and attempt to grab the lock again. Coarse-grained locking uses the OBJHOSTNAME definition to ensure that the PID space is regular for shlock(1) to do its work. The pkgsrc/pkgtools/shlock package has been provided for environments where shlock is not standard.
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# $NetBSD: defs.Linux.mk,v 1.22 2002/01/19 21:29:41 agc Exp $
# Variable definitions for the Linux operating system.
AWK?= /usr/bin/awk
BASENAME?= /bin/basename
CAT?= /bin/cat
CHMOD?= /bin/chmod
CHOWN?= /bin/chown
CHGRP?= /bin/chgrp
CMP?= cmp
CP?= /bin/cp
CUT?= /bin/cut
DC?= /usr/bin/dc
DIRNAME?= /usr/bin/dirname
ECHO?= /bin/echo
EGREP?= /bin/egrep
FALSE?= /bin/false
FILE_CMD?= /usr/bin/file
FIND?= /usr/bin/find
GMAKE?= /usr/bin/make
GREP?= /bin/grep
GTAR?= /bin/tar
GUNZIP_CMD?= /usr/bin/gunzip -f
GZCAT?= /bin/zcat
GZIP?= -9
GZIP_CMD?= /usr/bin/gzip -nf ${GZIP}
HEAD?= /usr/bin/head
ID?= /usr/bin/id
LDCONFIG?= /sbin/ldconfig
LN?= /bin/ln
LS?= /bin/ls
MKDIR?= /bin/mkdir -p
MV?= /bin/mv
PATCH?= /usr/bin/patch
PS?= /bin/ps
RM?= /bin/rm
RMDIR?= /bin/rmdir
SED?= /bin/sed
SETENV?= /usr/bin/env
SH?= /bin/sh
SHLOCK= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/shlock
.if exists(/bin/sort)
SORT?= /bin/sort
SORT?= /usr/bin/sort
SU?= /bin/su
TAIL?= /usr/bin/tail
TEST?= /usr/bin/test
TOUCH?= /bin/touch
TR?= /usr/bin/tr
TRUE?= /bin/true
TYPE?= type
WC?= /usr/bin/wc
XARGS?= /usr/bin/xargs -r
GROUPADD?= /usr/sbin/groupadd
MOTIF_TYPE_DEFAULT?= openmotif # default 2.0 compatible libs type
MOTIF12_TYPE_DEFAULT?= lesstif12 # default 1.2 compatible libs type
ROOT_GROUP?= wheel
ROOT_USER?= root
SERIAL_DEVICES?= /dev/null
USERADD?= /usr/sbin/useradd
ZOULARISBASE?= ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/bsd
_DO_LIBINTL_CHECKS= no # perform checks for valid libintl
_DO_SHLIB_CHECKS= no # on installation, fixup PLIST for shared libs
_IMAKE_MAKE= ${MAKE} # program which gets invoked by imake
_OPSYS_HAS_GMAKE= yes # GNU make is standard
_OPSYS_HAS_MANZ= no # no MANZ for gzipping of man pages
_OPSYS_HAS_OSSAUDIO= no # libossaudio is available
_PATCH_BACKUP_ARG= -z # switch to patch(1) for backup file
_PREFORMATTED_MAN_DIR= cat # directory where catman pages are
_USE_RPATH= yes # add rpath to LDFLAGS