0.12.5 (February 22nd 2015) * FIX #1794 inheritance of global prereqs (@ujifgc) * FIX #1798 handling non-array `with` statement for params (@ujifgc) * FIX Russian translation for password (@harrykiselev) * FIX Prevent Padrino from overriding cache settings (@dariocravero) * FIX sequence of execution for configuration methods in application (@namusyaka) * FIX translations for admin for cs (@ortiga) * FIX exception raised when running the controller generator (@namusyaka) * FIX #1875 lock down rack to < 1.6.0 because of sinatra conflict (@ujifgc)
5 lines
260 B
5 lines
260 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2015/03/13 17:04:50 taca Exp $
SHA1 (padrino-helpers-0.12.5.gem) = c6f5dd6e07a52e4467ff544eb16c133af8421ffb
RMD160 (padrino-helpers-0.12.5.gem) = 4ccb8af0ec241fd2d69a90b31dd043a262bffe5b
Size (padrino-helpers-0.12.5.gem) = 82944 bytes