This is a maintentance release. There are no feature changes. _scrubpkg, which was responsible for eptying out temporary packages after the module had done with them, wasn't always working; the result was memory-leaks in long-running applications. This should be fixed now, and there is a test in the test suite for it. Minor changes to the test suite to prevent spurious errors. Minor documentation changes.
5 lines
256 B
5 lines
256 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2005/11/23 22:15:35 wiz Exp $
SHA1 (Text-Template-1.44.tar.gz) = 88c35f48770d100dfcb8eee4a9d16a39da09b9f7
RMD160 (Text-Template-1.44.tar.gz) = 80b179ed74fbdb635170791bf655dd124dc262b0
Size (Text-Template-1.44.tar.gz) = 43481 bytes