minskim 709d2c8659 Update tex-algorithm2e to 4.01.
Changes between 3.x and 4.x:
Some commands have been renamed to have consistent naming (CamlCase
syntax) and old commands are no more available. If you doesn't want to change
your mind or use old latex files, you can use oldcommands option to enable old
commands back.

- \SetNoLine becomes \SetAlgoNoLine
- \SetVline  becomes \SetAlgoVlined
- \Setvlineskip  becomes \SetVlineSkip
- \SetLine   becomes \SetAlgoLined
- \dontprintsemicolon becomes \DontPrintSemicolon
- \printsemicolon becomes \PrintSemicolon
- \incmargin becomes \IncMargin
- \decmargin becomes \DecMargin
- \setnlskip becomes \SetNlSkip
- \Setnlskip becomes \SetNlSkip
- \setalcapskip becomes \SetAlCapSkip
- \setalcaphskip becomes \SetAlCapHSkip
- \nlSty becomes \NlSty
- \Setnlsty becomes \SetNlSty
- \linesnumbered becomes \LinesNumbered
- \linesnotnumbered becomes \LinesNotNumbered
- \linesnumberedhidden becomes \LinesNumberedHidden
- \showln becomes \ShowLn
- \showlnlabel becomes \ShowLnLabel
- \nocaptionofalgo becomes \NoCaptionOfAlgo
- \restorecaptionofalgo becomes \RestoreCaptionOfAlgo
- \restylealgo becomes \RestyleAlgo
- gIf macros and so on do no more exist
2010-09-10 23:56:32 +00:00

5 lines
305 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2010/09/10 23:56:32 minskim Exp $
SHA1 (tex-algorithm2e-16417/algorithm2e.tar.xz) = 0307c85c3e848da4453e755fbfec3bc463918084
RMD160 (tex-algorithm2e-16417/algorithm2e.tar.xz) = 0ca79b12f03e8e43dade9f1f07efdbbafec28ced
Size (tex-algorithm2e-16417/algorithm2e.tar.xz) = 25168 bytes