distribution). Changes from version 2.2.1 include: * Honor ${VARBASE}. * courierlogger(1) has been moved to mail/courier-auth. * Use the sysconftool from courier-auth to merge config files. * The courier* rc.d scripts now check that authdaemond is also set to "YES" to ensure that authdaemond is running before the courier-imap daemons are started. * Support for the ACL IMAP extension (RFC 2086 as well as the 2nd draft revision of the ACL specification) via shared maildirs. * Bug fixes and improvements to MIME encoding. * Fixes buffer overflow vulnerability (PR 25774): http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/9845 http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2004-0224
29 lines
726 B
29 lines
726 B
$NetBSD: patch-ag,v 1.5 2004/07/14 20:07:17 jlam Exp $
--- pop3d-ssl.rc.in.orig Tue Jul 13 03:40:29 2004
+++ pop3d-ssl.rc.in Tue Jul 13 03:40:51 2004
@@ -34,12 +34,7 @@
LIBAUTHMODULES="$LIBAUTHMODULES @libexecdir@/authlib/$f"
- if test -x ${libexecdir}/authlib/authdaemond
- then
- @SETENV@ - DEBUG_LOGIN="$DEBUG_LOGIN" ${libexecdir}/authlib/authdaemond start
- fi
- @SETENV@ - @SHELL@ -c " set -a ;
+ @SETENV@ -i @SHELL@ -c " set -a ;
prefix=@prefix@ ;
exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ ;
bindir=@bindir@ ;
@@ -60,10 +55,6 @@
@libexecdir@/couriertcpd -pid=$SSLPIDFILE -stop
- if test -x ${libexecdir}/authlib/authdaemond
- then
- ${libexecdir}/authlib/authdaemond stop
- fi
exit 0