Collection. This is version 3.3h. Test harness for The Open Group suites of POSIX tests. The TETware family of tools are Test Execution Management Systems that takes care of the administration, sequencing, reporting and portability of all of the tests that you develop. Freeing up developers to concentrate on test development and helping testers by providing them with a single, standard, test harness. Enabling you to deliver your software projects on time and across multiple operating systems. They are all available off-the-virtual-shelf. Easily accessed by ftp download. So stop re-inventing the wheel, take the drudge out of test development and use TETware.
11 lines
638 B
11 lines
638 B
Test harness for The Open Group suites of POSIX tests.
The TETware family of tools are Test Execution Management Systems that
takes care of the administration, sequencing, reporting and
portability of all of the tests that you develop. Freeing up
developers to concentrate on test development and helping testers by
providing them with a single, standard, test harness. Enabling you to
deliver your software projects on time and across multiple operating
systems. They are all available off-the-virtual-shelf. Easily
accessed by ftp download. So stop re-inventing the wheel, take the
drudge out of test development and use TETware.