agc ceaeca5973 Initial import of nuitka- into the packages collection.
Nuitka is a Python to C++ compiler

	Right now Nuitka is a good replacement for the Python interpreter and
	compiles every construct that CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3 offer.  It
	translates the Python into a C++ program that then uses "libpython" to
	execute in the same way as CPython does, in a very compatible way.

	It is somewhat faster than CPython already, but currently it doesn't
	make all the optimizations possible, but a 258% factor on pystone is a
	good start (number is from version 0.3.11).
2014-01-29 01:14:31 +00:00

5 lines
250 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2014/01/29 01:14:31 agc Exp $
SHA1 (Nuitka- = 19d2e6fea36ee9833db92f71bb93a5a202e55ed7
RMD160 (Nuitka- = 6d5baa9b670918a9affe950f790414676da6f50b
Size (Nuitka- = 1267569 bytes