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10 Commits

12 changed files with 286 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
# Version 1.0.0
- create interfaces and classes to represent leaderboard table as seen in game
- create Doctrine entities to persist these leaderboard tables in database
- implement general parser infrastructure to handle stored page views
- implement parser for Breath 4 final leaderboards
- implement a public page for browsing leaderboards
- create and apply basic UI theme/styling, based on Tailwind CSS
- some more internal code cleanups
# Version 0.5.0
- fix crash in token command on empty username input

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@ -7,7 +7,18 @@ The <q>Nexus Archive</q> website, based on Symfony framework.
This project is licensed under [European Union Public Licence (EUPL)][EUPL].
For convenience an English text of the licence is included
in [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) file.
in [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt) file.
## Repositories
Source code is primarily hosted
on [my private Git server](https://git.zerozero.pl/nexus-archive), but for
convenience and redundancy it is also mirrored to a few popular code hosting
- [Gitlab mirror](https://gitlab.com/krzysztof-sikorski/nexus-archive)
- [GitHub mirror](https://github.com/krzysztof-sikorski/nexus-archive)
- [Launchpad mirror](https://git.launchpad.net/nexus-archive)
## Installation and deployment
@ -16,7 +27,7 @@ software stack of:
- an http server (e.g. Nginx)
- PHP binaries and some standard extensions (
see [composer.json file](composer.json) for details)
see [composer.json file](./composer.json) for details)
- [Composer][Composer] tool (for fetching and installing third-party PHP
- a relational database server supporting SQL language (e.g. PostgreSQL)

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@ -50,3 +50,16 @@ table {
table th, table td {
@apply tw-border-solid tw-border-2 tw-border-black tw-px-4 tw-py-2;
section.leaderboard-grid {
@apply tw-grid tw-gap-x-8 tw-gap-y-4
tw-grid-cols-1 md:tw-grid-cols-2 xl:tw-grid-cols-3;
section.leaderboard-grid caption {
@apply tw-text-lg tw-font-bold;
section.leaderboard-grid article.error {
@apply tw-my-4 tw-text-red-500 tw-text-lg tw-font-bold;

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use App\Service\MainMenuService;
use App\Service\MainMenuGenerator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
use Symfony\Config\TwigConfig;
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use function Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\service;
return static function (TwigConfig $twigConfig, ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator) {
$twigConfig->defaultPath(value: '%kernel.project_dir%/templates');
$mainMenuConfig = $twigConfig->global(key: 'mainMenu');
$mainMenuConfig->value(value: service(serviceId: MainMenuService::class));
$mainMenuConfig = $twigConfig->global(key: 'mainMenuGenerator');
$mainMenuConfig->value(value: service(serviceId: MainMenuGenerator::class));
if ('test' === $containerConfigurator->env()) {
$twigConfig->strictVariables(value: true);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
namespace App\Command;
use App\Contract\Entity\Nexus\GamePeriodIdEnum;
use App\Doctrine\Entity\Nexus\GamePeriod;
use App\Doctrine\Entity\Nexus\Leaderboard;
use App\Doctrine\Entity\Nexus\LeaderboardEntry;
use App\Service\Repository\Nexus\GamePeriodRepository;
use App\Service\Repository\Nexus\LeaderboardRepository;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
use function array_key_exists;
use function intval;
use function is_numeric;
use function max;
use function mb_convert_case;
use function mb_strlen;
use function printf;
use function sprintf;
use const MB_CASE_TITLE;
use const PHP_EOL;
name: 'app:export:leaderboards',
description: 'Export leaderboards into a file',
final class ExportLeaderboardsCommand extends BaseCommand
private const OPTION_NAME_GAME_PERIOD_ID = 'period';
private const TABLE_HEADER_CHARACTER = 'Character';
private const ENCODING_UTF8 = 'UTF-8';
private const BREATH_4_NAME_REPLACEMENTS = [
"I\u{00c3}\u{00af}\u{00c2}\u{00bf}\u{00c2}\u{00bd}unn" => "I\u{00f0}unn",
"J\u{00c3}\u{00af}\u{00c2}\u{00bf}\u{00c2}\u{00bd}stein Bever" => "J\u{00f8}stein Bever",
"Mockfj\u{00c3}\u{00af}\u{00c2}\u{00bf}\u{00c2}\u{00bd}rdsvapnet" => "Mockfj\u{00e4}rdsvapnet",
private ?GamePeriod $gamePeriod = null;
public function __construct(
private GamePeriodRepository $gamePeriodRepository,
private LeaderboardRepository $leaderboardRepository,
SerializerInterface $serializer,
) {
parent::__construct(serializer: $serializer);
protected function configure(): void
mode: InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED,
description: 'Game period ID',
protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void
$io = $this->createSymfonyStyle(input: $input, output: $output);
$helper = $this->getQuestionHelper();
$question = new Question(question: 'Input game period ID:');
$inputStr = $input->getOption(name: self::OPTION_NAME_GAME_PERIOD_ID);
$gamePeriodId = is_numeric($inputStr) ? intval($inputStr) : null;
while (true) {
if (null === $gamePeriodId) {
do {
$inputStr = $helper->ask(input: $input, output: $output, question: $question);
$gamePeriodId = is_numeric($inputStr) ? intval($inputStr) : null;
} while (null === $gamePeriodId);
$this->gamePeriod = $this->gamePeriodRepository->findById(id: $gamePeriodId);
if (null === $this->gamePeriod) {
$io->error(message: sprintf('Game period with id=%s does not exists!', $inputStr));
$gamePeriodId = null;
} else {
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$io = $this->createSymfonyStyle(input: $input, output: $output);
$this->displayValue(io: $io, label: 'Selected game period', value: $this->gamePeriod->getName());
$leaderboards = $this->leaderboardRepository->findByGamePeriod(gamePeriod: $this->gamePeriod);
/** @var Leaderboard $leaderboard */
foreach ($leaderboards as $leaderboard) {
$category = $leaderboard->getCategory();
'[b]%s (%s)[/b]',
mb_convert_case(string: $category->getType(), mode: MB_CASE_TITLE, encoding: self::ENCODING_UTF8),
echo PHP_EOL, '[code]', PHP_EOL;
$headerCharacterLength = mb_strlen(string: self::TABLE_HEADER_CHARACTER, encoding: self::ENCODING_UTF8);
$characterColumnWidth = $headerCharacterLength;
$entries = [];
/** @var LeaderboardEntry $entry */
foreach ($leaderboard->getEntries() as $entry) {
$characterName = $entry->getCharacterName();
if (
GamePeriodIdEnum::BREATH_4 === $this->gamePeriod->getId()
&& array_key_exists(key: $characterName, array: self::BREATH_4_NAME_REPLACEMENTS)
) {
$characterName = self::BREATH_4_NAME_REPLACEMENTS[$characterName];
$characterNameLength = mb_strlen(string: $characterName, encoding: self::ENCODING_UTF8);
$characterColumnWidth = max($characterColumnWidth, $characterNameLength + 4);
$entries[] = [
'position' => $entry->getPosition(),
'characterName' => $characterName,
'characterNameLength' => $characterNameLength,
'score' => $entry->getScore(),
$padding = str_repeat(string: ' ', times: $characterColumnWidth - $headerCharacterLength);
printf('%s%s %s', self::TABLE_HEADER_CHARACTER, $padding, $category->getScoreLabel());
echo PHP_EOL;
/** @var LeaderboardEntry $entry */
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$characterStr = sprintf('%d) %s', $entry['position'], $entry['characterName']);
$characterStrLength = mb_strlen(string: $characterStr, encoding: self::ENCODING_UTF8);
$padding = str_repeat(string: ' ', times: $characterColumnWidth - $characterStrLength);
printf('%s%s %s', $characterStr, $padding, $entry['score']);
echo PHP_EOL;
echo '[/code]', PHP_EOL;
return Command::SUCCESS;

View File

@ -7,11 +7,15 @@ namespace App\Contract\Config;
// TODO convert into native enum when PHP 8.1 is released
final class AppRoutes
// public routes
public const HOME = 'app_home';
public const FAVICON_ICO = 'app_favicon_ico';
public const LEADERBOARDS = 'app_leaderboards';
public const ABOUT = 'app_about';
public const SUBMIT_JSON = 'app_submit_json';
// undocumented routes
public const LOGIN = 'app_login';
public const LOGOUT = 'app_logout';
public const SUBMIT_JSON = 'app_submit_json';
public const EASYADMIN = 'app_easyadmin';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Contract\Config\AppRoutes;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Twig\Environment;
final class AboutController
public function __construct(private Environment $twigEnvironment)
#[Route(path: '/about', name: AppRoutes::ABOUT, methods: [Request::METHOD_GET])]
public function index(): Response
$responseBody = $this->twigEnvironment->render(name: 'about/index.html.twig');
return new Response(content: $responseBody);

View File

@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ class Leaderboard implements UuidPrimaryKeyInterface, GamePeriodReferenceInterfa
private ?GamePeriodInterface $gamePeriod = null;
#[ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy: 'leaderboard', targetEntity: LeaderboardEntry::class)]
ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy: 'leaderboard', targetEntity: LeaderboardEntry::class),
ORM\OrderBy(value: ['position' => 'ASC']),
private Collection $entries;
public function __construct()

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace App\Service;
use App\Contract\Config\AppRoutes;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
final class MainMenuService
final class MainMenuGenerator
public function __construct(private UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator)
@ -27,20 +27,15 @@ final class MainMenuService
'external' => false,
'name' => 'Submit data',
'url' => $this->urlGenerator->generate(name: AppRoutes::SUBMIT_JSON),
'name' => 'About website',
'url' => $this->urlGenerator->generate(name: AppRoutes::ABOUT),
'external' => false,
'name' => 'Nexus Clash',
'name' => 'Back to Nexus Clash',
'url' => 'https://www.nexusclash.com/',
'external' => true,
'name' => 'Discord',
'url' => 'https://discord.gg/zBVwzD3f8v',
'external' => true,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}About - Nexus Archive{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<h1>About Nexus Archive</h1>
This website was created to automatically collect and display various data
from the world of <a href="https://www.nexusclash.com/" rel="external">Nexus Clash</a> game.
Currently the only implemented feature is a "time machine" that presents various Leaderboards
in their state at the end of Breath 3.5.
<h1>Contact information</h1>
My Nexus Clash account is
<a href="https://www.nexusclash.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=108" rel="external">Badziew</a>,
you can send me a private message or start a forum thread.
My Discord username is <code>That Crazy Old Badziew#1362</code>,
you can find me on a few different Discord servers,<br>
including my own personal server
<a href="https://discord.gg/zBVwzD3f8v" rel="external">House of Badziew</a>.
Feel free to drop a message in one of these places.
<h1>Contributing data</h1>
<p>This webpage is still just an early prototype and there is no official, user-friendly way to submit data.</p>
<p>If you really want to use the same experimental procedure that I used, please contact me for details.</p>
<h1>Open source</h1>
Source code is primarily hosted on
<a href="https://git.zerozero.pl/nexus-archive" rel="external">my private Git server</a>,
but for convenience and redundancy it is also mirrored to a few popular code hosting portals:
<li><a href="https://gitlab.com/krzysztof-sikorski/nexus-archive" rel="external">Gitlab mirror</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/krzysztof-sikorski/nexus-archive" rel="external">GitHub mirror</a></li>
<li><a href="https://git.launchpad.net/nexus-archive" rel="external">Launchpad mirror</a></li>
<h1>Bugs and patches</h1>
If you want to report a bug or submit a code patch, I would prefer if you used one of the above-mentioned
code hosting portals, but you can also open a forum thread or send me a private message.
{% endblock %}

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
{% for menuItem in mainMenu.getMenu() %}
{% for menuItem in mainMenuGenerator.getMenu() %}
{% if menuItem.external %}
<li><a href="{{ menuItem.url }}" rel="external">{{ menuItem.name }}</a></li>
{% else %}