iwwsc/SCGMB Bylaws.tex

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\title{Santa Cruz IWW General Membership Branch Bylaws}
pdfauthor={Carolyn Knight-Serrano},
pdftitle={Santa Cruz IWW General Membership Branch Bylaws},
pdfcreator={Emacs 28.0.50 (Org mode 9.4)},
\section{Name, Scope, and Membership Rights}
\item The Santa Cruz General Membership Branch (hereafter
referred to as ``SCGMB'' or ``Branch'') is a voluntary association of
IWW members in good standing who live or work in the greater San
Francisco Bay Area. Membership in the SCGMB is available to all IWW
members in the Bay Area who do not belong to another industrial union
branch or general membership branch.
\item These Bylaws shall apply to all members of the SCGMB.
\item No portion of these Bylaws shall contradict the IWW International
Guiding Principles \& Rules or the IWW North American Regional
Administration's Constitution and Bylaws.
\item These Bylaws shall be posted online and a copy of these Bylaws shall
be made available to any IWW member in good standing upon request.
\item Every SCGMB member in good standing shall be provided adequate
notice for all SCGMB business meetings (see Article II).
\item Every SCGMB member in good standing shall have an equal vote in
SCGMB decision-making.
\item The SCGMB membership is the highest authority in the Branch and the
final arbiter of all Branch decisions/appeals.
\item Every SCGMB member in good standing has the right to constructively
criticize the performance of Branch officers, delegates, and
committee members without retribution. Time for questions and
constructive criticism shall be made available at every Branch
business meeting after the appropriate report.
\item Every SCGMB member in good standing has the right, at any
reasonable time, to inspect all membership lists, meeting minutes,
bookkeeping, and documents of the SCGMB by submitting a written
request to the Branch Secretary. Such inspections shall not violate
the privacy of Branch members nor make their personal information
\section{Business Meetings}
\item The SCGMB shall conduct a business meeting once per month. It will
take place on the first Saturday of every month, at 4:00 PM, at 1101 Cedar St in Santa Cruz (or a mutually
agreed upon alternate location in case of an emergency). If the first
Thursday in January and/or May falls on the first day of that month, the
monthly SCGMB business meeting shall be held on the second Thursday of
that month. In these Bylaws, ``business meeting'' is synonymous with
``Branch meeting''.
\item The day, time, and location of regular SCGMB business meetings
shall be published in all SCGMB publications and posted to
IWW/SCGMB websites.
\item The SCGMB Branch Secretary shall be responsible for drafting and
electronically distributing
a tentative agenda for all SCGMB business meetings. The tentative
agenda (including the full text of all proposals and motions) for each
SCGMB business meeting shall be posted to the general SFBAGMB
listserve no less than 48 hours prior to the SCGMB business meeting
(by Tuesday at 7:00 pm). All ``New Non-Urgent Business'' agenda items,
including the text of all motions and proposals, shall be forwarded to
the Branch Secretary no less than 72 hours prior
to the SCGMB business meeting (by Monday at 7:00 pm). The Branch
Secretary shall include these agenda items in the tentative agenda
posted to the general SCGMB listserve. “New
Non-Urgent Business” agenda items which do not meet this time
requirement may be added to the SCGMB business meeting agenda, but
cannot be voted upon until the next SCGMB business meeting.
\item Quorum is required to make all decisions at SCGMB business
meetings. Quorum is defined as 5 or more SCGMB members in good
standing present at the meeting. Proxies are not allowed. No paid
official of any part of the IWW shall be permitted to vote in SCGMB
meetings. If there is not quorum within 15 minutes past the start
time of the business meeting,
the meeting shall not be called to order. Branch members may meet
informally if they wish, but no formal decisions can be made until the
next scheduled Branch business meeting. If a Branch business meeting is
called to order with quorum, but fails to maintain quorum, no formal
decisions can be made after losing quorum and the Branch business
meeting shall be adjourned. Branch members may meet informally if they
wish, but no formal decisions can be made until the next scheduled
Branch business meeting.
\item SCGMB business meetings shall be conducted in 120 minutes or less.
A business meeting can be extended if a successful motion is made at
the meeting to extend it for a specific amount of time.
\item SCGMB business meetings shall be conducted according to the
following agenda:
\item Opening and call meeting to order
\item Election of a recording secretary (``notetaker''), chairperson
(``facilitator''), and timekeeper (if desired)
\item Introductions and card check
\item Amend/accept agenda
\item Guest presentations (to be approved by a vote)
\item Reading of the minutes from the last SCGMB business meeting
\item Urgent business
\item Review of applications for membership
\item Reports of shops (official and unofficial), delegates, committees,
and members
(includes time for questions and constructive criticism by Branch
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Official reports (SCGMB officers)
(includes time for questions and constructive criticism by Branch
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Unfinished business
\item New (non-urgent) business
\item Nominations, elections, and installations
\item Good and welfare
\item Meeting evaluation
\item Adjournment
\item The SCGMB Branch Secretary shall be responsible for providing
business meeting packets
for SCGMB members attending each Branch business meeting. This packet
shall include the agenda, the minutes from the last Branch business
meeting, the current financial report, the text of all proposals
considered at the current Branch business meeting, any written reports,
and any other material the Branch Secretary deems appropriate.
\item SCGMB business meeting minutes shall be taken by the Recording
Secretary. At minimum, these typewritten minutes shall include the
date of the meeting, the number of SCGMB members in good standing
and guests present, a list of agenda items, who gave which reports,
and decisions made (with vote counts for each decision). More
information can be included in the minutes if the Recording Secretary
\item SCGMB members (including officers, delegates, and committee
members) are encouraged to submit their reports in writing (and limit
verbal reports to highlights and items requiring discussion) and
circulate those reports online to the membership.
\item The decision-making procedure at SCGMB business meetings shall be
made using
Robert's Rules of Order parliamentary procedure. The Branch shall
purchase at least one hard copy and have it on hand at Branch meetings
for reference.
\item SCGMB business meeting decisions shall be made by simple majority
(50\% + 1) rule. Unless otherwise written in these Bylaws, SCGMB
business meeting decisions shall be made by voice vote (unless a
SCGMB member requests a show of hands or if a voice vote appears
inconclusive). Voting shall be conducted with a call for affirmative
votes, followed by a call for negative votes, followed by a call for
abstentions. In order for a motion/proposal to pass,
a simple majority of SCGMB members in good standing present at the
Branch business meeting must vote in the affirmative. Branch members who
abstain in a vote (including formal abstentions and choosing not to
vote) shall NOT be included in the tabulation of the vote. If the number
of abstentions exceeds the sum of ayes and nays, the motion (if not
withdrawn) shall fail.
Illustration: Assume there are 10 Branch members in good standing at a
Branch meeting. A vote is taken on a proposal requiring a simple
majority to pass. There are 5 ayes,
3 nays, 1 formal abstention, and 1 member who does not vote. The
proposal passes. The 2 abstentions are subtracted from the tally. With
the 8 votes counted, 5 ayes meet the simple majority threshold to pass
the proposal.
\item The SCGMB may vote to hold additional meetings and events at 2022
Blake Street and/or other locations as it sees fit. All decisions
made at these additional meetings shall be reviewed and approved at
the next Branch business meeting unless specified otherwise at a
previous Branch business meeting.
\item Monthly Branch business meetings cannot be cancelled. Under
extraordinary circumstances, the Branch Secretary may postpone a
monthly Branch business meeting for no more than 7 days. To postpone
a monthly Branch business meeting, the Branch Secretary shall notify
the Branch membership via the general SCGMB general listserve no
less than 72 hours prior to the
Branch business meeting (by Monday at 7:00 pm) explaining why the Branch
business meeting is being postponed and announcing the date, time, and
location of the rescheduled Branch business meeting.
\item No Branch decisions can be made outside of Branch business meetings.
In extraordinary circumstances, an emergency Branch meeting can be
called to make decisions between the regularly scheduled monthly
Branch meetings. ``Emergency'' is defined as an extraordinary and
time-sensitive situation that cannot wait until the next regular
monthly Branch meeting. Any Branch member in good standing can call
for an emergency Branch meeting by posting to
the Branch's listserve. The subject line of such a post shall read:
``Proposal for Emergency Branch Meeting'' with the proposed day and time.
Although any Branch member in good standing can call for an emergency
Branch meeting and comment on a call for an emergency meeting, only
elected Branch officers and delegates shall decide whether or not to
approve the call for an emergency Branch meeting and decide on the date
and time of the emergency meeting. For an emergency Branch meeting to
happen, a simple majority of all elected Branch officers and delegates
must vote in the affirmative via the Branch listserve.
\item There are currently 5 officer positions in the SCGMB. They are listed below with job descriptions:
\item Secretary (oversees the administrative affairs of the Branch).
Job responsibilities include the following in accordance with Article V
of the of the IWW North American Regional Administration's Constitution
and Section 7-2 of the IWW North American Regional Administration Manual
of Policies and Procedures (MPP):
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Prepare the Branch for events and decision-making throughout the
year, including electing Convention delegates, scheduling time
to discuss Convention proposals, providing materials for Branch
elections, etc. (see Appendix C of these Bylaws).
\item Draft and post each Branch meeting's tentative agenda to the
Branch listserve no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting (see
Article II, Section 3 of these Bylaws).
\item Provide an adequate number of meeting packets for attendees of
monthly Branch meetings. Packets shall include the tentative
agenda, the minutes from the last Branch meeting, the current
financial report, the text of all proposals considered at the
current Branch meeting, any written reports, and any other
material the Branch Secretary deems appropriate (see Article II,
Section 7 of these Bylaws).
\item Produce a monthly written Secretary's report to the Branch
membership, which shall be included in the meeting packet for
every regularly scheduled Branch meeting. The length and depth
of the report shall be at the Secretary's discretion. At the
Branch meeting, the Secretary shall provide a verbal summary of
the written report before answering questions.
\item Compile a final written packet for each Branch meeting for the
Branch's records. This packet shall include the agenda of the
meeting, the approved minutes as taken by the elected recording
secretary, the Treasurer's report, all written reports
submitted, the approved text of all motions and decisions made
by the Branch, and any other material the Branch Secretary deems
\item Make an effort to keep all Branch members in good standing and
maintain the database of Branch members.
\item Provide any Branch member in good standing access to all Branch
membership lists, meeting minutes, bookkeeping, and documents
upon request.
\item Upon election as Branch Secretary, this individual shall
automatically become a Branch delegate for their entire term. No
Branch election is needed to make the Secretary a Branch
delegate. See Article IV in these Bylaws for Branch delegate
\item Prepare and submit monthly reports to IWW General Headquarters
(GHQ) no later  than the 10th day of the following month. The
Secretary shall collect reports and dues/assessments from Branch
delegates, write the Branch report, work with the Branch
Treasurer to include a check for the appropriate percentage of
funds due to GHQ, and transmit the report--with appropriate
documents and funds--to GHQ. Monthly Branch reports shall
include the following (as outlined in Section 7-2 of the MPP):
\item Collect reports and dues/assessments from Branch delegates and
consolidate all of the Branch delegate reports. A copy of all Branch
delegate reports for the month shall be included in the Branch
Secretary's report.
\item Remit GHQ's share of all funds collected by the Branch for the
\item A copy of all IWW membership applications processed through the
Branch for the month.
\item A copy of the Branch's membership meeting minutes for the month.
\item A copy of the Branch's approved membership meeting minutes from the
previous month.
\item A copy of updated Branch bylaws, if applicable.
\item Updated Branch contact information, if applicable.
\item Changes to the list of elected Branch officers, if applicable.
\item The name of the Branch member authorized to request Literature
Department credit.
\item A report on the activities and prospects of the Branch.
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Along with the Branch Treasurer, be an authorized signer on the
Branch's credit union and all other accounts.
\item Serve as the main contact between the Branch and the General
Secretary-Treasurer (GST) and the General Executive Board (GEB).
\item Serve as the liaison between the Branch and the annual IWW
Delegate Convention. Responsibilities include completing the
blank Convention delegate credentials and return one copy to GHQ
at least 15 days prior to the start of Convention.
\item If the Branch's charter is revoked, the Branch Secretary shall
work with an authorized Union representative to surrender the
charter and all union supplies, property, and funds to GHQ
within the agreed upon time frame.
\item Treasurer (oversees the financial affairs of the Branch).
Job responsibilities include the following in accordance with Section
7-2 of the IWW North American Regional Administration Manual of Policies
and Procedures (MPP):
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Maintain the financial records of the Branch, including the
recording of all income and expenses, paying Branch bills,
making Branch deposits, keeping records of
all transactions with Branch delegates, transferring funds between
Branch accounts, securing the Branch treasury, and maintaining the
Branch's books in accordance with generally accepted accounting
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Maintain the books of the Branch electronically using
bookkeeping software.
\item Pay the annual U.S. Postal Service fee for the Branch's post
office box.
\item Along with the Branch Secretary, be an authorized signer on the
Branch's credit union and all other accounts.
\item Produce a monthly written financial report for the Branch
membership, which shall be submitted to the Branch Secretary and
be included in the meeting packet for
every regularly scheduled Branch meeting. This report, at minimum, shall
include Branch financial information commonly found on income statements
(profit \& loss statements) and on balance sheets. The time period of the
report shall be from the 6th day of two months before the Branch meeting
to the 5th day of one month before the Branch meeting.
For example, the financial report for the May Branch meeting shall
include economic activity between March 6th - April 5th.
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Complete and electronically file the annual LM-3 form (Labor
Organization Annual Report) with the U.S. Department of Labor
(DoL) after the close of the Branch's fiscal year on June 30.
The LM-3 is due by September 30 (90 days after the end of the
Branch's fiscal year). No extensions are granted by the DoL. The
Branch Treasurer shall make every effort to file the LM-3 by
August 31.
\item Complete and electronically file the annual 990-N form (filing
for small tax-exempt organizations) with the Internal Revenue
Service after the close of the Branch's fiscal year on June 30.
The 990-N is due by November 15 (the 15th day of
the 5th month after the close of the Branch's fiscal year). The Branch
Treasurer shall make every effort to file the 990-N by August 31.
\item Communications and Outreach Officer (receives and responds to incoming Branch
communications and facilitates Branch outreach). Job responsibilities include the following:
\item Receive and respond to incoming Branch communications in a
timely manner across all media (mail, voicemail, email, text
messages, etc.). The Communications Officer shall answer
inquiries or refer them to the appropriate Branch officer or
member in good standing.
\item Check the Branch's post office box on a weekly basis.
\item Depending on their availability, contact new Branch members to
provide a personal introduction to the Branch and to help retain
new members.
\item Produce a monthly written report for the Branch membership,
which shall be submitted to the Branch Secretary and be included
in the meeting packet for every regularly scheduled Branch
meeting. The length and depth of the report shall be at the
Communication Officer's discretion. At the Branch meeting, the
Communications Officer shall provide a verbal summary of the
written report before answering questions.
\item Maintain Branch databases and listserves.
\item Maintain Branch page on IWW website (iww.org).
\item Maintain Branch social media:
a. Facebook page
b. Instagram profile
c. Twitter profile
\item Do outreach for events (IWW and other), including public
\item Produce a monthly written report for the Branch membership,
which shall be submitted to the Branch Secretary and be included
in the meeting packet for every regularly scheduled Branch
meeting. The length and depth of the report shall be at the
Outreach Coordinator's discretion. At the Branch meeting, the
Outreach Coordinator shall provide a verbal summary of the
written report before answering questions.
\item Organizing Department Liaison (connects Branch organizing to the
broader Union). Job responsibilities include the following:
\item Report to the Organizing Department Board about the Branch's
industrial organizing efforts and any resources our Branch
\item Report to our Branch a summary of the industrial efforts of
other branches.
\item Chair the Branch Organizing Committee (BOC), specifically:
\item Schedule, create agendas for, and chair BOC meetings. Note that BOC
meetings are run using Robert's Rules of Order.
\item Follow up with committee members regarding assigned tasks.
\item Produce a monthly written report for the Branch membership,
which shall be submitted to the Branch Secretary and be included
in the meeting packet for every regularly scheduled Branch
meeting. The length and depth of the report shall be at the
Organizing Department Liaison's discretion. At the Branch
meeting, the Organizing Department Liaison shall provide a
verbal summary of the written report before answering questions.
\item Each year at the October Branch business meeting, the Branch shall
decide which officer positions will exist for the following year.
\item The SCGMB shall elect officers every year by secret ballot.
Officers shall serve one-year terms, from January 1-December 31.
However, outgoing officers shall be available to assist incoming
officers with their responsibilities for the first month of the new
officers' terms. Nominations for officers shall take place at the
November SCGMB business meeting. See ``Appendix A, Election
Procedure'' of these Bylaws for details regarding Branch elections,
including eligibility requirements, timeline, procedure, and
\item In order to be eligible to serve as a Branch officer, candidates
shall be in good standing in the SCGMB. Branch officers shall
maintain their good standing in the SCGMB throughout their terms.
Branch officers in bad standing for more than 1 month shall be
removed from office. If there are no alternates to fill the vacant
officer position, the Branch membership--at a Branch business
meeting--shall decide how to proceed.
\item Branch members can serve as officers in more than one position at the
same time only if there is no one else to fill the officer position.
\item There are no term limits for Branch officer positions nor limits on
consecutive terms.
\item SCGMB officers shall be required to attend at least half of all
Branch business meetings and shall not miss more than two consecutive
Branch business meetings during their terms. Failure to  meet these
requirements shall result in their immediate removal from office
(unless at least 2/3 of the membership present at a Branch business
meeting vote to allow the officer to retain their position). If a
Branch officer is unable to attend a Branch business meeting, they
shall report the reason for their absence to the Branch Secretary and
submit a typewritten report to be included in the meeting packet.
\item At each Branch business meeting, officers shall give a brief verbal
report on their activities since the last Branch business meeting.
Officers shall also provide a typewritten report to the Branch
Secretary (including any expenditures) in time to be included in the
Branch meeting packet. At the January Branch business meeting, Branch
officer reports shall be made by the outgoing officers.
\item Any elected SCGMB officer may resign at any time. The resigning
officer shall post a resignation statement to the Branch general
listserve explaining why they are resigning. Preferably, the
resigning officer should attend the next Branch business meeting to
make an announcement
and answer any questions from Branch members. If there are no alternates
to fill the vacant officer position, the Branch membership--at a Branch
business meeting--shall decide how
to proceed. The Branch Secretary is empowered to appoint an interim
officer until one is elected by the Branch if the Branch Secretary
believes essential tasks need to be completed during the vacancy.
\item If the Branch Secretary position becomes vacant and there are no
alternates to fill the vacant position, the Branch Treasurer shall
fulfill the duties of the Branch Secretary until a new Branch
Secretary is elected by the Branch membership. If the Branch
Treasurer position becomes vacant and there are no alternates to fill
the vacant position, the Branch Secretary shall fulfill the duties of
the Branch Treasurer until a new Branch Treasurer is elected by the
Branch membership. If both the Branch Secretary and the Branch
Treasurer positions become vacant at the same time and there are no
alternates to fill the vacant positions, the Branch membership--at a
Branch business meeting--shall decide how to handle the vacancies. If
the Branch Communications Officer, Outreach Coordinator, and/or
Organizing Department Liaison positions becomes vacant and there are
no alternates to fill the vacant position(s), the Branch
membership--at a Branch business meeting--shall decide how to handle
the vacancies.
\item Branch officers are accountable to the Branch membership and shall
make themselves reasonably available to Branch members who have
questions or concerns. In turn, Branch members should understand that
officer positions are volunteer and officers fulfill their Branch
duties in addition to their working and personal commitments.
Therefore, Branch members shall be respectful
of the time limitations of Branch officers and act accordingly. Although
officers can be recalled by the Branch membership (see Section 12
below), Branch members shall first try to constructively resolve
concerns about officer performance before resorting to recall.
\item Any Branch officer can be recalled by the Branch membership at any
time during their term. To initiate a recall, a petition (requiring
10\% of the Branch's membership in good standing to sign) shall be
delivered to the Branch Secretary describing the reason(s) why the
officer(s) should be recalled. If the Branch Secretary is named in
the recall petition, the order of who should receive
the petition is outlined in Article III, Section (1) of these Bylaws.
The appropriate Branch officer receiving the petition shall determine if
the petition has the required number of Branch member signatures. If it
does, the recall shall be put on the agenda of the next Branch business
meeting and the Branch officer receiving the petition shall draft the
secret ballot and bring enough to the Branch business meeting. The
recall petition shall be posted to the Branch's general listserve by the
appropriate Branch officer in as far advance of the next Branch business
meeting as possible.
If all Branch officers are named in a recall petition, the recall
petition shall be posted to the Branch's general listserve by the main
author of the petition in as far advance of the next Branch business
meeting as possible. The recall petition shall be delivered to the
Branch membership at the Branch business meeting and the membership
shall determine if the petition has the required number of Branch member
signatures. The main author of the recall petition shall draft the
secret ballot and bring enough to the Branch business meeting.
Assuming the recall petition has the required number of Branch member
signatures, it shall be heard, discussed, and voted upon by secret
ballot at the earliest possible Branch business meeting. A Recall Ballot
Committee shall be elected at the Branch business meeting and be
comprised of 3 Branch members in good standing. Officer(s) named in the
recall and Branch members involved in the writing of the recall petition
have a conflict of interest and therefore shall not be allowed to serve
on the Recall Ballot Committee. The Recall Ballot Committee shall be
responsible for counting the ballots (and conducting the election in
case all officers are named in the recall petition) and reporting the
results to the Branch business meeting.
For voting, the appropriate Branch officer or the Recall Ballot
Committee shall pass out a secret ballot to every Branch member in good
standing present at the meeting (voter). The secret ballot shall consist
of the name of each Branch officer named in the recall with two options
next to the officer's name. The first option will read ``Recall'' followed
by a check box. The
second option will read ``Don't Recall'' followed by a check box. Each
voter shall check one box per officer. The completed ballots shall be
submitted to the Recall Ballot Committee, who
will tabulate and report the results to the meeting. After the Recall
Ballot Committee report, the recall election results shall be ratified
by the membership before the end of the business meeting. If a simple
majority of Branch members in good standing present at the business
meeting cast ballots in favor of recall, the officer(s) shall
immediately be recalled. Branch members who abstain in the vote
(including formal abstentions and choosing not to vote) shall NOT be
included in the tabulation of the vote. If the number of abstentions
exceeds the sum of votes cast, the
recall shall fail. If the recall is successful, all SCGMB property and
money shall be collected from the recalled officer and returned to the
Branch within 30 days. If there are no alternates to fill the recalled
officer position, the Branch membership--at a Branch business
meeting--shall decide how to proceed. If the recall fails, the
officer(s) cannot be subject to another recall attempt during their term
for the same reason(s).
All decisions made at Branch business meetings can be appealed to the
SCGMB membership through a Branch member referendum (see Article IX of
these Bylaws). However, the recalled officer shall be stripped of their
officer status until a successful Branch member referendum reinstates
the officer.
\item Delegates are SCGMB members in good standing who are empowered to
sign up new IWW members, collect membership dues, sell assessment
stamps, and are liaisons between the IWW and rank \& file members.
Branch delegate descriptions in these Bylaws shall be in accordance
with the IWW North American Regional Administration's Constitution
and Section 7-1 of the IWW North American Regional Administration
Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP). ``Delegates'' in these Bylaws
should not be confused with ``General Convention Delegates'', those
members elected from chartered branches and industrial unions to
participate in the General Convention of the IWW.
\item The SCGMB shall elect delegates each year at the February Branch
business meeting. Delegates must be members of the SCGMB in good
standing for no less than 6 months prior to their election and shall
remain in good standing throughout their one-year term in order to
maintain their delegate credentials. The Branch Secretary shall
announce at the January Branch business meeting (and post to the
general Branch listserve) that Branch members who want to be
delegates for the year should contact the Branch Secretary no later
than January 31 to put their names on the ballot for the delegates
election at the February Branch meeting. The secret ballot election
process at the February Branch business meeting shall be as follows:
\item The Branch Secretary shall compile a list of Branch members who
want (and are eligible) to serve as delegates for the year.
\item A Delegate Ballot Committee shall be elected, comprised of 3
SCGMB members in good standing who are present at the February
Branch business meeting. No Branch member who wants to be a
delegate can serve on the Delegate Ballot Committee.
\item Branch members shall have a chance to ask questions of the
delegate candidates attending the February Branch business meeting
and will have time for discussion before voting.
\item Voting shall take place for each candidate with a single secret
ballot. The Branch Secretary shall draft the secret ballot and
bring enough to the Branch business meeting. For voting, the
Branch Secretary shall pass out a secret ballot to every Branch
member in good standing present at the meeting (voter). The secret
ballot shall consist of the name of each delegate candidate with
two options next to the delegate candidate's name. The first
option will read ``Elect'' followed by a check box. The second
option will read ``Don't Elect'' followed by a check box. Each voter
shall check one box per delegate candidate. The completed ballots
shall be submitted to the Delegate Ballot Committee, who will
tabulate and report the results to the meeting. After the Delegate
Ballot Committee report, the delegate election results shall be
ratified by the membership before the end of the business meeting.
If a simple majority of Branch members in good standing present at
the business meeting cast ballots in favor of electing the
delegate, they shall be elected and immediately become a delegate.
Delegate candidates who do not receive a simple majority of
``Elect'' votes from Branch members in good standing present at the
business meeting shall not be delegates that year. Branch members
who abstain in the vote (including formal abstentions and choosing
not to vote) shall NOT be included in the tabulation of the vote.
If the number of abstentions exceeds the sum of votes cast, the
delegate shall not be elected.
\item Delegates can be elected by the Branch membership after the February
Branch business meeting only if a need arises for a new delegate. If
the election of a new delegate is placed on the
agenda of a Branch business meeting, the Branch Secretary shall be
responsible for bringing secret ballots to the meeting. The process
outlined above in this Article, Section (2), subsections (b) through (d)
shall be followed for the election of new delegates.
\item The Branch Secretary shall be a Branch delegate for their entire
term. No Branch election is needed to make the Secretary a Branch
\item All delegates and shop stewards from Bay Area IWW shops not part of
existing industrial union branches shall report to the SCGMB.
\item The SCGMB shall elect delegates for Bay Area IWW shops that decline
to elect their own delegates, subject to approval by the workers in
the represented IWW shop.
\item Delegates shall complete monthly delegate reports and submit them to
the Branch Secretary. The time period for a delegate report is from
the 6th day of the month to the 5th day of the following month.
Completed monthly delegate reports shall be submitted to and received
by the Branch Secretary no later than the 7th day of the following
For example, the March delegate report period is from March 6th - April
5th; the March delegate report shall be submitted to and received by the
Branch Secretary no later than April 7th.
\item All delegates shall notify the Communications Officer of their
following information:
\item Name of delegate
\item Phone number and email address
\item Any industries in which the delegate is involved or has knowledge
The Communications Officer shall use this information as a guide for
initial contact in shops or by individuals who contact the Branch.
\item Any Branch delegate may resign at any time. The resigning delegate
shall post a resignation statement to the Branch general listserve
explaining why they are resigning. Preferably, the resigning delegate
should attend the next Branch business meeting to make an
announcement and to answer any questions from Branch members. All IWW
property and money shall be returned to the Branch within 30 days.
\item Branch delegates are accountable to the Branch membership and shall
make themselves reasonably available to Branch members who have
questions or concerns. In turn, Branch members should understand that
delegate positions are volunteer and delegates fulfill their Branch
duties in addition to their working and personal commitments.
Therefore, Branch members shall be respectful of the time limitations
of Branch delegates and act accordingly. Although delegates can be
recalled by the Branch membership (see Section 11 below), Branch
members shall first try to constructively resolve concerns about
delegate performance before resorting to recall.
\item Any Branch delegate can be recalled by the Branch membership at any
time during their term. To initiate a recall, a petition (requiring
5\% of the Branch's membership in good standing to sign) shall be
delivered to the Branch Secretary describing the reason(s) why the
delegate(s) should be recalled. If the recall petition has enough
valid signatures, as determined by the Branch Secretary, the recall
shall be placed on the agenda of the next Branch business meeting.
The Branch Secretary shall post the recall petition to the Branch's
general listserve as far in advance of the next Branch business
meeting as possible. The Branch Secretary shall draft the secret
ballot and bring enough to the Branch business meeting.
Assuming the recall petition has the required number of Branch member
signatures, it shall be heard, discussed, and voted upon by secret
ballot at the earliest possible Branch business meeting. A Recall Ballot
Committee shall be elected at the Branch business meeting and be
comprised of 3 Branch members in good standing. Delegate(s) named in the
recall and Branch members involved in the writing of the recall petition
have a conflict of interest and therefore shall not be allowed to serve
on the Recall Ballot Committee. The Recall Ballot Committee shall be
responsible for counting the ballots and reporting the results to the
Branch business meeting.
For voting, the Branch Secretary shall pass out a secret ballot to every
Branch member in good standing present at the meeting (voter). The
secret ballot shall consist of the name of each Branch delegate named in
the recall with two options next to the delegate's name. The first
option will read ``Recall'' followed by a check box. The second option
will read ``Don't Recall'' followed by a check box. Each voter shall check
one box per delegate. The completed ballots shall be
submitted to the Recall Ballot Committee, who will tabulate and report
the results to the meeting. After the Recall Ballot Committee report,
the recall election results shall be ratified by the membership before
the end of the business meeting. If a simple majority of Branch members
in good standing present at the business meeting cast ballots in favor
of recall, the delegate(s) shall immediately be recalled. Branch members
who abstain in the vote (including formal abstentions and choosing not
to vote) shall NOT be included in the tabulation of the vote. If the
number of abstentions exceeds the sum of votes cast, the recall shall
fail. If the recall is successful, all Union property and money shall be
collected from the recalled delegate and returned to the Branch within
30 days. If the recall fails, the delegate(s) cannot be subject to
another recall attempt during their term for the same reason(s).
All decisions made at Branch business meetings can be appealed to the
SCGMB membership through a Branch member referendum (see Article IX of
these Bylaws). However, the recalled delegate shall be stripped of their
delegate status until a successful Branch member referendum reinstates
the delegate.
\item The fiscal year of the SCGMB is July 1 - June 30.
\item The Branch Treasurer shall oversee the financial affairs of the
SCGMB and maintain all Branch funds, unless otherwise specified by
the Branch. Branch bookkeeping shall be kept in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles (see the Treasurer's job
description in Article III, Section (1)(b) of these Bylaws).
\item The Branch Treasurer is responsible, in consultation with the Branch
Secretary, for completing and filing all tax forms and Department of
Labor forms, including the annual 990-N with the IRS and the annual
LM-3 with the Department of Labor (see the Treasurer's job
description in Article III, Section (1)(b) of these Bylaws).
\item The SCGMB shall have two check signers, the Branch Treasurer and
the Branch Secretary. These two check signers shall have complete
access to all SCGMB accounts. If the  Branch Treasurer and the
Branch Secretary positions are held by the same person, the SCGMB
shall elect a second Branch member to be a check signer in the event
that the Branch Secretary-Treasurer is not able to perform their
duties. The election of a second check
signer shall occur at a Branch business meeting. The second check signer
can be removed from this position at any time during their term by the
Branch Secretary-Treasurer. If this occurs, the Branch shall elect a
replacement second check signer at a future Branch business meeting.
\item All expenses shall be approved by the Branch at a business meeting or
by the appropriate committee/ individual designated in the budget
before funds are disbursed by the Branch Treasurer.
\item The Branch Secretary and Treasurer shall have the combined
discretionary power to spend no more than \$1000.00 of Branch funds
between Branch meetings without prior approval from the Branch
membership. Discretionary spending is intended for small expenses or
for expenditures that cannot/should not wait until the next Branch
business meeting. The Branch Secretary and Treasurer shall be
required to disclose all discretionary spending in their reports to
the membership at the upcoming Branch meeting.
\item No Branch officer or member is authorized to enter the Branch into a
real estate or other long-term agreement/contract without prior
approval of the Branch membership.
\item In April of each year, the SCGMB shall convene a Budget Committee
to develop a budget for the upcoming July 1 - June 30 fiscal year.
The Budget Committee shall be open to all Branch members in good
standing. The Branch Secretary and Treasurer shall be ex-officio
members of the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall meet no
less than once to develop and propose an annual budget to the SCGMB
at the May Branch business meeting. The Branch shall discuss and
possibly amend the proposed budget at the May Branch business meeting
and will have a final vote at the June Branch business meeting.
\item In July of each year, the SCGMB shall convene an Audit Committee to
conduct an audit of the Branch's past fiscal year's finances. The
Audit Committee shall be open to all Branch members in good standing
except for the current and past calendar year's Branch Secretary and
Branch Treasurer. The Audit Committee shall report their findings to
the SCGMB at the September Branch business meeting.
\item In an effort to encourage industrial organizing, the SCGMB may
establish Industrial Union Accounts (IUAs) in its bookkeeping under
the following framework:
\item 10 or more SCGMB members belonging to the same industrial union
number may, at any time, petition the SCGMB Secretary to
establish an IUA in the SCGMB's bookkeeping. This petition shall
include the names, signatures, and red card numbers of all Branch
members in good standing who want to participate. If at least 10
Branch members are in good standing with the same industrial union
number, the IUA shall be established and dues splits will begin
the next month.
\item The Branch Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining
membership lists of all Branch members who contribute to specific
IUAs. This information shall be immediately shared with the Branch
\item The Branch Treasurer shall establish IUAs in the SCGMB's
bookkeeping. The Branch Treasurer shall also maintain IUAs until
such funds are disbursed to a chartered Industrial Union Branch or
until IUAs are dissolved (whereby the money will be returned to
the general SCGMB account).
\item Branch members who are affiliated with a chartered IWW shop shall
decide, as a shop, whether to contribute to an IUA. To contribute
to an IUA, a 2/3 majority vote of all Branch members at the shop
must favor contributing to the IUA. Once a chartered IWW shop
decides to contribute to an IUA, all Branch members working at the
shop shall participate in the dues split. This decision stands
until one of the following occurs:
\item An IWW Industrial Union Branch (IUB) is chartered in the Bay
Area in the same industrial union as the IUA. If this happens,
all IUA funds shall be disbursed
to the IUB and all SCGMB members contributing to the IUA shall become
members of the IUB instead of the SCGMB.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item The IWW shop becomes dechartered. If this happens, Branch
members shall decide on an individual basis whether or not to
continue to contribute to the IUA.
\item By a 2/3 majority vote, the Branch members of the IWW shop
decide to withdraw from the IUA and pay all locally-retained
dues to the SCGMB.
\item The IUA is dissolved because the number of Branch members
participating in the IUA drops to below 10 for 18 consecutive
months. If this happens, all funds in the IUA will be
transferred to the SCGMB's general account.
\item Branch members who are NOT affiliated with a chartered IWW shop,
but are in the same industrial union as an existing IUA, may
contribute to that IUA. To do so,
a Branch member in good standing who is not affiliated with any IWW job
shop shall
notify the Branch Secretary in writing requesting contribution to a
specific IUA. The dues split shall begin the next month. Once a Branch
member decides to contribute, they shall continue to contribute to the
IUA for the rest of the calendar year as long as they are in the same
industrial union; if a Branch member leaves their industrial union,
their contribution to their former IUA will end the next month.
Individual Branch members who contribute to IUAs can annually opt out
for the subsequent year if they notify the Branch Secretary in writing
by December 31; to opt back in, the individual Branch member must wait
until January of the following year. Prepaid IWW membership dues cannot
be changed subsequently with regard to IUA bookkeeping.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item The dues split for individual Branch members contributing to IUAs
shall be the following: for locally-retained IWW membership dues,
50\% shall go to the IUA and 50\% shall go to the SCGMB.
\item Prepaid IWW membership dues cannot be changed subsequently with
regard to contributions to IUAs.
\item Each IUA shall have an account balance limit of \$10,000.00. When
an IUA reaches this balance limit, all subsequent locally-retained
IWW dues shall go to the SCGMB's general account.
\item IUAs are intended for building Industrial Union Branches. Short of
chartering an IUB and transferring all funds from the IUA to the
IUB, there is discretionary spending permitted for IUA funds. In
each SCGMB fiscal year, no more than 25\% of an IUA balance can
be spent on union organizing in the same industrial union number
or on expenses related to contract negotiations, grievances, or
arbitrations related to an IWW shop in the same industrial union
as the IUA. Discretionary spending decisions require a 2/3
majority  vote of Branch members who contribute to the IUA. If an
IUA is contributed to by Branch members in more than one
workplace, the Branch Secretary and one other Branch member of the
Secretary's choosing shall conduct a secret ballot election to
decide the discretionary spending decision. All SCGMB expenses
incurred to conduct this election shall be reimbursed from the IUA.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item IUAs can only be dissolved if the number of Branch members
contributing to the IUA drops to below 10 for 18 consecutive
months. If this happens, the IUA shall be dissolved and all funds
in the IUA shall be transferred to the SCGMB's general account.
\item Any SCGMB officer or delegate may represent the Branch provided
that they do not violate the IWW International Guiding Principles \&
Rules or the IWW North American Regional Administration's
Constitution and Bylaws. Any such representation shall be
communicated to the Branch membership at the next Branch business
meeting by reporting what they said and to whom.
\item Any SCGMB officer or delegate may list their title on any
publication, letter, or correspondence. Any member of the SCGMB in
good standing may list their membership in the IWW on any
publication, letter, or correspondence but must indicate that listing
is for identification purposes only, unless otherwise approved by the
SCGMB. Any such listing shall be communicated to the Branch
membership at the next Branch business meeting.
\item All decisions made by Branch members in Article VI, Sections (1) and
(2) of these Bylaws shall be reviewed, and may be voided, by simple
majority vote at the next SCGMB business meeting.
\item The SCGMB may establish committees for various purposes as it sees
fit, and these committees may establish their own bylaws and
operating procedures provided that these do not contradict the
SCGMB Bylaws, the IWW International Guiding Principles \& Rules, or
the IWW North American Regional Administration's Constitution and
Bylaws. All committees are accountable and responsible to the Branch.
\item Types of SCGMB committees:
\item Mandated Committees.
Mandated committees are committees established in the SCGMB Bylaws to
perform specific business functions for the Branch. After the business
function is completed, the mandated committee is dissolved.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Standing Committees.
Standing committees are committees with a continued existence, formed to
do their assigned business on an ongoing basis. Once per year, at the
October Branch business meeting, standing committees shall be reviewed
by Branch members and shall
either be extended for another year or dissolved. The annual election of
standing committee members shall occur at the November Branch business
meeting. Standing committee members shall serve one-year terms.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Special Committees.
Special committees are ad hoc committees that accomplish a specific task
within a specific period of time. After the task is completed, the
special committee is dissolved.
\item All SCGMB committees shall be established using the following
A formal motion/proposal shall be submitted to the Branch Secretary
according to Article II, Section (3) of these Bylaws to be considered at
a Branch business meeting. The motion/proposal shall include:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item The name of the proposed committee.
\item What type of committee it will be (see Section 2 above).
\item Why the proposed committee is being formed/objectives of the
proposed committee.
\item The number of proposed committee members. This can be a particular
number or a range depending on Branch member interest.
\item Any skills required by committee members.
\item How a Chairperson will be elected and what responsibilities/powers
the Chairperson will have (if the proposed committee will function
with a chairperson).
\item How the proposed committee will make decisions.
\item If a Special Committee, the proposed timeline for completing its
task(s) and dissolving.
At the Branch business meeting, the motion/proposal shall be made
and--if seconded--discussed and a vote shall take place. If a simple
majority of Branch members in good standing at a Branch business meeting
vote in the affirmative, the committee shall be established.
\item All Branch committees shall be comprised solely of Branch members in
good standing elected by the Branch membership at a Branch business
meeting. The minimum number of members a committee can have is 2
Branch members in good standing. If a committee's membership
falls below 2 Branch members in good standing and there are no more
alternates to fill vacant seats, the committee's work shall be suspended
until the next Branch meeting. At this next Branch meeting, the
committee shall either be dissolved or there will be an election of
additional members/alternates to serve on the committee.
\item Branch committee member elections shall be conducted using the
following election process:
\item When a committee's establishment is approved at a Branch business
meeting, the election of committee members shall be conducted at
the same Branch business meeting. Standing committee members shall
be elected at the November Branch business meeting and begin their
terms January 1st.
\item In cases where there are NOT more candidates than open committee
seats and there is NOT a request made for a secret ballot election
by one of more Branch members in good standing, members of Branch
committees shall be elected by affirmation at a Branch business
meeting. Before the affirmation vote, Branch members shall have a
chance to ask questions of the candidates. After questions, the
vote shall take place. Candidate names shall be read individually
followed by a voice vote on each candidate.
\item In cases where there are more candidates than open committee seats
OR where there is a request made for a secret ballot election by
one of more Branch members in good standing, members of Branch
committees shall be elected by secret ballot at the same Branch
business meeting using the following process:
\item The Branch Secretary shall compile a list of Branch members who
want (and are eligible) to serve on this committee.
\item Branch members shall have a chance to ask questions of the
candidates at the Branch business meeting before the election.
There shall be no candidate statements.
\item After questions, a Ballot Committee shall be elected, comprised
of 3 Branch members in good standing. No candidate for this
committee can serve on the Ballot Committee. The Ballot
Committee shall be responsible for counting the ballots and
reporting the results to the Branch business meeting.
\item Voting shall take place for all candidates on a single secret
ballot of uniform shape and color. The Branch Secretary shall
pass out one blank sheet to every Branch member in good
standing present at the meeting (i.e. voter). The Branch
Secretary shall read every candidate's name and the voter shall
write each candidate's name on the blank ballot followed by a
check box. Each voter shall have as many votes as there are
open seats on the committee, but cannot assign more than one
vote per candidate. Only checked boxes next to candidates'
names shall count as single votes. Unchecked boxes and write-in
votes shall not count as votes. After voting, the voter shall
fold their ballot once in half so the writing on the ballot is
not visible.
\item All ballots shall be collected by the Ballot Committee, who
will tabulate the votes and report the results to the meeting.
The number of candidates with the highest number of votes shall
be elected to the committee. All other candidates shall be
considered alternates and will be ranked according to the
number of votes
they received. After the Ballot Committee report, the election results
shall be ratified by the Branch membership before the end of the
business meeting. If a committee member leaves the committee before the
end of their term, the position shall immediately be filled by the
alternate (who accepts the position) with the most votes.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Branch committees can add member(s) after the initial or annual
election only if all current committee members agree by a vote.
After this committee vote, the item shall be placed on the agenda
of the upcoming Branch business meeting under “Nominations,
elections, and installations”. The election of this additional member(s)
to the committee shall be handled using the process outlined above in
Section (5), Subsection (c).
\item All SCGMB committees shall establish a list of all committee
members and their email addresses and/or phone numbers and make this
list available to all members of the committee. If committee business
will take place online, the committee shall establish a committee
listserve through lists.iww.org or through another platform of the
committee's choosing.
\item The default decision-making process for SCGMB committee decisions
shall be Robert's Rules of Order parliamentary procedure and simple
majority (50\% + 1) rule. Committees can elect to use modified
consensus if they wish, defined as the following:
Decisions shall be made upon by a process of discussion, modification,
and agreement. During the course of this process, different positions
will be articulated and debated.
Committee members will try to work through differences and synthesize
contradictory ideas. Consensus means that the final decision does not
violate anyone's fundamental principles, or their interest in the
Branch. If unanimous support is not available for a decision, committee
members may take several positions:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Non-support: e.g. ``I don't see the need for this, but I'll go
\item Reservations: e.g. ``This may be a mistake, but I can live with it.
These are my reservations . . . ''
\item Standing aside: e.g. ``I personally can't do this, but I won't stop
others from doing it.''
\item Blocking: e.g. ``I think that this decision is fundamentally wrong
and I can't go along with it.''
Only position ``4'' (blocking) can initially stop a committee decision
from being made. If the blocking cannot be overcome, a vote shall be
taken to determine the outcome of a decision. The majority required to
pass proposals/make decisions shall be determined by the committee
members, but is usually higher than simple majority in modified
consensus decision-making.
\item Proxies are not allowed when conducting committee business.
\item Committee work shall only be performed by members of the specific
committee or by those tasked by the committee after a committee vote.
\item All SCGMB committees shall make monthly verbal reports to the
membership at Branch business meetings. Written reports are
encouraged, but not required.
\item Committee members are accountable to the Branch membership and shall
make themselves reasonably available to Branch members who have
questions or concerns. In turn, Branch members should understand that
committee positions are volunteer and committee members fulfill their
Branch duties in addition to their working and personal commitments.
Therefore, Branch members shall be respectful of the time limitations
of committee members and act accordingly.
\item Any committee member may resign at any time. The resigning committee
member shall inform the remaining committee members of their
resignation and explain why. All SCGMB property and money shall be
returned to the Branch within 30 days. The committee shall include
this resignation in its report at the next Branch business meeting.
The alternate candidate with the most election votes shall
immediately fill this vacancy on the committee.
\item Any committee member can be expelled from a committee for misconduct,
failing to carry out their committee responsibilities, or for any
other just cause. If at least 2/3 of the committee members vote that
an individual be expelled from the committee in the affirmative, the
committee member shall be expelled from the committee. All SCGMB
property and money shall be returned to the Branch within 30 days.
The committee shall include this expulsion
in its report at the next Branch business meeting. The expelled member
can appeal the committee's decision to a Branch business meeting if they
inform the Branch Secretary in writing within 30 days of the expulsion.
Alternate candidates filling this vacancy shall only
become committee members if the expulsion is not appealed or if the
expulsion is upheld by appeal. The alternate candidate with the most
election votes shall fill this committee's vacancy.
\item Each committee shall perform its task(s) promptly and responsibly. If
a committee fails to carry out its obligations, the SCGMB--at a
Branch business meeting--shall discuss the performance of the
committee and decide what action, if any, to take. Actions may
include replacing committee members, dissolving the committee, or
another action. Branch decisions shall be made by simple majority
vote. If a committee fails to meet or serve its intended purpose
for no stated good cause within 30 days of being established, this
committee shall be dissolved.
\section{Complaints Against Members and Conflict Resolution}
The SCGMB, consistent with the traditions and principles of the IWW,
is committed to democracy, equality, mutual respect, and solidarity.
This commitment also extends to how we treat each other and resolve
conflicts within this Branch. Below is the SCGMB's policy on
unacceptable behavior and conflict resolution, consistent with the IWW
International Guiding Principles \& Rules and the IWW North American
Regional Administration's Constitution and Bylaws. Section (1) outlines
unacceptable behavior. Sections (2) through (5) describe the steps, in
order, that SCGMB members shall take to resolve conflicts in the
Branch. SCGMB members shall attempt to resolve conflicts locally
before initiating the union-wide IWW complaints process as described in
the IWW North American Regional Administration's Constitution and
At no point in the SCGMB conflict resolution process shall the
following rights of Branch members be infringed: Branch members are
presumed innocent until proven guilty; Branch members shall have due
process/equal protection (fairness during the process with no Branch
member receiving prejudicial or unequal treatment, including punishment
before the process is complete); evidence shall be required to support
complaints (rather than unsupported assertions, hearsay, and
inflammatory language); and the rights to face one's accuser, be
informed of the complaint, and examine all evidence presented to support
said complaint shall be maintained. In addition, strict confidentiality
of all parties involved shall be honored during the entire conflict
resolution process (from the filing of the complaint to the time the
report is submitted to the Branch by the Branch mediator/complaint
\item Behaviors unacceptable in the SCGMB are consistent with those
outlined in the IWW International Guiding Principles \& Rules and the
IWW North American Regional Administration's Constitution and Bylaws,
and include the following:
\item Willfully failing to comply with the Preamble, Constitution,
and/or Bylaws of the North American Regional Administration of the
IWW, the SCGMB, or a body related to the SFBAGMB.
\item Engaging in corruption or financial malpractice with respect to
the funds or property of the SCGMB or a body related to the
\item Bringing false charges or deliberately falsifying documentation
with malicious intent against a member of the IWW, the SCGMB, or
a body related to the SCGMB.
\item Discriminating against a member of the SCGMB or against a member
of a body related to the SCGMB. Discrimination is the treatment
of one individual differently from another based on any of the
following: perceived or actual race, ethnicity, ancestry, national
origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity/expression, age, height, weight, mental/physical ability,
medical condition, marital/family status, and/or political
activities or affiliations.
\item Harassing a member of the SCGMB or a member of a body related to
the SCGMB. Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to
unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct by a Branch member.
This conduct is often related to the areas listed in the
Discrimination subsection above, but is not limited to these.
Examples of harassment include verbal or physical abuse, threats,
bullying, derogatory remarks, taunts, malicious jokes, offensive
images, unwelcome requests, and innuendos. Included
in harassment is sexual harassment, which includes unwanted sexual
advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors, and other unwanted verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature, whether such conduct is made
explicitly or implicitly. Behavior does not need to be intentional in
order to be considered harassment.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Being violent toward a member of the SCGMB or a member of a body
related to the SCGMB. Violence is defined as any act of physical
force intending to or causing physical harm to another person or
endangering their health/safety. The SCGMB's position on
violence as unacceptable behavior does not preclude the right of
Branch members to engage in self-defense against unprovoked
violent attacks.
\item Allegations of unacceptable behavior are serious and shall be treated
seriously by the Branch. The first step in confronting and minimizing
perceived unacceptable behavior is to tell the Branch member(s) that
their behavior is inappropriate and to please stop. If the perceived
unacceptable behavior was done at a Branch meeting or event, it is
appropriate to either respectfully raise the issue at the
meeting/event before the group or to raise the issue privately after
the meeting/event (either verbally or in writing). If the perceived
unacceptable behavior was done outside of a Branch meeting/event, the
issue should be respectfully raised privately afterward, either
verbally or in writing. Sometimes, a calm and respectful private
conversation is the best way to constructively resolve an issue. If
the perceived unacceptable behavior is mostly or
entirely related to a Branch member's job performance as a Branch
officer, delegate, committee member, etc., then the perceived
unacceptable behavior can be raised at a Branch business meeting after
the appropriate report or elsewhere on the agenda (see Article II,
Section 6).
Besides the Branch meeting/event, Branch members shall not publicize
allegations of inappropriate behavior until the Branch conflict
resolution process is complete.
If the Branch member does not feel comfortable confronting the other
Branch member(s), if this initial personal approach does not produce the
desired result, or if the behavior is so egregious that dealing with it
cannot wait until the next Branch business meeting, then the next step
is to file a written complaint against the other Branch member(s) with a
Branch officer as soon as possible (see Section 3 below).
\item To initiate the SCGMB's conflict resolution process over perceived
unacceptable behavior, a Branch member or members shall file a
written complaint (hereafter referred to as the ``complainant/s'')
against another Branch member or members (hereafter referred to as
the ``respondent/s'') with the Branch Secretary. If the Branch
Secretary is involved or has a perceived conflict of interest, the
complaint shall be filed with any other Branch officer. As much
detail as possible, including supporting documentation, should be
included in the written complaint because it cannot be amended once
it is filed. The Branch officer receiving the complaint shall make
initial contact with both the complainant and the respondent as well
as make all other Branch officers aware of the complaint within 48
hours. A complete copy of
the complaint, with all supporting documents filed by the complainant,
shall be made available to the respondent and to all other Branch
officers within 72 hours of the complaint being filed.
As soon as a complaint is filed and both parties have been notified by
the Branch officer receiving the complaint, the complainant and
respondent shall not directly communicate with each other about issues
in the complaint until the complaint is resolved; all communications by
the complainant and respondent related to the complaint shall be made
through the appropriate Branch officer or member.
In the initial contact with the complainant and the respondent, the
Branch officer shall ask both parties if they are willing to resolve the
complaint through mediation. If both parties agree to resolve the
conflict through mediation, then the mediation process outlined in
Section (4) below shall be followed. If either party declines to
participate in mediation, the complaint shall immediately go to the
``Branch Complaint Committee Process'' outlined in Section (5) below.
During the entire conflict resolution process (from the filing of the
complaint to the time the report is submitted to the Branch by the
mediator/complaint committee), strict confidentiality of all parties
involved shall be respected. A complaint can be withdrawn at any time by
the complainant by notifying, in writing, the Branch officer who
received the complaint. Withdrawn complaints may be refiled by the
complainant at a later date.
\item Mediation: If both the complainant and respondent are willing to
participate in mediation to resolve the conflict (and the conflict
does not present an imminent danger to the Branch's interests or to
any of the parties involved), then the following mediation process
shall be followed. If the conflict presents an imminent danger to
either the Branch's interests or to any of the parties involved (as
determined by the Branch officer receiving the complaint), mediation
shall not be utilized and, instead, the complaint shall immediately
go to the Branch Complaint Committee Process outlined in Section (5)
Mediation is a constructive dialogue facilitated by a mutually agreed
upon third party with the goal of finding a resolution to the conflict
that is suitable to all parties. Mediation is by necessity a voluntary
process where all parties are willing to resolve the conflict by
mediation. If mediation is chosen by the parties involved, the Branch
officer who received the complaint shall coordinate the mediation
Confidentiality is a central component of mediation. Statements made
during mediation shall remain confidential and cannot be used in the
Branch Complaint Committee Process or any other public forum unless
otherwise agreed to by all parties. If strict confidentiality is an
issue to one or more parties, mediation may not be the appropriate
process to resolve the conflict. Instead, the Branch Complaint Committee
Process (see Section 5 below) may be better suited to resolve the
Participation in mediation does not affect the complainant's right to
use the Branch Complaint Committee Process (see Section 5 below) should
mediation fail to resolve the conflict.
The SCGMB mediation process shall consist of the following:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item If both parties are willing to mediate, the Branch officer who
received the complaint shall coordinate the selection of a
mediator from within the SCGMB membership. The role of the
mediator is to listen to both parties, gain a better understanding
of the conflict, identify whether it is related to the IWW/Branch,
search for alternative ways to view the conflict, and assist the
parties in identifying ways to resolve the conflict that is
suitable to all parties. If no agreed upon mediator is available
within the Branch's
membership, the complainant and respondent may go to an outside mediator
if all parties
agree. The Branch officer receiving the complaint shall be responsible
for finding an outside mediator acceptable to all parties. If the
parties are unable to agree upon a mediator within 30 days from the date
the complaint was filed, the complaint shall immediately go to the
Branch Complaint Committee Process (see Section 5 below).
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item A mediator shall be identified no later than 30 days after the
complaint was filed. The Branch shall reimburse the in-Branch
mediator for any reasonable expenses incurred in the process of
conflict mediation. If an outside mediator is used, the Branch
shall pay up to
\$200.00 for outside mediation services per Branch complaint.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item The mediator shall first meet, speak by telephone, or communicate
by other medium separately with each party to listen to each
party's concerns. During these conversations, the mediator shall
ask each party what they would like to see in order to resolve the
conflict and whether each party would be willing to meet with the
other party in the presence of the mediator.
\item Based on these conversations, the mediator will identify the next
step. This can include, but is not limited to, the following: a
second round of mediator-party conversations, a planned meeting of
the parties with the mediator, or the closure of mediation.
\item If mediation meeting(s) occur, both the complainant and respondent
may bring one other person with them to the mediation. The Branch
mediator is empowered to remove these guests if their presence
becomes disruptive. Proxies for the complainant and/or respondent
are not permitted.
\item If either party fails to attend more than one mediation meeting,
mediation shall immediately terminate. The complainant has 10 days
from the end of mediation to move the complaint to the Branch
Complaint Committee Process (see Section 5 below). To do this, the
complainant shall notify the Branch officer who received the
complaint, in writing, that they want to pursue the Branch
Complaint Committee Process. If the complainant fails to notify
this Branch officer within 10 days, the complaint shall be
immediately closed (and cannot be refiled).
\item At any time during the mediation process, any party may withdraw
from mediation by notifying, in writing, the mediator and the
Branch officer who received the complaint. The Branch officer who
received the complaint shall notify all parties involved in the
mediation, in writing, that mediation has been terminated because
one or more parties have withdrawn. The complainant shall have 10
days from the date the Branch officer notified all parties that
mediation was terminated to move the complaint to the Branch
Complaint Committee Process (see Section 5 below). To do this, the
complainant shall notify the Branch officer who received the
complaint, in writing, that they want to pursue the Branch
Complaint Committee Process. If the complainant fails to notify
this Branch officer within 10 days, the complaint shall be
immediately closed (and cannot be refiled).
\item If the mediation process is completed and is unsuccessful (i.e. a
resolution to the conflict is not suitable to all parties) or is
partially successful (i.e. there is some agreement by all parties
but not enough to entirely resolve the conflict), the complainant
has 10 days to move the complaint to the Branch Complaint
Committee Process (see Section 5 below). To do this, the
complainant needs to notify the Branch officer who received the
complaint, in writing, that they want to pursue the Branch
Complaint Committee Process. If the complainant fails to notify
this Branch officer within 10 days of the end of mediation, the
complaint shall be immediately closed (and cannot be refiled).
\item If the mediation process is completed and fully successful (i.e.
there is enough agreement by all parties to entirely resolve the
conflict), the complaint shall be immediately closed. However, the
complainant has the right, at any time, to reopen the complaint by
the Branch officer who received the complaint, in writing, that they
want to reopen the complaint. If reopened, the complaint automatically
moves to the Branch Complaint Committee Process (see Section 5 below).
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item The mediator and parties shall take no more than 90 days from the
day the complaint was filed to conduct the mediation and report
the results (whether it was fully successful, partially
successful, or unsuccessful) to the next regular business meeting
of the Branch. Except for the names of the parties and to what
extent the mediation was successful, no details shall be released
at the Branch meeting unless all parties agree. If there is
agreement by all parties to discuss details, a written report
agreed to by all parties shall be submitted at the Branch meeting.
This written report shall also be submitted to the IWW North
American Regional Administration as described in the IWW North
American Regional Administration's Constitution and Bylaws.
\item Branch Complaint Committee Process: The complainant can bypass
mediation and move the complaint to the Branch Complaint Committee
Process, described here. Even if mediation is attempted and/or
completed, the complainant can move the complaint to the Branch
Complaint Committee Process (see Sections 4f - 4h above). The Branch
Complaint Committee Process shall consist of the following:
\item If the Branch Complaint Committee Process is used, a Complaint
Committee shall be elected at the next Branch business meeting.
The Complaint Committee shall be comprised of 3 Branch members in
good standing elected at the Branch business meeting. No member of
the Complaint Committee shall have a conflict of interest with the
complainant or the respondent. The complainant and respondent may
have voice in the election of the Complaint Committee, but no
vote. If any member of the Complaint Committee resigns, they shall
be replaced by another Branch member selected by the Branch
officer who received the complaint.
\item The timeline for the Complaint Committee to hear and decide on the
complaint is as follows:
\item The Branch officer receiving the complaint shall provide all
Complaint Committee members with a complete copy of the
complaint, including all supporting documents filed by the
complainant, within 24 hours of the election of the Complaint
\item Within 48 hours of receiving the complaint and supporting
documents, the Complaint Committee shall forward a complete
copy of the complaint, including all supporting documents filed
by the complainant, to the complainant and respondent to ensure
all parties have the same information.
\item From the moment the respondent receives the complaint and
supporting documents from the Complaint Committee, the
respondent shall have 14 days to respond in writing to the
complaint and supporting documents. This written response by
the respondent shall be submitted to the Complaint Committee.
\item Upon receipt of the respondent's written response to the
complaint and supporting documents, the Complaint Committee
shall schedule, within 14 days, a hearing to discuss any
questions it has regarding the complaint, supporting documents,
or the respondent's response. The hearing date and time shall
be agreeable to both the complainant and the respondent so all
parties can attend. At the hearing, the Complaint Committee
shall ask questions while all parties are present.
\item Within 14 days of the hearing, the Complaint Committee shall
meet and decide by simple majority on the merits of the
complaint and any disciplinary action recommendations. The
Complaint Committee shall write a report outlining its
findings and recommendations (including any dissenting opinions if the
vote of the Complaint Committee was not unanimous) along with the
complaint and all evidence provided by the complainant and the
respondent, and submit it to the Branch at the next Branch business
Consistent with the IWW North American Regional Administration's
Constitution and Bylaws, only the following offenses can result in
remedial actions, discipline, and/or penalties:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Willfully failing to comply with the Preamble, Constitution,
and/or Bylaws of the IWW North American Regional
Administration, the SCGMB Bylaws, or the bylaws of a body
related to the SCGMB.
\item Engaging in corruption or financial malpractice with respect
to the funds or property of the SCGMB or a body related to
the SCGMB.
\item Bringing false charges or deliberately falsifying
documentation with malicious intent against a member of the
IWW, the SCGMB, or a body related to the SFBAGMB.
\item Discrimination, harassment, and/or violence.
The remedial actions, discipline, or penalties which may be imposed can
include censure, temporary suspension, disqualification or removal from
office or official position, expulsion, restitution, and/or other
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item At the Branch meeting, the Complaint Committee shall submit its
report to the Branch membership. After questions and
discussion, the membership shall decide whether or not to
accept the findings and recommendations of the Complaint
Committee. This decision, like all decisions made at Branch
meetings, is subject to appeal to the membership through a
Branch mail-in appeal (see Article IX, Section 4 of these
Bylaws). If not appealed, or after the Branch mail-in appeal,
the Branch Secretary shall promptly submit the final decision
of the Branch, the Complaint Committee's report, and all
supporting documents to the IWW North American Regional
Administration as described in the IWW North American Regional
Administration's Constitution and Bylaws.
\item If the complaint is dismissed by the Branch, the complainant
cannot file this same complaint again with the Branch.
\item The decision by the Branch does not preclude the complainant or
respondent from using the union-wide IWW complaints process as
described in the IWW North American Regional Administration's
Constitution and Bylaws.
\section{Appeal Process}
\item There are several levels of decision-making in the SCGMB,
\item Branch officer, delegate, and rank \& file member decisions
\item Branch committee decisions
\item Monthly Branch business meeting decisions
\item Branch member mail-in elections/referenda/appeals decisions
\item The SCGMB membership is the highest authority in the Branch and the
final arbiter of all Branch decisions/appeals.
\item All decisions made by officers, delegates, rank \& file Branch
members, and committees can be appealed, and potentially reversed, at
a monthly Branch business meeting. To do so, any Branch member in
good standing can, within 60 days of the original decision, propose
that a decision
made by a Branch officer, delegate, rank \& file member, or committee be
reversed by adding this item to a Branch business meeting agenda
according to Article II, Section (3) of these Bylaws. The Branch member
shall also explain in writing why they think the decision should be
reversed. Assuming that this appeal proposal is seconded at the Branch
business meeting, it
shall be heard, discussed, and voted upon by secret ballot at the Branch
business meeting. Ballots shall be prepared in advance of the Branch
business meeting by the Branch Secretary and brought to the business
meeting. If a simple majority of Branch members in good standing present
at the business meeting cast votes in favor of the appeal, the original
decision by the officer, delegate, rank \& file Branch member, or
committee shall be reversed (if possible). The Branch membership, at the
business meeting, shall decide how to handle the details and
ramifications of the reversal of a previous decision.
\item All decisions made at monthly Branch business meetings can be
appealed to the membership through a Branch Meeting Mail-in Appeal.
To do so, a petition (requiring 15\% of the Branch's membership in
good standing to sign) shall be delivered to the Branch Secretary
within 30 days of the Branch business meeting decision that is being
appealed. The petition shall describe the reason(s) why this Branch
business meeting decision should be reversed. If this appeal petition
has enough valid signatures and was submitted within 30 days of the
Branch business meeting decision that is being appealed--as
determined by the Branch Secretary--the appeal shall move forward and
be placed on the agenda of the next Branch business meeting. The
Branch Secretary shall also post the appeal petition to the Branch's
general listserve as far in advance of the next Branch business
meeting as possible.
At the Branch business meeting (Branch meeting \#1), the appeal shall be
discussed. Also, a Branch Meeting Appeal Ballot Committee shall be
established and be comprised of 3 Branch members in good standing. No
one directly involved in the appeal can serve on the Branch Meeting
Appeal Ballot Committee because of conflict of interest. The Branch
Meeting Appeal Ballot Committee shall be responsible for conducting the
election and counting the ballots at the subsequent Branch business
meeting, according to the ``Appendix A, Election Procedure'' in these
At the subsequent Branch business meeting (Branch meeting \#2), Branch
Meeting Appeal Ballot Committee members shall arrive at least 30 minutes
before the start of this Branch business meeting to verify the status of
provisional mail-in ballots and count all mail-in ballots. The Branch
Secretary shall collect all mail-in ballots from the post office box and
provide them
to the Branch Meeting Appeal Ballot Committee. The Branch Secretary
shall be available during the counting in case the Branch Meeting Appeal
Ballot Committee has any questions. In addition to voting by mail,
Branch members in good standing may vote during this Branch meeting by
secret ballot. The Branch Secretary shall bring extra ballots to the
meeting for members who wish to vote at the meeting. Completed ballots
shall be given to the Branch Meeting Appeal Ballot Committee for
verification and counting. Valid ballots cast at the meeting will be
to the mail-in ballot returns. A representative from the Branch Meeting
Appeal Ballot Committee shall provide a brief verbal report at the
Branch meeting announcing the election results. If a simple majority of
all Branch members in good standing cast ballots in favor of the appeal,
the original decision made at the Branch business meeting shall be
reversed. For example, if there are 80 Branch members in good standing,
at least 41 ballots favoring the appeal are required
to overturn the initial decision made at a Branch business meeting.
After the Branch Meeting Appeal Ballot Committee report, the election
results shall be ratified by the membership at the Branch business
meeting. The Branch membership, at the business meeting, shall decide
how to handle the details and ramifications of the reversal of a
previous decision.
\item For the purpose of maintaining the spirit of the IWW and our
commitment to organizing for the Abolition of the Wage System, the
SCGMB shall prioritize, in order, the following activities:
\item SCGMB organizing drives and shops
\item SCGMB administration
\item Solidarity with other IWW regions' and branches' campaigns
\item Solidarity with other labor campaigns
\item Tabling, outreach, fundraising, and events
\item Solidarity with non-labor, ``movement'' campaigns
\item Miscellaneous activities
\section{Paid Organizers}
\item Any Branch member who receives payment for organizing by the Branch
(a stipend) shall submit monthly written reports to the Branch at
SCGMB business meetings. A copy of all reports shall also be
submitted to the Branch Secretary and Treasurer. Such reports shall
include any meeting minutes from formal meetings and synopses of
informal meetings. Reports should be as detailed as security permits
and include approximate dates, times, numbers of persons present, and
topics discussed.
\item Any Branch member who only receives reimbursements for organizing by
the Branch (not a stipend) shall submit monthly verbal or written
reports to the Branch at SCGMB business meetings.
\item Reports shall be accepted by vote at the following SCGMB business
\item Payments from the Branch are only given after the report is accepted
at the SCGMB business meeting.
\item Only members in good standing can receive payment for organizing.
\section{Safer Space Policy}
The Industrial Workers of the World is a union committed to the emancipation of the working class. The working class is diverse and as a union we recognize that oppression is many layered. As such, we strive to keep our common places free from oppressive action, behavior, and language.
These oppressive actions and words include but are not limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and any expression of disrespect and/or intolerance of size, gender identity, sexual identity/expression, (dis)ability, age, educational level, and cultural background. Because we want to learn from and educate each other, we will each be responsible for addressing these issues in ourselves and others. This policy is not about censorship, but rather opening a dialog in a respectful way that can result in all members feeling safe and free to fully participate in their unions activities.
If a member feels this policy is being / has been violated, the following steps should be taken:
\item Reference the policy to the whole group: for example, “In the IWW, we have a Safer Space Policy that all members are mutually responsible to uphold. I feel this policy has been violated by talk of [comments made]. Please keep the Safer Space Policy in mind.”
\item If the policy is still being violated, the issue should be brought up to the person in violation directly and/or the chair, an officer, a delegate, or a member whom you would like to act as an advocate on your behalf so that an effective plan of action can be instituted.
\item If you have no allies locally and invoking the Safer Space Policy fails, reach out to the Gender Equity Committee for assistance at GEC@IWW.org.
If a member feels like this policy is being violated and is uncomfortable bringing this up personally, they are encouraged to seek an ally of their choosing to advocate for them. In a meeting, a person can ask for a point of personal privilege to take a break and discuss this with the necessary parties. Meeting chairs, officers, delegates, and members should be conscious of this policy and address issues as they arise.
Further, space shall be defined as any office, meeting, event (including trainings, celebrations, social gatherings, etc.), internet platform (including listservs, facebook, we.riseup, twitter, etc.) that is IWW sponsored, which includes any body formally recognized by the IWW, such as General Membership Branches, Regional Organizing Committees and Regional Administrations, Industrial Union Branches, other committees, and any accountable sub-formation of the aforementioned bodies.
\section{Amendments to Bylaws}
\item SCGMB Bylaws shall have a revision date printed on each page of the
Bylaws that reflects the date these Bylaws were approved by the
Branch's membership.
\item Amendments to these Bylaws shall only be made at monthly SCGMB
business meetings. The process by which amendments to these Bylaws
are made is as follows:
Any Branch member in good standing may submit a written motion/proposal
to the Branch Secretary according to Article II, Section (3) of these
Bylaws to be considered at a Branch business meeting. The
motion/proposal shall include:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Why the Bylaws change is being proposed.
\item The Bylaws language that would be removed if the Bylaws amendment
\item The replacement Bylaws language or new Bylaws language that would
be added if the Bylaws amendment passes.
\item Where new language will be placed in the Bylaws.
\item An estimate of the fiscal impact to the Branch if the Bylaws
amendment passes (if any).
The motion/proposal shall be made, and if seconded at a Branch business
meeting, shall be discussed and a vote shall take place. If a simple
majority of Branch members in good standing present at the Branch
business meeting vote in the affirmative, the Bylaws amendment shall
pass. Bylaw amendments must be recorded with a show of hands or by
secret ballot, not by voice vote.
\item A copy of the amended SCGMB Bylaws shall be transmitted (by the
Branch Secretary) within 60 days to IWW General Headquarters in order
to be reviewed by the General Executive Board (consistent with
Article XI, Section 2 of the IWW North American Regional
Administration's Constitution).
\section{Appendix A: Election Procedure}
The following procedure shall be used for annually electing SCGMB
officers as well as for handling Branch mail-in referenda/appeals. This
procedure assumes all Branch officers' terms are for one year, beginning
on January 1 and ending on December 31. At the October Branch meeting,
the Branch Secretary shall announce that Branch officer elections are
coming up and nominations will be made at the November Branch meeting.
The Branch Secretary shall also post this announcement to the Branch's
general listserve no less that 15 days before the November Branch
\subsection{Timeline \& Procedure:}
\item At the November SCGMB meeting:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Nomination and confirmation of candidates running for Branch
Nominations of Branch members in good standing shall be made at the
November Branch meeting. ``Good standing'' is when a Branch member has
paid IWW dues within the last two months prior to the current month;
``bad standing'' is when a Branch member has not paid IWW dues within the
last two months prior to the current month. All candidates
in good standing at the November Branch meeting (i.e. Branch members who
have paid dues through September of the current year), who accept their
nominations, shall be placed on the ballot. In contested elections
(where there is more than one candidate running for any Branch office),
candidates may provide a candidate's statement to the Branch Secretary.
If submitting a candidate's statement, the statement must be received by
the Branch Secretary within 48 hours from the end of the November Branch
meeting. The candidate's statement shall be no longer than one page and
include the candidate's name and why they are running for a particular
Branch office. All candidate statements that meet the above criteria
shall be included with the ballot.
\subsection{NOTE: If all Branch offices are uncontested (there is not more than}
one eligible candidate for every Branch office), there shall NOT be a
mail-in ballot. Instead, these candidates shall simply be ratified at
the November Branch meeting and begin their terms on January 1.
Ratification shall be done on a single secret ballot. The Branch
Secretary shall pass out secret ballots at the November Branch meeting.
The ballot shall list each Branch officer position followed by the
uncontested candidate's name followed by a check box. In order for a
candidate to be ratified, a simple majority of Branch members in good
standing present at the November meeting must have checked the box next
to the candidate's name. If this simple
majority is not attained, the officer position shall remain vacant until
a special election or until the regular election next year.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Election of a Ballot Committee consisting of at least 3 Branch
members in good standing. No candidate running for any Branch
office can serve on the Ballot Committee. The Ballot Committee
shall be responsible for conducting the Branch election, namely:
\item folding, assembling, and mailing ballots to Branch members
using the address labels, a photocopy of the address labels,
postage stamps, \#10 envelopes (\& a small number of Spanish
tagline stickers), \#9 envelopes, regular ballots, provisional
ballots, vouchers, blank \#6.75 ballot envelopes provided by the
Branch Secretary, and candidate statements (if applicable).
Ballots shall be mailed to Branch members within 7 days after
the November Branch meeting.
\item attending the December Branch meeting. Ballot Committee members
shall arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the
meeting to count ballots and check them against Branch records.
Branch members in good standing may also vote by secret ballot
during the December Branch meeting if they have not mailed in a
ballot. After tallying the mail-in and in-person votes, a
representative from
the Ballot Committee shall provide a verbal report at the December
Branch meeting with the election results. The election results shall be
ratified by the Branch at the December meeting so the newly elected
officers can start their terms on January 1.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item The voting process, described below, shall be explained to the
meeting attendees.
The membership of the SCGMB shall vote by secret mail-in ballot (with
in-person secret ballot voting allowed during the December Branch
meeting) to determine the outcome of the Branch election. Candidates for
each office shall be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order with a
space for a write-in candidate. All Branch members who have paid dues
through July of the current year shall be mailed ballots. However,
mail-in ballots shall only be counted from members who have paid dues
through September
of the current year. Ballots must be received at the Branch's post
office box by the December Branch meeting in order to count. If a Branch
member in good standing does not mail in their ballot, they can cast a
ballot during the December Branch meeting. If
a ballot is cast at the December Branch meeting, the member shall have
paid dues through October of the current year in order for the ballot to
count. The candidate with the most votes (including a write-in candidate
in good standing and who accepts the nomination) shall win. All other
candidates shall be considered alternates and ranked according to the
number of votes they received. If a Branch officer leaves office
before the end of their term (e.g. resigns, is no longer in good
standing, or is recalled
by the Branch membership), the position shall immediately be filled by
the alternate (who accepts the position) with the most votes. If there
are no more alternates to fill vacant officer position(s), the Branch
membership--at a Branch meeting--shall decide how to proceed. There can
be a special election to fill the officer position(s) until December 31
or the officer position(s) can remain vacant until the next Branch
election cycle.
\item Within 48 hours from the end of the November Branch meeting:
Candidates who want to submit a candidate's statement to be included
with the mail-in ballot must submit the statement to the Branch
Secretary within 48 hours from the end of the November Branch meeting.
The candidate's statement shall be no longer than one page and include
the candidate's name and why they are running for a particular Branch
office. All candidate statements that meet the above criteria shall be
included with the ballot.
\item Within 7 days after the November Branch meeting:
The Ballot Committee shall mail ballots to Branch members. The Branch
Secretary shall produce all ballot materials and coordinate with the
Ballot Committee regarding the transfer of materials so the Ballot
Committee can assemble and mail the ballots. The materials that the
Branch Secretary shall produce and give to the Ballot Committee are:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Address labels for all Branch members who have paid dues through
July of the current year (and are therefore eligible to receive a
\item Photocopy of the mailing labels, with those receiving provisional
ballots indicated, so the Ballot Committee can number them and the
corresponding \#9 return envelopes.
\item Postage stamps for the \#10 outgoing envelopes and the \#9 return
envelopes (one 1 ounce stamp per envelope).
\item \#10 outgoing envelopes \& a small number of Spanish tagline
\item \#9 self-addressed return envelopes.
(6a) Regular Ballots (for Branch members who have paid dues through
September of the current year). These should be printed on white paper
to distinguish them from the Provisional Ballots.
(6b) Provisional Ballots (for Branch members who have paid dues through
July of the current year, but are not yet paid up through September of
the current year). These should be printed on a colored paper to
distinguish them from the Regular Ballots.
\item Vouchers (for provisional ballots only).
\item Blank \#6.75 envelopes (in which the completed ballots are inserted).
\item Candidate statements (if applicable).
\item At the December Branch meeting:
\item Ballot Committee members shall arrive at least 30 minutes before
the start of the December Branch meeting to verify the status of
provisional mail-in ballots and count all mail-in ballots. The
Branch Secretary shall collect all mail-in ballots from the post
office box and provide them to the Ballot Committee. The Branch
Secretary shall be available during the counting in case the
Ballot Committee has any questions.
\item In addition to voting by mail, Branch members in good standing may
vote during the December Branch meeting by secret ballot. If a
Branch member votes at the December Branch meeting, they shall
have paid dues through October of the current year in order for
their ballot to count. The Branch Secretary shall bring extra
ballots to the meeting for members who wish to vote at the
meeting. Completed ballots shall be given to the Ballot Committee
for verification and counting. Valid ballots cast at the meeting
will be added to the mail-in ballot returns.
\item A representative from the Ballot Committee shall provide a brief
verbal report at the Branch meeting announcing the election
\item After the Ballot Committee report, the election results shall be
ratified by the membership.
The materials needed for a Branch election are:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Address labels for all Branch members who have paid dues through
July of the current year.
\item Photocopy of the address labels with those receiving provisional
ballots indicated.
\item Postage stamps for the \#10 outgoing envelopes and the \#9 return
envelopes (one 1 ounce stamp per envelope).
\item \#10 outgoing envelopes \& small number of Spanish tagline stickers,
which look like this:
[Warning: Draw object ignored]For a small number of ballots for native
Spanish speakers, there will be a sticker on the \#10 envelope that will
read ``Boleta en español''. USPS requirements state that this tagline
should be above the address lines on the address label. That is why the
tagline should be positioned about here.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item \#9 self-addressed return envelopes, which look like this:
[Warning: Draw object ignored]The Branch Secretary shall provide a
photocopy of the mailing labels to the Ballot Committee. During the
mailing, Ballot Committee members shall write a different number next to
each member's mailing label and the same number on the \#9 envelope for
that member's ballot.
When ballots are received, the Ballot Committee can use this number to
make sure members are only voting once and that no fraudulent ballots
are counted.
(6a) Regular Ballots for Branch members who are paid up through
September of the current year. These should be printed on white paper to
distinguish them from the Provisional Ballots. The Regular Ballots shall
be 8.5” x 11”. The wording of the Regular Ballot shall follow the
template below. One side shall be printed in English and on the other
side shall be printed in Spanish.
\section{Appendix B: Current Committees}
The list of current SCGMB committees is as follows:
\item Mandated Committees. Mandated committees are committees established
in the SCGMB Bylaws to perform specific business functions for the
Branch. Current Branch mandated committees are:
\item Budget Committee (see Article V, Section 8 of these Bylaws)
\item Audit Committee (see Article V, Section 9 of these Bylaws)
\item Standing Committees. Standing committees are committees with a
continued existence, formed to do their assigned business on an
ongoing basis. Once per year, at the October Branch business meeting,
standing committees shall be reviewed by Branch members and shall
either be extended for another year or dissolved. Current Branch
standing committees are:
\item Tabling Committee
The Tabling Committee handles all aspects of ordering and selling IWW
merchandise at events as an income-generating activity for the Branch.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Branch Organizing Committee
The Branch Organizing Committee (BOC) coordinates, assists, and furthers
active workplace organizing campaigns in the Bay Area and shall serve as
the exclusive clearinghouse for all Branch organizing activity. The
purpose of the BOC is to focus the Branch's organizing efforts,
establish standards for Branch organizing, prevent misuse of Branch
resources, and to make organizers accountable. The BOC will handle all
Branch organizing leads, in cooperation with the Branch communications
officer and all other relevant Branch persons.
The BOC consists of the Organizing Department Liaison (ODL) and up to
five Branch members in good standing. The ODL shall chair the BOC and
assemble BOC members at the beginning of their term. BOC members shall
be nominated and approved by simple majority vote at a SCGMB business
meeting. BOC members must have direct workplace organizing experience
with the IWW, must make a case to the Branch for why they should serve
on the BOC, must have been an IWW member for at least one year, must
have adequate time and capacity to participate meaningfully in the BOC,
and must be in good standing. BOC members may be added or replaced
throughout the year as needed.
The BOC shall meet at least monthly, outside of SCGMB business
meetings. Reports shall be submitted to the Branch by the ODL each
month. The ODL will also continue their relationship to the Organizing
Department Board (ODB), at least in part by submitting monthly reports
to the ODB.
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item Environmental Unionism Committee
The Environmental Unionism Committee (EUC) seeks to unite the labor
movement and the environmental movement to take action to transition
unsafe and unsustainable industry to one that meets the best labor and
environmental standards. The EUC focuses on:
\item \begin{enumerate}
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Proactively strategizing the ``live in harmony with the Earth''
provision of the Preamble to the IWW Constitution.
\item Harvesting and sharing news where the issues of class struggle
and ecology overlap and intersect from various sources.
\item Establishing dialog and organizing with environmental and labor
organizations on intersecting issues.
\item Facilitating solidarity between grassroots environmental
organizations and rank \& file workers.
\item Establishing a constructive (not dogmatic or sectarian)
anti-capitalist critique of mainstream environmentalism,
business unionism, and ``green'' capitalism.
\item Strategizing how to organize workers in resource extraction
industries with high impacts on the environment.
\item Strategizing how to organize workers in renewable energy
\item Seeking organizing leads, such as rank and file workers in
contact with environmental organizations, or situations where
environmental groups are in dispute with the capitalist
employers of rank and file workers.
\item Special Committees. Special committees are ad hoc committees elected
by the SCGMB to accomplish a specific task within a specific period
of time. After the task is completed, the special committee is
dissolved. Examples of special committees have included ballot
committees, a delegate convention committee, an organizing summit
committee, and
bylaws committees.
\section{Appendix C: Annual Business Meeting Timeline}
\subsection{January Branch business meeting:}
\item Branch officers begin annual terms.
\item Branch Secretary announces that Branch members who want to be
delegates for the year should contact the Branch Secretary to put
their name on the ballot.
\subsection{February Branch business meeting:}
\item Delegates elected by secret ballot.
\subsection{April Branch business meeting:}
\item Convene a Budget Committee to develop a budget for the next fiscal
year (July 1-June 30).
\subsection{May Branch business meeting:}
\item Budget Committee proposes budget to the Branch membership for the next
fiscal year
(July 1-June 30). Branch discusses proposed budget for final approval at
the next Branch business meeting.
\subsection{June Branch business meeting:}
\item Approve the budget for the next fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
\subsection{July Branch business meeting:}
\item Convene an Audit Committee to conduct an audit of the Branch's
finances for the last fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
\item Elect General Convention delegates.
\subsection{August Branch business meeting:}
\item Discuss and make recommendations about how General Convention
delegates should vote on proposals at the IWW Delegate Convention in
\subsection{September Branch business meeting:}
\item Audit Committee presents their report to the Branch membership.
\subsection{October Branch business meeting:}
\item Report back from General Convention delegates.
\item Determine Branch officer positions and standing committees for the
following year.
\item Encourage Branch members to run for officer and standing committee
positions and announce nominations shall be confirmed at the November
Branch business meeting.
\subsection{November Branch business meeting:}
\item Nomination and confirmation of candidates running for officer
positions \& standing committees.
\item Officers: If all officer positions are uncontested, there will be no
mail-in ballot and the candidates shall be ratified at this Branch
business meeting. If one or more Branch officer positions are
contested, elect a Ballot Committee to conduct the mail-in ballot
\item Standing Committees: If standing committee positions are uncontested,
candidates shall be ratified at this Branch business meeting.  If one
or more standing committee positions are contested, a secret ballot
election shall be conducted at this Branch business meeting.
\subsection{December Branch business meeting:}
\item If there is a contested election for one or more Branch officer
positions, ballot returns will be counted and election results
ratified at this business meeting.