unindent everything

This commit is contained in:
lelgenio 2020-11-05 02:46:54 -03:00
parent ba771382d2
commit 5de92dbad2

View file

@ -161,78 +161,78 @@ call plug#end()
"}}} "}}}
" Gay colors{{{ " Gay colors{{{
if (has('nvim')) if (has('nvim'))
endif endif
if (has('termguicolors')) if (has('termguicolors'))
set termguicolors set termguicolors
lua require'colorizer'.setup() lua require'colorizer'.setup()
endif endif
" {%@@ if color.type == "light" @@%} " " {%@@ if color.type == "light" @@%} "
colorscheme github colorscheme github
set background=light set background=light
let g:airline_theme="sol" let g:airline_theme="sol"
" {%@@ elif color.type == "dark" @@%} " " {%@@ elif color.type == "dark" @@%} "
colorscheme minimalist colorscheme minimalist
set background=dark set background=dark
" {%@@ endif @@%} " {%@@ endif @@%}
"{%@@ set c = color @@%}" "{%@@ set c = color @@%}"
"{%@@ set n = c.normal @@%}" "{%@@ set n = c.normal @@%}"
"background color is transparent "background color is transparent
highlight Normal guibg=None hi Normal guibg=None
highlight EndOfBuffer guibg=None guifg={{@@ c.bg_light @@}} hi EndOfBuffer guibg=None guifg={{@@ c.bg_light @@}}
highlight SpecialKey guibg=None guifg={{@@ accent_color @@}} hi SpecialKey guibg=None guifg={{@@ accent_color @@}}
highlight Folded guibg=None hi Folded guibg=None
highlight tabLine None hi tabLine None
highlight tabLineFill None hi tabLineFill None
highlight SignColumn guibg=None hi SignColumn guibg=None
highlight GitGutterAdd guibg=None guifg={{@@ n.green @@}} hi GitGutterAdd guibg=None guifg={{@@ n.green @@}}
highlight GitGutterChange guibg=None guifg={{@@ n.yellow @@}} hi GitGutterChange guibg=None guifg={{@@ n.yellow @@}}
highlight GitGutterDelete guibg=None guifg={{@@ n.red @@}} hi GitGutterDelete guibg=None guifg={{@@ n.red @@}}
"Line numers "Line numers
highlight LineNr term=bold ctermfg=9 guifg={{@@ c.bg_light @@}} guibg=None hi LineNr guifg={{@@ c.bg_light @@}} guibg=None
" Comments " Comments
highlight Comment guifg={{@@ c.bg_light @@}} guibg=None hi Comment guifg={{@@ c.bg_light @@}} guibg=None
"Make whitespace dark "Make whitespace dark
highlight NonText guifg={{@@ c.nontxt @@}} guibg=None hi NonText guifg={{@@ c.nontxt @@}} guibg=None
" highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=black guifg=#252525 guibg=None " highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=black guifg=#252525 guibg=None
"Current line "Current line
" {%@@ if c.type != "light" @@%} " " {%@@ if c.type != "light" @@%} "
set cursorline set cursorline
highlight CursorLine term=bold cterm=bold gui=Bold guibg={{@@ c.bg_dark @@}} hi CursorLine gui=Bold guibg={{@@ c.bg_dark @@}}
highlight CursorLineNr term=bold cterm=bold gui=Bold guibg={{@@ c.bg_dark @@}} hi CursorLineNr gui=Bold guibg={{@@ c.bg_dark @@}}
set cursorcolumn set cursorcolumn
highlight CursorColumn term=bold cterm=bold gui=Bold guibg=none hi CursorColumn gui=Bold guibg=none
set colorcolumn=80 set colorcolumn=80
highlight ColorColumn term=bold cterm=bold gui=Bold guibg={{@@ c.bg @@}} hi ColorColumn gui=Bold guibg={{@@ c.bg @@}}
" {%@@ endif @@%} " " {%@@ endif @@%} "
highlight CursorLineNr guifg={{@@ c.nontxt @@}} hi CursorLineNr guifg={{@@ c.nontxt @@}}
"Splits "Splits
highlight VertSplit guibg=None guifg={{@@ c.bg_dark @@}} hi VertSplit guibg=None guifg={{@@ c.bg_dark @@}}
" set fillchars=vert:/ " set fillchars=vert:/
highlight Identifier guifg={{@@ accent_color @@}} hi Identifier guifg={{@@ accent_color @@}}
highlight MatchParen gui=bold guifg={{@@ n.yellow @@}} hi MatchParen gui=bold guifg={{@@ n.yellow @@}}
highlight SpellBad guisp={{@@ n.red @@}} guibg=none hi SpellBad guisp={{@@ n.red @@}} guibg=none
highlight SpellRare guisp={{@@ n.blue @@}} guibg=none hi SpellRare guisp={{@@ n.blue @@}} guibg=none
highlight SpellCap guisp={{@@ n.cyan @@}} guibg=none hi SpellCap guisp={{@@ n.cyan @@}} guibg=none
highlight SpellLocal guisp={{@@ n.yellow @@}} guibg=none hi SpellLocal guisp={{@@ n.yellow @@}} guibg=none
"}}} "}}}
" Keys{{{ " Keys{{{
" "
" The g is for moving between lines broken by wrap. " The g is for moving between lines broken by wrap.