greetd: template more of the config, inheriting from sway

This commit is contained in:
lelgenio 2021-06-15 02:18:01 -03:00
parent 2b8da11d3c
commit 9925ddaa97
1 changed files with 2 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
exec "gtkgreet -l --command fish; swaymsg exit"
exec "env GTK_THEME='{{@@ gtk_theme @@}}' CURSOR_THEME='{{@@ cursor_theme @@}}' gtkgreet -l --command fish; swaymsg exit"
bindsym Mod4+control+z exec systemctl suspend || loginctl suspend
bindsym Mod4+control+e exec systemctl poweroff || loginctl poweroff
set $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface
exec_always {
# In case of errors, kvantummanager opens a window
# this is retarded
gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme 'materia-lelgenio-red-dark'
gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme 'Papirus-Dark'
gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme 'capitaine-cursors'
{%@@ include _dotdrop_dotpath + '/sway/visual' @@%}
{%@@ include _dotdrop_dotpath + '/sway/input' @@%}