diff --git a/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/keybindings.json b/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/keybindings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f2642b --- /dev/null +++ b/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/keybindings.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +[ + { + "key": "ctrl+shift+c", + "command": "workbench.action.terminal.new" + }, + { + "key":"ctrl+,", + "command":"workbench.action.openSettingsJson" + },{ + "key":"ctrl+shift+,", + "command":"workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindingsFile" + },{ + "key": "ctrl+b", + "command":"workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/locale.json b/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/locale.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9287531 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/locale.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "locale": "pt-br" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/settings.json b/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a262c1f --- /dev/null +++ b/code/.config/Code - OSS/User/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +{ + "window.titleBarStyle": "native", + "terminal.integrated.rendererType": "dom", + "explorer.confirmDelete": false, + "window.menuBarVisibility": "hidden", + "git.autofetch": true, + "git.confirmSync": false, + "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false, + "editor.renderWhitespace": "boundary", + "workbench.activityBar.visible": false, + "workbench.editor.showTabs": false, + "files.autoSave": "off", + "workbench.editor.tabCloseButton": "off", + "window.closeWhenEmpty": true, + "workbench.editor.closeEmptyGroups": true, + "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false, + "window.zoomLevel": 0.2, + "vim.foldfix": true, + "materialTheme.accent": "Red", + "material-icon-theme.folders.color": "#cc5757", + "editor.fontFamily": "'Roboto Mono', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace, 'Droid Sans Fallback'", + "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Roboto Mono", + "editor.fontSize": 15, + "workbench.colorTheme": "Material Theme Darker High Contrast", + "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme", + "workbench.colorCustomizations": { + "statusBar.foreground": "#ffffff", + "statusBar.background": "#cc5757", + "editorCursor.background": "#fff", + "editorCursor.foreground": "#cc5757dd", + "editor.background": "#202020", + "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#303030", + "activityBarBadge.background": "#cc5757", + "list.activeSelectionForeground": "#cc5757", + "list.inactiveSelectionForeground": "#cc5757", + "list.highlightForeground": "#cc5757", + "scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": "#cc575750", + "editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "#cc5757", + "textLink.foreground": "#cc5757", + "progressBar.background": "#cc5757", + "pickerGroup.foreground": "#cc5757", + "tab.activeBorder": "#cc5757", + "notificationLink.foreground": "#cc5757", + "editorWidget.resizeBorder": "#cc5757", + "editorWidget.border": "#cc5757", + "settings.modifiedItemIndicator": "#cc5757", + "settings.headerForeground": "#cc5757", + "panelTitle.activeBorder": "#cc5757", + "breadcrumb.activeSelectionForeground": "#cc5757", + "menu.selectionForeground": "#cc5757", + "menubar.selectionForeground": "#cc5757", + "editor.findMatchBorder": "#cc5757", + "selection.background": "#cc575740" + }, +} diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/init.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/init.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..079c447 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/init.el @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +(require 'package) +(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "http://orgmode.org/elpa/")) +(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/")) +(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "http://stable.melpa.org/packages/")) +(package-initialize) + +(require 'evil) +(evil-mode 1) + + +;; language server + (require 'lsp-mode) + (require 'lsp-ui) + (require 'yasnippet) + (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'lsp) + (add-hook 'lsp-mode-hook #'lsp-ui-mode) + +;; Line numbers + (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'display-line-numbers-mode) + (setq display-line-numbers 'relative) + (setq-default display-line-numbers-type 'visual + display-line-numbers-current-absolute t) + +;; Whitespace + (whitespace-mode) + (customize-set-variable 'indent-tabs-mode nil) + (customize-set-variable 'standard-indent 4) + (customize-set-variable 'tab-width 4) + (customize-set-variable 'tab-stop-list '(4 8 12)) + (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace) + +;; Keybinds + (global-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'comment-line) + (global-set-key (kbd "C-,") (lambda() (interactive) + (find-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el"))) + +(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 200) + +(custom-set-variables + ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(ansi-color-faces-vector + [default default default italic underline success warning error]) + '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (wombat))) + '(fringe-mode 0 nil (fringe)) + '(global-whitespace-mode t) + '(global-whitespace-newline-mode t) + '(inhibit-startup-screen t) + '(menu-bar-mode nil) + '(package-selected-packages (quote (yasnippet lsp-ui lsp-mode evil))) + '(scroll-bar-mode nil) + '(tool-bar-mode nil) + '(tooltip-mode nil)) +(custom-set-faces + ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "#202020" :foreground "#f6f3e8" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 200 :width normal :foundry "default" :family "default")))) + '(line-number ((t (:inherit (shadow default) :foreground "#cc5757")))) + '(line-number-current-line ((t (:inherit line-number :foreground "white")))) + '(whitespace-big-indent ((t (:foreground "dark gray")))) + '(whitespace-space ((t (:foreground "darkgray")))) + '(whitespace-tab ((t (:foreground "dim gray"))))) + + (set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha 10 ) + (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha . 10)) diff --git a/keepmenu/.config/keepmenu/config.ini b/keepmenu/.config/keepmenu/config.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be5c7b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/keepmenu/.config/keepmenu/config.ini @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[dmenu] +dmenu_command = rofi + +[dmenu_passphrase] +nf = #222222 +nb = #222222 +rofi_obscure = True + +[database] +database_1 = ~/Nextcloud/Senhas/Senhas.kdbx +pw_cache_period_min = 360 +type_library = ydotool +autotype_default = {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} + diff --git a/mpd/.config/mpd/mpd.conf b/mpd/.config/mpd/mpd.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff19b1b --- /dev/null +++ b/mpd/.config/mpd/mpd.conf @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# +# Files and directories ####################################################### +# +music_directory "~/Música" +playlist_directory "~/.config/mpd/playlists" +db_file "~/.config/mpd/database" +log_file "syslog" +pid_file "~/.config/mpd/pid" +state_file "~/.config/mpd/state" + +# General music daemon options ################################################ +# +restore_paused "yes" +auto_update "yes" + +# Symbolic link behavior ###################################################### +# +follow_outside_symlinks "yes" +follow_inside_symlinks "yes" + +# Input ####################################################################### +# +input { + plugin "curl" +} + +# Audio Output ################################################################ +# +audio_output { + type "pulse" + name "My Pulse Output" + mixer_type "software" +} +audio_output { + type "fifo" + name "FIFO Output" + path "/tmp/mpd.fifo" + format "44100:16:2" +} + +# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ################################## +# +volume_normalization "yes" + +# Character Encoding ########################################################## +# +filesystem_charset "UTF-8" diff --git a/neomutt/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc b/neomutt/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e224ad --- /dev/null +++ b/neomutt/.config/neomutt/neomuttrc @@ -0,0 +1,6342 @@ +# +# System configuration file for NeoMutt +# + +set my_user = "lelgenio" +set my_provider = "disroot.org" +set my_email = "$my_user@$my_provider" +#set $my_pass +source "gpg -dq $HOME/.config/neomutt/password.gpg |" + +# Default list of header fields to weed when displaying. +# Ignore all lines by default... +ignore * + +# ... then allow these through. +unignore from: subject to cc date x-mailer x-url user-agent + +# Display the fields in this order +hdr_order date from to cc subject + +# imitate the old search-body function +macro index \eb "~b " "search in message bodies" + +# simulate the old url menu +macro index,pager,attach,compose \cb "\ + set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode pipe_decode\ + urlview\ + set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset my_pipe_decode" \ +"call urlview to extract URLs out of a message" + +# Show documentation when pressing F1 +macro generic,pager " less /usr/share/doc/neomutt/manual.txt" "show NeoMutt documentation" + +# show the incoming mailboxes list (just like "neomutt -y") and back when pressing "y" +macro index y "?" "show incoming mailboxes list" +macro pager y "?" "show incoming mailboxes list" +bind browser y exit + +# Handler for gzip compressed mailboxes +# open-hook '\.gz$' "gzip --stdout --decompress '%f' > '%t'" +# close-hook '\.gz$' "gzip --stdout '%t' > '%f'" +# append-hook '\.gz$' "gzip --stdout '%t' >> '%f'" + +# If NeoMutt is unable to determine your site's domain name correctly, you can +# set the default here. +# +# set hostname=cs.hmc.edu + +# If your sendmail supports the -B8BITMIME flag, enable the following +# +# set use_8bitmime + +# Use mime.types to look up handlers for application/octet-stream. Can +# be undone with unmime_lookup. +mime_lookup application/octet-stream + +## +## *** DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR THE ATTACHMENTS PATCH *** +## + +## +## Please see the manual (section "attachments") for detailed +## documentation of the "attachments" command. +## +## Removing a pattern from a list removes that pattern literally. It +## does not remove any type matching the pattern. +## +## attachments +A */.* +## attachments +A image/jpeg +## unattachments +A */.* +## +## This leaves "attached" image/jpeg files on the allowed attachments +## list. It does not remove all items, as you might expect, because the +## second */.* is not a matching expression at this time. +## +## Remember: "unattachments" only undoes what "attachments" has done! +## It does not trigger any matching on actual messages. + +## Qualify any MIME part with an "attachment" disposition, EXCEPT for +## text/x-vcard and application/pgp parts. (PGP parts are already known +## to neomutt, and can be searched for with ~g, ~G, and ~k.) +## +## I've added x-pkcs7 to this, since it functions (for S/MIME) +## analogously to PGP signature attachments. S/MIME isn't supported +## in a stock neomutt build, but we can still treat it specially here. +## +attachments +A */.* +attachments -A text/x-vcard application/pgp.* +attachments -A application/x-pkcs7-.* + +## Discount all MIME parts with an "inline" disposition, unless they're +## text/plain. (Why inline a text/plain part unless it's external to the +## message flow?) +## +attachments +I text/plain + +## These two lines make NeoMutt qualify MIME containers. (So, for example, +## a message/rfc822 forward will count as an attachment.) The first +## line is unnecessary if you already have "attach-allow */.*", of +## course. These are off by default! The MIME elements contained +## within a message/* or multipart/* are still examined, even if the +## containers themselves don't qualify. +## +#attachments +A message/.* multipart/.* +#attachments +I message/.* multipart/.* + +## You probably don't really care to know about deleted attachments. +attachments -A message/external-body +attachments -I message/external-body + +## +## More settings +## + + +# set abort_noattach=no +# +# Name: abort_noattach +# Type: quadoption +# Default: no +# +# +# If set to yes, when composing messages containing the regular +# expression specified by $abort_noattach_regex and no attachments are +# given, composition will be aborted. If set to no, composing messages +# as such will never be aborted. +# +# Example: +# set abort_noattach_regex = "\\" +# +# +# set abort_noattach_regex="\\<(attach|attached|attachments?)\\>" +# +# Name: abort_noattach_regex +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "\\<(attach|attached|attachments?)\\>" +# +# +# Specifies a regular expression to match against the body of the message, to +# determine if an attachment was mentioned but mistakenly forgotten. If it +# matches, $abort_noattach will be consulted to determine if message sending +# will be aborted. +# +# Like other regular expressions in NeoMutt, the search is case sensitive +# if the pattern contains at least one upper case letter, and case +# insensitive otherwise. +# +# +# set abort_nosubject=ask-yes +# +# Name: abort_nosubject +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# If set to yes, when composing messages and no subject is given +# at the subject prompt, composition will be aborted. If set to +# no, composing messages with no subject given at the subject +# prompt will never be aborted. +# +# +# set abort_unmodified=yes +# +# Name: abort_unmodified +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set to yes, composition will automatically abort after +# editing the message body if no changes are made to the file (this +# check only happens after the first edit of the file). When set +# to no, composition will never be aborted. +# +# +# set alias_file="~/.neomuttrc" +# +# Name: alias_file +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.neomuttrc" +# +# +# The default file in which to save aliases created by the +# function. Entries added to this file are +# encoded in the character set specified by $config_charset if it +# is set or the current character set otherwise. +# +# Note: NeoMutt will not automatically source this file; you must +# explicitly use the ``source'' command for it to be executed in case +# this option points to a dedicated alias file. +# +# The default for this option is the currently used neomuttrc file, or +# ``~/.neomuttrc'' if no user neomuttrc was found. +# +# +# set alias_format="%4n %2f %t %-10a %r" +# +# Name: alias_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%4n %2f %t %-10a %r" +# +# +# Specifies the format of the data displayed for the ``alias'' menu. The +# following printf(3)-style sequences are available: +# %a Alias name +# %f Flags - currently, a ``d'' for an alias marked for deletion +# %n Index number +# %r Address which alias expands to +# %t Character which indicates if the alias is tagged for inclusion +# +# +# set allow_8bit=yes +# +# Name: allow_8bit +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls whether 8-bit data is converted to 7-bit using either Quoted- +# Printable or Base64 encoding when sending mail. +# +# +# set allow_ansi=no +# +# Name: allow_ansi +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Controls whether ANSI color codes in messages (and color tags in +# rich text messages) are to be interpreted. +# Messages containing these codes are rare, but if this option is set, +# their text will be colored accordingly. Note that this may override +# your color choices, and even present a security problem, since a +# message could include a line like +# [-- PGP output follows ... +# +# and give it the same color as your attachment color (see also +# $crypt_timestamp). +# +# +# set arrow_cursor=no +# +# Name: arrow_cursor +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, an arrow (``->'') will be used to indicate the current entry +# in menus instead of highlighting the whole line. On slow network or modem +# links this will make response faster because there is less that has to +# be redrawn on the screen when moving to the next or previous entries +# in the menu. +# +# +# set ascii_chars=no +# +# Name: ascii_chars +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will use plain ASCII characters when displaying thread +# and attachment trees, instead of the default ACS characters. +# +# +# set ask_follow_up=no +# +# Name: ask_follow_up +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for follow-up groups before editing +# the body of an outgoing message. +# +# +# set ask_x_comment_to=no +# +# Name: ask_x_comment_to +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for x-comment-to field before editing +# the body of an outgoing message. +# +# +# set askbcc=no +# +# Name: askbcc +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for blind-carbon-copy (Bcc) recipients +# before editing an outgoing message. +# +# +# set askcc=no +# +# Name: askcc +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will prompt you for carbon-copy (Cc) recipients before +# editing the body of an outgoing message. +# +# +# set assumed_charset="" +# +# Name: assumed_charset +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable is a colon-separated list of character encoding +# schemes for messages without character encoding indication. +# Header field values and message body content without character encoding +# indication would be assumed that they are written in one of this list. +# By default, all the header fields and message body without any charset +# indication are assumed to be in ``us-ascii''. +# +# For example, Japanese users might prefer this: +# set assumed_charset="iso-2022-jp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8" +# +# However, only the first content is valid for the message body. +# +# +# set attach_charset="" +# +# Name: attach_charset +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable is a colon-separated list of character encoding +# schemes for text file attachments. NeoMutt uses this setting to guess +# which encoding files being attached are encoded in to convert them to +# a proper character set given in $send_charset. +# +# If unset, the value of $charset will be used instead. +# For example, the following configuration would work for Japanese +# text handling: +# set attach_charset="iso-2022-jp:euc-jp:shift_jis:utf-8" +# +# Note: for Japanese users, ``iso-2022-*'' must be put at the head +# of the value as shown above if included. +# +# +# set attach_format="%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] " +# +# Name: attach_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] " +# +# +# This variable describes the format of the ``attachment'' menu. The +# following printf(3)-style sequences are understood: +# %C Charset +# %c Requires charset conversion (``n'' or ``c'') +# %D Deleted flag +# %d Description (if none, falls back to %F) +# %e MIME content-transfer-encoding +# %f Filename +# %F Filename in content-disposition header (if none, falls back to %f) +# %I Disposition (``I'' for inline, ``A'' for attachment) +# %m Major MIME type +# %M MIME subtype +# %n Attachment number +# %Q ``Q'', if MIME part qualifies for attachment counting +# %s Size +# %T Graphic tree characters +# %t Tagged flag +# %u Unlink (=to delete) flag +# %X Number of qualifying MIME parts in this part and its children +# (please see the ``attachments'' section for possible speed effects) +# %>X Right justify the rest of the string and pad with character ``X'' +# %|X Pad to the end of the line with character ``X'' +# %*X Soft-fill with character ``X'' as pad +# +# +# For an explanation of ``soft-fill'', see the $index_format documentation. +# +# +# set attach_sep="\n" +# +# Name: attach_sep +# Type: string +# Default: "\n" +# +# +# The separator to add between attachments when operating (saving, +# printing, piping, etc) on a list of tagged attachments. +# +# +# set attach_split=yes +# +# Name: attach_split +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If this variable is unset, when operating (saving, printing, piping, +# etc) on a list of tagged attachments, NeoMutt will concatenate the +# attachments and will operate on them as a single attachment. The +# $attach_sep separator is added after each attachment. When set, +# NeoMutt will operate on the attachments one by one. +# +# +# set attribution="On %d, %n wrote:" +# +# Name: attribution +# Type: string +# Default: "On %d, %n wrote:" +# +# +# This is the string that will precede a message which has been included +# in a reply. For a full listing of defined printf(3)-like sequences see +# the section on $index_format. +# +# +# set attribution_locale="" +# +# Name: attribution_locale +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# The locale used by strftime(3) to format dates in the +# attribution string. Legal values are the strings your system +# accepts for the locale environment variable $LC_TIME. +# +# This variable is to allow the attribution date format to be +# customized by recipient or folder using hooks. By default, NeoMutt +# will use your locale environment, so there is no need to set +# this except to override that default. +# +# +# set auto_tag=no +# +# Name: auto_tag +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, functions in the index menu which affect a message +# will be applied to all tagged messages (if there are any). When +# unset, you must first use the function (bound to ``;'' +# by default) to make the next function apply to all tagged messages. +# +# +# set autoedit=no +# +# Name: autoedit +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set along with $edit_headers, NeoMutt will skip the initial +# send-menu (prompting for subject and recipients) and allow you to +# immediately begin editing the body of your +# message. The send-menu may still be accessed once you have finished +# editing the body of your message. +# +# Note: when this option is set, you cannot use send-hooks that depend +# on the recipients when composing a new (non-reply) message, as the initial +# list of recipients is empty. +# +# Also see $fast_reply. +# +# +# set beep=yes +# +# Name: beep +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When this variable is set, NeoMutt will beep when an error occurs. +# +# +# set beep_new=no +# +# Name: beep_new +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When this variable is set, NeoMutt will beep whenever it prints a message +# notifying you of new mail. This is independent of the setting of the +# $beep variable. +# +# +# set bounce=ask-yes +# +# Name: bounce +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# Controls whether you will be asked to confirm bouncing messages. +# If set to yes you don't get asked if you want to bounce a +# message. Setting this variable to no is not generally useful, +# and thus not recommended, because you are unable to bounce messages. +# +# +# set bounce_delivered=yes +# +# Name: bounce_delivered +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When this variable is set, NeoMutt will include Delivered-To headers when +# bouncing messages. Postfix users may wish to unset this variable. +# +# +# set braille_friendly=no +# +# Name: braille_friendly +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When this variable is set, NeoMutt will place the cursor at the beginning +# of the current line in menus, even when the $arrow_cursor variable +# is unset, making it easier for blind persons using Braille displays to +# follow these menus. The option is unset by default because many +# visual terminals don't permit making the cursor invisible. +# +# +# set browser_abbreviate_mailboxes=yes +# +# Name: browser_abbreviate_mailboxes +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When this variable is set, mutt will abbreviate mailbox +# names in the browser mailbox list, using '~' and '=' +# shortcuts. +# +# The default "alpha" setting of $sort_browser uses +# locale-based sorting (using strcoll(3)), which ignores some +# punctuation. This can lead to some situations where the order +# doesn't make intuitive sense. In those cases, it may be +# desirable to unset this variable. +# +# +# set catchup_newsgroup=ask-yes +# +# Name: catchup_newsgroup +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# If this variable is set, NeoMutt will mark all articles in newsgroup +# as read when you quit the newsgroup (catchup newsgroup). +# +# +# set certificate_file="~/.mutt_certificates" +# +# Name: certificate_file +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.mutt_certificates" +# +# +# This variable specifies the file where the certificates you trust +# are saved. When an unknown certificate is encountered, you are asked +# if you accept it or not. If you accept it, the certificate can also +# be saved in this file and further connections are automatically +# accepted. +# +# You can also manually add CA certificates in this file. Any server +# certificate that is signed with one of these CA certificates is +# also automatically accepted. +# +# Example: +# set certificate_file=~/.neomutt/certificates +# +# +# set change_folder_next=no +# +# Name: change_folder_next +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When this variable is set, the function +# mailbox suggestion will start at the next folder in your ``mailboxes'' +# list, instead of starting at the first folder in the list. +# +# +# set charset="" +# +# Name: charset +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Character set your terminal uses to display and enter textual data. +# It is also the fallback for $send_charset. +# +# Upon startup NeoMutt tries to derive this value from environment variables +# such as $LC_CTYPE or $LANG. +# +# Note: It should only be set in case NeoMutt isn't able to determine the +# character set used correctly. +# +# +# set check_mbox_size=no +# +# Name: check_mbox_size +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When this variable is set, NeoMutt will use file size attribute instead of +# access time when checking for new mail in mbox and mmdf folders. +# +# This variable is unset by default and should only be enabled when +# new mail detection for these folder types is unreliable or doesn't work. +# +# Note that enabling this variable should happen before any ``mailboxes'' +# directives occur in configuration files regarding mbox or mmdf folders +# because NeoMutt needs to determine the initial new mail status of such a +# mailbox by performing a fast mailbox scan when it is defined. +# Afterwards the new mail status is tracked by file size changes. +# +# +# set check_new=yes +# +# Name: check_new +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Note: this option only affects maildir and MH style +# mailboxes. +# +# When set, NeoMutt will check for new mail delivered while the +# mailbox is open. Especially with MH mailboxes, this operation can +# take quite some time since it involves scanning the directory and +# checking each file to see if it has already been looked at. If +# this variable is unset, no check for new mail is performed +# while the mailbox is open. +# +# +# set collapse_all=no +# +# Name: collapse_all +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will collapse all threads when entering a folder. +# +# +# set collapse_flagged=yes +# +# Name: collapse_flagged +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When unset, NeoMutt will not collapse a thread if it contains any +# flagged messages. +# +# +# set collapse_unread=yes +# +# Name: collapse_unread +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When unset, NeoMutt will not collapse a thread if it contains any +# unread messages. +# +# +# set compose_format="-- NeoMutt: Compose [Approx. msg size: %l Atts: %a]%>-" +# +# Name: compose_format +# Type: string +# Default: "-- NeoMutt: Compose [Approx. msg size: %l Atts: %a]%>-" +# +# +# Controls the format of the status line displayed in the ``compose'' +# menu. This string is similar to $status_format, but has its own +# set of printf(3)-like sequences: +# %a Total number of attachments +# %h Local hostname +# %l Approximate size (in bytes) of the current message +# %v NeoMutt version string +# +# +# See the text describing the $status_format option for more +# information on how to set $compose_format. +# +# +# set config_charset="" +# +# Name: config_charset +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# When defined, NeoMutt will recode commands in rc files from this +# encoding to the current character set as specified by $charset +# and aliases written to $alias_file from the current character set. +# +# Please note that if setting $charset it must be done before +# setting $config_charset. +# +# Recoding should be avoided as it may render unconvertable +# characters as question marks which can lead to undesired +# side effects (for example in regular expressions). +# +# +# set confirmappend=yes +# +# Name: confirmappend +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will prompt for confirmation when appending messages to +# an existing mailbox. +# +# +# set confirmcreate=yes +# +# Name: confirmcreate +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will prompt for confirmation when saving messages to a +# mailbox which does not yet exist before creating it. +# +# +# set connect_timeout=30 +# +# Name: connect_timeout +# Type: number +# Default: 30 +# +# +# Causes NeoMutt to timeout a network connection (for IMAP, POP or SMTP) after this +# many seconds if the connection is not able to be established. A negative +# value causes NeoMutt to wait indefinitely for the connection attempt to succeed. +# +# +# set content_type="text/plain" +# +# Name: content_type +# Type: string +# Default: "text/plain" +# +# +# Sets the default Content-Type for the body of newly composed messages. +# +# +# set copy=yes +# +# Name: copy +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not copies of your outgoing messages +# will be saved for later references. Also see $record, +# $save_name, $force_name and ``fcc-hook''. +# +# +# set crypt_autoencrypt=no +# +# Name: crypt_autoencrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Setting this variable will cause NeoMutt to always attempt to PGP +# encrypt outgoing messages. This is probably only useful in +# connection to the ``send-hook'' command. It can be overridden +# by use of the pgp menu, when encryption is not required or +# signing is requested as well. If $smime_is_default is set, +# then OpenSSL is used instead to create S/MIME messages and +# settings can be overridden by use of the smime menu instead. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_autopgp=yes +# +# Name: crypt_autopgp +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not NeoMutt may automatically enable +# PGP encryption/signing for messages. See also $crypt_autoencrypt, +# $crypt_replyencrypt, +# $crypt_autosign, $crypt_replysign and $smime_is_default. +# +# +# set crypt_autosign=no +# +# Name: crypt_autosign +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Setting this variable will cause NeoMutt to always attempt to +# cryptographically sign outgoing messages. This can be overridden +# by use of the pgp menu, when signing is not required or +# encryption is requested as well. If $smime_is_default is set, +# then OpenSSL is used instead to create S/MIME messages and settings can +# be overridden by use of the smime menu instead of the pgp menu. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_autosmime=yes +# +# Name: crypt_autosmime +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not NeoMutt may automatically enable +# S/MIME encryption/signing for messages. See also $crypt_autoencrypt, +# $crypt_replyencrypt, +# $crypt_autosign, $crypt_replysign and $smime_is_default. +# +# +# set crypt_confirmhook=yes +# +# Name: crypt_confirmhook +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, then you will be prompted for confirmation of keys when using +# the crypt-hook command. If unset, no such confirmation prompt will +# be presented. This is generally considered unsafe, especially where +# typos are concerned. +# +# +# set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt=no +# +# Name: crypt_opportunistic_encrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Setting this variable will cause NeoMutt to automatically enable and +# disable encryption, based on whether all message recipient keys +# can be located by NeoMutt. +# +# When this option is enabled, NeoMutt will enable/disable encryption +# each time the TO, CC, and BCC lists are edited. If +# $edit_headers is set, NeoMutt will also do so each time the message +# is edited. +# +# While this is set, encryption can't be manually enabled/disabled. +# The pgp or smime menus provide a selection to temporarily disable +# this option for the current message. +# +# If $crypt_autoencrypt or $crypt_replyencrypt enable encryption for +# a message, this option will be disabled for that message. It can +# be manually re-enabled in the pgp or smime menus. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_replyencrypt=yes +# +# Name: crypt_replyencrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, automatically PGP or OpenSSL encrypt replies to messages which are +# encrypted. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_replysign=no +# +# Name: crypt_replysign +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, automatically PGP or OpenSSL sign replies to messages which are +# signed. +# +# Note: this does not work on messages that are encrypted +# and signed! +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_replysignencrypted=no +# +# Name: crypt_replysignencrypted +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, automatically PGP or OpenSSL sign replies to messages +# which are encrypted. This makes sense in combination with +# $crypt_replyencrypt, because it allows you to sign all +# messages which are automatically encrypted. This works around +# the problem noted in $crypt_replysign, that NeoMutt is not able +# to find out whether an encrypted message is also signed. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_timestamp=yes +# +# Name: crypt_timestamp +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will include a time stamp in the lines surrounding +# PGP or S/MIME output, so spoofing such lines is more difficult. +# If you are using colors to mark these lines, and rely on these, +# you may unset this setting. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set crypt_use_gpgme=no +# +# Name: crypt_use_gpgme +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable controls the use of the GPGME-enabled crypto backends. +# If it is set and NeoMutt was built with gpgme support, the gpgme code for +# S/MIME and PGP will be used instead of the classic code. Note that +# you need to set this option in .neomuttrc; it won't have any effect when +# used interactively. +# +# Note that the GPGME backend does not support creating old-style inline +# (traditional) PGP encrypted or signed messages (see $pgp_autoinline). +# +# +# set crypt_use_pka=no +# +# Name: crypt_use_pka +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Controls whether NeoMutt uses PKA +# (see http://www.g10code.de/docs/pka-intro.de.pdf) during signature +# verification (only supported by the GPGME backend). +# +# +# set crypt_verify_sig=yes +# +# Name: crypt_verify_sig +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# If ``yes'', always attempt to verify PGP or S/MIME signatures. +# If ``ask-*'', ask whether or not to verify the signature. +# If ``no'', never attempt to verify cryptographic signatures. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set date_format="!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z" +# +# Name: date_format +# Type: string +# Default: "!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z" +# +# +# This variable controls the format of the date printed by the ``%d'' +# sequence in $index_format. This is passed to the strftime(3) +# function to process the date, see the man page for the proper syntax. +# +# Unless the first character in the string is a bang (``!''), the month +# and week day names are expanded according to the locale. +# If the first character in the string is a +# bang, the bang is discarded, and the month and week day names in the +# rest of the string are expanded in the C locale (that is in US +# English). +# +# +# set debug_file="~/.neomuttdebug" +# +# Name: debug_file +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.neomuttdebug" +# +# +# Debug logging is controlled by the variables $debug_file and $debug_level. +# $debug_file specifies the root of the filename. NeoMutt will add ``0'' to the end. +# Each time NeoMutt is run with logging enabled, the log files are rotated. +# A maximum of five log files are kept, numbered 0 (most recent) to 4 (oldest). +# +# This option can be enabled on the command line, ``neomutt -l mylog'' +# +# See also: $debug_level +# +# +# set debug_level=0 +# +# Name: debug_level +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# Debug logging is controlled by the variables $debug_file and $debug_level. +# +# The debug level controls how much information is saved to the log file. +# If you have a problem with NeoMutt, then enabling logging may help find the cause. +# Levels 1-3 will usually provide enough information for writing a bug report. +# Levels 4,5 will be extremely verbose. +# +# Warning: Logging at high levels may save private information to the file. +# +# This option can be enabled on the command line, ``neomutt -d 2'' +# +# See also: $debug_file +# +# +# set default_hook="~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)" +# +# Name: default_hook +# Type: string +# Default: "~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)" +# +# +# This variable controls how ``message-hook'', ``reply-hook'', ``send-hook'', +# ``send2-hook'', ``save-hook'', and ``fcc-hook'' will +# be interpreted if they are specified with only a simple regex, +# instead of a matching pattern. The hooks are expanded when they are +# declared, so a hook will be interpreted according to the value of this +# variable at the time the hook is declared. +# +# The default value matches +# if the message is either from a user matching the regular expression +# given, or if it is from you (if the from address matches +# ``alternates'') and is to or cc'ed to a user matching the given +# regular expression. +# +# +# set delete=ask-yes +# +# Name: delete +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not messages are really deleted when closing or +# synchronizing a mailbox. If set to yes, messages marked for +# deleting will automatically be purged without prompting. If set to +# no, messages marked for deletion will be kept in the mailbox. +# +# +# set delete_untag=yes +# +# Name: delete_untag +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If this option is set, NeoMutt will untag messages when marking them +# for deletion. This applies when you either explicitly delete a message, +# or when you save it to another folder. +# +# +# set digest_collapse=yes +# +# Name: digest_collapse +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If this option is set, NeoMutt's received-attachments menu will not show the subparts of +# individual messages in a multipart/digest. To see these subparts, press ``v'' on that menu. +# +# +# set display_filter="" +# +# Name: display_filter +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# When set, specifies a command used to filter messages. When a message +# is viewed it is passed as standard input to $display_filter, and the +# filtered message is read from the standard output. +# +# When preparing the message, NeoMutt inserts some escape sequences into the +# text. They are of the form: ]9;XXX where "XXX" is a random +# 64-bit number. +# +# If these escape sequences interfere with your filter, they can be removed +# using a tool like ansifilter or sed 's/^\x1b]9;[0-9]\+\x7//' +# +# If they are removed, then PGP and MIME headers will no longer be coloured. +# This can be fixed by adding this to your config: +# color body magenta default '^\[-- .* --\]$'. +# +# +# set dsn_notify="" +# +# Name: dsn_notify +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable sets the request for when notification is returned. The +# string consists of a comma separated list (no spaces!) of one or more +# of the following: never, to never request notification, +# failure, to request notification on transmission failure, +# delay, to be notified of message delays, success, to be +# notified of successful transmission. +# +# Example: +# set dsn_notify="failure,delay" +# +# Note: when using $sendmail for delivery, you should not enable +# this unless you are either using Sendmail 8.8.x or greater or a MTA +# providing a sendmail(1)-compatible interface supporting the -N option +# for DSN. For SMTP delivery, DSN support is auto-detected so that it +# depends on the server whether DSN will be used or not. +# +# +# set dsn_return="" +# +# Name: dsn_return +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable controls how much of your message is returned in DSN +# messages. It may be set to either hdrs to return just the +# message header, or full to return the full message. +# +# Example: +# set dsn_return=hdrs +# +# Note: when using $sendmail for delivery, you should not enable +# this unless you are either using Sendmail 8.8.x or greater or a MTA +# providing a sendmail(1)-compatible interface supporting the -R option +# for DSN. For SMTP delivery, DSN support is auto-detected so that it +# depends on the server whether DSN will be used or not. +# +# +# set duplicate_threads=yes +# +# Name: duplicate_threads +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether NeoMutt, when $sort is set to threads, threads +# messages with the same Message-Id together. If it is set, it will indicate +# that it thinks they are duplicates of each other with an equals sign +# in the thread tree. +# +# +# set edit_headers=no +# +# Name: edit_headers +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This option allows you to edit the header of your outgoing messages +# along with the body of your message. +# +# Although the compose menu may have localized header labels, the +# labels passed to your editor will be standard RFC2822 headers, +# (e.g. To:, Cc:, Subject:). Headers added in your editor must +# also be RFC2822 headers, or one of the pseudo headers listed in +# ``edit-header''. NeoMutt will not understand localized header +# labels, just as it would not when parsing an actual email. +# +# Note that changes made to the References: and Date: headers are +# ignored for interoperability reasons. +# +# +# set editor="vi" +# +# Name: editor +# Type: command +# Default: "vi" +# +# +# This variable specifies which editor is used by NeoMutt. +# It defaults to the value of the $VISUAL, or $EDITOR, environment +# variable, or to the string ``vi'' if neither of those are set. +# +# The $editor string may contain a %s escape, which will be replaced by the name +# of the file to be edited. If the %s escape does not appear in $editor, a +# space and the name to be edited are appended. +# +# The resulting string is then executed by running +# sh -c 'string' +# +# where string is the expansion of $editor described above. +# +# +# set empty_subject="Re: your mail" +# +# Name: empty_subject +# Type: string +# Default: "Re: your mail" +# +# +# This variable specifies the subject to be used when replying to an email +# with an empty subject. It defaults to "Re: your mail". +# +# +# set encode_from=no +# +# Name: encode_from +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will quoted-printable encode messages when +# they contain the string ``From '' (note the trailing space) in the beginning of a line. +# This is useful to avoid the tampering certain mail delivery and transport +# agents tend to do with messages (in order to prevent tools from +# misinterpreting the line as a mbox message separator). +# +# +# set entropy_file="" +# +# Name: entropy_file +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# The file which includes random data that is used to initialize SSL +# library functions. +# +# +# set envelope_from_address="" +# +# Name: envelope_from_address +# Type: e-mail address +# Default: "" +# +# +# Manually sets the envelope sender for outgoing messages. +# This value is ignored if $use_envelope_from is unset. +# +# +# set escape="~" +# +# Name: escape +# Type: string +# Default: "~" +# +# +# Escape character to use for functions in the built-in editor. +# +# +# set fast_reply=no +# +# Name: fast_reply +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the initial prompt for recipients and subject are skipped +# when replying to messages, and the initial prompt for subject is +# skipped when forwarding messages. +# +# Note: this variable has no effect when the $autoedit +# variable is set. +# +# +# set fcc_attach=yes +# +# Name: fcc_attach +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not attachments on outgoing messages +# are saved along with the main body of your message. +# +# +# set fcc_clear=no +# +# Name: fcc_clear +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When this variable is set, FCCs will be stored unencrypted and +# unsigned, even when the actual message is encrypted and/or +# signed. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set flag_chars="*!DdrONon- " +# +# Name: flag_chars +# Type: string +# Default: "*!DdrONon- " +# +# +# Controls the characters used in several flags. +# Character Default Description +# 1 * The mail is tagged. +# 2 ! The mail is flagged as important. +# 3 D The mail is marked for deletion. +# 4 d The mail has attachments marked for deletion. +# 5 r The mail has been replied to. +# 6 O The mail is Old (Unread but seen). +# 7 N The mail is New (Unread but not seen). +# 8 o The mail thread is Old (Unread but seen). +# 9 n The mail thread is New (Unread but not seen). +# 10 - The mail is read - %S expando. +# 11 The mail is read - %Z expando. +# +# +# set flag_safe=no +# +# Name: flag_safe +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, flagged messages cannot be deleted. +# +# +set folder="imaps://$my_email" +# +# Name: folder +# Type: path +# Default: "~/Mail" +# +# +# Specifies the default location of your mailboxes. A ``+'' or ``='' at the +# beginning of a pathname will be expanded to the value of this +# variable. Note that if you change this variable (from the default) +# value you need to make sure that the assignment occurs before +# you use ``+'' or ``='' for any other variables since expansion takes place +# when handling the ``mailboxes'' command. +# +# +# set folder_format="%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f" +# +# Name: folder_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f" +# +# +# This variable allows you to customize the file browser display to your +# personal taste. This string is similar to $index_format, but has +# its own set of printf(3)-like sequences: +# %C Current file number +# %d Date/time folder was last modified +# %D Date/time folder was last modified using $date_format. +# %f Filename (``/'' is appended to directory names, +# ``@'' to symbolic links and ``*'' to executable files) +# %F File permissions +# %g Group name (or numeric gid, if missing) +# %l Number of hard links +# %m Number of messages in the mailbox * +# %n Number of unread messages in the mailbox * +# %N ``N'' if mailbox has new mail, blank otherwise +# %s Size in bytes +# %t ``*'' if the file is tagged, blank otherwise +# %u Owner name (or numeric uid, if missing) +# %>X Right justify the rest of the string and pad with character ``X'' +# %|X Pad to the end of the line with character ``X'' +# %*X Soft-fill with character ``X'' as pad +# +# +# For an explanation of ``soft-fill'', see the $index_format documentation. +# +# * = can be optionally printed if nonzero +# +# %m, %n, and %N only work for monitored mailboxes. +# %m requires $mail_check_stats to be set. +# %n requires $mail_check_stats to be set (except for IMAP mailboxes). +# +# +# set followup_to=yes +# +# Name: followup_to +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not the ``Mail-Followup-To:'' header field is +# generated when sending mail. When set, NeoMutt will generate this +# field when you are replying to a known mailing list, specified with +# the ``subscribe'' or ``lists'' commands. +# +# This field has two purposes. First, preventing you from +# receiving duplicate copies of replies to messages which you send +# to mailing lists, and second, ensuring that you do get a reply +# separately for any messages sent to known lists to which you are +# not subscribed. +# +# The header will contain only the list's address +# for subscribed lists, and both the list address and your own +# email address for unsubscribed lists. Without this header, a +# group reply to your message sent to a subscribed list will be +# sent to both the list and your address, resulting in two copies +# of the same email for you. +# +# +# set followup_to_poster=ask-yes +# +# Name: followup_to_poster +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# If this variable is set and the keyword "poster" is present in +# Followup-To header, follow-up to newsgroup function is not +# permitted. The message will be mailed to the submitter of the +# message via mail. +# +# +# set force_name=no +# +# Name: force_name +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable is similar to $save_name, except that NeoMutt will +# store a copy of your outgoing message by the username of the address +# you are sending to even if that mailbox does not exist. +# +# Also see the $record variable. +# +# +# set forward_attribution_intro="----- Forwarded message from %f -----" +# +# Name: forward_attribution_intro +# Type: string +# Default: "----- Forwarded message from %f -----" +# +# +# This is the string that will precede a message which has been forwarded +# in the main body of a message (when $mime_forward is unset). +# For a full listing of defined printf(3)-like sequences see +# the section on $index_format. See also $attribution_locale. +# +# +# set forward_attribution_trailer="----- End forwarded message -----" +# +# Name: forward_attribution_trailer +# Type: string +# Default: "----- End forwarded message -----" +# +# +# This is the string that will follow a message which has been forwarded +# in the main body of a message (when $mime_forward is unset). +# For a full listing of defined printf(3)-like sequences see +# the section on $index_format. See also $attribution_locale. +# +# +# set forward_decode=yes +# +# Name: forward_decode +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls the decoding of complex MIME messages into text/plain when +# forwarding a message. The message header is also RFC2047 decoded. +# This variable is only used, if $mime_forward is unset, +# otherwise $mime_forward_decode is used instead. +# +# +# set forward_decrypt=yes +# +# Name: forward_decrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls the handling of encrypted messages when forwarding a message. +# When set, the outer layer of encryption is stripped off. This +# variable is only used if $mime_forward is set and +# $mime_forward_decode is unset. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set forward_edit=yes +# +# Name: forward_edit +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# This quadoption controls whether or not the user is automatically +# placed in the editor when forwarding messages. For those who always want +# to forward with no modification, use a setting of ``no''. +# +# +# set forward_format="[%a: %s]" +# +# Name: forward_format +# Type: string +# Default: "[%a: %s]" +# +# +# This variable controls the default subject when forwarding a message. +# It uses the same format sequences as the $index_format variable. +# +# +# set forward_quote=no +# +# Name: forward_quote +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, forwarded messages included in the main body of the +# message (when $mime_forward is unset) will be quoted using +# $indent_string. +# +# +# set forward_references=no +# +# Name: forward_references +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, forwarded messages set the ``In-Reply-To:'' and +# ``References:'' headers in the same way as normal replies would. Hence the +# forwarded message becomes part of the original thread instead of starting +# a new one. +# +# +set from="$my_email" +set use_from= yes +# +# Name: from +# Type: e-mail address +# Default: "" +# +# +# When set, this variable contains a default ``from'' address. It +# can be overridden using ``my_hdr'' (including from a ``send-hook'') and +# $reverse_name. This variable is ignored if $use_from is unset. +# +# If not specified, then it may be read from the environment variable $EMAIL. +# +# +# set from_chars="" +# +# Name: from_chars +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Controls the character used to prefix the %F and %L fields in the +# index. +# Character Description +# 1 Mail is written by you and has a To address, or has a known mailing list in the To address. +# 2 Mail is written by you and has a Cc address, or has a known mailing list in the Cc address. +# 3 Mail is written by you and has a Bcc address. +# 4 All remaining cases. +# +# +# If this is empty or unset (default), the traditional long "To ", +# "Cc " and "Bcc " prefixes are used. If set but too short to +# include a character for a particular case, a single space will be +# prepended to the field. To prevent any prefix at all from being +# added in a particular case, use the special value CR (aka ^M) +# for the corresponding character. +# +# This slightly odd interface is necessitated by NeoMutt's handling of +# string variables; one cannot tell a variable that is unset from one +# that is set to the empty string. +# +# +# set gecos_mask="^[^,]*" +# +# Name: gecos_mask +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "^[^,]*" +# +# +# A regular expression used by NeoMutt to parse the GECOS field of a password +# entry when expanding the alias. The default value +# will return the string up to the first ``,'' encountered. +# If the GECOS field contains a string like ``lastname, firstname'' then you +# should set it to ``.*''. +# +# This can be useful if you see the following behavior: you address an e-mail +# to user ID ``stevef'' whose full name is ``Steve Franklin''. If NeoMutt expands +# ``stevef'' to ``"Franklin" stevef@foo.bar'' then you should set the $gecos_mask to +# a regular expression that will match the whole name so NeoMutt will expand +# ``Franklin'' to ``Franklin, Steve''. +# +# +# set group_index_format="%4C %M%N %5s %-45.45f %d" +# +# Name: group_index_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%4C %M%N %5s %-45.45f %d" +# +# +# This variable allows you to customize the newsgroup browser display to +# your personal taste. This string is similar to ``index_format'', but +# has its own set of printf()-like sequences: +# %C Current newsgroup number +# %d Description of newsgroup (becomes from server) +# %f Newsgroup name +# %M - if newsgroup not allowed for direct post (moderated for example) +# %N N if newsgroup is new, u if unsubscribed, blank otherwise +# %n Number of new articles in newsgroup +# %s Number of unread articles in newsgroup +# %>X Right justify the rest of the string and pad with character "X" +# %|X Pad to the end of the line with character "X" +# +# +# set hdrs=yes +# +# Name: hdrs +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When unset, the header fields normally added by the ``my_hdr'' +# command are not created. This variable must be unset before +# composing a new message or replying in order to take effect. If set, +# the user defined header fields are added to every new message. +# +# +# set header=no +# +# Name: header +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, this variable causes NeoMutt to include the header +# of the message you are replying to into the edit buffer. +# The $weed setting applies. +# +# +set header_cache="~/.cache/neomutt" +# +# Name: header_cache +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable points to the header cache database. +# If pointing to a directory NeoMutt will contain a header cache +# database file per folder, if pointing to a file that file will +# be a single global header cache. By default it is unset so no header +# caching will be used. +# +# Header caching can greatly improve speed when opening POP, IMAP +# MH or Maildir folders, see ``caching'' for details. +# +# +# set header_cache_backend=0 +# +# Name: header_cache_backend +# Type: -none- +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable specifies the header cache backend. +# +# +# set header_cache_compress=yes +# +# Name: header_cache_compress +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When NeoMutt is compiled with qdbm, tokyocabinet or kyotocabinet +# as header cache backend, this option determines whether the +# database will be compressed. Compression results in database +# files roughly being one fifth of the usual diskspace, but the +# decompression can result in a slower opening of cached folder(s) +# which in general is still much faster than opening non header +# cached folders. +# +# +# set header_cache_pagesize="16384" +# +# Name: header_cache_pagesize +# Type: string +# Default: "16384" +# +# +# When NeoMutt is compiled with either gdbm or bdb4 as the header cache backend, +# this option changes the database page size. Too large or too small +# values can waste space, memory, or CPU time. The default should be more +# or less optimal for most use cases. +# +# +# set header_color_partial=no +# +# Name: header_color_partial +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, color header regexes behave like color body regexes: +# color is applied to the exact text matched by the regex. When +# unset, color is applied to the entire header. +# +# One use of this option might be to apply color to just the header labels. +# +# See ``color'' for more details. +# +# +# set help=yes +# +# Name: help +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, help lines describing the bindings for the major functions +# provided by each menu are displayed on the first line of the screen. +# +# Note: The binding will not be displayed correctly if the +# function is bound to a sequence rather than a single keystroke. Also, +# the help line may not be updated if a binding is changed while NeoMutt is +# running. Since this variable is primarily aimed at new users, neither +# of these should present a major problem. +# +# +# set hidden_host=no +# +# Name: hidden_host +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will skip the host name part of $hostname variable +# when adding the domain part to addresses. This variable does not +# affect the generation of Message-IDs, and it will not lead to the +# cut-off of first-level domains. +# +# +# set hidden_tags="unread,draft,flagged,passed,replied,attachment,signed,encrypted" +# +# Name: hidden_tags +# Type: string +# Default: "unread,draft,flagged,passed,replied,attachment,signed,encrypted" +# +# +# This variable specifies private notmuch/imap tags which should not be printed +# on screen. +# +# +# set hide_limited=no +# +# Name: hide_limited +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not show the presence of messages that are hidden +# by limiting, in the thread tree. +# +# +# set hide_missing=yes +# +# Name: hide_missing +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not show the presence of missing messages in the +# thread tree. +# +# +# set hide_thread_subject=yes +# +# Name: hide_thread_subject +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not show the subject of messages in the thread +# tree that have the same subject as their parent or closest previously +# displayed sibling. +# +# +# set hide_top_limited=no +# +# Name: hide_top_limited +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not show the presence of messages that are hidden +# by limiting, at the top of threads in the thread tree. Note that when +# $hide_limited is set, this option will have no effect. +# +# +# set hide_top_missing=yes +# +# Name: hide_top_missing +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not show the presence of missing messages at the +# top of threads in the thread tree. Note that when $hide_missing is +# set, this option will have no effect. +# +# +# set history=10 +# +# Name: history +# Type: number +# Default: 10 +# +# +# This variable controls the size (in number of strings remembered) of +# the string history buffer per category. The buffer is cleared each time the +# variable is set. +# +# +# set history_file="~/.mutthistory" +# +# Name: history_file +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.mutthistory" +# +# +# The file in which NeoMutt will save its history. +# +# Also see $save_history. +# +# +# set history_remove_dups=no +# +# Name: history_remove_dups +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, all of the string history will be scanned for duplicates +# when a new entry is added. Duplicate entries in the $history_file will +# also be removed when it is periodically compacted. +# +# +# set honor_disposition=no +# +# Name: honor_disposition +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not display attachments with a +# disposition of ``attachment'' inline even if it could +# render the part to plain text. These MIME parts can only +# be viewed from the attachment menu. +# +# If unset, NeoMutt will render all MIME parts it can +# properly transform to plain text. +# +# +# set honor_followup_to=yes +# +# Name: honor_followup_to +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not a Mail-Followup-To header is +# honored when group-replying to a message. +# +# +# set hostname="" +# +# Name: hostname +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Specifies the fully-qualified hostname of the system NeoMutt is running on +# containing the host's name and the DNS domain it belongs to. It is used +# as the domain part (after ``@'') for local email addresses as well as +# Message-Id headers. +# +# If not specified in a config file, then NeoMutt will try to determine the hostname itself. +# +# Optionally, NeoMutt can be compiled with a fixed domain name. +# +# Also see $use_domain and $hidden_host. +# +# +# set idn_decode=yes +# +# Name: idn_decode +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will show you international domain names decoded. +# Note: You can use IDNs for addresses even if this is unset. +# This variable only affects decoding. (IDN only) +# +# +# set idn_encode=yes +# +# Name: idn_encode +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will encode international domain names using +# IDN. Unset this if your SMTP server can handle newer (RFC6531) +# UTF-8 encoded domains. (IDN only) +# +# +# set ignore_list_reply_to=no +# +# Name: ignore_list_reply_to +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Affects the behavior of the function when replying to +# messages from mailing lists (as defined by the ``subscribe'' or +# ``lists'' commands). When set, if the ``Reply-To:'' field is +# set to the same value as the ``To:'' field, NeoMutt assumes that the +# ``Reply-To:'' field was set by the mailing list to automate responses +# to the list, and will ignore this field. To direct a response to the +# mailing list when this option is set, use the +# function; will reply to both the sender and the +# list. +# +# +# set imap_authenticators="" +# +# Name: imap_authenticators +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is a colon-delimited list of authentication methods NeoMutt may +# attempt to use to log in to an IMAP server, in the order NeoMutt should +# try them. Authentication methods are either ``login'' or the right +# side of an IMAP ``AUTH=xxx'' capability string, e.g. ``digest-md5'', ``gssapi'' +# or ``cram-md5''. This option is case-insensitive. If it's +# unset (the default) NeoMutt will try all available methods, +# in order from most-secure to least-secure. +# +# Example: +# set imap_authenticators="gssapi:cram-md5:login" +# +# Note: NeoMutt will only fall back to other authentication methods if +# the previous methods are unavailable. If a method is available but +# authentication fails, NeoMutt will not connect to the IMAP server. +# +# +# set imap_check_subscribed=no +# +# Name: imap_check_subscribed +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will fetch the set of subscribed folders from +# your server whenever a mailbox is selected, and add them to the set +# of mailboxes it polls for new mail just as if you had issued individual +# ``mailboxes'' commands. +# +# +# set imap_delim_chars="/." +# +# Name: imap_delim_chars +# Type: string +# Default: "/." +# +# +# This contains the list of characters which you would like to treat +# as folder separators for displaying IMAP paths. In particular it +# helps in using the ``='' shortcut for your folder variable. +# +# +# set imap_headers="" +# +# Name: imap_headers +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# NeoMutt requests these header fields in addition to the default headers +# (``Date:'', ``From:'', ``Subject:'', ``To:'', ``Cc:'', ``Message-Id:'', +# ``References:'', ``Content-Type:'', ``Content-Description:'', ``In-Reply-To:'', +# ``Reply-To:'', ``Lines:'', ``List-Post:'', ``X-Label:'') from IMAP +# servers before displaying the index menu. You may want to add more +# headers for spam detection. +# +# Note: This is a space separated list, items should be uppercase +# and not contain the colon, e.g. ``X-BOGOSITY X-SPAM-STATUS'' for the +# ``X-Bogosity:'' and ``X-Spam-Status:'' header fields. +# +# +# set imap_idle=no +# +# Name: imap_idle +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will attempt to use the IMAP IDLE extension +# to check for new mail in the current mailbox. Some servers +# (dovecot was the inspiration for this option) react badly +# to NeoMutt's implementation. If your connection seems to freeze +# up periodically, try unsetting this. +# +# +# set imap_keepalive=300 +# +# Name: imap_keepalive +# Type: number +# Default: 300 +# +# +# This variable specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that NeoMutt +# will wait before polling open IMAP connections, to prevent the server +# from closing them before NeoMutt has finished with them. The default is +# well within the RFC-specified minimum amount of time (30 minutes) before +# a server is allowed to do this, but in practice the RFC does get +# violated every now and then. Reduce this number if you find yourself +# getting disconnected from your IMAP server due to inactivity. +# +# +# set imap_list_subscribed=no +# +# Name: imap_list_subscribed +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable configures whether IMAP folder browsing will look for +# only subscribed folders or all folders. This can be toggled in the +# IMAP browser with the function. +# +# +# set imap_login="" +# +# Name: imap_login +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Your login name on the IMAP server. +# +# This variable defaults to the value of $imap_user. +# +# +set imap_pass=$my_pass +# +# Name: imap_pass +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Specifies the password for your IMAP account. If unset, NeoMutt will +# prompt you for your password when you invoke the function +# or try to open an IMAP folder. +# +# Warning: you should only use this option when you are on a +# fairly secure machine, because the superuser can read your neomuttrc even +# if you are the only one who can read the file. +# +# +set imap_passive=yes +# +# Name: imap_passive +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will not open new IMAP connections to check for new +# mail. NeoMutt will only check for new mail over existing IMAP +# connections. This is useful if you don't want to be prompted to +# user/password pairs on NeoMutt invocation, or if opening the connection +# is slow. +# +# +# set imap_peek=yes +# +# Name: imap_peek +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will avoid implicitly marking your mail as read whenever +# you fetch a message from the server. This is generally a good thing, +# but can make closing an IMAP folder somewhat slower. This option +# exists to appease speed freaks. +# +# +# set imap_pipeline_depth=15 +# +# Name: imap_pipeline_depth +# Type: number +# Default: 15 +# +# +# Controls the number of IMAP commands that may be queued up before they +# are sent to the server. A deeper pipeline reduces the amount of time +# NeoMutt must wait for the server, and can make IMAP servers feel much +# more responsive. But not all servers correctly handle pipelined commands, +# so if you have problems you might want to try setting this variable to 0. +# +# Note: Changes to this variable have no effect on open connections. +# +# +# set imap_poll_timeout=15 +# +# Name: imap_poll_timeout +# Type: number +# Default: 15 +# +# +# This variable specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds +# that NeoMutt will wait for a response when polling IMAP connections +# for new mail, before timing out and closing the connection. Set +# to 0 to disable timing out. +# +# +# set imap_servernoise=yes +# +# Name: imap_servernoise +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will display warning messages from the IMAP +# server as error messages. Since these messages are often +# harmless, or generated due to configuration problems on the +# server which are out of the users' hands, you may wish to suppress +# them at some point. +# +# +set imap_user="$my_email" +# +# Name: imap_user +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# The name of the user whose mail you intend to access on the IMAP +# server. +# +# This variable defaults to your user name on the local machine. +# +# +# set implicit_autoview=no +# +# Name: implicit_autoview +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set to ``yes'', NeoMutt will look for a mailcap entry with the +# ``copiousoutput'' flag set for every MIME attachment it doesn't have +# an internal viewer defined for. If such an entry is found, NeoMutt will +# use the viewer defined in that entry to convert the body part to text +# form. +# +# +# set include=ask-yes +# +# Name: include +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not a copy of the message(s) you are replying to +# is included in your reply. +# +# +# set include_onlyfirst=no +# +# Name: include_onlyfirst +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Controls whether or not NeoMutt includes only the first attachment +# of the message you are replying. +# +# +# set indent_string="> " +# +# Name: indent_string +# Type: string +# Default: "> " +# +# +# Specifies the string to prepend to each line of text quoted in a +# message to which you are replying. You are strongly encouraged not to +# change this value, as it tends to agitate the more fanatical netizens. +# +# The value of this option is ignored if $text_flowed is set, because +# the quoting mechanism is strictly defined for format=flowed. +# +# This option is a format string, please see the description of +# $index_format for supported printf(3)-style sequences. +# +# +# set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s" +# +# Name: index_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s" +# +# +# This variable allows you to customize the message index display to +# your personal taste. +# +# ``Format strings'' are similar to the strings used in the C +# function printf(3) to format output (see the man page for more details). +# For an explanation of the %? construct, see the status_format description. +# The following sequences are defined in NeoMutt: +# %a Address of the author +# %A Reply-to address (if present; otherwise: address of author) +# %b Filename of the original message folder (think mailbox) +# %B The list to which the letter was sent, or else the folder name (%b). +# %C Current message number +# %c Number of characters (bytes) in the message +# %D Date and time of message using date_format and local timezone +# %d Date and time of message using date_format and sender's timezone +# %e Current message number in thread +# %E Number of messages in current thread +# %F Author name, or recipient name if the message is from you +# %f Sender (address + real name), either From: or Return-Path: +# %g Newsgroup name (if compiled with NNTP support) +# %g Message tags (e.g. notmuch tags/imap flags) +# %Gx Individual message tag (e.g. notmuch tags/imap flags) +# %H Spam attribute(s) of this message +# %I Initials of author +# %i Message-id of the current message +# %J Message tags (if present, tree unfolded, and != parent's tags) +# %K The list to which the letter was sent (if any; otherwise: empty) +# %L If an address in the ``To:'' or ``Cc:'' header field matches an address +# Defined by the users ``subscribe'' command, this displays +# "To ", otherwise the same as %F +# %l Number of lines in the message (does not work with maildir, +# Mh, and possibly IMAP folders) +# %M Number of hidden messages if the thread is collapsed +# %m Total number of message in the mailbox +# %N Message score +# %n Author's real name (or address if missing) +# %O Original save folder where NeoMutt would formerly have +# Stashed the message: list name or recipient name +# If not sent to a list +# %P Progress indicator for the built-in pager (how much of the file has been displayed) +# %q Newsgroup name (if compiled with NNTP support) +# %R Comma separated list of ``Cc:'' recipients +# %r Comma separated list of ``To:'' recipients +# %S Single character status of the message (``N''/``O''/``D''/``d''/``!''/``r''/``*'') +# %s Subject of the message +# %T The appropriate character from the $to_chars string +# %t ``To:'' field (recipients) +# %u User (login) name of the author +# %v First name of the author, or the recipient if the message is from you +# %W Name of organization of author (``Organization:'' field) +# %x ``X-Comment-To:'' field (if present and compiled with NNTP support) +# %X Number of MIME attachments +# (please see the ``attachments'' section for possible speed effects) +# %Y ``X-Label:'' field, if present, and (1) not at part of a thread tree, +# (2) at the top of a thread, or (3) ``X-Label:'' is different from +# Preceding message's ``X-Label:'' +# %y ``X-Label:'' field, if present +# %Z A three character set of message status flags. +# The first character is new/read/replied flags (``n''/``o''/``r''/``O''/``N''). +# The second is deleted or encryption flags (``D''/``d''/``S''/``P''/``s''/``K''). +# The third is either tagged/flagged (``*''/``!''), or one of the characters +# Listed in $to_chars. +# %zc Message crypto flags +# %zs Message status flags +# %zt Message tag flags +# %{fmt} the date and time of the message is converted to sender's +# time zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function +# strftime(3); a leading bang disables locales +# %[fmt] the date and time of the message is converted to the local +# time zone, and ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function +# strftime(3); a leading bang disables locales +# %(fmt) the local date and time when the message was received. +# ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function strftime(3); +# a leading bang disables locales +# %>X right justify the rest of the string and pad with character ``X'' +# %|X pad to the end of the line with character ``X'' +# %*X soft-fill with character ``X'' as pad +# +# +# Date format expressions can be constructed based on relative dates. Using +# the date formatting operators along with nested conditionals, the date +# format can be modified based on how old a message is. See the section on +# ``Conditional Dates'' for an explanation and examples +# ``Soft-fill'' deserves some explanation: Normal right-justification +# will print everything to the left of the ``%>'', displaying padding and +# whatever lies to the right only if there's room. By contrast, +# soft-fill gives priority to the right-hand side, guaranteeing space +# to display it and showing padding only if there's still room. If +# necessary, soft-fill will eat text leftwards to make room for +# rightward text. +# +# Note that these expandos are supported in +# ``save-hook'', ``fcc-hook'' and ``fcc-save-hook'', too. +# +# +# set inews="" +# +# Name: inews +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# If set, specifies the program and arguments used to deliver news posted +# by NeoMutt. Otherwise, NeoMutt posts article using current connection to +# news server. The following printf-style sequence is understood: +# %a account url +# %p port +# %P port if specified +# %s news server name +# %S url schema +# %u username +# +# +# Example: +# set inews="/usr/local/bin/inews -hS" +# +# +# set ispell="ispell" +# +# Name: ispell +# Type: command +# Default: "ispell" +# +# +# How to invoke ispell (GNU's spell-checking software). +# +# +# set keep_flagged=no +# +# Name: keep_flagged +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, read messages marked as flagged will not be moved +# from your spool mailbox to your $mbox mailbox, or as a result of +# a ``mbox-hook'' command. +# +# +set mail_check=5 +# +# Name: mail_check +# Type: number +# Default: 5 +# +# +# This variable configures how often (in seconds) NeoMutt should look for +# new mail. Also see the $timeout variable. +# +# +# set mail_check_recent=yes +# +# Name: mail_check_recent +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will only notify you about new mail that has been received +# since the last time you opened the mailbox. When unset, NeoMutt will notify you +# if any new mail exists in the mailbox, regardless of whether you have visited it +# recently. +# +# When $mark_old is set, NeoMutt does not consider the mailbox to contain new +# mail if only old messages exist. +# +# +# set mail_check_stats=no +# +# Name: mail_check_stats +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will periodically calculate message +# statistics of a mailbox while polling for new mail. It will +# check for unread, flagged, and total message counts. Because +# this operation is more performance intensive, it defaults to +# unset, and has a separate option, $mail_check_stats_interval, to +# control how often to update these counts. +# +# Message statistics can also be explicitly calculated by invoking the +# function. +# +# +# set mail_check_stats_interval=60 +# +# Name: mail_check_stats_interval +# Type: number +# Default: 60 +# +# +# When $mail_check_stats is set, this variable configures +# how often (in seconds) NeoMutt will update message counts. +# +# +# set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap:/usr/share/neomutt/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap" +# +# Name: mailcap_path +# Type: string +# Default: "~/.mailcap:/usr/share/neomutt/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap" +# +# +# This variable specifies which files to consult when attempting to +# display MIME bodies not directly supported by NeoMutt. +# +# $mailcap_path is overridden by the environment variable $MAILCAPS. +# +# The default search path is from RFC1524. +# +# +# set mailcap_sanitize=yes +# +# Name: mailcap_sanitize +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will restrict possible characters in mailcap % expandos +# to a well-defined set of safe characters. This is the safe setting, +# but we are not sure it doesn't break some more advanced MIME stuff. +# +# DON'T CHANGE THIS SETTING UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY SURE WHAT YOU ARE +# DOING! +# +# +# set maildir_check_cur=no +# +# Name: maildir_check_cur +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will poll both the new and cur directories of +# a maildir folder for new messages. This might be useful if other +# programs interacting with the folder (e.g. dovecot) are moving new +# messages to the cur directory. Note that setting this option may +# slow down polling for new messages in large folders, since NeoMutt has +# to scan all cur messages. +# +# +# set maildir_header_cache_verify=yes +# +# Name: maildir_header_cache_verify +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Check for Maildir unaware programs other than NeoMutt having modified maildir +# files when the header cache is in use. This incurs one stat(2) per +# message every time the folder is opened (which can be very slow for NFS +# folders). +# +# +# set maildir_trash=no +# +# Name: maildir_trash +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, messages marked as deleted will be saved with the maildir +# trashed flag instead of unlinked. Note: this only applies +# to maildir-style mailboxes. Setting it will have no effect on other +# mailbox types. +# +# +# set mark_macro_prefix="'" +# +# Name: mark_macro_prefix +# Type: string +# Default: "'" +# +# +# Prefix for macros created using mark-message. A new macro +# automatically generated with a will be composed +# from this prefix and the letter a. +# +# +# set mark_old=yes +# +# Name: mark_old +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not NeoMutt marks new unread +# messages as old if you exit a mailbox without reading them. +# With this option set, the next time you start NeoMutt, the messages +# will show up with an ``O'' next to them in the index menu, +# indicating that they are old. +# +# +# set markers=yes +# +# Name: markers +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls the display of wrapped lines in the internal pager. If set, a +# ``+'' marker is displayed at the beginning of wrapped lines. +# +# Also see the $smart_wrap variable. +# +# +# set mask="&Mask,IP!^\\.[^.]" +# +# Name: mask +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "&Mask,IP!^\\.[^.]" +# +# +# A regular expression used in the file browser, optionally preceded by +# the not operator ``!''. Only files whose names match this mask +# will be shown. The match is always case-sensitive. +# +# +# set mbox="~/mbox" +# +# Name: mbox +# Type: path +# Default: "~/mbox" +# +# +# This specifies the folder into which read mail in your $spoolfile +# folder will be appended. +# +# Also see the $move variable. +# +# +# set mbox_type=mbox +# +# Name: mbox_type +# Type: folder magic +# Default: mbox +# +# +# The default mailbox type used when creating new folders. May be any of +# ``mbox'', ``MMDF'', ``MH'' or ``Maildir''. +# +# This can also be set using the -m command-line option. +# +# +# set menu_context=0 +# +# Name: menu_context +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable controls the number of lines of context that are given +# when scrolling through menus. (Similar to $pager_context.) +# +# +# set menu_move_off=yes +# +# Name: menu_move_off +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When unset, the bottom entry of menus will never scroll up past +# the bottom of the screen, unless there are less entries than lines. +# When set, the bottom entry may move off the bottom. +# +# +# set menu_scroll=no +# +# Name: menu_scroll +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, menus will be scrolled up or down one line when you +# attempt to move across a screen boundary. If unset, the screen +# is cleared and the next or previous page of the menu is displayed +# (useful for slow links to avoid many redraws). +# +# +# set message_cache_clean=no +# +# Name: message_cache_clean +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will clean out obsolete entries from the message cache when +# the mailbox is synchronized. You probably only want to set it +# every once in a while, since it can be a little slow +# (especially for large folders). +# +# +set message_cachedir="~/.cache/neomutt/messages" +# +# Name: message_cachedir +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# Set this to a directory and NeoMutt will cache copies of messages from +# your IMAP and POP servers here. You are free to remove entries at any +# time. +# +# When setting this variable to a directory, NeoMutt needs to fetch every +# remote message only once and can perform regular expression searches +# as fast as for local folders. +# +# Also see the $message_cache_clean variable. +# +# +# set message_format="%s" +# +# Name: message_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%s" +# +# +# This is the string displayed in the ``attachment'' menu for +# attachments of type message/rfc822. For a full listing of defined +# printf(3)-like sequences see the section on $index_format. +# +# +# set meta_key=no +# +# Name: meta_key +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, forces NeoMutt to interpret keystrokes with the high bit (bit 8) +# set as if the user had pressed the Esc key and whatever key remains +# after having the high bit removed. For example, if the key pressed +# has an ASCII value of 0xf8, then this is treated as if the user had +# pressed Esc then ``x''. This is because the result of removing the +# high bit from 0xf8 is 0x78, which is the ASCII character +# ``x''. +# +# +# set metoo=no +# +# Name: metoo +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If unset, NeoMutt will remove your address (see the ``alternates'' +# command) from the list of recipients when replying to a message. +# +# +# set mh_purge=no +# +# Name: mh_purge +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When unset, NeoMutt will mimic mh's behavior and rename deleted messages +# to , in mh folders instead of really deleting +# them. This leaves the message on disk but makes programs reading the folder +# ignore it. If the variable is set, the message files will simply be +# deleted. +# +# This option is similar to $maildir_trash for Maildir folders. +# +# +# set mh_seq_flagged="flagged" +# +# Name: mh_seq_flagged +# Type: string +# Default: "flagged" +# +# +# The name of the MH sequence used for flagged messages. +# +# +# set mh_seq_replied="replied" +# +# Name: mh_seq_replied +# Type: string +# Default: "replied" +# +# +# The name of the MH sequence used to tag replied messages. +# +# +# set mh_seq_unseen="unseen" +# +# Name: mh_seq_unseen +# Type: string +# Default: "unseen" +# +# +# The name of the MH sequence used for unseen messages. +# +# +# set mime_forward=no +# +# Name: mime_forward +# Type: quadoption +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the message you are forwarding will be attached as a +# separate message/rfc822 MIME part instead of included in the main body of the +# message. This is useful for forwarding MIME messages so the receiver +# can properly view the message as it was delivered to you. If you like +# to switch between MIME and not MIME from mail to mail, set this +# variable to ``ask-no'' or ``ask-yes''. +# +# Also see $forward_decode and $mime_forward_decode. +# +# +# set mime_forward_decode=no +# +# Name: mime_forward_decode +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Controls the decoding of complex MIME messages into text/plain when +# forwarding a message while $mime_forward is set. Otherwise +# $forward_decode is used instead. +# +# +# set mime_forward_rest=yes +# +# Name: mime_forward_rest +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# When forwarding multiple attachments of a MIME message from the attachment +# menu, attachments which cannot be decoded in a reasonable manner will +# be attached to the newly composed message if this option is set. +# +# +# set mime_subject=yes +# +# Name: mime_subject +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If unset, 8-bit ``subject:'' line in article header will not be +# encoded according to RFC2047 to base64. This is useful when message +# is Usenet article, because MIME for news is nonstandard feature. +# +# +# set mime_type_query_command="" +# +# Name: mime_type_query_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This specifies a command to run, to determine the mime type of a +# new attachment when composing a message. Unless +# $mime_type_query_first is set, this will only be run if the +# attachment's extension is not found in the mime.types file. +# +# The string may contain a ``%s'', which will be substituted with the +# attachment filename. NeoMutt will add quotes around the string substituted +# for ``%s'' automatically according to shell quoting rules, so you should +# avoid adding your own. If no ``%s'' is found in the string, NeoMutt will +# append the attachment filename to the end of the string. +# +# The command should output a single line containing the +# attachment's mime type. +# +# Suggested values are ``xdg-mime query filetype'' or +# ``file -bi''. +# +# +# set mime_type_query_first=no +# +# Name: mime_type_query_first +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the $mime_type_query_command will be run before the +# mime.types lookup. +# +# +# set move=no +# +# Name: move +# Type: quadoption +# Default: no +# +# +# Controls whether or not NeoMutt will move read messages +# from your spool mailbox to your $mbox mailbox, or as a result of +# a ``mbox-hook'' command. +# +# +# set narrow_tree=no +# +# Name: narrow_tree +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable, when set, makes the thread tree narrower, allowing +# deeper threads to fit on the screen. +# +# +# set net_inc=10 +# +# Name: net_inc +# Type: number +# Default: 10 +# +# +# Operations that expect to transfer a large amount of data over the +# network will update their progress every $net_inc kilobytes. +# If set to 0, no progress messages will be displayed. +# +# See also $read_inc, $write_inc and $net_inc. +# +# +set new_mail_command="notify-send \ +'New Email' '%n new messages, %u unread.' &" +# +# Name: new_mail_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will call this command after a new message is received. +# See the $status_format documentation for the values that can be formatted +# into this command. +# +# +# set news_cache_dir="~/.neomutt" +# +# Name: news_cache_dir +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.neomutt" +# +# +# This variable pointing to directory where NeoMutt will save cached news +# articles and headers in. If unset, articles and headers will not be +# saved at all and will be reloaded from the server each time. +# +# +# set news_server="" +# +# Name: news_server +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable specifies domain name or address of NNTP server. +# +# You can also specify username and an alternative port for each news server, +# e.g. [[s]news://][username[:password]@]server[:port] +# +# This option can also be set using the command line option ``-g'', the +# environment variable $NNTPSERVER, or putting the server name in the +# file ``/etc/nntpserver''. +# +# +# set newsgroups_charset="utf-8" +# +# Name: newsgroups_charset +# Type: string +# Default: "utf-8" +# +# +# Character set of newsgroups descriptions. +# +# +# set newsrc="~/.newsrc" +# +# Name: newsrc +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.newsrc" +# +# +# The file, containing info about subscribed newsgroups - names and +# indexes of read articles. The following printf-style sequence +# is understood: +# %a Account url +# %p Port +# %P Port if specified +# %s News server name +# %S Url schema +# %u Username +# +# +# set nm_db_limit=0 +# +# Name: nm_db_limit +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable specifies the default limit used in notmuch queries. +# +# +# set nm_default_uri="" +# +# Name: nm_default_uri +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable specifies the default Notmuch database in format +# notmuch://. +# +# +# set nm_exclude_tags="" +# +# Name: nm_exclude_tags +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# The messages tagged with these tags are excluded and not loaded +# from notmuch DB to NeoMutt unless specified explicitly. +# +# +# set nm_open_timeout=5 +# +# Name: nm_open_timeout +# Type: number +# Default: 5 +# +# +# This variable specifies the timeout for database open in seconds. +# +# +# set nm_query_type="messages" +# +# Name: nm_query_type +# Type: string +# Default: "messages" +# +# +# This variable specifies the default query type (threads or messages) used in notmuch queries. +# +# +# set nm_query_window_current_position=0 +# +# Name: nm_query_window_current_position +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable contains the currently setup notmuch search for window based vfolder. +# +# +# set nm_query_window_current_search="" +# +# Name: nm_query_window_current_search +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable sets the time duration of a windowed notmuch query. +# Accepted values all non negative integers. A value of 0 disables the feature. +# +# +# set nm_query_window_duration=0 +# +# Name: nm_query_window_duration +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable sets the time duration of a windowed notmuch query. +# Accepted values all non negative integers. A value of 0 disables the feature. +# +# +# set nm_query_window_timebase="week" +# +# Name: nm_query_window_timebase +# Type: string +# Default: "week" +# +# +# This variable sets the time base of a windowed notmuch query. +# Accepted values are 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year' +# +# +# set nm_record=no +# +# Name: nm_record +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable specifies if the NeoMutt record should indexed by notmuch. +# +# +# set nm_record_tags="" +# +# Name: nm_record_tags +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable specifies the default tags applied to messages stored to the NeoMutt record. +# When set to 0 this variable disable the window feature. +# +# +# set nm_unread_tag="unread" +# +# Name: nm_unread_tag +# Type: string +# Default: "unread" +# +# +# This variable specifies notmuch tag which is used for unread messages. The +# variable is used to count unread messages in DB only. All other NeoMutt commands +# use standard (e.g. maildir) flags. +# +# +# set nntp_authenticators="" +# +# Name: nntp_authenticators +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is a colon-delimited list of authentication methods NeoMutt may +# attempt to use to log in to a news server, in the order NeoMutt should +# try them. Authentication methods are either ``user'' or any +# SASL mechanism, e.g. ``digest-md5'', ``gssapi'' or ``cram-md5''. +# This option is case-insensitive. If it's unset (the default) +# NeoMutt will try all available methods, in order from most-secure to +# least-secure. +# +# Example: +# set nntp_authenticators="digest-md5:user" +# +# Note: NeoMutt will only fall back to other authentication methods if +# the previous methods are unavailable. If a method is available but +# authentication fails, NeoMutt will not connect to the IMAP server. +# +# +# set nntp_context=1000 +# +# Name: nntp_context +# Type: number +# Default: 1000 +# +# +# This variable defines number of articles which will be in index when +# newsgroup entered. If active newsgroup have more articles than this +# number, oldest articles will be ignored. Also controls how many +# articles headers will be saved in cache when you quit newsgroup. +# +# +# set nntp_listgroup=yes +# +# Name: nntp_listgroup +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not existence of each article is +# checked when newsgroup is entered. +# +# +# set nntp_load_description=yes +# +# Name: nntp_load_description +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not descriptions for each newsgroup +# must be loaded when newsgroup is added to list (first time list +# loading or new newsgroup adding). +# +# +# set nntp_pass="" +# +# Name: nntp_pass +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Your password for NNTP account. +# +# +# set nntp_poll=60 +# +# Name: nntp_poll +# Type: number +# Default: 60 +# +# +# The time in seconds until any operations on newsgroup except post new +# article will cause recheck for new news. If set to 0, NeoMutt will +# recheck newsgroup on each operation in index (stepping, read article, +# etc.). +# +# +# set nntp_user="" +# +# Name: nntp_user +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Your login name on the NNTP server. If unset and NNTP server requires +# authentication, NeoMutt will prompt you for your account name when you +# connect to news server. +# +# +# set pager="builtin" +# +# Name: pager +# Type: command +# Default: "builtin" +# +# +# This variable specifies which pager you would like to use to view +# messages. The value ``builtin'' means to use the built-in pager, otherwise this +# variable should specify the pathname of the external pager you would +# like to use. +# +# Using an external pager may have some disadvantages: Additional +# keystrokes are necessary because you can't call NeoMutt functions +# directly from the pager, and screen resizes cause lines longer than +# the screen width to be badly formatted in the help menu. +# +# +# set pager_context=0 +# +# Name: pager_context +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable controls the number of lines of context that are given +# when displaying the next or previous page in the internal pager. By +# default, NeoMutt will display the line after the last one on the screen +# at the top of the next page (0 lines of context). +# +# This variable also specifies the amount of context given for search +# results. If positive, this many lines will be given before a match, +# if 0, the match will be top-aligned. +# +# +# set pager_format="-%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n %s%* -- (%P)" +# +# Name: pager_format +# Type: string +# Default: "-%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n %s%* -- (%P)" +# +# +# This variable controls the format of the one-line message ``status'' +# displayed before each message in either the internal or an external +# pager. The valid sequences are listed in the $index_format +# section. +# +# +# set pager_index_lines=0 +# +# Name: pager_index_lines +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# Determines the number of lines of a mini-index which is shown when in +# the pager. The current message, unless near the top or bottom of the +# folder, will be roughly one third of the way down this mini-index, +# giving the reader the context of a few messages before and after the +# message. This is useful, for example, to determine how many messages +# remain to be read in the current thread. One of the lines is reserved +# for the status bar from the index, so a setting of 6 +# will only show 5 lines of the actual index. A value of 0 results in +# no index being shown. If the number of messages in the current folder +# is less than $pager_index_lines, then the index will only use as +# many lines as it needs. +# +# +# set pager_stop=no +# +# Name: pager_stop +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the internal-pager will not move to the next message +# when you are at the end of a message and invoke the +# function. +# +# +# set pgp_auto_decode=no +# +# Name: pgp_auto_decode +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will automatically attempt to decrypt traditional PGP +# messages whenever the user performs an operation which ordinarily would +# result in the contents of the message being operated on. For example, +# if the user displays a pgp-traditional message which has not been manually +# checked with the function, NeoMutt will automatically +# check the message for traditional pgp. +# +# +# set pgp_autoinline=no +# +# Name: pgp_autoinline +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This option controls whether NeoMutt generates old-style inline +# (traditional) PGP encrypted or signed messages under certain +# circumstances. This can be overridden by use of the pgp menu, +# when inline is not required. The GPGME backend does not support +# this option. +# +# Note that NeoMutt might automatically use PGP/MIME for messages +# which consist of more than a single MIME part. NeoMutt can be +# configured to ask before sending PGP/MIME messages when inline +# (traditional) would not work. +# +# Also see the $pgp_mime_auto variable. +# +# Also note that using the old-style PGP message format is strongly +# deprecated. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_check_exit=yes +# +# Name: pgp_check_exit +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will check the exit code of the PGP subprocess when +# signing or encrypting. A non-zero exit code means that the +# subprocess failed. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd=yes +# +# Name: pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, mutt will check the status file descriptor output +# of $pgp_decrypt_command for GnuPG status codes indicating +# successful decryption. This will check for the presence of +# DECRYPTION_OKAY, absence of DECRYPTION_FAILED, and that all +# PLAINTEXT occurs between the BEGIN_DECRYPTION and END_DECRYPTION +# status codes. +# +# If unset, mutt will instead match the status fd output +# against $pgp_decryption_okay. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_clearsign_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_clearsign_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This format is used to create an old-style ``clearsigned'' PGP +# message. Note that the use of this format is strongly +# deprecated. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_decode_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_decode_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This format strings specifies a command which is used to decode +# application/pgp attachments. +# +# The PGP command formats have their own set of printf(3)-like sequences: +# %p Expands to PGPPASSFD=0 when a pass phrase is needed, to an empty +# string otherwise. Note: This may be used with a %? construct. +# %f Expands to the name of a file containing a message. +# %s Expands to the name of a file containing the signature part +# of a multipart/signed attachment when verifying it. +# %a The value of $pgp_sign_as if set, otherwise the value +# of $pgp_default_key. +# %r One or more key IDs (or fingerprints if available). +# +# +# For examples on how to configure these formats for the various versions +# of PGP which are floating around, see the pgp and gpg sample configuration files in +# the samples/ subdirectory which has been installed on your system +# alongside the documentation. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_decrypt_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_decrypt_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to decrypt a PGP encrypted message. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_decryption_okay="" +# +# Name: pgp_decryption_okay +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "" +# +# +# If you assign text to this variable, then an encrypted PGP +# message is only considered successfully decrypted if the output +# from $pgp_decrypt_command contains the text. This is used to +# protect against a spoofed encrypted message, with multipart/encrypted +# headers but containing a block that is not actually encrypted. +# (e.g. simply signed and ascii armored text). +# +# Note that if $pgp_check_gpg_decrypt_status_fd is set, this variable +# is ignored. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_default_key="" +# +# Name: pgp_default_key +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is the default key-pair to use for PGP operations. It will be +# used for encryption (see $postpone_encrypt and $pgp_self_encrypt). +# +# It will also be used for signing unless $pgp_sign_as is set. +# +# The (now deprecated) pgp_self_encrypt_as is an alias for this +# variable, and should no longer be used. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_encrypt_only_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_encrypt_only_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to encrypt a body part without signing it. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_encrypt_sign_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to both sign and encrypt a body part. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_entry_format="%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u" +# +# Name: pgp_entry_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u" +# +# +# This variable allows you to customize the PGP key selection menu to +# your personal taste. This string is similar to $index_format, but +# has its own set of printf(3)-like sequences: +# %a Algorithm +# %c Capabilities +# %f Flags +# %k Key id +# %l Key length +# %n Number +# %p Protocol +# %t Trust/validity of the key-uid association +# %u User id +# %[] Date of the key where is an strftime(3) expression +# +# +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_export_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_export_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to export a public key from the user's +# key ring. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_getkeys_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_getkeys_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is invoked whenever NeoMutt needs to fetch the public key associated with +# an email address. Of the sequences supported by $pgp_decode_command, %r is +# the only printf(3)-like sequence used with this format. Note that +# in this case, %r expands to the email address, not the public key ID (the key ID is +# unknown, which is why NeoMutt is invoking this command). +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_good_sign="" +# +# Name: pgp_good_sign +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "" +# +# +# If you assign a text to this variable, then a PGP signature is only +# considered verified if the output from $pgp_verify_command contains +# the text. Use this variable if the exit code from the command is 0 +# even for bad signatures. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_ignore_subkeys=yes +# +# Name: pgp_ignore_subkeys +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Setting this variable will cause NeoMutt to ignore OpenPGP subkeys. Instead, +# the principal key will inherit the subkeys' capabilities. Unset this +# if you want to play interesting key selection games. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_import_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_import_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to import a key from a message into +# the user's public key ring. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_list_pubring_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_list_pubring_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to list the public key ring's contents. The +# output format must be analogous to the one used by +# gpg --list-keys --with-colons --with-fingerprint +# +# Note: gpg's fixed-list-mode option should not be used. It +# produces a different date format which may result in NeoMutt showing +# incorrect key generation dates. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_list_secring_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_list_secring_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to list the secret key ring's contents. The +# output format must be analogous to the one used by: +# gpg --list-keys --with-colons --with-fingerprint +# +# Note: gpg's fixed-list-mode option should not be used. It +# produces a different date format which may result in NeoMutt showing +# incorrect key generation dates. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_long_ids=yes +# +# Name: pgp_long_ids +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, use 64 bit PGP key IDs, if unset use the normal 32 bit key IDs. +# NOTE: Internally, NeoMutt has transitioned to using fingerprints (or long key IDs +# as a fallback). This option now only controls the display of key IDs +# in the key selection menu and a few other places. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_mime_auto=ask-yes +# +# Name: pgp_mime_auto +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# This option controls whether NeoMutt will prompt you for +# automatically sending a (signed/encrypted) message using +# PGP/MIME when inline (traditional) fails (for any reason). +# +# Also note that using the old-style PGP message format is strongly +# deprecated. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_replyinline=no +# +# Name: pgp_replyinline +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Setting this variable will cause NeoMutt to always attempt to +# create an inline (traditional) message when replying to a +# message which is PGP encrypted/signed inline. This can be +# overridden by use of the pgp menu, when inline is not +# required. This option does not automatically detect if the +# (replied-to) message is inline; instead it relies on NeoMutt +# internals for previously checked/flagged messages. +# +# Note that NeoMutt might automatically use PGP/MIME for messages +# which consist of more than a single MIME part. NeoMutt can be +# configured to ask before sending PGP/MIME messages when inline +# (traditional) would not work. +# +# Also see the $pgp_mime_auto variable. +# +# Also note that using the old-style PGP message format is strongly +# deprecated. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_retainable_sigs=no +# +# Name: pgp_retainable_sigs +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, signed and encrypted messages will consist of nested +# multipart/signed and multipart/encrypted body parts. +# +# This is useful for applications like encrypted and signed mailing +# lists, where the outer layer (multipart/encrypted) can be easily +# removed, while the inner multipart/signed part is retained. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_self_encrypt=yes +# +# Name: pgp_self_encrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, PGP encrypted messages will also be encrypted +# using the key in $pgp_default_key. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_show_unusable=yes +# +# Name: pgp_show_unusable +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will display non-usable keys on the PGP key selection +# menu. This includes keys which have been revoked, have expired, or +# have been marked as ``disabled'' by the user. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_sign_as="" +# +# Name: pgp_sign_as +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# If you have a different key pair to use for signing, you should +# set this to the signing key. Most people will only need to set +# $pgp_default_key. It is recommended that you use the keyid form +# to specify your key (e.g. 0x00112233). +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_sign_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_sign_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to create the detached PGP signature for a +# multipart/signed PGP/MIME body part. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_sort_keys=address +# +# Name: pgp_sort_keys +# Type: sort order +# Default: address +# +# +# Specifies how the entries in the pgp menu are sorted. The +# following are legal values: +# address sort alphabetically by user id +# keyid sort alphabetically by key id +# date sort by key creation date +# trust sort by the trust of the key +# +# +# If you prefer reverse order of the above values, prefix it with +# ``reverse-''. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_strict_enc=yes +# +# Name: pgp_strict_enc +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will automatically encode PGP/MIME signed messages as +# quoted-printable. Please note that unsetting this variable may +# lead to problems with non-verifyable PGP signatures, so only change +# this if you know what you are doing. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_timeout=300 +# +# Name: pgp_timeout +# Type: number (long) +# Default: 300 +# +# +# The number of seconds after which a cached passphrase will expire if +# not used. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_use_gpg_agent=no +# +# Name: pgp_use_gpg_agent +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will use a possibly-running gpg-agent(1) process. +# Note that as of version 2.1, GnuPG no longer exports GPG_AGENT_INFO, so +# NeoMutt no longer verifies if the agent is running. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_verify_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_verify_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to verify PGP signatures. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pgp_verify_key_command="" +# +# Name: pgp_verify_key_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to verify key information from the key selection +# menu. +# +# This is a format string, see the $pgp_decode_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (PGP only) +# +# +# set pipe_decode=no +# +# Name: pipe_decode +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Used in connection with the command. When unset, +# NeoMutt will pipe the messages without any preprocessing. When set, NeoMutt +# will weed headers and will attempt to decode the messages +# first. +# +# +# set pipe_sep="\n" +# +# Name: pipe_sep +# Type: string +# Default: "\n" +# +# +# The separator to add between messages when piping a list of tagged +# messages to an external Unix command. +# +# +# set pipe_split=no +# +# Name: pipe_split +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Used in connection with the function following +# . If this variable is unset, when piping a list of +# tagged messages NeoMutt will concatenate the messages and will pipe them +# all concatenated. When set, NeoMutt will pipe the messages one by one. +# In both cases the messages are piped in the current sorted order, +# and the $pipe_sep separator is added after each message. +# +# +# set pop_auth_try_all=yes +# +# Name: pop_auth_try_all +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will try all available authentication methods. +# When unset, NeoMutt will only fall back to other authentication +# methods if the previous methods are unavailable. If a method is +# available but authentication fails, NeoMutt will not connect to the POP server. +# +# +# set pop_authenticators="" +# +# Name: pop_authenticators +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is a colon-delimited list of authentication methods NeoMutt may +# attempt to use to log in to an POP server, in the order NeoMutt should +# try them. Authentication methods are either ``user'', ``apop'' or any +# SASL mechanism, e.g. ``digest-md5'', ``gssapi'' or ``cram-md5''. +# This option is case-insensitive. If this option is unset +# (the default) NeoMutt will try all available methods, in order from +# most-secure to least-secure. +# +# Example: +# set pop_authenticators="digest-md5:apop:user" +# +# +# set pop_checkinterval=60 +# +# Name: pop_checkinterval +# Type: number +# Default: 60 +# +# +# This variable configures how often (in seconds) NeoMutt should look for +# new mail in the currently selected mailbox if it is a POP mailbox. +# +# +# set pop_delete=ask-no +# +# Name: pop_delete +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will delete successfully downloaded messages from the POP +# server when using the function. When unset, NeoMutt will +# download messages but also leave them on the POP server. +# +# +# set pop_host="" +# +# Name: pop_host +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# The name of your POP server for the function. You +# can also specify an alternative port, username and password, i.e.: +# [pop[s]://][username[:password]@]popserver[:port] +# +# where ``[...]'' denotes an optional part. +# +# +# set pop_last=no +# +# Name: pop_last +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If this variable is set, NeoMutt will try to use the ``LAST'' POP command +# for retrieving only unread messages from the POP server when using +# the function. +# +# +# set pop_pass="" +# +# Name: pop_pass +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Specifies the password for your POP account. If unset, NeoMutt will +# prompt you for your password when you open a POP mailbox. +# +# Warning: you should only use this option when you are on a +# fairly secure machine, because the superuser can read your neomuttrc +# even if you are the only one who can read the file. +# +# +# set pop_reconnect=ask-yes +# +# Name: pop_reconnect +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not NeoMutt will try to reconnect to the POP server if +# the connection is lost. +# +# +# set pop_user="" +# +# Name: pop_user +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Your login name on the POP server. +# +# This variable defaults to your user name on the local machine. +# +# +# set post_indent_string="" +# +# Name: post_indent_string +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Similar to the $attribution variable, NeoMutt will append this +# string after the inclusion of a message which is being replied to. +# +# +# set post_moderated=ask-yes +# +# Name: post_moderated +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# If set to yes, NeoMutt will post article to newsgroup that have +# not permissions to posting (e.g. moderated). Note: if news server +# does not support posting to that newsgroup or totally read-only, that +# posting will not have an effect. +# +# +# set postpone=ask-yes +# +# Name: postpone +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not messages are saved in the $postponed +# mailbox when you elect not to send immediately. +# +# Also see the $recall variable. +# +# +# set postpone_encrypt=no +# +# Name: postpone_encrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, postponed messages that are marked for encryption will be +# self-encrypted. NeoMutt will first try to encrypt using the value specified +# in $pgp_default_key or $smime_default_key. If those are not +# set, it will try the deprecated $postpone_encrypt_as. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set postpone_encrypt_as="" +# +# Name: postpone_encrypt_as +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is a deprecated fall-back variable for $postpone_encrypt. +# Please use $pgp_default_key or $smime_default_key. +# (Crypto only) +# +# +# set postponed="~/postponed" +# +# Name: postponed +# Type: path +# Default: "~/postponed" +# +# +# NeoMutt allows you to indefinitely ``postpone sending a message'' which +# you are editing. When you choose to postpone a message, NeoMutt saves it +# in the mailbox specified by this variable. +# +# Also see the $postpone variable. +# +# +# set preconnect="" +# +# Name: preconnect +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# If set, a shell command to be executed if NeoMutt fails to establish +# a connection to the server. This is useful for setting up secure +# connections, e.g. with ssh(1). If the command returns a nonzero +# status, NeoMutt gives up opening the server. Example: +# set preconnect="ssh -f -q -L 1234:mailhost.net:143 mailhost.net \ +# sleep 20 < /dev/null > /dev/null" +# +# Mailbox ``foo'' on ``mailhost.net'' can now be reached +# as ``{localhost:1234}foo''. +# +# Note: For this example to work, you must be able to log in to the +# remote machine without having to enter a password. +# +# +# set preferred_languages="" +# +# Name: preferred_languages +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# RFC8255 : user preferred languages to be search in parts and display +# Ex. : set preferred_languages="en,fr,de" +# +# +# set print=ask-no +# +# Name: print +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-no +# +# +# Controls whether or not NeoMutt really prints messages. +# This is set to ``ask-no'' by default, because some people +# accidentally hit ``p'' often. +# +# +# set print_command="lpr" +# +# Name: print_command +# Type: command +# Default: "lpr" +# +# +# This specifies the command pipe that should be used to print messages. +# +# +# set print_decode=yes +# +# Name: print_decode +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Used in connection with the command. If this +# option is set, the message is decoded before it is passed to the +# external command specified by $print_command. If this option +# is unset, no processing will be applied to the message when +# printing it. The latter setting may be useful if you are using +# some advanced printer filter which is able to properly format +# e-mail messages for printing. +# +# +# set print_split=no +# +# Name: print_split +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Used in connection with the command. If this option +# is set, the command specified by $print_command is executed once for +# each message which is to be printed. If this option is unset, +# the command specified by $print_command is executed only once, and +# all the messages are concatenated, with a form feed as the message +# separator. +# +# Those who use the enscript(1) program's mail-printing mode will +# most likely want to set this option. +# +# +# set prompt_after=yes +# +# Name: prompt_after +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If you use an external $pager, setting this variable will +# cause NeoMutt to prompt you for a command when the pager exits rather +# than returning to the index menu. If unset, NeoMutt will return to the +# index menu when the external pager exits. +# +# +# set query_command="" +# +# Name: query_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This specifies the command NeoMutt will use to make external address +# queries. The string may contain a ``%s'', which will be substituted +# with the query string the user types. NeoMutt will add quotes around the +# string substituted for ``%s'' automatically according to shell quoting +# rules, so you should avoid adding your own. If no ``%s'' is found in +# the string, NeoMutt will append the user's query to the end of the string. +# See ``query'' for more information. +# +# +# set query_format="%4c %t %-25.25a %-25.25n %?e?(%e)?" +# +# Name: query_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%4c %t %-25.25a %-25.25n %?e?(%e)?" +# +# +# This variable describes the format of the ``query'' menu. The +# following printf(3)-style sequences are understood: +# %a Destination address +# %c Current entry number +# %e Extra information * +# %n Destination name +# %t ``*'' if current entry is tagged, a space otherwise +# %>X Right justify the rest of the string and pad with ``X'' +# %|X Pad to the end of the line with ``X'' +# %*X Soft-fill with character ``X'' as pad +# +# +# For an explanation of ``soft-fill'', see the $index_format documentation. +# +# * = can be optionally printed if nonzero, see the $status_format documentation. +# +# +# set quit=yes +# +# Name: quit +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable controls whether ``quit'' and ``exit'' actually quit +# from NeoMutt. If this option is set, they do quit, if it is unset, they +# have no effect, and if it is set to ask-yes or ask-no, you are +# prompted for confirmation when you try to quit. +# +# +# set quote_regex="^([ \t]*[|>:}#])+" +# +# Name: quote_regex +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "^([ \t]*[|>:}#])+" +# +# +# A regular expression used in the internal pager to determine quoted +# sections of text in the body of a message. Quoted text may be filtered +# out using the command, or colored according to the +# ``color quoted'' family of directives. +# +# Higher levels of quoting may be colored differently (``color quoted1'', +# ``color quoted2'', etc.). The quoting level is determined by removing +# the last character from the matched text and recursively reapplying +# the regular expression until it fails to produce a match. +# +# Match detection may be overridden by the $smileys regular expression. +# +# +# set read_inc=10 +# +# Name: read_inc +# Type: number +# Default: 10 +# +# +# If set to a value greater than 0, NeoMutt will display which message it +# is currently on when reading a mailbox or when performing search actions +# such as search and limit. The message is printed after +# this many messages have been read or searched (e.g., if set to 25, NeoMutt will +# print a message when it is at message 25, and then again when it gets +# to message 50). This variable is meant to indicate progress when +# reading or searching large mailboxes which may take some time. +# When set to 0, only a single message will appear before the reading +# the mailbox. +# +# Also see the $write_inc, $net_inc and $time_inc variables and the +# ``tuning'' section of the manual for performance considerations. +# +# +# set read_only=no +# +# Name: read_only +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, all folders are opened in read-only mode. +# +# +set realname="Leonardo da Rosa Eugenio" +# +# Name: realname +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable specifies what ``real'' or ``personal'' name should be used +# when sending messages. +# +# If not specified, then the user's ``real name'' will be read from /etc/passwd. +# This option will not be used, if ``$from'' is set. +# +# +# set recall=ask-yes +# +# Name: recall +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# Controls whether or not NeoMutt recalls postponed messages +# when composing a new message. +# +# Setting this variable to yes is not generally useful, and thus not +# recommended. Note that the function can be used +# to manually recall postponed messages. +# +# Also see $postponed variable. +# +# +# set record="~/sent" +# +# Name: record +# Type: path +# Default: "~/sent" +# +# +# This specifies the file into which your outgoing messages should be +# appended. (This is meant as the primary method for saving a copy of +# your messages, but another way to do this is using the ``my_hdr'' +# command to create a ``Bcc:'' field with your email address in it.) +# +# The value of $record is overridden by the $force_name and +# $save_name variables, and the ``fcc-hook'' command. Also see $copy. +# +# +# set reflow_space_quotes=yes +# +# Name: reflow_space_quotes +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This option controls how quotes from format=flowed messages are displayed +# in the pager and when replying (with $text_flowed unset). +# When set, this option adds spaces after each level of quote marks, turning +# ">>>foo" into "> > > foo". +# +# Note: If $reflow_text is unset, this option has no effect. +# Also, this option does not affect replies when $text_flowed is set. +# +# +# set reflow_text=yes +# +# Name: reflow_text +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will reformat paragraphs in text/plain +# parts marked format=flowed. If unset, NeoMutt will display paragraphs +# unaltered from how they appear in the message body. See RFC3676 for +# details on the format=flowed format. +# +# Also see $reflow_wrap, and $wrap. +# +# +# set reflow_wrap=78 +# +# Name: reflow_wrap +# Type: number +# Default: 78 +# +# +# This variable controls the maximum paragraph width when reformatting text/plain +# parts when $reflow_text is set. When the value is 0, paragraphs will +# be wrapped at the terminal's right margin. A positive value sets the +# paragraph width relative to the left margin. A negative value set the +# paragraph width relative to the right margin. +# +# Also see $wrap. +# +# +# set reply_regex="^((re|aw|sv)(\\[[0-9]+\\])*:[ \t]*)*" +# +# Name: reply_regex +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "^((re|aw|sv)(\\[[0-9]+\\])*:[ \t]*)*" +# +# +# A regular expression used to recognize reply messages when threading +# and replying. The default value corresponds to the English "Re:", the +# German "Aw:" and the Swedish "Sv:". +# +# +# set reply_self=no +# +# Name: reply_self +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If unset and you are replying to a message sent by you, NeoMutt will +# assume that you want to reply to the recipients of that message rather +# than to yourself. +# +# Also see the ``alternates'' command. +# +# +# set reply_to=ask-yes +# +# Name: reply_to +# Type: quadoption +# Default: ask-yes +# +# +# If set, when replying to a message, NeoMutt will use the address listed +# in the Reply-to: header as the recipient of the reply. If unset, +# it will use the address in the From: header field instead. This +# option is useful for reading a mailing list that sets the Reply-To: +# header field to the list address and you want to send a private +# message to the author of a message. +# +# +# set reply_with_xorig=no +# +# Name: reply_with_xorig +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable provides a toggle. When active, the From: header will be +# extracted from the current mail's `X-Original-To:' header. This setting +# does not have precedence over ``reverse_realname''. +# +# Assuming `fast_reply' is disabled, this option will prompt the user with a +# prefilled From: header. +# +# +# set resolve=yes +# +# Name: resolve +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, the cursor will be automatically advanced to the next +# (possibly undeleted) message whenever a command that modifies the +# current message is executed. +# +# +# set resume_draft_files=no +# +# Name: resume_draft_files +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, draft files (specified by -H on the command +# line) are processed similarly to when resuming a postponed +# message. Recipients are not prompted for; send-hooks are not +# evaluated; no alias expansion takes place; user-defined headers +# and signatures are not added to the message. +# +# +# set resume_edited_draft_files=yes +# +# Name: resume_edited_draft_files +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, draft files previously edited (via -E -H on +# the command line) will have $resume_draft_files automatically +# set when they are used as a draft file again. +# +# The first time a draft file is saved, NeoMutt will add a header, +# X-Mutt-Resume-Draft to the saved file. The next time the draft +# file is read in, if NeoMutt sees the header, it will set +# $resume_draft_files. +# +# This option is designed to prevent multiple signatures, +# user-defined headers, and other processing effects from being +# made multiple times to the draft file. +# +# +# set reverse_alias=no +# +# Name: reverse_alias +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable controls whether or not NeoMutt will display the ``personal'' +# name from your aliases in the index menu if it finds an alias that +# matches the message's sender. For example, if you have the following +# alias: +# alias juser abd30425@somewhere.net (Joe User) +# +# and then you receive mail which contains the following header: +# From: abd30425@somewhere.net +# +# It would be displayed in the index menu as ``Joe User'' instead of +# ``abd30425@somewhere.net.'' This is useful when the person's e-mail +# address is not human friendly. +# +# +# set reverse_name=no +# +# Name: reverse_name +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# It may sometimes arrive that you receive mail to a certain machine, +# move the messages to another machine, and reply to some the messages +# from there. If this variable is set, the default From: line of +# the reply messages is built using the address where you received the +# messages you are replying to if that address matches your +# ``alternates''. If the variable is unset, or the address that would be +# used doesn't match your ``alternates'', the From: line will use +# your address on the current machine. +# +# Also see the ``alternates'' command. +# +# +# set reverse_realname=yes +# +# Name: reverse_realname +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable fine-tunes the behavior of the $reverse_name feature. +# When it is set, NeoMutt will use the address from incoming messages as-is, +# possibly including eventual real names. When it is unset, NeoMutt will +# override any such real names with the setting of the $realname variable. +# +# +# set rfc2047_parameters=no +# +# Name: rfc2047_parameters +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When this variable is set, NeoMutt will decode RFC2047-encoded MIME +# parameters. You want to set this variable when NeoMutt suggests you +# to save attachments to files named like: +# =?iso-8859-1?Q?file=5F=E4=5F991116=2Ezip?= +# +# When this variable is set interactively, the change won't be +# active until you change folders. +# +# Note that this use of RFC2047's encoding is explicitly +# prohibited by the standard, but nevertheless encountered in the +# wild. +# +# Also note that setting this parameter will not have the effect +# that NeoMutt generates this kind of encoding. Instead, NeoMutt will +# unconditionally use the encoding specified in RFC2231. +# +# +# set save_address=no +# +# Name: save_address +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will take the sender's full address when choosing a +# default folder for saving a mail. If $save_name or $force_name +# is set too, the selection of the Fcc folder will be changed as well. +# +# +# set save_empty=yes +# +# Name: save_empty +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When unset, mailboxes which contain no saved messages will be removed +# when closed (the exception is $spoolfile which is never removed). +# If set, mailboxes are never removed. +# +# Note: This only applies to mbox and MMDF folders, NeoMutt does not +# delete MH and Maildir directories. +# +# +# set save_history=0 +# +# Name: save_history +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# This variable controls the size of the history (per category) saved in the +# $history_file file. +# +# +# set save_name=no +# +# Name: save_name +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable controls how copies of outgoing messages are saved. +# When set, a check is made to see if a mailbox specified by the +# recipient address exists (this is done by searching for a mailbox in +# the $folder directory with the username part of the +# recipient address). If the mailbox exists, the outgoing message will +# be saved to that mailbox, otherwise the message is saved to the +# $record mailbox. +# +# Also see the $force_name variable. +# +# +# set save_unsubscribed=no +# +# Name: save_unsubscribed +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, info about unsubscribed newsgroups will be saved into +# ``newsrc'' file and into cache. +# +# +# set score=yes +# +# Name: score +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When this variable is unset, scoring is turned off. This can +# be useful to selectively disable scoring for certain folders when the +# $score_threshold_delete variable and related are used. +# +# +# set score_threshold_delete=-1 +# +# Name: score_threshold_delete +# Type: number +# Default: -1 +# +# +# Messages which have been assigned a score equal to or lower than the value +# of this variable are automatically marked for deletion by NeoMutt. Since +# NeoMutt scores are always greater than or equal to zero, the default setting +# of this variable will never mark a message for deletion. +# +# +# set score_threshold_flag=9999 +# +# Name: score_threshold_flag +# Type: number +# Default: 9999 +# +# +# Messages which have been assigned a score greater than or equal to this +# variable's value are automatically marked "flagged". +# +# +# set score_threshold_read=-1 +# +# Name: score_threshold_read +# Type: number +# Default: -1 +# +# +# Messages which have been assigned a score equal to or lower than the value +# of this variable are automatically marked as read by NeoMutt. Since +# NeoMutt scores are always greater than or equal to zero, the default setting +# of this variable will never mark a message read. +# +# +# set search_context=0 +# +# Name: search_context +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# For the pager, this variable specifies the number of lines shown +# before search results. By default, search results will be top-aligned. +# +# +# set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8" +# +# Name: send_charset +# Type: string +# Default: "us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8" +# +# +# A colon-delimited list of character sets for outgoing messages. NeoMutt will use the +# first character set into which the text can be converted exactly. +# If your $charset is not ``iso-8859-1'' and recipients may not +# understand ``UTF-8'', it is advisable to include in the list an +# appropriate widely used standard character set (such as +# ``iso-8859-2'', ``koi8-r'' or ``iso-2022-jp'') either instead of or after +# ``iso-8859-1''. +# +# In case the text cannot be converted into one of these exactly, +# NeoMutt uses $charset as a fallback. +# +# +# set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi" +# +# Name: sendmail +# Type: command +# Default: "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi" +# +# +# Specifies the program and arguments used to deliver mail sent by NeoMutt. +# NeoMutt expects that the specified program interprets additional +# arguments as recipient addresses. NeoMutt appends all recipients after +# adding a -- delimiter (if not already present). Additional +# flags, such as for $use_8bitmime, $use_envelope_from, +# $dsn_notify, or $dsn_return will be added before the delimiter. +# +# +# set sendmail_wait=0 +# +# Name: sendmail_wait +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the $sendmail process +# to finish before giving up and putting delivery in the background. +# +# NeoMutt interprets the value of this variable as follows: +# >0 number of seconds to wait for sendmail to finish before continuing +# 0 wait forever for sendmail to finish +# <0 always put sendmail in the background without waiting +# +# +# Note that if you specify a value other than 0, the output of the child +# process will be put in a temporary file. If there is some error, you +# will be informed as to where to find the output. +# +# +# set shell="" +# +# Name: shell +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# Command to use when spawning a subshell. +# If not specified, then the user's login shell from /etc/passwd is used. +# +# +# set show_multipart_alternative="" +# +# Name: show_multipart_alternative +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# When set to info, the multipart/alternative information is shown. +# When set to inline, all of the alternatives are displayed. +# When not set, the default behavior is to show only the chosen alternative. +# +# +# set show_new_news=yes +# +# Name: show_new_news +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, news server will be asked for new newsgroups on entering +# the browser. Otherwise, it will be done only once for a news server. +# Also controls whether or not number of new articles of subscribed +# newsgroups will be then checked. +# +# +# set show_only_unread=no +# +# Name: show_only_unread +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, only subscribed newsgroups that contain unread articles +# will be displayed in browser. +# +# +# set sidebar_component_depth=0 +# +# Name: sidebar_component_depth +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# By default the sidebar will show the mailbox's path, relative to the +# $folder variable. This specifies the number of parent directories to hide +# from display in the sidebar. For example: If a maildir is normally +# displayed in the sidebar as dir1/dir2/dir3/maildir, setting +# sidebar_component_depth=2 will display it as dir3/maildir, having +# truncated the 2 highest directories. +# +# See also: $sidebar_short_path +# +# +# set sidebar_delim_chars="/." +# +# Name: sidebar_delim_chars +# Type: string +# Default: "/." +# +# +# This contains the list of characters which you would like to treat +# as folder separators for displaying paths in the sidebar. +# +# Local mail is often arranged in directories: `dir1/dir2/mailbox'. +# set sidebar_delim_chars='/' +# +# IMAP mailboxes are often named: `folder1.folder2.mailbox'. +# set sidebar_delim_chars='.' +# +# See also: $sidebar_short_path, $sidebar_folder_indent, $sidebar_indent_string. +# +# +# set sidebar_divider_char="" +# +# Name: sidebar_divider_char +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This specifies the characters to be drawn between the sidebar (when +# visible) and the other NeoMutt panels. ASCII and Unicode line-drawing +# characters are supported. +# +# +# set sidebar_folder_indent=no +# +# Name: sidebar_folder_indent +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Set this to indent mailboxes in the sidebar. +# +# See also: $sidebar_short_path, $sidebar_indent_string, $sidebar_delim_chars. +# +# +# set sidebar_format="%B%* %n" +# +# Name: sidebar_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%B%* %n" +# +# +# This variable allows you to customize the sidebar display. This string is +# similar to $index_format, but has its own set of printf(3)-like +# sequences: +# %B Name of the mailbox +# %S * Size of mailbox (total number of messages) +# %N * Number of unread messages in the mailbox +# %n N if mailbox has new mail, blank otherwise +# %F * Number of Flagged messages in the mailbox +# %! ``!'' : one flagged message; +# ``!!'' : two flagged messages; +# ``n!'' : n flagged messages (for n > 2). +# Otherwise prints nothing. +# %d * @ Number of deleted messages +# %L * @ Number of messages after limiting +# %t * @ Number of tagged messages +# %>X right justify the rest of the string and pad with ``X'' +# %|X pad to the end of the line with ``X'' +# %*X soft-fill with character ``X'' as pad +# +# +# * = Can be optionally printed if nonzero +# @ = Only applicable to the current folder +# +# In order to use %S, %N, %F, and %!, $mail_check_stats must +# be set. When thus set, a suggested value for this option is +# "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S". +# +# +# set sidebar_indent_string=" " +# +# Name: sidebar_indent_string +# Type: string +# Default: " " +# +# +# This specifies the string that is used to indent mailboxes in the sidebar. +# It defaults to two spaces. +# +# See also: $sidebar_short_path, $sidebar_folder_indent, $sidebar_delim_chars. +# +# +# set sidebar_new_mail_only=no +# +# Name: sidebar_new_mail_only +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the sidebar will only display mailboxes containing new, or +# flagged, mail. +# +# See also: sidebar_whitelist. +# +# +# set sidebar_next_new_wrap=no +# +# Name: sidebar_next_new_wrap +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the command will not stop and the end of +# the list of mailboxes, but wrap around to the beginning. The +# command is similarly affected, wrapping around to +# the end of the list. +# +# +# set sidebar_on_right=no +# +# Name: sidebar_on_right +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the sidebar will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. +# +# +# set sidebar_short_path=no +# +# Name: sidebar_short_path +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# By default the sidebar will show the mailbox's path, relative to the +# $folder variable. Setting sidebar_shortpath=yes will shorten the +# names relative to the previous name. Here's an example: +# shortpath=no shortpath=yes shortpath=yes, folderindent=yes, indentstr=".." +# fruit fruit fruit +# fruit.apple apple ..apple +# fruit.banana banana ..banana +# fruit.cherry cherry ..cherry +# +# +# See also: $sidebar_delim_chars, $sidebar_folder_indent, +# $sidebar_indent_string, $sidebar_component_depth. +# +# +# set sidebar_sort_method=order +# +# Name: sidebar_sort_method +# Type: sort order +# Default: order +# +# +# Specifies how to sort entries in the file browser. By default, the +# entries are sorted alphabetically. Valid values: +# - alpha (alphabetically) +# - count (all message count) +# - flagged (flagged message count) +# - name (alphabetically) +# - new (unread message count) +# - path (alphabetically) +# - unread (unread message count) +# - unsorted +# +# +# You may optionally use the ``reverse-'' prefix to specify reverse sorting +# order (example: ``set sort_browser=reverse-date''). +# +# +# set sidebar_visible=no +# +# Name: sidebar_visible +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This specifies whether or not to show sidebar. The sidebar shows a list of +# all your mailboxes. +# +# See also: $sidebar_format, $sidebar_width +# +# +# set sidebar_width=30 +# +# Name: sidebar_width +# Type: number +# Default: 30 +# +# +# This controls the width of the sidebar. It is measured in screen columns. +# For example: sidebar_width=20 could display 20 ASCII characters, or 10 +# Chinese characters. +# +# +# set sig_dashes=yes +# +# Name: sig_dashes +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set, a line containing ``-- '' (note the trailing space) will be inserted before your +# $signature. It is strongly recommended that you not unset +# this variable unless your signature contains just your name. The +# reason for this is because many software packages use ``-- \n'' to +# detect your signature. For example, NeoMutt has the ability to highlight +# the signature in a different color in the built-in pager. +# +# +# set sig_on_top=no +# +# Name: sig_on_top +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, the signature will be included before any quoted or forwarded +# text. It is strongly recommended that you do not set this variable +# unless you really know what you are doing, and are prepared to take +# some heat from netiquette guardians. +# +# +# set signature="~/.signature" +# +# Name: signature +# Type: path +# Default: "~/.signature" +# +# +# Specifies the filename of your signature, which is appended to all +# outgoing messages. If the filename ends with a pipe (``|''), it is +# assumed that filename is a shell command and input should be read from +# its standard output. +# +# +# set simple_search="~f %s | ~s %s" +# +# Name: simple_search +# Type: string +# Default: "~f %s | ~s %s" +# +# +# Specifies how NeoMutt should expand a simple search into a real search +# pattern. A simple search is one that does not contain any of the ``~'' pattern +# operators. See ``patterns'' for more information on search patterns. +# +# For example, if you simply type ``joe'' at a search or limit prompt, NeoMutt +# will automatically expand it to the value specified by this variable by +# replacing ``%s'' with the supplied string. +# For the default value, ``joe'' would be expanded to: ``~f joe | ~s joe''. +# +# +# set skip_quoted_offset=0 +# +# Name: skip_quoted_offset +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# Lines of quoted text that are displayed before the unquoted text after +# ``skip to quoted'' command (S) +# +# +# set sleep_time=1 +# +# Name: sleep_time +# Type: number +# Default: 1 +# +# +# Specifies time, in seconds, to pause while displaying certain informational +# messages, while moving from folder to folder and after expunging +# messages from the current folder. The default is to pause one second, so +# a value of zero for this option suppresses the pause. +# +# +# set smart_wrap=yes +# +# Name: smart_wrap +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls the display of lines longer than the screen width in the +# internal pager. If set, long lines are wrapped at a word boundary. If +# unset, lines are simply wrapped at the screen edge. Also see the +# $markers variable. +# +# +# set smileys="(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])" +# +# Name: smileys +# Type: regular expression +# Default: "(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])" +# +# +# The pager uses this variable to catch some common false +# positives of $quote_regex, most notably smileys and not consider +# a line quoted text if it also matches $smileys. This mostly +# happens at the beginning of a line. +# +# +# set smime_ask_cert_label=yes +# +# Name: smime_ask_cert_label +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This flag controls whether you want to be asked to enter a label +# for a certificate about to be added to the database or not. It is +# set by default. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_ca_location="" +# +# Name: smime_ca_location +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# This variable contains the name of either a directory, or a file which +# contains trusted certificates for use with OpenSSL. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_certificates="" +# +# Name: smime_certificates +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# Since for S/MIME there is no pubring/secring as with PGP, NeoMutt has to handle +# storage and retrieval of keys by itself. This is very basic right +# now, and keys and certificates are stored in two different +# directories, both named as the hash-value retrieved from +# OpenSSL. There is an index file which contains mailbox-address +# keyid pairs, and which can be manually edited. This option points to +# the location of the certificates. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_decrypt_command="" +# +# Name: smime_decrypt_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This format string specifies a command which is used to decrypt +# application/x-pkcs7-mime attachments. +# +# The OpenSSL command formats have their own set of printf(3)-like sequences +# similar to PGP's: +# %f Expands to the name of a file containing a message. +# %s Expands to the name of a file containing the signature part +# of a multipart/signed attachment when verifying it. +# %k The key-pair specified with $smime_default_key +# %i Intermediate certificates +# %c One or more certificate IDs. +# %a The algorithm used for encryption. +# %d The message digest algorithm specified with $smime_sign_digest_alg. +# %C CA location: Depending on whether $smime_ca_location +# points to a directory or file, this expands to +# ``-CApath $smime_ca_location'' or ``-CAfile $smime_ca_location''. +# +# +# For examples on how to configure these formats, see the smime.rc in +# the samples/ subdirectory which has been installed on your system +# alongside the documentation. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_decrypt_use_default_key=yes +# +# Name: smime_decrypt_use_default_key +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set (default) this tells NeoMutt to use the default key for decryption. Otherwise, +# if managing multiple certificate-key-pairs, NeoMutt will try to use the mailbox-address +# to determine the key to use. It will ask you to supply a key, if it can't find one. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_default_key="" +# +# Name: smime_default_key +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is the default key-pair to use for S/MIME operations, and must be +# set to the keyid (the hash-value that OpenSSL generates) to work properly. +# +# It will be used for encryption (see $postpone_encrypt and +# $smime_self_encrypt). +# +# It will be used for decryption unless $smime_decrypt_use_default_key +# is unset. +# +# It will also be used for signing unless $smime_sign_as is set. +# +# The (now deprecated) smime_self_encrypt_as is an alias for this +# variable, and should no longer be used. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_encrypt_command="" +# +# Name: smime_encrypt_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to create encrypted S/MIME messages. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# Encrypt the message to $smime_default_key too. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_encrypt_with="aes256" +# +# Name: smime_encrypt_with +# Type: string +# Default: "aes256" +# +# +# This sets the algorithm that should be used for encryption. +# Valid choices are ``aes128'', ``aes192'', ``aes256'', ``des'', ``des3'', ``rc2-40'', ``rc2-64'', ``rc2-128''. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_get_cert_command="" +# +# Name: smime_get_cert_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to extract X509 certificates from a PKCS7 structure. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_get_cert_email_command="" +# +# Name: smime_get_cert_email_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to extract the mail address(es) used for storing +# X509 certificates, and for verification purposes (to check whether the +# certificate was issued for the sender's mailbox). +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_get_signer_cert_command="" +# +# Name: smime_get_signer_cert_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to extract only the signers X509 certificate from a S/MIME +# signature, so that the certificate's owner may get compared to the +# email's ``From:'' field. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_import_cert_command="" +# +# Name: smime_import_cert_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to import a certificate via smime_keys. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. NOTE: %c and %k will default +# to $smime_sign_as if set, otherwise $smime_default_key. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_is_default=no +# +# Name: smime_is_default +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# The default behavior of NeoMutt is to use PGP on all auto-sign/encryption +# operations. To override and to use OpenSSL instead this must be set. +# However, this has no effect while replying, since NeoMutt will automatically +# select the same application that was used to sign/encrypt the original +# message. (Note that this variable can be overridden by unsetting $crypt_autosmime.) +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_keys="" +# +# Name: smime_keys +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# Since for S/MIME there is no pubring/secring as with PGP, NeoMutt has to handle +# storage and retrieval of keys/certs by itself. This is very basic right now, +# and stores keys and certificates in two different directories, both +# named as the hash-value retrieved from OpenSSL. There is an index file +# which contains mailbox-address keyid pair, and which can be manually +# edited. This option points to the location of the private keys. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_pk7out_command="" +# +# Name: smime_pk7out_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to extract PKCS7 structures of S/MIME signatures, +# in order to extract the public X509 certificate(s). +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_self_encrypt=yes +# +# Name: smime_self_encrypt +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, S/MIME encrypted messages will also be encrypted +# using the certificate in $smime_default_key. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_sign_as="" +# +# Name: smime_sign_as +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# If you have a separate key to use for signing, you should set this +# to the signing key. Most people will only need to set $smime_default_key. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_sign_command="" +# +# Name: smime_sign_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to created S/MIME signatures of type +# multipart/signed, which can be read by all mail clients. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_sign_digest_alg="sha256" +# +# Name: smime_sign_digest_alg +# Type: string +# Default: "sha256" +# +# +# This sets the algorithm that should be used for the signature message digest. +# Valid choices are ``md5'', ``sha1'', ``sha224'', ``sha256'', ``sha384'', ``sha512''. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_timeout=300 +# +# Name: smime_timeout +# Type: number (long) +# Default: 300 +# +# +# The number of seconds after which a cached passphrase will expire if +# not used. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_verify_command="" +# +# Name: smime_verify_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to verify S/MIME signatures of type multipart/signed. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smime_verify_opaque_command="" +# +# Name: smime_verify_opaque_command +# Type: command +# Default: "" +# +# +# This command is used to verify S/MIME signatures of type +# application/x-pkcs7-mime. +# +# This is a format string, see the $smime_decrypt_command command for +# possible printf(3)-like sequences. +# (S/MIME only) +# +# +# set smtp_authenticators="" +# +# Name: smtp_authenticators +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# This is a colon-delimited list of authentication methods NeoMutt may +# attempt to use to log in to an SMTP server, in the order NeoMutt should +# try them. Authentication methods are any SASL mechanism, e.g. ``plain'', +# ``digest-md5'', ``gssapi'' or ``cram-md5''. +# This option is case-insensitive. If it is ``unset'' +# (the default) NeoMutt will try all available methods, in order from +# most-secure to least-secure. Support for the ``plain'' mechanism is +# bundled; other mechanisms are provided by an external SASL library (look +# for +USE_SASL in the output of neomutt -v). +# +# Example: +# set smtp_authenticators="digest-md5:cram-md5" +# +# +set smtp_pass=$my_pass +# +# Name: smtp_pass +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Specifies the password for your SMTP account. If unset, NeoMutt will +# prompt you for your password when you first send mail via SMTP. +# See $smtp_url to configure NeoMutt to send mail via SMTP. +# +# Warning: you should only use this option when you are on a +# fairly secure machine, because the superuser can read your neomuttrc even +# if you are the only one who can read the file. +# +# +set smtp_url="smtps://$my_user:$my_pass@$my_provider" +# +# Name: smtp_url +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Defines the SMTP smarthost where sent messages should relayed for +# delivery. This should take the form of an SMTP URL, e.g.: +# smtp[s]://[user[:pass]@]host[:port] +# +# where ``[...]'' denotes an optional part. +# Setting this variable overrides the value of the $sendmail +# variable. +# +# +# set sort=date +# +# Name: sort +# Type: sort order +# Default: date +# +# +# Specifies how to sort messages in the ``index'' menu. Valid values +# are: +# - date or date-sent +# - date-received +# - from +# - mailbox-order (unsorted) +# - score +# - size +# - spam +# - subject +# - threads +# - to +# +# +# You may optionally use the ``reverse-'' prefix to specify reverse sorting +# order. +# +# Example: +# set sort=reverse-date-sent +# +# +# set sort_alias=alias +# +# Name: sort_alias +# Type: sort order +# Default: alias +# +# +# Specifies how the entries in the ``alias'' menu are sorted. The +# following are legal values: +# - address (sort alphabetically by email address) +# - alias (sort alphabetically by alias name) +# - unsorted (leave in order specified in .neomuttrc) +# +# +# set sort_aux=date +# +# Name: sort_aux +# Type: sort order +# Default: date +# +# +# When sorting by threads, this variable controls how threads are sorted +# in relation to other threads, and how the branches of the thread trees +# are sorted. This can be set to any value that $sort can, except +# ``threads'' (in that case, NeoMutt will just use ``date-sent''). You can also +# specify the ``last-'' prefix in addition to the ``reverse-'' prefix, but ``last-'' +# must come after ``reverse-''. The ``last-'' prefix causes messages to be +# sorted against its siblings by which has the last descendant, using +# the rest of $sort_aux as an ordering. For instance, +# set sort_aux=last-date-received +# +# would mean that if a new message is received in a +# thread, that thread becomes the last one displayed (or the first, if +# you have ``set sort=reverse-threads''.) +# +# Note: For reversed $sort +# order $sort_aux is reversed again (which is not the right thing to do, +# but kept to not break any existing configuration setting). +# +# +# set sort_browser=alpha +# +# Name: sort_browser +# Type: sort order +# Default: alpha +# +# +# Specifies how to sort entries in the file browser. By default, the +# entries are sorted alphabetically. Valid values: +# - alpha (alphabetically) +# - count (all message count) +# - date +# - desc (description) +# - new (new message count) +# - size +# - unsorted +# +# +# You may optionally use the ``reverse-'' prefix to specify reverse sorting +# order (example: ``set sort_browser=reverse-date''). +# +# +# set sort_re=yes +# +# Name: sort_re +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable is only useful when sorting by mailboxes in sidebar. By default, +# entries are unsorted. Valid values: +# - count (all message count) +# - desc (virtual mailbox description) +# - new (new message count) +# - path +# - unsorted +# +# +# set spam_separator="," +# +# Name: spam_separator +# Type: string +# Default: "," +# +# +# This variable controls what happens when multiple spam headers +# are matched: if unset, each successive header will overwrite any +# previous matches value for the spam label. If set, each successive +# match will append to the previous, using this variable's value as a +# separator. +# +# +set spoolfile="+INBOX" +mailboxes = +INBOX +# +# Name: spoolfile +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# If your spool mailbox is in a non-default place where NeoMutt cannot find +# it, you can specify its location with this variable. +# +# If not specified, then the environment variables $MAIL and +# $MAILDIR will be checked. +# +# +# set ssl_ciphers="" +# +# Name: ssl_ciphers +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Contains a colon-separated list of ciphers to use when using SSL. +# For OpenSSL, see ciphers(1) for the syntax of the string. +# +# For GnuTLS, this option will be used in place of "NORMAL" at the +# start of the priority string. See gnutls_priority_init(3) for the +# syntax and more details. (Note: GnuTLS version 2.1.7 or higher is +# required.) +# +# +# set ssl_client_cert="" +# +# Name: ssl_client_cert +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# The file containing a client certificate and its associated private +# key. +# +# +set ssl_force_tls=yes +# +# Name: ssl_force_tls +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If this variable is set, NeoMutt will require that all connections +# to remote servers be encrypted. Furthermore it will attempt to +# negotiate TLS even if the server does not advertise the capability, +# since it would otherwise have to abort the connection anyway. This +# option supersedes $ssl_starttls. +# +# +set ssl_starttls=yes +# +# Name: ssl_starttls +# Type: quadoption +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set (the default), NeoMutt will attempt to use STARTTLS on servers +# advertising the capability. When unset, NeoMutt will not attempt to +# use STARTTLS regardless of the server's capabilities. +# +# +# set ssl_use_sslv2=no +# +# Name: ssl_use_sslv2 +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable specifies whether to attempt to use SSLv2 in the +# SSL authentication process. Note that SSLv2 and SSLv3 are now +# considered fundamentally insecure and are no longer recommended. +# (OpenSSL only) +# +# +# set ssl_use_sslv3=no +# +# Name: ssl_use_sslv3 +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This variable specifies whether to attempt to use SSLv3 in the +# SSL authentication process. Note that SSLv2 and SSLv3 are now +# considered fundamentally insecure and are no longer recommended. +# +# +# set ssl_use_tlsv1=yes +# +# Name: ssl_use_tlsv1 +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable specifies whether to attempt to use TLSv1.0 in the +# SSL authentication process. +# +# +# set ssl_use_tlsv1_1=yes +# +# Name: ssl_use_tlsv1_1 +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable specifies whether to attempt to use TLSv1.1 in the +# SSL authentication process. +# +# +# set ssl_use_tlsv1_2=yes +# +# Name: ssl_use_tlsv1_2 +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# This variable specifies whether to attempt to use TLSv1.2 in the +# SSL authentication process. +# +# +# set ssl_usesystemcerts=yes +# +# Name: ssl_usesystemcerts +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set to yes, NeoMutt will use CA certificates in the +# system-wide certificate store when checking if a server certificate +# is signed by a trusted CA. (OpenSSL only) +# +# +# set ssl_verify_dates=yes +# +# Name: ssl_verify_dates +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set (the default), NeoMutt will not automatically accept a server +# certificate that is either not yet valid or already expired. You should +# only unset this for particular known hosts, using the +# function. +# +# +# set ssl_verify_host=yes +# +# Name: ssl_verify_host +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# If set (the default), NeoMutt will not automatically accept a server +# certificate whose host name does not match the host used in your folder +# URL. You should only unset this for particular known hosts, using +# the function. +# +# +# set ssl_verify_partial_chains=no +# +# Name: ssl_verify_partial_chains +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# This option should not be changed from the default unless you understand +# what you are doing. +# +# Setting this variable to yes will permit verifying partial +# certification chains, i. e. a certificate chain where not the root, +# but an intermediate certificate CA, or the host certificate, are +# marked trusted (in $certificate_file), without marking the root +# signing CA as trusted. +# +# (OpenSSL 1.0.2b and newer only). +# +# +# set status_chars="-*%A" +# +# Name: status_chars +# Type: string +# Default: "-*%A" +# +# +# Controls the characters used by the ``%r'' indicator in $status_format. +# Character Default Description +# 1 - Mailbox is unchanged +# 2 * Mailbox has been changed and needs to be resynchronized +# 3 % Mailbox is read-only, or will not be written when exiting. +# (You can toggle whether to write changes to a mailbox +# with the operation, bound by default +# to ``%'') +# 4 A Folder opened in attach-message mode. +# (Certain operations like composing a new mail, replying, +# forwarding, etc. are not permitted in this mode) +# +# +# set status_format="-%r-NeoMutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]---(%s/%S)-%>-(%P)---" +# +# Name: status_format +# Type: string +# Default: "-%r-NeoMutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]---(%s/%S)-%>-(%P)---" +# +# +# Controls the format of the status line displayed in the ``index'' +# menu. This string is similar to $index_format, but has its own +# set of printf(3)-like sequences: +# %b Number of mailboxes with new mail * +# %d Number of deleted messages * +# %f The full pathname of the current mailbox +# %F Number of flagged messages * +# %h Local hostname +# %l Size (in bytes) of the current mailbox * +# %L Size (in bytes) of the messages shown +# (i.e., which match the current limit) * +# %m The number of messages in the mailbox * +# %M The number of messages shown (i.e., which match the current limit) * +# %n Number of new messages in the mailbox * +# %o Number of old unread messages * +# %p Number of postponed messages * +# %P Percentage of the way through the index +# %r Modified/read-only/won't-write/attach-message indicator, +# According to $status_chars +# %R Number of read messages * +# %s Current sorting mode ($sort) +# %S Current aux sorting method ($sort_aux) +# %t Number of tagged messages * +# %u Number of unread messages * +# %v NeoMutt version string +# %V Currently active limit pattern, if any * +# %>X Right justify the rest of the string and pad with ``X'' +# %|X Pad to the end of the line with ``X'' +# %*X Soft-fill with character ``X'' as pad +# +# +# For an explanation of ``soft-fill'', see the $index_format documentation. +# +# * = can be optionally printed if nonzero +# +# Some of the above sequences can be used to optionally print a string +# if their value is nonzero. For example, you may only want to see the +# number of flagged messages if such messages exist, since zero is not +# particularly meaningful. To optionally print a string based upon one +# of the above sequences, the following construct is used: +# +# %??? +# +# where sequence_char is a character from the table above, and +# optional_string is the string you would like printed if +# sequence_char is nonzero. optional_string may contain +# other sequences as well as normal text, but you may not nest +# optional strings. +# +# Here is an example illustrating how to optionally print the number of +# new messages in a mailbox: +# +# %?n?%n new messages.? +# +# You can also switch between two strings using the following construct: +# +# %??&? +# +# If the value of sequence_char is non-zero, if_string will +# be expanded, otherwise else_string will be expanded. +# +# You can force the result of any printf(3)-like sequence to be lowercase +# by prefixing the sequence character with an underscore (``_'') sign. +# For example, if you want to display the local hostname in lowercase, +# you would use: ``%_h''. +# +# If you prefix the sequence character with a colon (``:'') character, NeoMutt +# will replace any dots in the expansion by underscores. This might be helpful +# with IMAP folders that don't like dots in folder names. +# +# +# set status_on_top=no +# +# Name: status_on_top +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Setting this variable causes the ``status bar'' to be displayed on +# the first line of the screen rather than near the bottom. If $help +# is set, too it'll be placed at the bottom. +# +# +# set strict_threads=no +# +# Name: strict_threads +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, threading will only make use of the ``In-Reply-To'' and +# ``References:'' fields when you $sort by message threads. By +# default, messages with the same subject are grouped together in +# ``pseudo threads.''. This may not always be desirable, such as in a +# personal mailbox where you might have several unrelated messages with +# the subjects like ``hi'' which will get grouped together. See also +# $sort_re for a less drastic way of controlling this +# behavior. +# +# +# set suspend=yes +# +# Name: suspend +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When unset, NeoMutt won't stop when the user presses the terminal's +# susp key, usually ``^Z''. This is useful if you run NeoMutt +# inside an xterm using a command like ``xterm -e neomutt''. +# +# +# set text_flowed=no +# +# Name: text_flowed +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will generate ``format=flowed'' bodies with a content type +# of ``text/plain; format=flowed''. +# This format is easier to handle for some mailing software, and generally +# just looks like ordinary text. To actually make use of this format's +# features, you'll need support in your editor. +# +# Note that $indent_string is ignored when this option is set. +# +# +# set thorough_search=yes +# +# Name: thorough_search +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Affects the ~b and ~h search operations described in +# section ``patterns''. If set, the headers and body/attachments of +# messages to be searched are decoded before searching. If unset, +# messages are searched as they appear in the folder. +# +# Users searching attachments or for non-ASCII characters should set +# this value because decoding also includes MIME parsing/decoding and possible +# character set conversions. Otherwise NeoMutt will attempt to match against the +# raw message received (for example quoted-printable encoded or with encoded +# headers) which may lead to incorrect search results. +# +# +# set thread_received=no +# +# Name: thread_received +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt uses the date received rather than the date sent +# to thread messages by subject. +# +# +# set tilde=no +# +# Name: tilde +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, the internal-pager will pad blank lines to the bottom of the +# screen with a tilde (``~''). +# +# +# set time_inc=0 +# +# Name: time_inc +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# Along with $read_inc, $write_inc, and $net_inc, this +# variable controls the frequency with which progress updates are +# displayed. It suppresses updates less than $time_inc milliseconds +# apart. This can improve throughput on systems with slow terminals, +# or when running NeoMutt on a remote system. +# +# Also see the ``tuning'' section of the manual for performance considerations. +# +# +# set timeout=600 +# +# Name: timeout +# Type: number +# Default: 600 +# +# +# When NeoMutt is waiting for user input either idling in menus or +# in an interactive prompt, NeoMutt would block until input is +# present. Depending on the context, this would prevent certain +# operations from working, like checking for new mail or keeping +# an IMAP connection alive. +# +# This variable controls how many seconds NeoMutt will at most wait +# until it aborts waiting for input, performs these operations and +# continues to wait for input. +# +# A value of zero or less will cause NeoMutt to never time out. +# +# +# set tmpdir="/tmp" +# +# Name: tmpdir +# Type: path +# Default: "/tmp" +# +# +# This variable allows you to specify where NeoMutt will place its +# temporary files needed for displaying and composing messages. +# +# If this variable is not set, the environment variable $TMPDIR is +# used. Failing that, then ``/tmp'' is used. +# +# +# set to_chars=" +TCFL" +# +# Name: to_chars +# Type: string +# Default: " +TCFL" +# +# +# Controls the character used to indicate mail addressed to you. +# Character Default Description +# 1 The mail is not addressed to your address. +# 2 + You are the only recipient of the message. +# 3 T Your address appears in the ``To:'' header field, but you are not the only recipient of the message. +# 4 C Your address is specified in the ``Cc:'' header field, but you are not the only recipient. +# 5 F Indicates the mail that was sent by you. +# 6 L Indicates the mail was sent to a mailing-list you subscribe to. +# +# +# set trash="" +# +# Name: trash +# Type: path +# Default: "" +# +# +# If set, this variable specifies the path of the trash folder where the +# mails marked for deletion will be moved, instead of being irremediably +# purged. +# +# NOTE: When you delete a message in the trash folder, it is really +# deleted, so that you have a way to clean the trash. +# +# +# set ts_enabled=no +# +# Name: ts_enabled +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Controls whether NeoMutt tries to set the terminal status line and icon name. +# Most terminal emulators emulate the status line in the window title. +# +# +# set ts_icon_format="M%?n?AIL&ail?" +# +# Name: ts_icon_format +# Type: string +# Default: "M%?n?AIL&ail?" +# +# +# Controls the format of the icon title, as long as ``$ts_enabled'' is set. +# This string is identical in formatting to the one used by +# ``$status_format''. +# +# +# set ts_status_format="NeoMutt with %?m?%m messages&no messages?%?n? [%n NEW]?" +# +# Name: ts_status_format +# Type: string +# Default: "NeoMutt with %?m?%m messages&no messages?%?n? [%n NEW]?" +# +# +# Controls the format of the terminal status line (or window title), +# provided that ``$ts_enabled'' has been set. This string is identical in +# formatting to the one used by ``$status_format''. +# +# +# set tunnel="" +# +# Name: tunnel +# Type: string +# Default: "" +# +# +# Setting this variable will cause NeoMutt to open a pipe to a command +# instead of a raw socket. You may be able to use this to set up +# preauthenticated connections to your IMAP/POP3/SMTP server. Example: +# set tunnel="ssh -q mailhost.net /usr/local/libexec/imapd" +# +# Note: For this example to work you must be able to log in to the remote +# machine without having to enter a password. +# +# When set, NeoMutt uses the tunnel for all remote connections. +# Please see ``account-hook'' in the manual for how to use different +# tunnel commands per connection. +# +# +# set uncollapse_jump=no +# +# Name: uncollapse_jump +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will jump to the next unread message, if any, +# when the current thread is uncollapsed. +# +# +# set uncollapse_new=yes +# +# Name: uncollapse_new +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will automatically uncollapse any collapsed thread +# that receives a new message. When unset, collapsed threads will +# remain collapsed. the presence of the new message will still affect +# index sorting, though. +# +# +# set use_8bitmime=no +# +# Name: use_8bitmime +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# Warning: do not set this variable unless you are using a version +# of sendmail which supports the -B8BITMIME flag (such as sendmail +# 8.8.x) or you may not be able to send mail. +# +# When set, NeoMutt will invoke $sendmail with the -B8BITMIME +# flag when sending 8-bit messages to enable ESMTP negotiation. +# +# +# set use_domain=yes +# +# Name: use_domain +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will qualify all local addresses (ones without the +# ``@host'' portion) with the value of $hostname. If unset, no +# addresses will be qualified. +# +# +# set use_envelope_from=no +# +# Name: use_envelope_from +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will set the envelope sender of the message. +# If $envelope_from_address is set, it will be used as the sender +# address. If unset, NeoMutt will attempt to derive the sender from the +# ``From:'' header. +# +# Note that this information is passed to sendmail command using the +# -f command line switch. Therefore setting this option is not useful +# if the $sendmail variable already contains -f or if the +# executable pointed to by $sendmail doesn't support the -f switch. +# +# +set use_from=yes +# +# Name: use_from +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will generate the ``From:'' header field when +# sending messages. If unset, no ``From:'' header field will be +# generated unless the user explicitly sets one using the ``my_hdr'' +# command. +# +# +# set use_ipv6=yes +# +# Name: use_ipv6 +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will look for IPv6 addresses of hosts it tries to +# contact. If this option is unset, NeoMutt will restrict itself to IPv4 addresses. +# Normally, the default should work. +# +# +# set user_agent=yes +# +# Name: user_agent +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will add a ``User-Agent:'' header to outgoing +# messages, indicating which version of NeoMutt was used for composing +# them. +# +# +# set vfolder_format="%2C %?n?%4n/& ?%4m %f" +# +# Name: vfolder_format +# Type: string +# Default: "%2C %?n?%4n/& ?%4m %f" +# +# +# This variable allows you to customize the file browser display for virtual +# folders to your personal taste. This string uses many of the same +# expandos as $folder_format. +# +# +# set virtual_spoolfile=no +# +# Name: virtual_spoolfile +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will use the first defined virtual mailbox (see +# virtual-mailboxes) as a spool file. +# +# +# set visual="vi" +# +# Name: visual +# Type: command +# Default: "vi" +# +# +# Specifies the visual editor to invoke when the ``~v'' command is +# given in the built-in editor. +# +# $visual is overridden by the environment variable $VISUAL or $EDITOR. +# +# +# set wait_key=yes +# +# Name: wait_key +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls whether NeoMutt will ask you to press a key after an external command +# has been invoked by these functions: , +# , , , +# and commands. +# +# It is also used when viewing attachments with ``auto_view'', provided +# that the corresponding mailcap entry has a needsterminal flag, +# and the external program is interactive. +# +# When set, NeoMutt will always ask for a key. When unset, NeoMutt will wait +# for a key only if the external command returned a non-zero status. +# +# +# set weed=yes +# +# Name: weed +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# When set, NeoMutt will weed headers when displaying, forwarding, +# printing, or replying to messages. +# +# +# set wrap=0 +# +# Name: wrap +# Type: number +# Default: 0 +# +# +# When set to a positive value, NeoMutt will wrap text at $wrap characters. +# When set to a negative value, NeoMutt will wrap text so that there are $wrap +# characters of empty space on the right side of the terminal. Setting it +# to zero makes NeoMutt wrap at the terminal width. +# +# Also see $reflow_wrap. +# +# +# set wrap_headers=78 +# +# Name: wrap_headers +# Type: number +# Default: 78 +# +# +# This option specifies the number of characters to use for wrapping +# an outgoing message's headers. Allowed values are between 78 and 998 +# inclusive. +# +# Note: This option usually shouldn't be changed. RFC5233 +# recommends a line length of 78 (the default), so please only change +# this setting when you know what you're doing. +# +# +# set wrap_search=yes +# +# Name: wrap_search +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls whether searches wrap around the end. +# +# When set, searches will wrap around the first (or last) item. When +# unset, incremental searches will not wrap. +# +# +# set write_bcc=yes +# +# Name: write_bcc +# Type: boolean +# Default: yes +# +# +# Controls whether NeoMutt writes out the ``Bcc:'' header when preparing +# messages to be sent. Exim users may wish to unset this. If NeoMutt +# is set to deliver directly via SMTP (see $smtp_url), this +# option does nothing: NeoMutt will never write out the ``Bcc:'' header +# in this case. +# +# +# set write_inc=10 +# +# Name: write_inc +# Type: number +# Default: 10 +# +# +# When writing a mailbox, a message will be printed every +# $write_inc messages to indicate progress. If set to 0, only a +# single message will be displayed before writing a mailbox. +# +# Also see the $read_inc, $net_inc and $time_inc variables and the +# ``tuning'' section of the manual for performance considerations. +# +# +# set x_comment_to=no +# +# Name: x_comment_to +# Type: boolean +# Default: no +# +# +# If set, NeoMutt will add ``X-Comment-To:'' field (that contains full +# name of original article author) to article that followuped to newsgroup. +# +# +# -*-muttrc-*- + +# -*-muttrc-*- + +# Colors for use with xterm and the like, white background. +# Use default for trasnparent background + +color normal black default +color hdrdefault blue default +color quoted blue white +color signature red white +color attachment red white +color prompt brightmagenta default +color message brightred default +color error brightwhite brightred +color indicator brightwhite red +color status brightwhite default +color tree black white +color markers red white +color search white black +color tilde brightmagenta default +color index blue white ~F +color index red white "~N|~O" + +# color body brightblack white '\*+[^*]+\*+' +# color body brightblack white '_+[^_]+_+' diff --git a/neomutt/.config/neomutt/password.gpg b/neomutt/.config/neomutt/password.gpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..491010c Binary files /dev/null and b/neomutt/.config/neomutt/password.gpg differ diff --git a/nvim/.config/nvim/init.vim b/nvim/.config/nvim/init.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d16104e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/.config/nvim/init.vim @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +" +" Plugins +" + + " Install plug if it isn't already + if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim')) + silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs + \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim + augroup PLUG + au! + autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall + augroup END + endif + + call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged') + + Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' + Plug 'chrisbra/Colorizer' + + Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' + + " Language server support + Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', { + \ 'branch': 'next', + \ 'do': 'bash install.sh', + \} + + " Fuzzy find + Plug 'junegunn/fzf' + + " Completions + Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' } + + " Comments + Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary' + + " Status bar + "Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' + "Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' + + " Bufferlist (integrates with airline) + "Plug 'bling/vim-bufferline' + + " Color scheme + Plug 'dikiaap/minimalist' + + " Language support + Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' + " Plug 'dense-analysis/ale' + " Plug 'davidhalter/jedi-vim' + + " Simplify movement + "Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion' + + " Simplify file management + Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree' + Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin' + + " Format using prettier + " Plug 'prettier/vim-prettier', { 'do': 'yarn install' } + + " Make markdown fun again + "Plug 'junegunn/limelight.vim' + + " Better buffer management + "Plug 'qpkorr/vim-bufkill' + + " Utilities + "Plug 'xolox/vim-misc' + + " Notes + "Plug 'xolox/vim-notes' +call plug#end() + +" +" Syntax options +" + + " Enable syntax and set color scheme + syntax on + + + set tabstop=4 + set shiftwidth=4 + set expandtab + set smarttab + set virtualedit=block + + "destaque no númer de linhas + set number + set relativenumber + + "display whitespace + set listchars=tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:< + set listchars=space:_,eol:;,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:< + "set list + + "ativa o mouse + set mouse =a + set clipboard +=unnamedplus + set title + + " + " Gay colors + " + if (empty($TMUX)) + if (has('nvim')) + let $NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR = 1 + endif + if (has('termguicolors')) + set termguicolors + endif + endif + + colorscheme minimalist + + set background=dark + "background color is transparent + highlight Normal guibg=None + highlight EndOfBuffer guibg=None + highlight SpecialKey guibg=None guifg=#cc5757 + "Line numers + highlight LineNr term=bold ctermfg=9 guifg=#cc5757 guibg=None + "Make whitespace is dark + highlight NonText ctermfg=black guifg=#303030 + highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=black guifg=#303030 + + "Current line + set cursorline + highlight CursorLine term=bold cterm=bold gui=Bold guibg=#303030 + highlight CursorLineNr term=bold cterm=bold gui=Bold guibg=None guifg=white + + +" +" Keys +" + + " Easy comment toggle + nmap gc :Commentary + xmap gc :Commentary + + " Toggle file manager + map :NERDTreeToggle %:p:h + + " EasyAlign + xmap ga (EasyAlign) + nmap ga (EasyAlign) + + " Simplify window navigation + nnoremap + nnoremap + nnoremap + nnoremap + + " Interact with language server + map :call LanguageClient_contextMenu() + nnoremap gh :call LanguageClient#textDocument_hover() + nnoremap gd :call LanguageClient#textDocument_definition() + nnoremap gr :call LanguageClient#textDocument_references() + nnoremap gs :call LanguageClient#textDocument_documentSymbol() + nnoremap gR :call LanguageClient#textDocument_rename() + +" +" Lanugage Server +" + + + " " Set this variable to 1 to fix files when you save them. + " let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 + " let g:ale_linters = { + " \ 'python': ['pyls'], + " \} + " let g:ale_fixers = { + " \ '*': ['remove_trailing_lines', 'trim_whitespace'], + " \ 'javascript': ['prettier', 'eslint'], + " \ 'python': ['black'], + " \} + + set hidden + let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = { + \ 'c': ['cquery', '--log-file=/tmp/cq.log'], + \ 'cpp': ['cquery', '--log-file=/tmp/cq.log'], + \ 'rust': ['~/.cargo/bin/rustup', 'run', 'stable', 'rls'], + \ 'javascript': ['/usr/local/bin/javascript-typescript-stdio'], + \ 'python': ['/usr/bin/pyls'], + \ } + + let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1 + " Configure deoplete to use language server + call deoplete#custom#source('LanguageClient', + \ 'min_pattern_length', + \ 2) + +"python env +" MUST NOT BE INDENTED! +py3 << EOF +import os +import sys +if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ: + project_base_dir = os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] + activate_this = os.path.join(project_base_dir, 'bin/activate_this.py') + execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) +EOF diff --git a/qutebrowser/.config/qutebrowser/bookmarks/urls b/qutebrowser/.config/qutebrowser/bookmarks/urls new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ea2242 --- /dev/null +++ b/qutebrowser/.config/qutebrowser/bookmarks/urls @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +https://swaywm.org/ Sway +https://www.youtube.com/ YouTube +https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slashbeast/conf-mgmt/master/roles/home_files/files/DOTzshrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slashbeast/conf-mgmt/master/roles/home_files/files/DOTzshrc +https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins GitHub - unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins: A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes inspired by the various awesome list collections out there. +https://www.qutebrowser.org/quickstart.html qutebrowser quickstart | qutebrowser +https://web.whatsapp.com/ WhatsApp Web +https://github.com/jakehamilton/dotfiles/blob/master/neovim/init.vim dotfiles/init.vim at master · jakehamilton/dotfiles diff --git a/qutebrowser/.config/qutebrowser/config.py b/qutebrowser/.config/qutebrowser/config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51ad115 --- /dev/null +++ b/qutebrowser/.config/qutebrowser/config.py @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +# Autogenerated config.py +# Documentation: +# qute://help/configuring.html +# qute://help/settings.html + +# Uncomment this to still load settings configured via autoconfig.yml +# config.load_autoconfig() + +# Aliases for commands. The keys of the given dictionary are the +# aliases, while the values are the commands they map to. +# Type: Dict +c.aliases = {'q': 'close', 'qa': 'quit', 'w': 'session-save', 'wq': 'quit --save', 'wqa': 'quit --save'} + +# User agent to send. Unset to send the default. Note that the value +# read from JavaScript is always the global value. +# Type: String +c.content.headers.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36' + +# Enable JavaScript. +# Type: Bool +config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'file://*') + +# Enable JavaScript. +# Type: Bool +config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome://*/*') + +# Enable JavaScript. +# Type: Bool +config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'qute://*/*') + +# Allow websites to show notifications. +# Type: BoolAsk +# Valid values: +# - true +# - false +# - ask +config.set('content.notifications', False, 'https://www.1337x.to') + +# Shrink the completion to be smaller than the configured size if there +# are no scrollbars. +# Type: Bool +c.completion.shrink = True + +# CSS border value for hints. +# Type: String +c.hints.border = '2px solid #cc5757' + +# Hide the statusbar unless a message is shown. +# Type: Bool +c.statusbar.hide = True + +# When to show favicons in the tab bar. +# Type: String +# Valid values: +# - always: Always show favicons. +# - never: Always hide favicons. +# - pinned: Show favicons only on pinned tabs. +c.tabs.favicons.show = 'never' + +# How to behave when the last tab is closed. +# Type: String +# Valid values: +# - ignore: Don't do anything. +# - blank: Load a blank page. +# - startpage: Load the start page. +# - default-page: Load the default page. +# - close: Close the window. +c.tabs.last_close = 'close' + +# When to show the tab bar. +# Type: String +# Valid values: +# - always: Always show the tab bar. +# - never: Always hide the tab bar. +# - multiple: Hide the tab bar if only one tab is open. +# - switching: Show the tab bar when switching tabs. +c.tabs.show = 'multiple' + +# Duration (in milliseconds) to show the tab bar before hiding it when +# tabs.show is set to 'switching'. +# Type: Int +c.tabs.show_switching_delay = 2000 + +# Format to use for the tab title. The following placeholders are +# defined: * `{perc}`: Percentage as a string like `[10%]`. * +# `{perc_raw}`: Raw percentage, e.g. `10`. * `{current_title}`: Title of +# the current web page. * `{title_sep}`: The string ` - ` if a title is +# set, empty otherwise. * `{index}`: Index of this tab. * `{id}`: +# Internal tab ID of this tab. * `{scroll_pos}`: Page scroll position. * +# `{host}`: Host of the current web page. * `{backend}`: Either +# ''webkit'' or ''webengine'' * `{private}`: Indicates when private mode +# is enabled. * `{current_url}`: URL of the current web page. * +# `{protocol}`: Protocol (http/https/...) of the current web page. * +# `{audio}`: Indicator for audio/mute status. +# Type: FormatString +c.tabs.title.format = '{current_title}' + +# Width (in pixels) of the progress indicator (0 to disable). +# Type: Int +c.tabs.indicator.width = 0 + +# Background color of the completion widget for odd rows. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.odd.bg = '#202020' + +# Background color of the completion widget for even rows. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.even.bg = '#303030' + +# Background color of the completion widget category headers. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.category.bg = '#303030' + +# Background color of the selected completion item. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.item.selected.bg = '#cc5757' + +# Top border color of the selected completion item. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.item.selected.border.top = '#550000' + +# Bottom border color of the selected completion item. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.item.selected.border.bottom = '#550000' + +# Foreground color of the matched text in the selected completion item. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.completion.item.selected.match.fg = 'white' + +# Color of the scrollbar in the completion view. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.completion.scrollbar.bg = '#303030' + +# Font color for hints. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.hints.fg = 'white' + +# Background color for hints. Note that you can use a `rgba(...)` value +# for transparency. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.hints.bg = '#303030' + +# Font color for the matched part of hints. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.hints.match.fg = '#cc5757' + +# Highlight color for keys to complete the current keychain. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.keyhint.suffix.fg = '#cc5757' + +# Background color of the keyhint widget. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.keyhint.bg = 'rgba(30, 30, 30, 95%)' + +# Background color of the statusbar. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.statusbar.normal.bg = '#202020' + +# Background color of the statusbar in command mode. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.statusbar.command.bg = '#202020' + +# Background color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.statusbar.caret.selection.bg = '#cc5757' + +# Background color of the tab bar. +# Type: QssColor +c.colors.tabs.bar.bg = '#202020' + +# Background color of unselected odd tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.odd.bg = '#202020' + +# Background color of unselected even tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.even.bg = '#202020' + +# Foreground color of selected odd tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.selected.odd.fg = 'white' + +# Background color of selected odd tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.selected.odd.bg = '#cc5757' + +# Foreground color of selected even tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.selected.even.fg = 'white' + +# Background color of selected even tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.selected.even.bg = '#cc5757' + +# Background color of pinned selected odd tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.pinned.selected.odd.bg = '#303030' + +# Background color of pinned selected even tabs. +# Type: QtColor +c.colors.tabs.pinned.selected.even.bg = '#303030' + +# Font used in the completion widget. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.completion.entry = '16px Roboto' + +# Font used in the completion categories. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.completion.category = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for the debugging console. +# Type: QtFont +c.fonts.debug_console = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for the downloadbar. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.downloads = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for the hints. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.hints = 'bold 16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used in the keyhint widget. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.keyhint = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for error messages. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.messages.error = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for info messages. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.messages.info = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for warning messages. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.messages.warning = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used for prompts. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.prompts = '16px Roboto' + +# Font used in the statusbar. +# Type: Font +c.fonts.statusbar = '16px Roboto Mono' + +# Font used in the tab bar. +# Type: QtFont +c.fonts.tabs = '14px Roboto' + +# Bindings for normal mode +config.bind(',m', 'spawn mpv {url}') +config.bind(';m', 'hint url spawn mpv {url}') +config.bind('J', 'tab-prev') +config.bind('K', 'tab-next') +config.bind('j', 'scroll down') +config.bind('k', 'scroll up') diff --git a/qutebrowser/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/youtube-ad.js b/qutebrowser/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/youtube-ad.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..548fc65 --- /dev/null +++ b/qutebrowser/.local/share/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/youtube-ad.js @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +// ==UserScript== +// @name Auto Close YouTube Ads +// @namespace http://fuzetsu.acypa.com +// @version 1.4.1 +// @description Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically! +// @author fuzetsu +// @match *://*.youtube.com/* +// @exclude *://*.youtube.com/subscribe_embed?* +// @grant GM_getValue +// @grant GM_setValue +// @grant GM_deleteValue +// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand +// @require https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/fuzetsu/userscripts/b38eabf72c20fa3cf7da84ecd2cefe0d4a2116be/wait-for-elements/wait-for-elements.js +// @require https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/kufii/My-UserScripts/fa4555701cf5a22eae44f06d9848df6966788fa8/libs/gm_config.js +// ==/UserScript== +/* globals GM_getValue GM_setValue GM_deleteValue GM_registerMenuCommand GM_config waitForElems waitForUrl */ +/** + * This section of the code holds the css selectors that point different parts of YouTube's + * user interface. If the script ever breaks and you don't want to wait for me to fix it + * chances are that it can be fixed by just updating these selectors here. + */ +const CSS = { + // the button used to skip an ad + skipButton: '.videoAdUiSkipButton,.ytp-ad-skip-button', + // the area showing the countdown to the skip button showing + preSkipButton: '.videoAdUiPreSkipButton,.ytp-ad-preview-container', + // little x that closes banner ads + closeBannerAd: '.close-padding.contains-svg,a.close-button,.ytp-ad-overlay-close-button', + // button that toggle mute on the video + muteButton: '.ytp-mute-button', + // the slider bar handle that represents the current volume + muteIndicator: '.ytp-volume-slider-handle', + // container for ad on video + adArea: '.videoAdUi,.ytp-ad-player-overlay', + // container that shows ad length eg 3:23 + adLength: '.videoAdUiAttribution,.ytp-ad-duration-remaining', + // container for header ad on the home page + homeAdContainer: '#masthead-ad' +} + +const util = { + log: (...args) => console.log(`%c${SCRIPT_NAME}:`, 'font-weight: bold;color: purple;', ...args), + clearTicks: ticks => { + ticks.forEach(tick => + !tick ? null : typeof tick === 'number' ? clearInterval(tick) : tick.stop() + ) + ticks.length = 0 + }, + keepTrying: (wait, action) => { + const tick = setInterval(() => action() && clearInterval(tick), wait) + return tick + }, + storeGet: key => { + if (typeof GM_getValue === 'undefined') { + const value = localStorage.getItem(key) + return value === 'true' ? true : value === 'false' ? false : value + } + return GM_getValue(key) + }, + storeSet: (key, value) => + typeof GM_setValue === 'undefined' ? localStorage.setItem(key, value) : GM_setValue(key, value), + storeDel: key => + typeof GM_deleteValue === 'undefined' ? localStorage.removeItem(key) : GM_deleteValue(key), + q: (query, context) => (context || document).querySelector(query), + qq: (query, context) => Array.from((context || document).querySelectorAll(query)), + get: (obj, str) => util.getPath(obj, str.split('.').reverse()), + getPath: (obj, path) => + obj == null ? null : path.length > 0 ? util.getPath(obj[path.pop()], path) : obj +} + +const SCRIPT_NAME = 'Auto Close YouTube Ads' +const SHORT_AD_MSG_LENGTH = 12000 +const TICKS = [] +let DONT_SKIP = false + +const config = GM_config([ + { + key: 'muteAd', + label: 'Mute ads?', + type: 'bool', + default: true + }, + { + key: 'hideAd', + label: 'Hide video ads?', + type: 'bool', + default: true + }, + { + key: 'secWaitBanner', + label: 'Banner ad close delay (seconds)', + type: 'number', + default: 0, + min: 0 + }, + { + key: 'secWaitVideo', + label: 'Video ad skip delay (seconds)', + type: 'number', + default: 0, + min: 0 + }, + { + key: 'minAdLengthForSkip', + label: 'Dont skip video shorter than this (seconds)', + type: 'number', + default: 0, + min: 0 + }, + { + key: 'muteEvenIfNotSkipping', + label: 'Mute video even if not skipping', + type: 'bool', + default: true + }, + { + key: 'debug', + label: 'Show extra debug information.', + type: 'bool', + default: false + }, + { + key: 'version', + type: 'hidden', + default: 1 + } +]) + +const configVersion = 2 +let conf = config.load() + +config.onsave = cfg => (conf = cfg) + +// config upgrade procedure +function upgradeConfig() { + let lastVersion + while (conf.version < configVersion && lastVersion !== conf.version) { + util.log('upgrading config version, current = ', conf.version, ', target = ', configVersion) + lastVersion = conf.version + switch (conf.version) { + case 1: { + const oldConf = { + muteAd: util.storeGet('MUTE_AD'), + hideAd: util.storeGet('HIDE_AD'), + secWait: util.storeGet('SEC_WAIT') + } + + if (oldConf.muteAd != null) conf.muteAd = !!oldConf.muteAd + if (oldConf.hideAd != null) conf.hideAd = !!oldConf.hideAd + if (oldConf.secWait != null && !isNaN(oldConf.secWait)) + conf.secWaitBanner = conf.secWaitVideo = parseInt(oldConf.secWait) + + conf.version = 2 + + config.save(conf) + ;['SEC_WAIT', 'HIDE_AD', 'MUTE_AD'].forEach(util.storeDel) + break + } + } + } +} +upgradeConfig() + +function createMessageElement() { + const elem = document.createElement('div') + elem.setAttribute( + 'style', + 'border: 1px solid white;border-right: none;background: rgb(0,0,0,0.75);color:white;position: absolute;right: 0;z-index: 1000;top: 10px;padding: 10px;padding-right: 20px;cursor: pointer;pointer-events: all;' + ) + return elem +} +function showMessage(container, text, ms) { + const message = createMessageElement() + message.textContent = text + container.appendChild(message) + util.log(`showing message [${ms}ms]: ${text}`) + setTimeout(() => message.remove(), ms) +} + +function setupCancelDiv(ad) { + const skipArea = util.q(CSS.preSkipButton, ad) + const skipText = skipArea && skipArea.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + if (skipText && !['will begin', 'will play'].some(snip => skipText.includes(snip))) { + const cancelClass = 'acya-cancel-skip' + let cancelDiv = util.q('.' + cancelClass) + if (cancelDiv) cancelDiv.remove() + cancelDiv = createMessageElement() + cancelDiv.className = cancelClass + cancelDiv.textContent = (conf.muteAd ? 'Un-mute & ' : '') + 'Cancel Auto Skip' + cancelDiv.onclick = () => { + util.log('cancel clicked') + DONT_SKIP = true + cancelDiv.remove() + const muteButton = getMuteButton() + const muteIndicator = getMuteIndicator() + if (conf.muteAd && muteButton && muteIndicator && isMuted(muteIndicator)) muteButton.click() + } + ad.appendChild(cancelDiv) + } else { + util.log("skip button area wasn't there for some reason.. couldn't place cancel button.") + } +} + +function parseTime(str) { + const [minutes, seconds] = str + .split(' ') + .pop() + .split(':') + .map(num => parseInt(num)) + util.log(str, minutes, seconds) + return minutes * 60 + seconds || 0 +} + +const getMuteButton = () => util.q(CSS.muteButton) +const getMuteIndicator = () => util.q(CSS.muteIndicator) +const isMuted = m => m.style.left === '0px' + +function getAdLength(ad) { + if (!ad) return 0 + const time = ad.querySelector(CSS.adLength) + return time ? parseTime(time.textContent) : 0 +} + +function waitForAds() { + DONT_SKIP = false + TICKS.push( + waitForElems({ + sel: CSS.skipButton, + onmatch: btn => { + util.log('found skip button') + util.keepTrying(500, () => { + if (!btn) return true + // if not visible + if (btn.offsetParent === null) return + setTimeout(() => { + if (DONT_SKIP) { + util.log('not skipping...') + DONT_SKIP = false + return + } + util.log('clicking skip button') + btn.click() + }, conf.secWaitVideo * 1000) + return true + }) + } + }), + waitAndClick(CSS.closeBannerAd, conf.secWaitBanner * 1000), + waitForElems({ + sel: CSS.adArea, + onmatch: ad => { + // reset don't skip + DONT_SKIP = false + const adLength = getAdLength(ad) + const isShort = adLength < conf.minAdLengthForSkip + const debug = () => + conf.debug + ? `[DEBUG adLength = ${adLength}, minAdLengthForSkip = ${conf.minAdLengthForSkip}]` + : '' + if (isShort && !conf.muteEvenIfNotSkipping) { + DONT_SKIP = true + return showMessage( + ad, + `Shot AD detected, will not skip or mute. ${debug()}`, + SHORT_AD_MSG_LENGTH + ) + } + if (conf.hideAd) { + ad.style.zIndex = 10 + ad.style.background = 'black' + } + // show option to cancel automatic skip + if (!isShort) setupCancelDiv(ad) + if (!conf.muteAd) return + const muteButton = getMuteButton() + const muteIndicator = getMuteIndicator() + if (!muteIndicator) return util.log('unable to determine mute state, skipping mute') + muteButton.click() + util.log('Video ad detected, muting audio') + // wait for the ad to disappear before unmuting + util.keepTrying(250, () => { + if (!util.q(CSS.adArea)) { + if (isMuted(muteIndicator)) { + muteButton.click() + util.log('Video ad ended, unmuting audio') + } else { + util.log('Video ad ended, audio already unmuted') + } + return true + } + }) + if (isShort) { + DONT_SKIP = true + return showMessage( + ad, + `Short AD detected, will not skip but will mute. ${debug()}`, + SHORT_AD_MSG_LENGTH + ) + } + } + }) + ) +} + +const waitAndClick = (sel, ms, cb) => + waitForElems({ + sel: sel, + onmatch: btn => { + util.log('Found ad, closing in', ms, 'ms') + setTimeout(() => { + btn.click() + if (cb) cb(btn) + }, ms) + } + }) + +util.log('Started') + +if (window.self === window.top) { + let videoUrl + // close home ad whenever encountered + waitForElems({ sel: CSS.homeAdContainer, onmatch: ad => ad.remove() }) + // wait for video page + waitForUrl(/^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?.*v=.+/, () => { + if (videoUrl && location.href !== videoUrl) { + util.log('Changed video, removing old wait') + util.clearTicks(TICKS) + } + videoUrl = location.href + util.log('Entered video, waiting for ads') + waitForAds() + TICKS.push( + waitForUrl( + url => url !== videoUrl, + () => { + videoUrl = null + util.clearTicks(TICKS) + util.log('Left video, stopped waiting for ads') + }, + true + ) + ) + }) +} else { + if (/^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/embed\//.test(location.href)) { + util.log('Found embedded video, waiting for ads') + waitForAds() + } +} + +GM_registerMenuCommand('Auto Close Youtube Ads - Manage Settings', config.setup) diff --git a/ranger/.config/ranger/rc.conf b/ranger/.config/ranger/rc.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62eab68 --- /dev/null +++ b/ranger/.config/ranger/rc.conf @@ -0,0 +1,726 @@ +# =================================================================== +# This file contains the default startup commands for ranger. +# To change them, it is recommended to create either /etc/ranger/rc.conf +# (system-wide) or ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf (per user) and add your custom +# commands there. +# +# If you copy this whole file there, you may want to set the environment +# variable RANGER_LOAD_DEFAULT_RC to FALSE to avoid loading it twice. +# +# The purpose of this file is mainly to define keybindings and settings. +# For running more complex python code, please create a plugin in "plugins/" or +# a command in "commands.py". +# +# Each line is a command that will be run before the user interface +# is initialized. As a result, you can not use commands which rely +# on the UI such as :delete or :mark. +# =================================================================== + +# =================================================================== +# == Options +# =================================================================== + +# Which viewmode should be used? Possible values are: +# miller: Use miller columns which show multiple levels of the hierarchy +# multipane: Midnight-commander like multipane view showing all tabs next +# to each other +set viewmode miller +#set viewmode multipane + +# How many columns are there, and what are their relative widths? +set column_ratios 1,3,4 + +# Which files should be hidden? (regular expression) +set hidden_filter ^\.|\.(?:pyc|pyo|bak|swp)$|^lost\+found$|^__(py)?cache__$ + +# Show hidden files? You can toggle this by typing 'zh' +set show_hidden false + +# Ask for a confirmation when running the "delete" command? +# Valid values are "always", "never", "multiple" (default) +# With "multiple", ranger will ask only if you delete multiple files at once. +set confirm_on_delete multiple + +# Use non-default path for file preview script? +# ranger ships with scope.sh, a script that calls external programs (see +# README.md for dependencies) to preview images, archives, etc. +#set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh + +# Use the external preview script or display simple plain text or image previews? +set use_preview_script true + +# Automatically count files in the directory, even before entering them? +set automatically_count_files true + +# Open all images in this directory when running certain image viewers +# like feh or sxiv? You can still open selected files by marking them. +set open_all_images true + +# Be aware of version control systems and display information. +set vcs_aware true + +# State of the four backends git, hg, bzr, svn. The possible states are +# disabled, local (only show local info), enabled (show local and remote +# information). +set vcs_backend_git enabled +set vcs_backend_hg disabled +set vcs_backend_bzr disabled +set vcs_backend_svn disabled + +# Use one of the supported image preview protocols +set preview_images true + +# Set the preview image method. Supported methods: +# +# * w3m (default): +# Preview images in full color with the external command "w3mimgpreview"? +# This requires the console web browser "w3m" and a supported terminal. +# It has been successfully tested with "xterm" and "urxvt" without tmux. +# +# * iterm2: +# Preview images in full color using iTerm2 image previews +# (http://iterm2.com/images.html). This requires using iTerm2 compiled +# with image preview support. +# +# This feature relies on the dimensions of the terminal's font. By default, a +# width of 8 and height of 11 are used. To use other values, set the options +# iterm2_font_width and iterm2_font_height to the desired values. +# +# * terminology: +# Previews images in full color in the terminology terminal emulator. +# Supports a wide variety of formats, even vector graphics like svg. +# +# * urxvt: +# Preview images in full color using urxvt image backgrounds. This +# requires using urxvt compiled with pixbuf support. +# +# * urxvt-full: +# The same as urxvt but utilizing not only the preview pane but the +# whole terminal window. +# +# * kitty: +# Preview images in full color using kitty image protocol. +# Requires python PIL or pillow library. +# If ranger does not share the local filesystem with kitty +# the transfer method is changed to encode the whole image; +# while slower, this allows remote previews, +# for example during an ssh session. +# Tmux is unsupported. +set preview_images_method w3m + +# Delay in seconds before displaying an image with the w3m method. +# Increase it in case of experiencing display corruption. +set w3m_delay 0.02 + +# Default iTerm2 font size (see: preview_images_method: iterm2) +set iterm2_font_width 8 +set iterm2_font_height 11 + +# Use a unicode "..." character to mark cut-off filenames? +set unicode_ellipsis false + +# BIDI support - try to properly display file names in RTL languages (Hebrew, Arabic). +# Requires the python-bidi pip package +set bidi_support false + +# Show dotfiles in the bookmark preview box? +set show_hidden_bookmarks true + +# Which colorscheme to use? These colorschemes are available by default: +# default, jungle, snow, solarized +set colorscheme default + +# Preview files on the rightmost column? +# And collapse (shrink) the last column if there is nothing to preview? +set preview_files true +set preview_directories true +set collapse_preview true + +# Save the console history on exit? +set save_console_history true + +# Draw the status bar on top of the browser window (default: bottom) +set status_bar_on_top false + +# Draw a progress bar in the status bar which displays the average state of all +# currently running tasks which support progress bars? +set draw_progress_bar_in_status_bar true + +# Draw borders around columns? (separators, outline, both, or none) +# Separators are vertical lines between columns. +# Outline draws a box around all the columns. +# Both combines the two. +set draw_borders both + +# Display the directory name in tabs? +set dirname_in_tabs true + +# Enable the mouse support? +set mouse_enabled true + +# Display the file size in the main column or status bar? +set display_size_in_main_column true +set display_size_in_status_bar true + +# Display the free disk space in the status bar? +set display_free_space_in_status_bar true + +# Display files tags in all columns or only in main column? +set display_tags_in_all_columns true + +# Set a title for the window? +set update_title false + +# Set the title to "ranger" in the tmux program? +set update_tmux_title true + +# Shorten the title if it gets long? The number defines how many +# directories are displayed at once, 0 turns off this feature. +set shorten_title 3 + +# Show hostname in titlebar? +set hostname_in_titlebar true + +# Abbreviate $HOME with ~ in the titlebar (first line) of ranger? +set tilde_in_titlebar false + +# How many directory-changes or console-commands should be kept in history? +set max_history_size 20 +set max_console_history_size 50 + +# Try to keep so much space between the top/bottom border when scrolling: +set scroll_offset 8 + +# Flush the input after each key hit? (Noticeable when ranger lags) +set flushinput true + +# Padding on the right when there's no preview? +# This allows you to click into the space to run the file. +set padding_right true + +# Save bookmarks (used with mX and `X) instantly? +# This helps to synchronize bookmarks between multiple ranger +# instances but leads to *slight* performance loss. +# When false, bookmarks are saved when ranger is exited. +set autosave_bookmarks true + +# Save the "`" bookmark to disk. This can be used to switch to the last +# directory by typing "``". +set save_backtick_bookmark true + +# You can display the "real" cumulative size of directories by using the +# command :get_cumulative_size or typing "dc". The size is expensive to +# calculate and will not be updated automatically. You can choose +# to update it automatically though by turning on this option: +set autoupdate_cumulative_size false + +# Turning this on makes sense for screen readers: +set show_cursor false + +# One of: size, natural, basename, atime, ctime, mtime, type, random +set sort natural + +# Additional sorting options +set sort_reverse false +set sort_case_insensitive true +set sort_directories_first true +set sort_unicode false + +# Enable this if key combinations with the Alt Key don't work for you. +# (Especially on xterm) +set xterm_alt_key false + +# Whether to include bookmarks in cd command +set cd_bookmarks true + +# Changes case sensitivity for the cd command tab completion +set cd_tab_case sensitive + +# Use fuzzy tab completion with the "cd" command. For example, +# ":cd /u/lo/b" expands to ":cd /usr/local/bin". +set cd_tab_fuzzy false + +# Avoid previewing files larger than this size, in bytes. Use a value of 0 to +# disable this feature. +set preview_max_size 0 + +# The key hint lists up to this size have their sublists expanded. +# Otherwise the submaps are replaced with "...". +set hint_collapse_threshold 10 + +# Add the highlighted file to the path in the titlebar +set show_selection_in_titlebar true + +# The delay that ranger idly waits for user input, in milliseconds, with a +# resolution of 100ms. Lower delay reduces lag between directory updates but +# increases CPU load. +set idle_delay 2000 + +# When the metadata manager module looks for metadata, should it only look for +# a ".metadata.json" file in the current directory, or do a deep search and +# check all directories above the current one as well? +set metadata_deep_search false + +# Clear all existing filters when leaving a directory +set clear_filters_on_dir_change false + +# Disable displaying line numbers in main column. +# Possible values: false, absolute, relative. +set line_numbers relative + +# When line_numbers=relative show the absolute line number in the +# current line. +set relative_current_zero true + +# Start line numbers from 1 instead of 0 +set one_indexed false + +# Save tabs on exit +set save_tabs_on_exit false + +# Enable scroll wrapping - moving down while on the last item will wrap around to +# the top and vice versa. +set wrap_scroll true + +# Set the global_inode_type_filter to nothing. Possible options: d, f and l for +# directories, files and symlinks respectively. +set global_inode_type_filter + +# This setting allows to freeze the list of files to save I/O bandwidth. It +# should be 'false' during start-up, but you can toggle it by pressing F. +set freeze_files false + +# =================================================================== +# == Local Options +# =================================================================== +# You can set local options that only affect a single directory. + +# Examples: +# setlocal path=~/downloads sort mtime + +# =================================================================== +# == Command Aliases in the Console +# =================================================================== + +alias e edit +alias q quit +alias q! quit! +alias qa quitall +alias qa! quitall! +alias qall quitall +alias qall! quitall! +alias setl setlocal + +alias filter scout -prts +alias find scout -aets +alias mark scout -mr +alias unmark scout -Mr +alias search scout -rs +alias search_inc scout -rts +alias travel scout -aefklst + +# =================================================================== +# == Define keys for the browser +# =================================================================== + +# Basic +map Q quitall +map q quit +copymap q ZZ ZQ + +map R reload_cwd +map F set freeze_files! +map reset +map redraw_window +map abort +map change_mode normal +map ~ set viewmode! + +map i display_file +map ? help +map W display_log +map w taskview_open +map S shell $SHELL + +map : console +map ; console +map ! console shell%space +map @ console -p6 shell %%s +map # console shell -p%space +map s console shell%space +map r chain draw_possible_programs; console open_with%%space +map f console find%space +map cd console cd%space + +map chain console; eval fm.ui.console.history_move(-1) + +# Change the line mode +map Mf linemode filename +map Mi linemode fileinfo +map Mm linemode mtime +map Mp linemode permissions +map Ms linemode sizemtime +map Mt linemode metatitle + +# Tagging / Marking +map t tag_toggle +map ut tag_remove +map " tag_toggle tag=%any +map mark_files toggle=True +map v mark_files all=True toggle=True +map uv mark_files all=True val=False +map b bulkrename +map V toggle_visual_mode +map uV toggle_visual_mode reverse=True + +# For the nostalgics: Midnight Commander bindings +map help +map rename_append +map display_file +map edit +map copy +map cut +map console mkdir%space +map console delete +map exit + +# In case you work on a keyboard with dvorak layout +map move up=1 +map move down=1 +map move left=1 +map move right=1 +map move to=0 +map move to=-1 +map move down=1 pages=True +map move up=1 pages=True +map move right=1 +#map console delete +map console touch%space + +# VIM-like +copymap k +copymap j +copymap h +copymap l +copymap gg +copymap G +copymap +copymap + +map J move down=0.5 pages=True +map K move up=0.5 pages=True +copymap J +copymap K + +# Jumping around +map H history_go -1 +map L history_go 1 +map ] move_parent 1 +map [ move_parent -1 +map } traverse +map { traverse_backwards +map ) jump_non + +map gh cd ~ +map ge cd /etc +map gu cd /usr +map gd cd /dev +map gl cd -r . +map gL cd -r %f +map go cd /opt +map gv cd /var +map gm cd /media +map gi eval fm.cd('/run/media/' + os.getenv('USER')) +map gM cd /mnt +map gs cd /srv +map gp cd /tmp +map gr cd / +map gR eval fm.cd(ranger.RANGERDIR) +map g/ cd / +map g? cd /usr/share/doc/ranger + +# External Programs +map E edit +map du shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size +map dU shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size | sort -rh +map yp yank path +map yd yank dir +map yn yank name +map y. yank name_without_extension + +# Filesystem Operations +map = chmod + +map cw console rename%space +map a rename_append +map A eval fm.open_console('rename ' + fm.thisfile.relative_path.replace("%", "%%")) +map I eval fm.open_console('rename ' + fm.thisfile.relative_path.replace("%", "%%"), position=7) + +map pp paste +map po paste overwrite=True +map pP paste append=True +map pO paste overwrite=True append=True +map pl paste_symlink relative=False +map pL paste_symlink relative=True +map phl paste_hardlink +map pht paste_hardlinked_subtree + +map D console delete + +map dd cut +map ud uncut +map da cut mode=add +map dr cut mode=remove +map dt cut mode=toggle + +map yy copy +map uy uncut +map ya copy mode=add +map yr copy mode=remove +map yt copy mode=toggle + +# Temporary workarounds +map dgg eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(to=0), narg=quantifier) +map dG eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(to=-1), narg=quantifier) +map dj eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier) +map dk eval fm.cut(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier) +map ygg eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(to=0), narg=quantifier) +map yG eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(to=-1), narg=quantifier) +map yj eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(down=1), narg=quantifier) +map yk eval fm.copy(dirarg=dict(up=1), narg=quantifier) + +# Searching +map / console search%space +map n search_next +map N search_next forward=False +map ct search_next order=tag +map cs search_next order=size +map ci search_next order=mimetype +map cc search_next order=ctime +map cm search_next order=mtime +map ca search_next order=atime + +# Tabs +map tab_new +map tab_close +map tab_move 1 +map tab_move -1 +map tab_move 1 +map tab_move -1 +map gt tab_move 1 +map gT tab_move -1 +map gn tab_new +map gc tab_close +map uq tab_restore +map tab_open 1 +map tab_open 2 +map tab_open 3 +map tab_open 4 +map tab_open 5 +map tab_open 6 +map tab_open 7 +map tab_open 8 +map tab_open 9 +map tab_shift 1 +map tab_shift -1 + +# Sorting +map or set sort_reverse! +map oz set sort=random +map os chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=False +map ob chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=False +map on chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=False +map om chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=False +map oc chain set sort=ctime; set sort_reverse=False +map oa chain set sort=atime; set sort_reverse=False +map ot chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=False +map oe chain set sort=extension; set sort_reverse=False + +map oS chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=True +map oB chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=True +map oN chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=True +map oM chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=True +map oC chain set sort=ctime; set sort_reverse=True +map oA chain set sort=atime; set sort_reverse=True +map oT chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=True +map oE chain set sort=extension; set sort_reverse=True + +map dc get_cumulative_size + +# Settings +map zc set collapse_preview! +map zd set sort_directories_first! +map zh set show_hidden! +map set show_hidden! +copymap +copymap +map zI set flushinput! +map zi set preview_images! +map zm set mouse_enabled! +map zp set preview_files! +map zP set preview_directories! +map zs set sort_case_insensitive! +map zu set autoupdate_cumulative_size! +map zv set use_preview_script! +map zf console filter%space +copymap zf zz + +# Filter stack +map .n console filter_stack add name%space +map .m console filter_stack add mime%space +map .d filter_stack add type d +map .f filter_stack add type f +map .l filter_stack add type l +map .| filter_stack add or +map .& filter_stack add and +map .! filter_stack add not +map .r console filter_stack rotate +map .c filter_stack clear +map .* filter_stack decompose +map .p filter_stack pop +map .. filter_stack show + +# Bookmarks +map ` enter_bookmark %any +map ' enter_bookmark %any +map m set_bookmark %any +map um unset_bookmark %any + +map m draw_bookmarks +copymap m um ` ' + +# Generate all the chmod bindings with some python help: +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +u{0} shell -f chmod u+{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +g{0} shell -f chmod g+{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +o{0} shell -f chmod o+{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +a{0} shell -f chmod a+{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map +{0} shell -f chmod u+{0} %s".format(arg)) + +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -u{0} shell -f chmod u-{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -g{0} shell -f chmod g-{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -o{0} shell -f chmod o-{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -a{0} shell -f chmod a-{0} %s".format(arg)) +eval for arg in "rwxXst": cmd("map -{0} shell -f chmod u-{0} %s".format(arg)) + +# =================================================================== +# == Define keys for the console +# =================================================================== +# Note: Unmapped keys are passed directly to the console. + +# Basic +cmap eval fm.ui.console.tab() +cmap eval fm.ui.console.tab(-1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.close() +cmap eval fm.ui.console.execute() +cmap redraw_window + +copycmap +copycmap + +# Move around +cmap eval fm.ui.console.history_move(-1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.history_move(1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.move(left=1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.move(right=1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.move(right=0, absolute=True) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.move(right=-1, absolute=True) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.move_word(left=1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.move_word(right=1) + +copycmap +copycmap + +# Line Editing +cmap eval fm.ui.console.delete(-1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.delete(0) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.delete_word() +cmap eval fm.ui.console.delete_word(backward=False) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.delete_rest(1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.delete_rest(-1) +cmap eval fm.ui.console.paste() + +# And of course the emacs way +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap +copycmap + +# Note: There are multiple ways to express backspaces. (code 263) +# and (code 127). To be sure, use both. +copycmap + +# This special expression allows typing in numerals: +cmap false + +# =================================================================== +# == Pager Keybindings +# =================================================================== + +# Movement +pmap pager_move down=1 +pmap pager_move up=1 +pmap pager_move left=4 +pmap pager_move right=4 +pmap pager_move to=0 +pmap pager_move to=-1 +pmap pager_move down=1.0 pages=True +pmap pager_move up=1.0 pages=True +pmap pager_move down=0.5 pages=True +pmap pager_move up=0.5 pages=True + +copypmap k +copypmap j +copypmap h +copypmap l +copypmap g +copypmap G +copypmap d +copypmap u +copypmap n f +copypmap p b + +# Basic +pmap redraw_window +pmap pager_close +copypmap q Q i +pmap E edit_file + +# =================================================================== +# == Taskview Keybindings +# =================================================================== + +# Movement +tmap taskview_move up=1 +tmap taskview_move down=1 +tmap taskview_move to=0 +tmap taskview_move to=-1 +tmap taskview_move down=1.0 pages=True +tmap taskview_move up=1.0 pages=True +tmap taskview_move down=0.5 pages=True +tmap taskview_move up=0.5 pages=True + +copytmap k +copytmap j +copytmap g +copytmap G +copytmap u +copytmap n f +copytmap p b + +# Changing priority and deleting tasks +tmap J eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(-1) +tmap K eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(0) +tmap dd eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_remove() +tmap eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(-1) +tmap eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_move(0) +tmap eval -q fm.ui.taskview.task_remove() + +# Basic +tmap redraw_window +tmap taskview_close +copytmap q Q w diff --git a/ranger/.config/ranger/rifle.conf b/ranger/.config/ranger/rifle.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5439adf --- /dev/null +++ b/ranger/.config/ranger/rifle.conf @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +# vim: ft=cfg +# +# This is the configuration file of "rifle", ranger's file executor/opener. +# Each line consists of conditions and a command. For each line the conditions +# are checked and if they are met, the respective command is run. +# +# Syntax: +# , , ... = command +# +# The command can contain these environment variables: +# $1-$9 | The n-th selected file +# $@ | All selected files +# +# If you use the special command "ask", rifle will ask you what program to run. +# +# Prefixing a condition with "!" will negate its result. +# These conditions are currently supported: +# match | The regexp matches $1 +# ext | The regexp matches the extension of $1 +# mime | The regexp matches the mime type of $1 +# name | The regexp matches the basename of $1 +# path | The regexp matches the absolute path of $1 +# has | The program is installed (i.e. located in $PATH) +# env | The environment variable "variable" is non-empty +# file | $1 is a file +# directory | $1 is a directory +# number | change the number of this command to n +# terminal | stdin, stderr and stdout are connected to a terminal +# X | $DISPLAY is not empty (i.e. Xorg runs) +# +# There are also pseudo-conditions which have a "side effect": +# flag | Change how the program is run. See below. +# label