import os from subprocess import check_output import re def parent_dir(path): return os.path.split(path)[0] def rclone_obscure(pass_name): try: fPath = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf") t = open(fPath, 'r').read() PASSWORD_PATTERN = r'^pass *= *(.*)$' password =, t, re.M).group(1) return password except Exception: pass def sh(*args): return check_output(args).decode().strip() try: return sh("rclone", "obscure", sh("_pass_get", pass_name)) except Exception: print("Error obscuring rclone password") return "" def var(to_escape: str): return " ".join(["{{@@", to_escape, "@@}}"]) def non_templated(path): with open(path, "r") as f: res = [] in_dotdrop = False for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == "##### Dotdrop-start #####": in_dotdrop = True if line == "##### Dotdrop-end #####": in_dotdrop = False if not in_dotdrop: res.append(line) return "\n".join(res) #################################################################### # color #################################################################### def split_hex(e): e = e.lstrip("#").lower() return e[0:2], e[2:4], e[4:6] def hex2rgb(e): return ", ".join([str(int(s, base=16)) for s in split_hex(e)]) def color_mult(e: str, amount: float): """\ Multiply e hex rgb colorCode with amount number Usefull for lightening/darkening """ def segment(s): base256 = int(s, base=16) result_val = base256 * amount # normalize between 0 and 255 result_val = min(255, max(0, result_val)) hex_result = hex(int(result_val))[2:] return hex_result.zfill(2) prefix = "#" * e.startswith("#") return prefix + "".join(map(segment, split_hex(e))) #################################################################### # Filters #################################################################### def darker(arg1, amount=0.5): return color_mult(arg1, amount) def lighter(arg1, amount=1.25): return color_mult(arg1, amount) def as_hex(in_number): return hex(int(in_number))[2:] def clamp_to_hex(in_number): return as_hex(in_number * 255)