# _ _ _ # __| | ___ | |_ __| |_ __ ___ _ __ # / _` |/ _ \| __/ _` | '__/ _ \| '_ \ # | (_| | (_) | || (_| | | | (_) | |_) | # \__,_|\___/ \__\__,_|_| \___/| .__/ # |_| ############################################################### variables: ############################################################### username: lelgenio cursor_size: 24 editor: kak tabs: false indent_width: 4 key_layout: colemak launcher: bmenu terminal: alacritty file_manager: thunar bar: waybar bar_pos: top tmux: false accent_fg: '#ffffff' font: mono: Hack interface: Inter size: small: 12 medium: 14 big: 16 mail: personal: user: lelgenio mail: disroot.org work: user: leonardo@wopus.com.br mail: wopus.com.br ############################################################### profiles: ############################################################### dark: variables: background: ~/.local/share/backgrounds/assembly_dark.png opacity: 0.98 color: type: dark bg: '#202020' bg_light: '#404040' bg_dark: '#191919' txt: '#FFFFFF' nontxt: '#252525' normal: black: '#404040' red: '#AB4642' green: '#A1B56C' yellow: '#E6C547' blue: '#6C99DA' magenta: '#C397D8' cyan: '#70C0BA' white: '#EAEAEA' #non standard orange: '#FF7500' brown: '#A07040' light: variables: background: ~/.local/share/backgrounds/assembly_light.png opacity: 0.95 color: type: light bg: '#EEEEEE' bg_light: '#A0A0A0' bg_dark: '#E0E0E0' txt: '#303030' nontxt: '#D0D0D0' normal: black: '#555555' red: '#D54E53' green: '#008800' yellow: '#B3A400' blue: '#0D68A8' magenta: '#C397D8' cyan: '#00A0A5' white: '#999999' #non standard orange: '#FF7500' brown: '#A07040' ############################################################### # Accents ############################################################### accent_red: {variables: {accent_color: "#D9534F"}} accent_green: {variables: {accent_color: "#159828"}} accent_blue: {variables: {accent_color: "#3465A3"}} accent_pink: {variables: {accent_color: "#E91E63"}} accent_teal: {variables: {accent_color: "#16A085"}} accent_magenta: {variables: {accent_color: "#9C27B0"}} accent_orange: {variables: {accent_color: "#D93200"}} ############################################################### # Keyboard Layouts ############################################################### colemak: variables: key: layout: colemak hints: arstwfuyneio left: n down: e up: i right: o next: l tabL: U tabR: Y insertMode: s insertQuit: kk qwerty: variables: key: layout: qwerty hints: asdfwejklçio left: h down: j up: k right: l next: l tabL: I tabR: O insertMode: i insertQuit: jj ############################################################### # Main profile ############################################################### main: variables: gtk_theme: "Mint-Y-{{@@ 'Dark' if color.type == 'dark' else 'Darker' @@}}-{{@@ accent_color_name.capitalize() @@}}" kvantum_theme: "Materia{{@@ color.type.capitalize() @@}}" # icon_theme: "Mint-Y-{{@@ 'Dark' if color.type == 'dark' else 'Darker' @@}}-{{@@ accent_color_name.capitalize() @@}}" icon_theme: "Papirus-{{@@ color.type.capitalize() @@}}" cursor_theme: "capitaine-cursors{{@@ '-light' if color.type == 'light' @@}}" dotfiles: - ALL include: - "{{@@ key_layout @@}}" - "{{@@ color_type @@}}" - "accent_{{@@ accent_color_name @@}}" ############################################################### config: ############################################################### backup: false banner: false keepdot: false link_dotfile_default: nolink link_on_import: nolink longkey: false default_actions: - notify func_file: - funcs.py filter_file: - funcs.py ############################################################### dynvariables: ############################################################### color_type: test -n "$_COLOR_TYPE" && echo "$_COLOR_TYPE" || echo dark accent_color_name: test -n "$_ACCENT_COLOR" && echo "$_ACCENT_COLOR" || echo red firefox_profile: cat ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini | grep '^Default' | head -n1 | cut -d= -f2 blender_version: | pacman -Qi blender | grep "^Version" | cut -d: -f3 | cut -d. -f1-2 || blender --version | head -n1 | sed -E 's|^Blender (.*)\..*|\1|g' root_uuid: blkid /dev/sda2 -s UUID -o value ############################################################### actions: ############################################################### notify: > test -n "$DISPLAY" && notify-send --app-name=dotdrop "Updating dotfiles" "{{@@ _dotfile_abs_dst.lstrip(env['HOME']) @@}}" || true reload_sway: swaymsg reload & disown reload_mako: pkill -SIGHUP mako lesskey: lesskey reload_fish: pkill -SIGHUP fish reload_qutebrowser: qutemsg config-source & disown vimplug: > nvim +PlugUpgrade +PlugInstall +PlugUpdate +qall &> /dev/null & reload_kakoune: > kak -l | xargs -r -n1 kak -e "config-source;quit" -ui dummy -c & crontab_install: | crontab -r crontab ~/.local/share/crontab vdirsyncer: | yes | vdirsyncer discover & disown lnMail: | ln -fs ~/.config/neomutt/mbsyncrc ~/.mbsyncrc ln -fs ~/.config/neomutt/urlview ~/.urlview sponsorblock: > test -d ~/.config/mpv/scripts/sponsorblock_shared || git clone https://github.com/po5/mpv_sponsorblock ~/.config/mpv/scripts; rm -f ~/.config/mpv/scripts/LICENSE ~/.config/mpv/scripts/README.md ranger_icons: git clone https://github.com/alexanderjeurissen/ranger_devicons ~/.config/ranger/plugins/ranger_devicons root_install: > sudo dotdrop -f -c "{{@@ _dotfile_abs_dst @@}}/config.yaml" -p main install # bootstrap scripts pam_gpg: _pam-gpg-strap make_theme: _make_theme install_meta: install_meta filter_backgrounds: _backgrouds_filter git_projects: _git_projects ############################################################### dotfiles: # Just a bunch of paths and action mappings ############################################################### ############################################################### # Regular programs ############################################################### sway: src: sway dst: ~/.config/sway actions: - reload_sway i3: src: i3 dst: ~/.config/i3 fish: src: fish dst: ~/.config/fish actions: - reload_fish git: src: git dst: ~/.config/git actions: - git_projects mako: src: mako.conf dst: ~/.config/mako/config actions: - reload_mako waybar: src: waybar dst: ~/.config/waybar kitty: src: kitty.conf dst: ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf actions: - reload_fish nvim: src: nvim.vim dst: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim actions: - vimplug kakoune: src: kak dst: ~/.config/kak actions: - reload_kakoune mutt: src: neomutt/ dst: ~/.config/neomutt/ actions: - lnMail qutebrowser: src: qutebrowser dst: ~/.config/qutebrowser actions: - reload_qutebrowser lesskey: src: lesskey dst: ~/.lesskey actions: - lesskey ranger: src: ranger dst: ~/.config/ranger actions: - ranger_icons mpv: src: mpv.conf dst: ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf actions: - sponsorblock dav: src: dav/ dst: ~/.config actions: - vdirsyncer tmux: src: tmux.conf dst: ~/.tmux.conf ############################################################### # Other ############################################################### scripts: src: scripts dst: ~/.local/bin actions: - make_theme backgrounds: src: backgrounds dst: ~/.local/share/backgrounds/ actions: - filter_backgrounds fonts: src: fonts dst: ~/.local/share/fonts/ mime: src: mime/ dst: ~/ crontab: src: crontab dst: ~/.local/share/crontab actions: - crontab_install theme: src: theme dst: ~/ prettierrc: src: prettierrc.toml dst: ~/.prettierrc.toml clang-format: src: clang-format dst: ~/.clang-format gpg-agent: src: gpg-agent.conf dst: ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf actions: - pam_gpg packages: src: meta.PKGBUILD dst: ~/.local/share/metapkg/PKGBUILD actions: - install_meta kak-lsp: src: kak-lsp.toml dst: ~/.config/kak-lsp/kak-lsp.toml rustfmt: src: rustfmt.toml dst: ~/.rustfmt.toml root: src: ../root dst: ~/.local/share/root_files actions: - root_install ############################################################### # Big pahts ############################################################### code-oss: src: vscode.jsonc dst: "~/.config/Code - OSS/User/settings.json" telegram-theme: src: ./telegram.palette dst: ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/theme.tdesktop-palette blender: "src": blenderTheme.xml "dst": "~/.config/blender/{{@@ blender_version @@}}/scripts/presets/interface_theme/blenderTheme.xml" firefox: src: firefox dst: "~/.mozilla/firefox/{{@@ firefox_profile @@}}/" ############################################################### # .config/, no actions ############################################################### alacritty: { "src":"alacritty.yml", "dst":"~/.config/alacritty.yml" } bat: { "src":"bat", "dst":"~/.config/bat/config" } fusuma: { "src":"fusuma.yml", "dst":"~/.config/fusuma/config.yml" } imv: { "src":"imv.conf", "dst":"~/.config/imv/config" } kanshi: { "src":"kanshi", "dst":"~/.config/kanshi/config" } mpd: { "src":"mpd.conf", "dst":"~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf" } pqivrc: { "src":"pqiv.ini", "dst":"~/.config/pqivrc" } rclone: { "src":"rclone.conf", "dst":"~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" } swaylock: { "src":"sway/swaylock", "dst":"~/.config/swaylock/config" } wofi: { "src":"wofi", "dst":"~/.config/wofi" } zathura: { "src":"zathura.conf", "dst":"~/.config/zathura/zathurarc" }