#!/bin/sh # Papirus Icon Theme { if papirus-folders -l | grep "[^>] {{@@ accent_color_name @@}}" then notify-send "Switching Folder Color" papirus-folders -uC "{{@@ accent_color_name @@}}" else papirus-folders -uD fi } &> /dev/null & # Materia GTK Theme src_path="$HOME/.cache/materia-theme" theme_name="{{@@ gtk_theme @@}}" dst_path="${HOME}/.themes" test -d "$src_path" || git clone\ "https://github.com/nana-4/materia-theme"\ "$src_path" cd "$src_path" # SEL = accent # BG = header-bar # HDR = menubar # View = Main part of file browser # Surface = background of context menu colors="\ SEL_BG={{@@ accent_color .lstrip('#') @@}}\n\ FG={{@@ color.txt .lstrip('#') @@}}\n\ BG={{@@ color.bg .lstrip('#') @@}}\n\ HDR_FG={{@@ color.txt .lstrip('#') @@}}\n\ HDR_BG={{@@ color.bg .lstrip('#') @@}}\n\ MATERIA_VIEW={{@@ color.bg .lstrip('#') @@}}\n\ MATERIA_SURFACE={{@@ color.bg .lstrip('#') @@}}" color_file="${dst_path}/${theme_name}/_colors" # No changes in input, no change in output echo -e "$colors" | diff "$color_file" - && exit 0 mkdir -p "${dst_path}/${theme_name}" { notify-send "Generating theme in Background" echo -e "$colors" > "$color_file" ./change_color.sh \ -t "${dst_path}" \ -o "${theme_name}" \ "$color_file" echo -e "$colors" > "$color_file" notify-send "Finished generating theme" } &> /dev/null &