# {{@@ header() @@}} # __ _ _ # / _(_)___| |__ # | |_| / __| '_ \ # | _| \__ \ | | | # |_| |_|___/_| |_| ######################################################## # start window manager if using tty1 ######################################################## function esway # You get a wayland, and you get a wayland. Everybody get's a wayland! # set -x MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND 1 # set -x CLUTTER_BACKEND wayland # set -x QT_QPA_PLATFORM wayland-egl # set -x ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE wayland-egl # set -x ELM_ENGINE wayland_egl # set -x SDL_VIDEODRIVER wayland # set -x _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING 1 # set -x NO_AT_BRIDGE 1 # Allow sway decoration on gtk3 apps set -x GTK_CSD 0 test -f '/usr/lib/libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' && set -x LD_PRELOAD '/usr/lib/libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' # set -x QT_SCALE_FACTOR 1.0001 # set -x QPA_PLATFORM wayland # set -x QT_QPA_PLATFORM wayland # Needed for xdg-dektop-portal set -x XDG_SESSION_TYPE wayland set -x XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP sway set -x XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP sway # this should not be necessary, but whatever pidof sway &> /dev/null || exec sway end if test "$XDG_VTNR" = 1 and test -z "$DISPLAY$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" esway &| tee .swaylog # ei3 &> .i3log # ebsp &> .bsplog end