# {{@@ header() @@}} # _____ ____ _ _ _ # / __\ \ /\ / / _` | | | | # \__ \\ V V / (_| | |_| | # |___/ \_/\_/ \__,_|\__, | # |___/ bindsym --to-code { ############################################################### # Moving around ############################################################### {%@@ for prefix in ["","$"] @@%} {%@@ for dir in "Left,Up,Right,Down".split(',') @@%} {%@@ set resize_cmd = "{} {} 20px".format( ('shrink' if (loop.index0 < 2) else 'grow'), ('height' if (loop.index0 % 2) else 'width'), ) @@%} {%@@ set d = "{}{}".format(prefix,dir) @@%} {#@@ Move focus @@#} $mod+{{@@ d @@}} focus {{@@ dir @@}} {#@@ Move window @@#} $mod+Shift+{{@@ d @@}} move {{@@ dir @@}} {#@@ Resize window @@#} $mod+Control+{{@@ d @@}} resize {{@@ resize_cmd @@}} {#@@ focus output @@#} $mod+mod1+{{@@ d @@}} focus output {{@@ dir @@}} {#@@ Move workspace to output @@#} $mod+mod1+Shift+{{@@ d @@}} move workspace output {{@@ dir @@}} {%@@ endfor @@%} {%@@ endfor @@%} ############################################################### # Workspaces ############################################################### # Switch to workspace # Move focused container to workspace {%@@ for i in range(1,11) @@%} $mod+{{@@ i%10 @@}} workspace {{@@ i @@}} $mod+Shift+{{@@ i%10 @@}} move container workspace {{@@ i @@}} {%@@ endfor @@%} # go/move to Workspaces # button8,9 = Mouse next/prev button # Prior,Next = PageUp/Down {%@@ for targ, buttons in { "prev_on_output": [ key.tabL, "bracketleft", "Prior", "button9", ], "next_on_output": [ key.tabR, "bracketright", "Next", "button8", ], }.items() @@%} {%@@ for button in buttons @@%} {%@@ set pref = ("--whole-window " if "button" in button) @@%} {{@@ pref @@}}$mod+{{@@ button @@}} workspace {{@@ targ @@}} {{@@ pref @@}}$mod+Shift+{{@@ button @@}} move workspace {{@@ targ @@}} {%@@ endfor @@%} {%@@ endfor @@%} ############################################################### # Layout ############################################################### # Splits $mod+v splitv # No splith since we can just mod+r # Layout styles $mod+t layout toggle split tabbed stacking $mod+r layout toggle split # Make the current focus fullscreen $mod+f fullscreen # Floating $mod+Shift+space floating toggle $mod+space focus mode_toggle # Move focus to the parent container $mod+equal focus parent $mod+minus focus child $mod+tab scratchpad show $mod+Shift+tab move container scratchpad } # vim: ft=i3