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from qutebrowser.config.configfiles import ConfigAPI # type: ignore
from qutebrowser.config.config import ConfigContainer # type: ignore
# {%@@ if False @@%}
config = ConfigAPI()
c = ConfigContainer()
# {%@@ endif @@%}
# Helpers
class key:
"Object mapping of templated key bindings"
up = "{{@@ key.up @@}}"
down = "{{@@ key.down @@}}"
left = "{{@@ key.left @@}}"
right = "{{@@ key.right @@}}"
tabL = "{{@@ key.tabL @@}}"
tabR = "{{@@ key.tabR @@}}"
insert = "{{@@ key.insertMode @@}}"
next = "{{@@ @@}}"
# Usermode
config.bind(",d", "spawn --verbose youtube-dl -fbest[ext=mp4] {url}")
config.bind(",m", "spawn --userscript view_in_mpv")
config.bind(",r", "spawn --userscript readability")
config.bind(";e", "hint links spawn deemix '{hint-url}'")
mpvcom = "hint links spawn mpv --fs {hint-url} "
config.bind(";m", mpvcom)
config.bind(";M", mpvcom + "--ytdl-format='best[height<=360]'" )
# Layout specific
key_layout = "{{@@ key_layout @@}}"
if key_layout == "colemak":
config.bind("t", "hint all")
config.bind("h", "set-cmd-text -s :open")
config.bind("T".upper(), "hint all tab")
config.bind("H".upper(), "set-cmd-text -s :open -t")
c.hints.chars = "arstwfuyneio"
elif key_layout == "dvorak":
c.hints.chars = "aoeuidnths"
# Movement
config.bind(key.left, "scroll left")
config.bind(key.down, "scroll down")
config.bind(key.up, "scroll up")
config.bind(key.right, "scroll right")
config.bind(, "search-next")
config.bind(, "search-prev")
for k, v in {
key.up: "scroll-px 0 -100",
key.down: "scroll-px 0 100",
key.left: "back",
key.right: "forward",
key.tabL: "tab-prev",
key.tabR: "tab-next",
config.bind(k.upper(), v)
# Insert mode
config.bind(key.insert, "mode-enter insert")
config.bind("<Alt-k>", "mode-enter normal", mode="insert")
c.input.insert_mode.auto_leave = False
# Caret mode
config.bind(key.left, "move-to-prev-char", mode="caret")
config.bind(key.up, "move-to-prev-line", mode="caret")
config.bind(key.down, "move-to-next-line", mode="caret")
config.bind(key.right, "move-to-next-char", mode="caret")
# devtools
# Clear old binds
config.bind("wIf", "devtools-focus")
config.bind("wIw", "devtools window")
config.bind("wI" + key.left, "devtools left")
config.bind("wI" + key.down, "devtools bottom")
config.bind("wI" + key.up, "devtools top")
config.bind("wI" + key.right, "devtools right")