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80 lines
2.9 KiB

# {{@@ header() @@}}
map global user 'g' ': enter-user-mode lsp<ret>' -docstring 'lsp mode'
map global user 'z' ':zoxide ' -docstring 'zoxide'
map global user 'c' ': comment-line<ret>' -docstring 'comment line'
map global user 'C' ': comment-block<ret>' -docstring 'comment block'
map global user 'p' '<a-!> wl-paste -n <ret>' -docstring 'clipboard paste'
map global user 'P' '! wl-paste -n <ret>' -docstring 'clipboard paste before'
declare-user-mode surround
map global user 's' ': enter-user-mode surround<ret>' -docstring 'surround mode'
map global surround 's' ': surround<ret>' -docstring 'surround'
map global surround 'c' ': change-surround<ret>' -docstring 'change'
map global surround 'd' ': delete-surround<ret>' -docstring 'delete'
map global surround 't' ': surround-with-tag<ret>' -docstring 'surround with tag'
map global surround 'g' ': select-surrounding-tag<ret>' -docstring 'select tag'
declare-user-mode git
map global user 'v' ': enter-user-mode git<ret>' -docstring 'git vcs mode'
map global git 's' ': git status<ret>' -docstring 'status'
map global git 'a' ': git add<ret>' -docstring 'add current'
map global git 'd' ': git diff %reg{%}<ret>' -docstring 'diff current'
map global git 'r' ': git restore %reg{%}<ret>' -docstring 'restore current'
map global git 'A' ': git add --all<ret>' -docstring 'add all'
map global git 'D' ': git diff<ret>' -docstring 'diff all'
map global git '<a-d>' ': git diff --staged<ret>' -docstring 'diff staged'
map global git 'c' ': git commit -v<ret>' -docstring 'commit'
declare-user-mode find
map global user 'f' ': enter-user-mode find<ret>' -docstring 'find mode'
map global find 'f' ': find_file<ret>' -docstring 'file'
map global find 'r' ': find_ripgrep<ret>' -docstring 'ripgrep all file'
map global find 'g' ': find_git_file<ret>' -docstring 'git files'
map global find 'c' ': find_dir<ret>' -docstring 'change dir'
map global find 'b' ': find_buffer<ret>' -docstring 'find buffer'
map global find 'd' ': find_delete<ret>' -docstring 'file to delete'
define-command -hidden find_file \
%{ edit -existing %sh{
test "$PWD" -ne "$HOME" && args="-H"
fd -tf "$args" | sed "/.git\//d" | wdmenu
} }
define-command -hidden find_delete \
%{ nop %sh{
test "$PWD" -ne "$HOME" && args="-H"
fd -tf "$args" | sed "/.git\//d" | wdmenu | xargs trash
} }
define-command -hidden find_git_file \
%{ edit -existing %sh{ git ls-files | wdmenu } }
define-command -hidden find_dir \
%{ cd %sh{ fd -Htd | wdmenu } }
define-command -hidden find_buffer \
%{ buffer %sh{
printf "%s\n" $kak_buflist | wdmenu
} }
define-command -hidden find_ripgrep \
%{ eval %sh{
patter=$( wdmenu -p "Regex")
rg --column -n "$patter" | wdmenu |
perl -ne 'print "edit \"$1\" \"$2\" \"$3\" " if /(.+):(\d+):(\d+):/'
} }
define-command -params .. \
-shell-script-candidates 'zoxide query -l' \
zoxide \
cd %sh{ zoxide query "$@" }
echo %sh{ pwd | sed "s|$HOME|~|" }