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# {{@@ header() @@}}
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# User Programs
# kde connect
exec /usr/lib/kdeconnectd
exec kdeconnect-indicator
# Telegram
exec telegram-desktop-bin || telegram-desktop
# Music Player Daemon
exec pidof mpd || mpd
exec pidof -x mpDris2 || sleep 5s && mpDris2
# System Daemons
# start dbusd just in case
exec pidof dbus-daemon || 'dbus-daemon --session --address=unix:path=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus'
# pipewire and desktop-portal for screen sharing
exec_always pidof pipewire || pipewire
exec_always pidof pipewire-media-session || pipewire-media-session
exec_always pidof xdg-desktop-portal || /usr/lib/xdg-desktop-portal
#Notification Daemon
exec_always pidof mako || mako
# Block device Mounter to /run/media/<username>
exec udiskie
# gesture daemon
exec_always pidof -x fusuma || fusuma
# Blue light filter
exec /usr/lib/geoclue-2.0/demos/agent
exec_always pidof redshift || redshift
# Screen manager
exec_always pkill -9 kanshi; exec kanshi
# Set minimum brightness to 1 instead of 0
# not exactly a daemon
exec light -N 1
# Idle
# Prevent the screen from locking if fullscreen
for_window [title=.*] inhibit_idle fullscreen
# Idle daemon
exec_always _sway_idle
# vim: ft=i3