This repository has been archived on 2024-04-07. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

32 lines
708 B

# {{@@ header() @@}}
# _____ ____ _ _ _
# / __\ \ /\ / / _` | | | |
# \__ \\ V V / (_| | |_| |
# |___/ \_/\_/ \__,_|\__, |
# |___/
# Hide the mouse after 10 seconds
seat * hide_cursor 10000
input "type:touchpad" {
# Disable While Typing
dwt disabled
natural_scroll enabled
tap enabled
input * {
{%@@ if key_layout == "colemak" @@%}
xkb_layout "us(colemak),br,ru"
xkb_options "lv3:lsgt_switch,grp:shifts_toggle"
{%@@ elif key_layout == "dvorak" @@%}
xkb_layout "us(dvorak)"
xkb_options "caps:backspace"
{%@@ else @@%}
xkb_options "caps:backspace"
{%@@ endif @@%}
xkb_numlock enabled
# vim: ft=i3