This repository has been archived on 2024-04-07. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
2021-04-26 21:07:41 -03:00

58 lines
1.2 KiB

name = {{@@ username @@}}
email = {{@@ mail.personal.user @@}}@{{@@ mail.personal.mail @@}}
defaultBranch = main
verbose = true
rebase = true
conflictStyle = diff3
autoSquash = true
autoStash = true
# differ is a program that shows word-by-word diff
#{%@@ if editor == "kak" @@%}#
log = diffr | kak-pager
show = diffr | kak-pager
diff = diffr | kak-pager
#{%@@ else @@%}#
log = diffr | less
show = diffr | less
diff = diffr | less
#{%@@ endif @@%}#
graph = log --graph --oneline --all
root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
{%@@ if tabs @@%}
[filter "tabspace"]
smudge = unexpand --tabs={{@@ indent_width @@}} --first-only
clean = expand --tabs={{@@ indent_width @@}} --initial
[filter "tabspace_small"]
{%@@ set small_indent = [2, indent_width / 2] | max @@%}
smudge = unexpand --tabs={{@@ small_indent @@}} --first-only
clean = expand --tabs={{@@ small_indent @@}} --initial
{%@@ endif @@%}
excludesfile = {{@@ _dotfile_abs_dst @@}}/ignore
; hooksPath = {{@@ _dotfile_abs_dst @@}}/hooks/
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Projects/work/"]
path = ~/.config/git/config-work
# vim: ft=ini