{ config, pkgs, lib, font, ... }: let inherit (import ./variables.nix) key theme color accent font; in { config = { programs.rofi = { enable = true; package = pkgs.rofi-wayland.override { plugins = with pkgs; [ rofi-emoji rofi-file-browser ]; }; extraConfig = { show-icons = true; modi = "drun,emoji"; terminal = "alacritty"; display-drun = "Iniciar: "; kb-primary-paste = "Control+V,Shift+Insert"; kb-secondary-paste = "Control+v,Insert"; }; theme = let # Use `mkLiteral` for string-like values that should show without # quotes, e.g.: # { # foo = "abc"; => foo: "abc"; # bar = mkLiteral "abc"; => bar: abc; # }; inherit (config.lib.formats.rasi) mkLiteral; in { "*" = { # foreground-color = mkLiteral color.txt; text-color = mkLiteral color.txt; # background-color = mkLiteral color.bg; background-color = mkLiteral "transparent"; # width = 512; }; "#window" = { background-color = mkLiteral "${color.bg}${lib.toHexString (theme.opacity * 255 / 100)}"; # children = map mkLiteral [ "prompt" "entry" ]; border = mkLiteral "2px solid"; border-color = mkLiteral accent.color; padding = 0; }; "#inputbar" = { margin = mkLiteral "10px"; }; "#listview" = { # fixed-height=0; border = mkLiteral "2px solid 0px 0px"; # border-color = mkLiteral "@separatorcolor"; # spacing= 0 ; }; # "#textbox-prompt-colon" = { # expand = false; # str = ":"; # margin = mkLiteral "0px 0.3em 0em 0em"; # text-color = mkLiteral "@foreground-color"; # }; "#element" = { # text-color = mkLiteral "#252525"; background-color = mkLiteral "transparent"; padding = mkLiteral "3px 10px"; }; "#element selected" = { # text-color = mkLiteral "#252525"; background-color = mkLiteral accent.color; }; element-icon = { # background-color= inherit; # text-color= inherit; margin-right = mkLiteral "20px"; size = 24; }; }; }; }; }