Abortion I 2023-04-11 *** I went my entire education without being handed a box with plastic fetuses in row, each one with more time to grow before being aborted and potential life snuffed out, deemed nobody's loss. Now I know the lesson was fake, that far more time it takes to grow to that kind of size, that at that early of a stage it's dubious they feel that pain. (You have no right to force me to provide for you with my body against my will.) Barely aware of being alive, much less the difference between the light of consciousness and the dark that came before. A lima bean Dad did abort. Buried it with his two hands. With two hands, the dirt he ferried from backyard, wiped on his pants, powder, mud, dust, root, clump. "Your time in the womb is up. A promise that come a decade I so hastily made not thinking of the future I must now with no regrets break. Dissolved the ties with pop of pill so that no blood must my hands spill. The damage to you is only collateral. The benefits are all addressed to me." Bury my heart in the backyard, leave it behind in the move to different sky. It still beats. It still beats. It still beats. It still beats, Dad, did you know? Far away where my feet no longer legally can go. I was so young, only sixteen, at the start of my journey, without warning come to an ending abrupt. The story that is written without thought of plot or pacing and only one character half-fleshed out, you her effacing. I can only wonder into what I would have grown if this hadn't happened, if you'd just left me alone. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander