regnant 2019-02-04 *** just the right size to hold up against your chest dim in the darkest part of the night watching the shadows of the tree branches sway as beyond the veil they twist and turn and play your fingertips brush my wings absentmindedly sitting on the couch, alone but together feather after feather after feather and you and I fight tussling, disjointed wings wrapping around everywhere a flash of fabric- I'm zipped into a bag for a split second before I disappear and reappear elsewhere I sit alone on a stool staring out the dining room window at midnight human form, human eyes, human mind who is this person who's discarded their light? there still remains a certain radiance to my skin divine spirit rendered flesh, after all but there remains an unsettling sense in that one friend can take yet so many faces how far one deity can fall! you love me no matter what form I take hanging in the air, caught in a tree a light in the darkness a warmth in the cold a heft when all gravity is gone *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander