Fork 0

39 lines
802 B
Executable File

no step on snek
do you really think me selfish
because I do not believe
that charity should be done
at the point of a gun?
would that I could snap my fingers
and free every person from detention
but injustice does not forgive injustice
and force breeds only resentment
a land for every person
where they can live free, left alone
no longer enslaved to the fear
of hearing that siren two-tone
do you really think me pitiful
because I do not feel
that freedom can be gained
by lapping at politician's heel?
if power could destroy itself
we wouldn't be almost at three centuries
of simping to an authority
instead of doing as we please
and harm none, do as ye will:
I will live by this prayer
and life will be fulfilling
even if not always fair
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander