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22 lines
677 B
Executable File

iWelcome to MayVaneDay Studios!
iThis gopherhole is under construction because I am lazy
iand let it fall into disrepair. However, recent events
ihave led me to remember the importance of document
iprotocols that the average troll drooling over a keyboard
ican't easily archive. (Because, you know, of the Tor thing.)
ibefore, in your grief, you decree
i"my life is over; there's no one left to be"
ijust remember how there's a world only you can perceive
0- "airborne" poetry/a/airborne.txt
1Blog blog
1Books books
1Poetry poetry
0The big list of women who did things women.md
0A Nomadic Manifesto nomad.md
0Identity & Contact identity.txt
0My GPG key public.gpg