Fork 0

31 lines
765 B
Executable File

a ticket fell into my hands today
a train ride, a trip of a lifetime
to a gash wider than the crevice in my heart
severed three- no, four years ago
I turn the ticket over in my hand
a ring sounds, never stopping for four years hence
no matter how hard I try to block the number
it still finds a way to slither in
I study the stub at the end of the ticket
a siren-song of total freedom
roaming around the world- or the country, at least- in a house on
because home is where you choose it to be- everywhere and nowhere
I slip the ticket into my book as a bookmark
and close the pages and look out the window
the clouds are parting, the moon is full
and I'm ready to jump
but it's not my time yet
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander