add test/benchmark support

This commit is contained in:
dword1511 2017-05-23 03:37:14 -05:00
parent cca4658142
commit 0b817dc272
2 changed files with 69 additions and 14 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -11,3 +11,6 @@
# Somehow flashrom does not have a .gitignore.
# However, adding rules here will not help.

View File

@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
# Makefile for stm32-vserprog
# * Simply make: will make the firmware for default board.
# * Override toochain: make CROSS=/path/to/arm-none-eabi
# * Override UART for downloading: make SERIAL=/dev/ttyS1
# * Override toochain: make CROSS=/path/to/arm-none-eabi-
# * Override UART for downloading: make SERIAL=/dev/ttyS1 flash
# * Override hardware config: make BOARD=some_board_in_boards_folder
# * Test and benchmark: make PSERIAL=/dev/ttyACM0 SPISPD=50000000 test (Upon failure please check both programmer and flash)
# * Build for GD32 variants with 12MHz crystal: make EXTRA_CFLAGS=-DGD32F103
PROGRAM = stm32-vserprog
CROSS ?= arm-none-eabi
CROSS ?= arm-none-eabi-
SERIAL ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
PSERIAL ?= /dev/ttyACM0
SPISPD ?= 1000000000
OBJS = vserprog.o \
usbcdc.o \
@ -18,11 +21,11 @@ DOCS = README.html
CC = $(CROSS)-gcc
LD = $(CROSS)-ld
OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)-objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(CROSS)-objdump
SIZE = $(CROSS)-size
CC = $(CROSS)gcc
LD = $(CROSS)ld
OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(CROSS)objdump
SIZE = $(CROSS)size
ELF = $(PROGRAM).elf
BIN = $(PROGRAM).bin
@ -61,18 +64,18 @@ endif
CFLAGS += -O3 -Wall -g
#CFLAGS += -Os -Wall -g
#CFLAGS += -Wextra -fprofile-generate -fprofile-use
CFLAGS += -fno-common -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
CFLAGS += -fno-common -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -funit-at-a-time
CFLAGS += -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fgcse-after-reload -funroll-loops -funswitch-loops
#CFLAGS += -funsafe-loop-optimizations -fipa-pta -flto
CFLAGS += $(ARCH_FLAGS) -Ilibopencm3/include/ $(EXTRA_CFLAGS)
LIBM = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) --print-file-name=libm.a)
LIBC = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) --print-file-name=libc.a)
LIBNOSYS = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) --print-file-name=libnosys.a)
LIBGCC = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) --print-libgcc-file-name)
# LDPATH is required for libopencm3 ld scripts to work.
LDPATH = libopencm3/lib/
LDFLAGS += -L$(LDPATH) -T$(LDSCRIPT) -Map $(MAP) --gc-sections
firmware: $(LIBOPENCM3) $(BIN) $(HEX) $(DMP) size
docs: $(DOCS)
@ -101,15 +104,21 @@ $(LIBOPENCM3):
git submodule update --remote
CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" make -C libopencm3 $(OPENCM3_MK) V=1
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
make -C flashrom
.PHONY: clean distclean flash flash-dfu reboot size
.PHONY: clean distclean flash flash-dfu reboot size test
rm -f $(OBJS) $(DOCS) $(ELF) $(HEX) $(BIN) $(MAP) $(DMP) board.h
distclean: clean
make -C libopencm3 clean
rm -f *~ *.swp *.hex
make -C flashrom distclean
rm -f *~ *.swp *.hex *.bin
flash: $(HEX)
stm32flash -w $< -v $(SERIAL)
@ -124,3 +133,46 @@ size: $(PROGRAM).elf
@echo ""
@$(SIZE) $(PROGRAM).elf
@echo ""
# Erasing must come first, otherwise some sectors might be skipped.
# After testing you may clear flash contents manually.
test: flashrom/flashrom
@echo ""; \
FFLAGS="-p serprog:dev=$(PSERIAL),spispeed=$(SPISPD)"; \
echo "Detecting flash..."; \
FOUT=`command time -f 'XXTIMEXX %e' $< $${FFLAGS} 2>&1`; \
FPART=`echo "$${FOUT}" | grep "Found" | grep -oP '\".*\"' | sed -e 's/"//g'`; \
FSIZE=`echo "$${FOUT}" | grep -oP '[0-9]+ kB' | sed -e 's/ kB//g'`; \
PTIME=`echo "$${FOUT}" | grep 'XXTIMEXX' | sed -e 's/XXTIMEXX //g'`; \
echo "Generating test file..."; \
dd if=/dev/urandom iflag=fullblock of=rand.bin bs=1024 count=$${FSIZE} 2>/dev/null; \
echo "Erasing..."; \
ETIME=`command time -f 'XXTIMEXX %e' $< $${FFLAGS} -E 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 'XXTIMEXX' | sed -e 's/XXTIMEXX //g'`; \
echo -n "Verifying... "; \
$< $${FFLAGS} -r compare.bin 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; \
STR_VERIFY=`sed 's/\xff//g' compare.bin | hd`; \
if test -z "$${STR_VERIFY}"; \
then echo "PASS"; \
else echo "FAIL"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
echo "Writing..."; \
WTIME=`command time -f 'XXTIMEXX %e' $< $${FFLAGS} -w rand.bin 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 'XXTIMEXX' | sed -e 's/XXTIMEXX //g'`; \
echo "Reading..."; \
RTIME=`command time -f 'XXTIMEXX %e' $< $${FFLAGS} -r compare.bin 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 'XXTIMEXX' | sed -e 's/XXTIMEXX //g'`; \
echo -n "Comparing..."; \
CKSUMS=`md5sum rand.bin compare.bin | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | uniq | wc -l`; \
if test "$${CKSUMS}" = "1"; \
then echo "PASS"; \
else echo "FAIL"; \
fi; \
echo ""; \
echo "Flash type: $${FPART}"; \
echo "Flash size: $${FSIZE} KiB"; \
echo "SPI speed : $(SPISPD) Hz (requested)"; \
printf 'Probe : %6.2fs\n' "$${PTIME}"; \
printf 'Erase : %6.2fs\n' "$${ETIME}"; \
printf 'Write : %6.2fs\n' "$${WTIME}"; \
printf 'Read : %6.2fs\n' "$${RTIME}"; \
echo ""; \
rm rand.bin compare.bin;