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2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
from os.path import isfile
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from docker import DockerClient
from kubernetes import client, config
from ApiCaller import ApiCaller
from API import API
class CLI(ApiCaller) :
def __init__(self) :
self.__variables = dotenv_values("/etc/nginx/variables.env")
self.__integration = self.__detect_integration()
def __detect_integration(self) :
ret = "unknown"
distrib = ""
if isfile("/etc/os-release") :
with open("/etc/os-release", "r") as f :
if "Alpine" in f.read() :
distrib = "alpine"
else :
distrib = "other"
# Docker case
if distrib == "alpine" and isfile("/usr/sbin/nginx") :
return "docker"
# Linux case
if distrib == "other" :
return "linux"
# Swarm case
if self.__variables["SWARM_MODE"] == "yes" :
return "swarm"
# Kubernetes case
if self.__variables["KUBERNETES_MODE"] == "yes" :
return "kubernetes"
# Autoconf case
if distrib == "alpine" :
return "autoconf"
raise Exception("can't detect integration")
def __get_apis(self) :
# Docker case
if self.__integration == "docker" or self.__integration == "linux" :
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
return [API("" + self.__variables["API_HTTP_PORT"], host=self.__variables["API_SERVER_NAME"])]
# Autoconf case
if self.__integration == "autoconf" :
docker_client = DockerClient()
apis = []
for container in self.__client.containers.list(filters={"label" : "bunkerweb.AUTOCONF"}) :
port = "5000"
host = "bwapi"
for env in container.attrs["Config"]["Env"] :
if env.startswith("API_HTTP_PORT=") :
port = env.split("=")[1]
elif env.startswith("API_SERVER_NAME=") :
host = env.split("=")[1]
apis.append(API("http://" + container.name + ":" + port, host=host))
return apis
# Swarm case
if self.__integration == "swarm" :
docker_client = DockerClient()
apis = []
for service in self.__client.services.list(filters={"label" : "bunkerweb.AUTOCONF"}) :
port = "5000"
host = "bwapi"
for env in service.attrs["Spec"]["TaskTemplate"]["ContainerSpec"]["Env"] :
if env.startswith("API_HTTP_PORT=") :
port = env.split("=")[1]
elif env.startswith("API_SERVER_NAME=") :
host = env.split("=")[1]
for task in service.tasks() :
apis.append(API("http://" + service.name + "." + task["NodeID"] + "." + task["ID"] + ":" + port, host=host))
return apis
# Kubernetes case
if self.__integration == "kubernetes" :
corev1 = client.CoreV1Api()
apis = []
for pod in corev1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False).items :
if pod.metadata.annotations != None and "bunkerweb.io/AUTOCONF" in pod.metadata.annotations and pod.status.pod_ip :
port = "5000"
host = "bwapi"
for env in pod.spec.containers[0].env :
if env.name == "API_HTTP_PORT" :
port = env.value
elif env.name == "API_SERVER_NAME" :
host = env.value
apis.append(API("http://" + pod.status.pod_ip + ":" + port, host=host))
return apis
def unban(self, ip) :
if self._send_to_apis("POST", "/unban", data={"ip": ip}) :
return True, "IP " + ip + " has been unbanned"
return False, "error"