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2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
# Settings
!!! info "Settings generator tool"
2022-09-28 15:13:17 +02:00
To help you tune BunkerWeb, we have made an easy-to-use settings generator tool available at [config.bunkerweb.io](https://config.bunkerweb.io).
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
This section contains the full list of settings supported by BunkerWeb. If you are not yet familiar with BunkerWeb, you should first read the [concepts](concepts.md) section of the documentation. Please follow the instructions for your own [integration](integrations.md) on how to apply the settings.
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2022-09-28 15:13:17 +02:00
As a general rule when multisite mode is enabled, if you want to apply settings with multisite context to a specific server, you will need to add the primary (first) server name as a prefix like `www.example.com_USE_ANTIBOT=captcha` or `myapp.example.com_USE_GZIP=yes` for example.
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When settings are considered as "multiple", it means that you can have multiple groups of settings for the same feature by adding numbers as suffix like `REVERSE_PROXY_URL_1=/subdir`, `REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_1=http://myhost1`, `REVERSE_PROXY_URL_2=/anotherdir`, `REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_2=http://myhost2`, ... for example.
## Global settings
STREAM support :warning:
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`IS_LOADING` |`no` |global |no |Internal use : set to yes when BW is loading. |
|`NGINX_PREFIX` |`/etc/nginx/` |global |no |Where nginx will search for configurations. |
|`HTTP_PORT` |`8080` |global |no |HTTP port number which bunkerweb binds to. |
|`HTTPS_PORT` |`8443` |global |no |HTTPS port number which bunkerweb binds to. |
|`MULTISITE` |`no` |global |no |Multi site activation. |
|`SERVER_NAME` |`www.example.com` |multisite|no |List of the virtual hosts served by bunkerweb. |
|`WORKER_PROCESSES` |`auto` |global |no |Number of worker processes. |
|`WORKER_RLIMIT_NOFILE` |`2048` |global |no |Maximum number of open files for worker processes.|
|`WORKER_CONNECTIONS` |`1024` |global |no |Maximum number of connections per worker. |
|`LOG_FORMAT` |`$host $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"`|global |no |The format to use for access logs. |
|`LOG_LEVEL` |`notice` |global |no |The level to use for error logs. |
|`DNS_RESOLVERS` |`` |global |no |DNS addresses of resolvers to use. |
|`DATASTORE_MEMORY_SIZE` |`64m` |global |no |Size of the internal datastore. |
|`CACHESTORE_MEMORY_SIZE` |`64m` |global |no |Size of the internal cachestore. |
|`CACHESTORE_IPC_MEMORY_SIZE` |`16m` |global |no |Size of the internal cachestore (ipc). |
|`CACHESTORE_MISS_MEMORY_SIZE` |`16m` |global |no |Size of the internal cachestore (miss). |
|`CACHESTORE_LOCKS_MEMORY_SIZE`|`16m` |global |no |Size of the internal cachestore (locks). |
|`USE_API` |`yes` |global |no |Activate the API to control BunkerWeb. |
|`API_HTTP_PORT` |`5000` |global |no |Listen port number for the API. |
|`API_LISTEN_IP` |`` |global |no |Listen IP address for the API. |
|`API_SERVER_NAME` |`bwapi` |global |no |Server name (virtual host) for the API. |
|`API_WHITELIST_IP` |`` |global |no |List of IP/network allowed to contact the API. |
|`AUTOCONF_MODE` |`no` |global |no |Enable Autoconf Docker integration. |
|`SWARM_MODE` |`no` |global |no |Enable Docker Swarm integration. |
|`KUBERNETES_MODE` |`no` |global |no |Enable Kubernetes integration. |
|`SERVER_TYPE` |`http` |multisite|no |Server type : http or stream. |
|`LISTEN_STREAM` |`yes` |multisite|no |Enable listening for non-ssl (passthrough). |
|`LISTEN_STREAM_PORT` |`1337` |multisite|no |Listening port for non-ssl (passthrough). |
|`LISTEN_STREAM_PORT_SSL` |`4242` |multisite|no |Listening port for ssl (passthrough). |
|`USE_UDP` |`no` |multisite|no |UDP listen instead of TCP (stream). |
|`USE_IPV6` |`no` |global |no |Enable IPv6 connectivity. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
## Core settings
### Antibot
STREAM support :x:
Bot detection by using a challenge.
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_ANTIBOT` |`no` |multisite|no |Activate antibot feature. |
|`ANTIBOT_URI` |`/challenge`|multisite|no |Unused URI that clients will be redirected to to solve the challenge. |
|`ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SCORE` |`0.7` |multisite|no |Minimum score required for reCAPTCHA challenge. |
|`ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY`| |multisite|no |Sitekey for reCAPTCHA challenge. |
|`ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SECRET` | |multisite|no |Secret for reCAPTCHA challenge. |
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|`ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_PASSIVE` |`no` |multisite|no |Use hCaptcha in passive mode. |
|`ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY` | |multisite|no |Sitekey for hCaptcha challenge. |
|`ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_SECRET` | |multisite|no |Secret for hCaptcha challenge. |
2023-06-06 15:42:00 +02:00
|`ANTIBOT_TURNSTILE_SITEKEY`| |multisite|no |Sitekey for Turnstile challenge. |
|`ANTIBOT_TURNSTILE_SECRET` | |multisite|no |Secret for Turnstile challenge. |
|`ANTIBOT_TIME_RESOLVE` |`60` |multisite|no |Maximum time (in seconds) clients have to resolve the challenge. Once this time has passed, a new challenge will be generated.|
|`ANTIBOT_TIME_VALID` |`86400` |multisite|no |Maximum validity time of solved challenges. Once this time has passed, clients will need to resolve a new one. |
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### Auth basic
STREAM support :x:
Enforce login before accessing a resource or the whole site using HTTP basic auth method.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_AUTH_BASIC` |`no` |multisite|no |Use HTTP basic auth |
|`AUTH_BASIC_LOCATION`|`sitewide` |multisite|no |URL of the protected resource or sitewide value.|
|`AUTH_BASIC_USER` |`changeme` |multisite|no |Username |
|`AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD`|`changeme` |multisite|no |Password |
|`AUTH_BASIC_TEXT` |`Restricted area`|multisite|no |Text to display |
### Bad behavior
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Ban IP generating too much 'bad' HTTP status code in a period of time.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate Bad behavior feature. |
|`BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES`|`400 401 403 404 405 429 444`|multisite|no |List of HTTP status codes considered as 'bad'. |
|`BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME` |`86400` |multisite|no |The duration time (in seconds) of a ban when the corresponding IP has reached the threshold.|
|`BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD` |`10` |multisite|no |Maximum number of 'bad' HTTP status codes within the period of time before IP is banned. |
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|`BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME` |`60` |multisite|no |Period of time (in seconds) during which we count 'bad' HTTP status codes. |
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### Blacklist
STREAM support :warning:
Deny access based on internal and external IP/network/rDNS/ASN blacklists.
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_BLACKLIST` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate blacklist feature. |
|`BLACKLIST_IP` | |multisite|no |List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to block. |
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|`BLACKLIST_IP_URLS` |`https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/?exit` |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad IP/network to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_RDNS_GLOBAL` |`yes` |multisite|no |Only perform RDNS blacklist checks on global IP addresses. |
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|`BLACKLIST_RDNS` |`.shodan.io .censys.io` |multisite|no |List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_RDNS_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_ASN` | |multisite|no |List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_ASN_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_USER_AGENT` | |multisite|no |List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to block. |
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|`BLACKLIST_USER_AGENT_URLS` |`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker/master/_generator_lists/bad-user-agents.list`|global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad User-Agent to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_URI` | |multisite|no |List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to block. |
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|`BLACKLIST_URI_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to block. |
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_IP` | |multisite|no |List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist. |
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_IP_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing IP/network to ignore in the blacklist. |
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|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_RDNS` | |multisite|no |List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist. |
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_RDNS_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to ignore in the blacklist.|
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_ASN` | |multisite|no |List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist. |
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_ASN_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to ignore in the blacklist. |
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_USER_AGENT` | |multisite|no |List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist. |
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|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_USER_AGENT_URLS`| |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing User-Agent to ignore in the blacklist. |
|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_URI` | |multisite|no |List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist. |
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|`BLACKLIST_IGNORE_URI_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing URI to ignore in the blacklist. |
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### Brotli
STREAM support :x:
Compress HTTP requests with the brotli algorithm.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_BROTLI` |`no` |multisite|no |Use brotli |
|`BROTLI_TYPES` |`application/atom+xml application/javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/vnd.ms-fontobject application/x-font-opentype application/x-font-truetype application/x-font-ttf application/x-javascript application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/eot font/opentype font/otf font/truetype image/svg+xml image/vnd.microsoft.icon image/x-icon image/x-win-bitmap text/css text/javascript text/plain text/xml`|multisite|no |List of MIME types that will be compressed with brotli.|
|`BROTLI_MIN_LENGTH`|`1000` |multisite|no |Minimum length for brotli compression. |
|`BROTLI_COMP_LEVEL`|`6` |multisite|no |The compression level of the brotli algorithm. |
### BunkerNet
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Share threat data with other BunkerWeb instances via BunkerNet.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_BUNKERNET` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate BunkerNet feature. |
|`BUNKERNET_SERVER`|`https://api.bunkerweb.io`|global |no |Address of the BunkerNet API.|
### CORS
STREAM support :x:
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
2023-06-12 22:36:52 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_CORS` |`no` |multisite|no |Use CORS |
|`CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN` |`*` |multisite|no |Allowed origins to make CORS requests : PCRE regex or *. |
|`CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS` |`Content-Length,Content-Range` |multisite|no |Value of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. |
|`CROSS_ORIGIN_OPENER_POLICY` | |multisite|no |Value for the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header. |
|`CROSS_ORIGIN_EMBEDDER_POLICY`| |multisite|no |Value for the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header. |
|`CROSS_ORIGIN_RESOURCE_POLICY`| |multisite|no |Value for the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header. |
|`CORS_MAX_AGE` |`86400` |multisite|no |Value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header. |
|`CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS` |`no` |multisite|no |Send the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. |
|`CORS_ALLOW_METHODS` |`GET, POST, OPTIONS` |multisite|no |Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. |
|`CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS` |`DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range`|multisite|no |Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. |
|`CORS_DENY_REQUEST` |`yes` |multisite|no |Deny request and don't send it to backend if Origin is not allowed.|
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### Client cache
STREAM support :x:
Manage caching for clients.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_CLIENT_CACHE` |`no` |multisite|no |Tell client to store locally static files. |
|`CLIENT_CACHE_EXTENSIONS`|`jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|ico|svg|tif|css|js|otf|ttf|eot|woff|woff2`|global |no |List of file extensions, separated with pipes that should be cached.|
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|`CLIENT_CACHE_ETAG` |`yes` |multisite|no |Send the HTTP ETag header for static resources. |
|`CLIENT_CACHE_CONTROL` |`public, max-age=15552000` |multisite|no |Value of the Cache-Control HTTP header. |
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### Country
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Deny access based on the country of the client IP.
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| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`BLACKLIST_COUNTRY`| |multisite|no |Deny access if the country of the client is in the list (2 letters code). |
|`WHITELIST_COUNTRY`| |multisite|no |Deny access if the country of the client is not in the list (2 letters code).|
### Custom HTTPS certificate
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Choose custom certificate for HTTPS.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_CUSTOM_SSL` |`no` |multisite|no |Use custom HTTPS certificate. |
|`CUSTOM_SSL_CERT`| |multisite|no |Full path of the certificate or bundle file.|
|`CUSTOM_SSL_KEY` | |multisite|no |Full path of the key file. |
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2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
### DB
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Integrate easily the Database.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default |Context|Multiple| Description |
|`DATABASE_URI`|`sqlite:////var/lib/bunkerweb/db.sqlite3`|global |no |The database URI, following the sqlalchemy format.|
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Deny access based on external DNSBL servers.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_DNSBL` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate DNSBL feature.|
|`DNSBL_LIST`|`bl.blocklist.de problems.dnsbl.sorbs.net sbl.spamhaus.org xbl.spamhaus.org`|global |no |List of DNSBL servers. |
### Errors
STREAM support :x:
Manage default error pages
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`ERRORS` | |multisite|no |List of HTTP error code and corresponding error pages, separated with spaces (404=/my404.html 403=/errors/403.html ...).|
|`INTERCEPTED_ERROR_CODES`|`400 401 403 404 405 413 429 500 501 502 503 504`|multisite|no |List of HTTP error code intercepted by Bunkerweb |
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2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
### Greylist
STREAM support :warning:
Allow access while keeping security features based on internal and external IP/network/rDNS/ASN greylists.
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_GREYLIST` |`no` |multisite|no |Activate greylist feature. |
|`GREYLIST_IP` | |multisite|no |List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist. |
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|`GREYLIST_IP_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good IP/network to put into the greylist. |
|`GREYLIST_RDNS_GLOBAL` |`yes` |multisite|no |Only perform RDNS greylist checks on global IP addresses. |
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
|`GREYLIST_RDNS` | |multisite|no |List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist. |
|`GREYLIST_RDNS_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to put into the greylist.|
|`GREYLIST_ASN` | |multisite|no |List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist. |
|`GREYLIST_ASN_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to put into the greylist. |
|`GREYLIST_USER_AGENT` | |multisite|no |List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to put into the greylist. |
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
|`GREYLIST_USER_AGENT_URLS`| |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good User-Agent to put into the greylist. |
|`GREYLIST_URI` | |multisite|no |List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to put into the greylist. |
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
|`GREYLIST_URI_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to put into the greylist. |
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### Gzip
STREAM support :x:
Compress HTTP requests with the gzip algorithm.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_GZIP` |`no` |multisite|no |Use gzip |
|`GZIP_TYPES` |`application/atom+xml application/javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/vnd.ms-fontobject application/x-font-opentype application/x-font-truetype application/x-font-ttf application/x-javascript application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/eot font/opentype font/otf font/truetype image/svg+xml image/vnd.microsoft.icon image/x-icon image/x-win-bitmap text/css text/javascript text/plain text/xml`|multisite|no |List of MIME types that will be compressed with gzip.|
|`GZIP_MIN_LENGTH`|`1000` |multisite|no |Minimum length for gzip compression. |
|`GZIP_COMP_LEVEL`|`5` |multisite|no |The compression level of the gzip algorithm. |
### HTML injection
STREAM support :x:
Inject custom HTML code before the </body> tag.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`INJECT_BODY`| |multisite|no |The HTML code to inject.|
### Headers
STREAM support :x:
Manage HTTP headers sent to clients.
2023-06-12 22:36:52 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`CUSTOM_HEADER` | |multisite|yes |Custom header to add (HeaderName: HeaderValue). |
|`REMOVE_HEADERS` |`Server Expect-CT X-Powered-By X-AspNet-Version X-AspNetMvc-Version` |multisite|no |Headers to remove (Header1 Header2 Header3 ...) |
|`KEEP_UPSTREAM_HEADERS` |`Content-Security-Policy Permissions-Policy Feature-Policy X-Frame-Options` |multisite|no |Headers to keep from upstream (Header1 Header2 Header3 ... or * for all). |
|`STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY` |`max-age=31536000` |multisite|no |Value for the Strict-Transport-Security header. |
|`COOKIE_FLAGS` |`* HttpOnly SameSite=Lax` |multisite|yes |Cookie flags automatically added to all cookies (value accepted for nginx_cookie_flag_module).|
|`COOKIE_AUTO_SECURE_FLAG` |`yes` |multisite|no |Automatically add the Secure flag to all cookies. |
|`CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY` |`object-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self';` |multisite|no |Value for the Content-Security-Policy header. |
|`CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_REPORT_ONLY`|`no` |multisite|no |Send reports for violations of the Content-Security-Policy header instead of blocking them. |
|`REFERRER_POLICY` |`strict-origin-when-cross-origin` |multisite|no |Value for the Referrer-Policy header. |
|`PERMISSIONS_POLICY` |`accelerometer=(), ambient-light-sensor=(), autoplay=(), battery=(), camera=(), cross-origin-isolated=(), display-capture=(), document-domain=(), encrypted-media=(), execution-while-not-rendered=(), execution-while-out-of-viewport=(), fullscreen=(), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), hid=(), idle-detection=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), midi=(), navigation-override=(), payment=(), picture-in-picture=(), publickey-credentials-get=(), screen-wake-lock=(), serial=(), usb=(), web-share=(), xr-spatial-tracking=()` |multisite|no |Value for the Permissions-Policy header. |
|`FEATURE_POLICY` |`accelerometer 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; autoplay 'none'; battery 'none'; camera 'none'; display-capture 'none'; document-domain 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; execution-while-not-rendered 'none'; execution-while-out-of-viewport 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; layout-animation 'none'; legacy-image-formats 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'none'; navigation-override 'none'; payment 'none'; picture-in-picture 'none'; publickey-credentials-get 'none'; speaker-selection 'none'; sync-xhr 'none'; unoptimized-images 'none'; unsized-media 'none'; usb 'none'; screen-wake-lock 'none'; web-share 'none'; xr-spatial-tracking 'none';`|multisite|no |Value for the Feature-Policy header. |
|`X_FRAME_OPTIONS` |`SAMEORIGIN` |multisite|no |Value for the X-Frame-Options header. |
|`X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS` |`nosniff` |multisite|no |Value for the X-Content-Type-Options header. |
|`X_XSS_PROTECTION` |`1; mode=block` |multisite|no |Value for the X-XSS-Protection header. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### Let's Encrypt
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Automatic creation, renewal and configuration of Let's Encrypt certificates.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT` |`no` |multisite|no |Activate automatic Let's Encrypt mode. |
|`EMAIL_LETS_ENCRYPT` | |multisite|no |Email used for Let's Encrypt notification and in certificate. |
|`USE_LETS_ENCRYPT_STAGING`|`no` |multisite|no |Use the staging environment for Lets Encrypt certificate generation. Useful when you are testing your deployments to avoid being rate limited in the production environment.|
### Limit
STREAM support :warning:
Limit maximum number of requests and connections.
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_LIMIT_REQ` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate limit requests feature. |
|`LIMIT_REQ_URL` |`/` |multisite|yes |URL (PCRE regex) where the limit request will be applied or special value / for all requests.|
|`LIMIT_REQ_RATE` |`2r/s` |multisite|yes |Rate to apply to the URL (s for second, m for minute, h for hour and d for day). |
|`USE_LIMIT_CONN` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate limit connections feature. |
|`LIMIT_CONN_MAX_HTTP1` |`10` |multisite|no |Maximum number of connections per IP when using HTTP/1.X protocol. |
|`LIMIT_CONN_MAX_HTTP2` |`100` |multisite|no |Maximum number of streams per IP when using HTTP/2 protocol. |
|`LIMIT_CONN_MAX_STREAM`|`10` |multisite|no |Maximum number of connections per IP when using stream. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### Miscellaneous
STREAM support :warning:
Miscellaneous settings.
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER` |`no` |global |no |Close connection if the request vhost is unknown. |
|`REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS` |`no` |multisite|no |Redirect all HTTP request to HTTPS. |
|`AUTO_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS`|`yes` |multisite|no |Try to detect if HTTPS is used and activate HTTP to HTTPS redirection if that's the case. |
|`ALLOWED_METHODS` |`GET|POST|HEAD` |multisite|no |Allowed HTTP and WebDAV methods, separated with pipes to be sent by clients. |
|`MAX_CLIENT_SIZE` |`10m` |multisite|no |Maximum body size (0 for infinite). |
|`SERVE_FILES` |`yes` |multisite|no |Serve files from the local folder. |
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
|`ROOT_FOLDER` | |multisite|no |Root folder containing files to serve (/var/www/html/{server_name} if unset). |
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
|`SSL_PROTOCOLS` |`TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3` |multisite|no |The supported version of TLS. We recommend the default value TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3 for compatibility reasons. |
|`HTTP2` |`yes` |multisite|no |Support HTTP2 protocol when HTTPS is enabled. |
|`LISTEN_HTTP` |`yes` |multisite|no |Respond to (insecure) HTTP requests. |
|`USE_OPEN_FILE_CACHE` |`no` |multisite|no |Enable open file cache feature |
|`OPEN_FILE_CACHE` |`max=1000 inactive=20s`|multisite|no |Open file cache directive |
|`OPEN_FILE_CACHE_ERRORS` |`yes` |multisite|no |Enable open file cache for errors |
|`OPEN_FILE_CACHE_MIN_USES` |`2` |multisite|no |Enable open file cache minimum uses |
|`OPEN_FILE_CACHE_VALID` |`30s` |multisite|no |Open file cache valid time |
|`EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_URLS` | |global |no |List of external plugins URLs (direct download to .zip file) to download and install (URLs are separated with space). |
|`DENY_HTTP_STATUS` |`403` |global |no |HTTP status code to send when the request is denied (403 or 444). When using 444, BunkerWeb will close the connection.|
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### ModSecurity
STREAM support :x:
Management of the ModSecurity WAF.
2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_MODSECURITY` |`yes` |multisite|no |Enable ModSecurity WAF. |
|`USE_MODSECURITY_CRS` |`yes` |multisite|no |Enable OWASP Core Rule Set. |
|`MODSECURITY_SEC_AUDIT_ENGINE` |`RelevantOnly`|multisite|no |SecAuditEngine directive of ModSecurity. |
|`MODSECURITY_SEC_RULE_ENGINE` |`On` |multisite|no |SecRuleEngine directive of ModSecurity. |
|`MODSECURITY_SEC_AUDIT_LOG_PARTS`|`ABCFHZ` |multisite|no |SecAuditLogParts directive of ModSecurity.|
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### PHP
STREAM support :x:
Manage local or remote PHP-FPM.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`REMOTE_PHP` | |multisite|no |Hostname of the remote PHP-FPM instance. |
|`REMOTE_PHP_PATH`| |multisite|no |Root folder containing files in the remote PHP-FPM instance.|
|`LOCAL_PHP` | |multisite|no |Path to the PHP-FPM socket file. |
|`LOCAL_PHP_PATH` | |multisite|no |Root folder containing files in the local PHP-FPM instance. |
### Real IP
STREAM support :warning:
Get real IP of clients when BunkerWeb is behind a reverse proxy / load balancer.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_REAL_IP` |`no` |multisite|no |Retrieve the real IP of client. |
|`USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL`|`no` |multisite|no |Enable PROXY protocol communication. |
|`REAL_IP_FROM` |``|multisite|no |List of trusted IPs / networks, separated with spaces, where proxied requests come from. |
|`REAL_IP_FROM_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs containing trusted IPs / networks, separated with spaces, where proxied requests come from.|
|`REAL_IP_HEADER` |`X-Forwarded-For` |multisite|no |HTTP header containing the real IP or special value proxy_protocol for PROXY protocol. |
|`REAL_IP_RECURSIVE` |`yes` |multisite|no |Perform a recursive search in the header container IP address. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### Redirect
STREAM support :x:
Manage HTTP redirects.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting |Default| Context |Multiple| Description |
|`REDIRECT_TO` | |multisite|no |Redirect a whole site to another one. |
|`REDIRECT_TO_REQUEST_URI`|`no` |multisite|no |Append the requested URI to the redirect address.|
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
### Redis
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Redis server configuration when using BunkerWeb in cluster mode.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting |Default|Context|Multiple| Description |
|`USE_REDIS` |`no` |global |no |Activate Redis. |
|`REDIS_HOST` | |global |no |Redis server IP or hostname. |
|`REDIS_PORT` |`6379` |global |no |Redis server port. |
|`REDIS_DATABASE` |`0` |global |no |Redis database number. |
|`REDIS_SSL` |`no` |global |no |Use SSL/TLS connection with Redis server. |
|`REDIS_TIMEOUT` |`1000` |global |no |Redis server timeout (in ms) for connect, read and write. |
|`REDIS_KEEPALIVE_IDLE`|`30000`|global |no |Max idle time (in ms) before closing redis connection in the pool.|
|`REDIS_KEEPALIVE_POOL`|`10` |global |no |Max number of redis connection(s) kept in the pool. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### Reverse proxy
STREAM support :warning:
Manage reverse proxy configurations.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_REVERSE_PROXY` |`no` |multisite|no |Activate reverse proxy mode. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_INTERCEPT_ERRORS` |`yes` |multisite|no |Intercept and rewrite errors. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_HOST` | |multisite|yes |Full URL of the proxied resource (proxy_pass). |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_URL` | |multisite|yes |Location URL that will be proxied. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_WS` |`no` |multisite|yes |Enable websocket on the proxied resource. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_HEADERS` | |multisite|yes |List of HTTP headers to send to proxied resource separated with semicolons (values for proxy_set_header directive). |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_HEADERS_CLIENT` | |multisite|yes |List of HTTP headers to send to client separated with semicolons (values for add_header directive). |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_BUFFERING` |`yes` |multisite|yes |Enable or disable buffering of responses from proxied resource. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_KEEPALIVE` |`no` |multisite|yes |Enable or disable keepalive connections with the proxied resource. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST` | |multisite|yes |Enable authentication using an external provider (value of auth_request directive). |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST_SIGNIN_URL`| |multisite|yes |Redirect clients to sign-in URL when using REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST (used when auth_request call returned 401). |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST_SET` | |multisite|yes |List of variables to set from the authentication provider, separated with semicolons (values of auth_request_set directives).|
|`USE_PROXY_CACHE` |`no` |multisite|no |Enable or disable caching of the proxied resources. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_PATH_LEVELS` |`1:2` |global |no |Hierarchy levels of the cache. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_PATH_ZONE_SIZE` |`10m` |global |no |Maximum size of cached metadata when caching proxied resources. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_PATH_PARAMS` |`max_size=100m` |global |no |Additional parameters to add to the proxy_cache directive. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_METHODS` |`GET HEAD` |multisite|no |HTTP methods that should trigger a cache operation. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_MIN_USES` |`2` |multisite|no |The minimum number of requests before a response is cached. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_KEY` |`$scheme$host$request_uri` |multisite|no |The key used to uniquely identify a cached response. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_VALID` |`200=24h 301=1h 302=24h` |multisite|no |Define the caching time depending on the HTTP status code (list of status=time), separated with spaces. |
|`PROXY_NO_CACHE` |`$http_pragma $http_authorization`|multisite|no |Conditions to disable caching of responses. |
|`PROXY_CACHE_BYPASS` |`0` |multisite|no |Conditions to bypass caching of responses. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT` |`60s` |multisite|yes |Timeout when connecting to the proxied resource. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_READ_TIMEOUT` |`60s` |multisite|yes |Timeout when reading from the proxied resource. |
|`REVERSE_PROXY_SEND_TIMEOUT` |`60s` |multisite|yes |Timeout when sending to the proxied resource. |
### Reverse scan
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Scan clients ports to detect proxies or servers.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_REVERSE_SCAN` |`no` |multisite|no |Enable scanning of clients ports and deny access if one is opened.|
|`REVERSE_SCAN_PORTS` |`22 80 443 3128 8000 8080`|multisite|no |List of port to scan when using reverse scan feature. |
|`REVERSE_SCAN_TIMEOUT`|`500` |multisite|no |Specify the maximum timeout (in ms) when scanning a port. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### Self-signed certificate
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Generate self-signed certificate.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`GENERATE_SELF_SIGNED_SSL`|`no` |multisite|no |Generate and use self-signed certificate.|
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
|`SELF_SIGNED_SSL_EXPIRY` |`365` |multisite|no |Self-signed certificate expiry in days. |
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|`SELF_SIGNED_SSL_SUBJ` |`/CN=www.example.com/`|multisite|no |Self-signed certificate subject. |
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
### Sessions
STREAM support :white_check_mark:
Management of session used by other plugins.
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
| Setting |Default |Context|Multiple| Description |
|`SESSIONS_SECRET` |`random`|global |no |Secret used to encrypt sessions variables for storing data related to challenges.|
|`SESSIONS_NAME` |`random`|global |no |Name of the cookie given to clients. |
|`SESSIONS_IDLING_TIMEOUT` |`1800` |global |no |Maximum time (in seconds) of inactivity before the session is invalidated. |
|`SESSIONS_ROLLING_TIMEOUT` |`3600` |global |no |Maximum time (in seconds) before a session must be renewed. |
|`SESSIONS_ABSOLUTE_TIMEOUT`|`86400` |global |no |Maximum time (in seconds) before a session is destroyed. |
|`SESSIONS_CHECK_IP` |`yes` |global |no |Destroy session if IP address is different than original one. |
|`SESSIONS_CHECK_USER_AGENT`|`yes` |global |no |Destroy session if User-Agent is different than original one. |
2023-04-18 10:27:00 +02:00
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
### UI
STREAM support :x:
Integrate easily the BunkerWeb UI.
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00
|Setting |Default| Context |Multiple|Description|
|`USE_UI`|`no` |multisite|no |Use UI |
### Whitelist
STREAM support :warning:
Allow access based on internal and external IP/network/rDNS/ASN whitelists.
2023-06-06 15:42:00 +02:00
| Setting | Default | Context |Multiple| Description |
|`USE_WHITELIST` |`yes` |multisite|no |Activate whitelist feature. |
|`WHITELIST_IP` |`` |multisite|no |List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to put into the whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_IP_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good IP/network to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_RDNS_GLOBAL` |`yes` |multisite|no |Only perform RDNS whitelist checks on global IP addresses. |
|`WHITELIST_RDNS` |`.google.com .googlebot.com .yandex.ru .yandex.net .yandex.com .search.msn.com .baidu.com .baidu.jp .crawl.yahoo.net .fwd.linkedin.com .twitter.com .twttr.com .discord.com`|multisite|no |List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_RDNS_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to whitelist.|
|`WHITELIST_ASN` |`32934` |multisite|no |List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_ASN_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_USER_AGENT` | |multisite|no |List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_USER_AGENT_URLS`| |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good User-Agent to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_URI` | |multisite|no |List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to whitelist. |
|`WHITELIST_URI_URLS` | |global |no |List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to whitelist. |
2022-06-03 17:24:14 +02:00